<br />r-
<br />90- - 105491
<br />If Lender required mortgage imurance a% a condition of making the loan %ecured by this Security Imtrument.
<br />Borrower %hall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time a% the requirement for the
<br />insurance terminate% in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law
<br />8, Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspection% of the Property. Lender
<br />shall give Burrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection %peclfy ing real +lnuhle cause for the inspection.
<br />9, Condemnation, The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, dlrcel or con%equenlial, in connection with
<br />any condemnation or other taking of any purl of the Property, or for conveyance fn lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br />assigned and %hull he paid lot Lender
<br />In the client of ;A total taking of the Property, the proceed% shall he applied at the sums secured by this Security
<br />instrument, whether or not then due, with am excess paid to Htlrrower In the event of ,t partial taking of the Pntprrly.
<br />unle%% Borrower and Leader otlferwisa agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall toe reduced by
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction 1 u) the total amount of the sums secured Immedtaicly
<br />before the taking, di%Ide d by (h) the fair market value of the Property immediately Won: the taking Any balance %hall be
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Elorrower, for rf, after notice h% Lender 11 Horrtl%er that chc' .:%afdernnor offers 14o
<br />make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fail% to respond to I ender wuhltl : 0 day• .al:�a r the date the notA:e 1s
<br />given, Lender m authorized uocollevi ,ind apph the proceeds, at its option. either to rrsa fall %ln %•r ra•*ulr of the Property or
<br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. r het her or not then due
<br />Unless Lender and BUrrtlwer otherwl%e .%(Lr,•e in writing, an) application of prticeeot% I,1 pnncap .4 shall not extend or
<br />postpone (fie due date of the monthly payments referred it, In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payment %.
<br />IQ, Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Leader Not a %%giver. Fticimlon (if the time for payment or
<br />modificatluta of amortization of the %unit secured by this Instrument grunted M Lender to an% %uccesalr In
<br />mtere%l of 1)lorrimer %hall not operate to release the hahlht) of file original lhlrro %er tit ticorrowvT.-. %uccc%sor% ill interest.
<br />Lender %hall not he required to commence I,r, ,as1 tluhg+ .Igam%t test) succe%%ta ill Interest or refine lfit ett1end time fior
<br />payment or titherwi %c aititlify.tri u,r l i lal it'll od•thc %tlffl%%rlulrti fill illis �,ll111 li% 111,1111111rill l•% ev.l,tt11 of all, dclllaild lliadc
<br />by theorignlal Borroweror Horfrower succe%siir%in lnterem Ali% f orlie.orame h) I efiacr in exerci%ing an% right or remedy
<br />shall not he a waiver of or preclude ijtr: •rtrrct%e of am right tot iclncil\
<br />11, 5uccemirs and Asuigna Hound; Joint and Several Liability; ('o.%igners. V he co%enanl% and agreements of
<br />thiSecurity Instrument %hall hind and benefit I fie %uccemor %.1nd assign %tot 1 ender and Hllrro %rr. %uhlet:f fothe pro%mons
<br />%,fparagraph 17 Borrower'% coilen int %and aprre•menh %hall be lomt .InJ u•%cr it Ali% tilt,rrower Mh,• : t••,Igns thl %S clu fly
<br />In%trunieut but doles rill execute the Note 1.1) is co•mitnulg Ihls tiro until Imlrunlenl oni% lit mofigape. grant .mltl,on%O)
<br />that Ill %11 %11A,t't'% interest tit the llropt•rly undo the term %ill (111% 4': titbit 1 imminrill. Ili) 1% Ih,t pvr%onalh ohhgatc.l 'o p.1)
<br />the %urns st_,rcd h) flit% %rcurit% imliutnenl. ,old ic) agree% iliat I ender and .ln% other horro%er nla) agree to Cth'nd.
<br />modify, f srhear at' male anv 9CC41MMIXIAI1011% %Ilh regard to flit- ictim of flits tie: unto Instrument or the Mote wtlhout
<br />that Borrower'% con%enc
<br />12. Lltaa('harper, It the lit.to %ecurc(t T% Ihl% titrurtt) hi%trumenl I% %uhiett Io.I I.I% Ahith wt.. matimum Ioat
<br />charge%. and that law Is finall) iinet^' -med w tlrlt Ihr interest or other Loin charge% tolletled of It, iV collet-led ml
<br />. onnection with the login e%ceed flat' ,,l1!M1l :h!%! Iua11%, then 1.11 Jn% %11th Irian that }r -)Iali iV reduced h% the ,imounl
<br />necemary lit reduce the charge to the ;i><rirsliea li mil and (h) .im sums :o!read% collect:d front Btlrro%c•r which rtceetletl
<br />,mrmltted limit% will he refunded to Horro %cl I ::.ire nl.1% thl,t,st• to ilia..•• •.'nil iel1Jl,d h% redu.stlg the I,Initlpal owed
<br />under the Note or by makmK a direct rayment to lic,rro %et If -j tiOutld tear,% rint::r.i'. the reduction %111 Fite treated a% u
<br />partial pytelilnt.rilent without an) prr:t•.nmenit charge under tf,e '% -i:
<br />13. tllvlslatioa Affecling Lender'% Rights. 11 rna,:nlrtl .1t' .tr,r.h;n•1. , %r .t-ril..lhlr I.iw% has the effect of
<br />rc•ndenng any pmrl%trlL, %t 1hC Note ttf IhN tieCllfll\ IINinIt1eI11 nllrfl1111.1'J'"i: ,!:%1 %ftf111�1 p•Il% Irl111', i l'lltlef. a1 Ili opllolt,
<br />mu% re4uirc Immedwiv III full „t all %lion+ %t•. urea h% till% 4•t t, ::.% lmit11lnrllt and I11.1% llc• .illy IrtlCdle%
<br />petmllled by paragraph i li 111 ender rtercl+e% till% option. I motel shall lake the %ICrA sr- e. -Iht'd Ill 111V WCOIltf liar a01'aph Of
<br />paragraph 1
<br />14. %otiees. An% notice iv lkorno %rr lno%Idrtl for In till, set olio% In,titlnlrti• ,rill! Ire fr%eu h% 11e11%enlle It 411 lo%
<br />Illallulg it h% hest c1.1%s mall uttle%s apphtahle Lot It-tfulre% u%r ,,f • liollict n►ethott I?,( n,41tr ,h,dl tot• %itetlyd 10 the
<br />Ilropert% Addres %ter .1116 i,lhct addrr %% 11.1iril%er dt-mizi its h% twti,r i I :lido All% il.,mv to I oith'r %hall ht• gl %ell h%
<br />fir%t t:IJ% niml to I ender'%addle %% %Sa1cd hotel of •In% otht'l adder%% 1 cr..l: , d: ,IVI!.,:r•, t1% notce t. • liorlo%►et •1st% noUtt
<br />pro\ided lilt tit 1hI%%atunt\ lu,' 1,a „,hall ire trolled t, 1:,1 . ',evil e., „ t • N• A .: 1 ender %hen gt%rf1 .l•, t-r •%tded
<br />ul lhl%paiagraph
<br />15. Guverning Lao", It vva%iriJdy. I hl% 4 t unh 11MI lintel - ,1..1) ' %r .i . c, r% lateral I'm .old the 1.1% . t t!cr
<br />turi%deetion lit which let. Fto.,,pt•e•: I, :.l.atcd Ic rife cent that am I- ,,I v I till% set reel% In%flu11lrnl .•r me
<br />Ntolet'tlnetct % %Ith appi•,xNorl';111A. 4k;J1, llilf tt %hall rlol .111111 ,•lliel ; •1'. ..71 %.011I!,%4•itlll1% I^iortitttrlll or I!!%• ill ••.-
<br />which :ar. effect %nhoat °... ,nNl.11ng pro%won to Ihl%(.nd flit- pn,%1,1• ' ,hl% tit•, u111% Irt%Iftifil •rrr Irttl the
<br />tiole art: tto:1.'.�rell Io ht a %rrah;r
<br />eAYLu�..tr�tt •..w. il... .. �. . l..11 1`..... _.. ... .. ....t ........ ... ... _ ♦ .. .« . .. , 1... 1
<br />17, transfer of the Prffpert,# or a Ilinehcial Imeresl in MWwriol.rr 1 . ! ,01% pl ^r f r r If, t,
<br />Ithlerem 1111( H%ohlol tlall%tt'fred'•'t dJhr",r'•. 1.111111 Of t•%t In Iil,lt,,%i6eI , 1.1 • r':I -. •_•rirtf .tit.: - Irl,r•11
<br />pt•t%011) %Ithtolif I Ctldef'% prli,l %triftrrt,- ,h,rn^ I rhdCl tlla \..11 It% I I lieh i rtil.(tr i•a%np•nl 111 t .'� I ill ••nrn.
<br />%tivred M this leturll) 111%ltufnrrit fl,•Nr %er Iht% oi,ti•m %hall it, he , .r,t '' 1 t'n,i, f it r %et. iw 1, I•r
<br />federal la% a%ot thedate ill lhl% Set ilrll% I!v.rrw,.rnf
<br />If 1 ender etcrcmc %lim;-pnoll. 1 efl%lt: +1.111 gl%e K.If,.%cf 11, t. . . r r ..'Itt.lh •1. 1 i„ I,,t ,t,all,•to%hft a i,t1'• %1
<br />of nol It•%%lhrm lllda%%ltofil !ht- date the nollte r, tielnetetl t't tnalle.i % rh.i. 1Ahl, h H.., r.•%. , ,t,.i,f 1 -n .111 %urn% %c %11tr,1 it%
<br />thl%Sevtrio% limirunncul 11 Kith %tt (.ill%I., pit% flle,%•.unl %pflof I. - flit' i %Iaf.11lotl .,t th., iti trill 1 rn,lt 1 ill 1% IIl% ,kv,,n%
<br />remtdle ,llcrmutedIt%dif %Srrurlf% In%uumrnt %It1.'ul lurthel n,•n.r•,r,lrtnallkt.,n Ii.-Il • %t-f
<br />18. "ironer.{ Right ht Reinstate. 11 KIf►tlwt•I I11rt•1% It ll.ur. %„Udlll„h, It •It,. % %, r .1. Ill It 1%, Ill, 11I•hl 1., i1.or
<br />enforcement td thi%%v%unt% Ifl%ttnitliritl III,(. +iii lt:atu it .111% 11111t• 1,111'r ill Ill( , 11111 f ••1 1.1 • t.o" I.'1 ,11, Ii •.flitf 1,'t t, %I .1,
<br />.1l,p;l%ahle IA% nim %pr.11% lilt IrIINIJIeffivi111 lit -folt %.Ill'„( flit- I'lopill% I'UI,•t.Utt 1., 111% I• • %.'r ,' ,.tl, , -11, till, rn th"
<br />�Ctunt) 111%1111111011 0l till t'Idr % „ 1 .1 llldgrllr111 tilt,•►, Ing lilt, %r, 1.(t', 11„Irntr•, ,1I I It ,.• , •fl,li,r I,. .lit if, 'I if •1 r,•%t, t
<br />tai pa%% I ender III %11111% %111,11 Ihrll 411.1 ht ,loc ,rider 1111% S. ur,I% 11.11 „n., ,..t !h, ft.1.1
<br />,%, llfrt'd. fill lute% all% tictaoll A .111% „rill "i ..•%r IIJ111% .,t .trll, t,tt•1.1 t. 1 1•,t, � • 1 i , r, •. �I• e. ICI • -, 0.11
<br />4'%11111► 1110111ft1rnl 111,41,1111K hill 11d Iilnllr.l r,• tr.1%, •n./hlt' .trr,.r r,r%. 1. • . t I.1. t ,'.. •. , t. I ' ,L r ,1, ,%
<br />Iff.m OlIJ11% I14hlln 1„ It%tltt 01.11 flit lit-It ,4 flit, `f', ,ill% l•I,fi tole •_'i11 1 ,.,I,I %%, 1
<br />,1111 i11on t•, 1.1% Ill( %11111. %r..lrtod tit till, %t.unt. In•trttn,.,,I 1, 111 l 1 1 t t •,,, I., 1.%
<br />If,,rt,•M1'I , 111. tit.•tI,fllhNr,Illitltf,IlHllilt „1•I1�ftl •'1,,•,nr,,lh.h,, .LUI •. .� II. , I , , ' ..
<br />•%.•Itf••,t )t,•wt .t f rill, • ;h• I -- fillitt.ltt %it $I! r, t.11 1.11 .,.,1, • . - , , .
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