<br />1
<br />ON- 105- 491
<br />UNIFi1RMCt)VENANi% Borrower and Lender covenant and agree a %follow%
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges, liclrrt►wer %hall promptly pay when due
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nnle and any prepayment and lair charge% due under the Nuts:
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or ta► a written waiver by Lender. iorrower shall pay
<br />to Lender nn the day monthly payment% are due under the Note, until the Note 1% paid in full. a %um I'T und%") equal In
<br />one - twelfth of (a) yearly taxer and assessment% which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. Ili) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly havard Insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These items are called "escrow• Items " Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br />basis of current data and rea%nnable estimates of future escrow items
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are Insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pry the escrow items.
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and apphing the Funds, analysing the account or %erifying the ewroa items. unless
<br />Lender pay% Elorrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits lender to make such a charge Worrow•er and
<br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall tic paid on the Funds. Unles% an agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires interest to he paid, Lender shall not he required to pay Borrower an% interest or earnings on the Fund. Lender
<br />shall give to Iorrower, wlthtur, t:harge, an annual acre- unting of the Funds show 1np t redu% and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit tin the Fund% was made The Funds are pledged as addetional serum% fair the %um% secured by
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly payme nt% of Fund% payahle prior to
<br />the din:• dates of the escrow Reims. shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow Items when due, the esce%%%hall be.
<br />at &wrowerN option, either prt1 nptly repaid to Borrto%or or credited tit liorrow•er tai monthly payment• , •F Funds. If the
<br />amount of the Funds held by Leakier is not sufficient to pay the escrow Items when due, I'lorrower shall pas to lender any
<br />amount necessary ie +make up iht deficiency in one air more payments a% required by Lender.
<br />Upon paynient to full of all sums secured by this Security hl %trumeni, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br />any Funds held by lender. Or under paragraph ly the Property A% sold or acquired by I ender, lender %hall apply, no later
<br />than immediately prior U1 tht sale of the Iroperty or u% acqummin by I ender. any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br />application as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law prtivide% othem iw, all pa%ntt:nt,. received by Lender under
<br />paragrapih% I and 2 shall he applied first, it, !:sir charges Clue under the Note. second. i4, rrt•I1.41 erienl charges due under the
<br />Note. third, to amounts pa�altfge under paragraph 2, fourth, to interest slue: and lam. to princlra.• doe
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Ro-rower shall pay all Llsfr.. Js.t%%r•lents, charge..'iflcn and Impt►s111on+ .ale: t;1'•utahlr to the
<br />Prspict.ii, which may attain jpnonty user this Securan, instrument, ,trial leasehold payments or grrun" rents, if any.
<br />Wrrowrr skiad paq these ohliganom lit the manner pnste,ded lit par,lgtraph '..it If not paid ill that manner, Borrower shall
<br />pay them on tines daaecily to ufie rer,on owed payment liorrtmer s;:al) promptly furnish to I ender all notice•% ofarnounh
<br />to tie paid under this paragraph If Btlrrowcr makes ihew payment. ditcctly, Borrower %ball promptly furnish is Lender
<br />receipt% evidencing the payntfmi:-.
<br />Ntlrrower %hall promr1 :.,, de%churge any hen w bi; h ha% pnon•s} n%ur iftl %'+ec•unty Instrument unless Borrower- la)
<br />agrees m writing it) the payment of the ohilirim %in %enured by the heir in., manner act cptabir io i ender. (hl contest% lit ,Tssd
<br />faith the hen by, or defend% against enfurixei n of the hen m. legai Irlr,,%•eeclia4g% which lit the t ender'% opinion oper:are t1►
<br />prev, -nt the enforcement of the hen air forfeiture A am part t►t the Prol•c:; %. ,,r 1 ,r secures from the holder t•f tlic Ills :. in
<br />_t
<br />agreeement satisfactory 141 Leurd. • whtlydinating the hoer. u► this Sec•unty In%tris few! it (ender delerminr% tel:r:.Iai} , a>7 of
<br />%
<br />the Property 1% %uhlect to n fife:: which may ait:or rr•', rltt, titer IN% Serum)• in-` ruuicm. Lender mat, slit.: 'il„•rrower it
<br />notice identifying the hen if miwer shall %atisl% One lien or take one 4►r more of ov .action% %el Birth abo, wnnhav 10 d:n%
<br />iron
<br />of the giving of do awe
<br />S. Hazard Insurance. Burrower %hall keep the lmpro%ernent% now em%nug or berealter erec fed %sit tha P-rory •
<br />in%ursl against lo%% by fire. Fi:.v•:ard%ltleludcd within theie•rm "rurndrd coseripte" and.ul} other ha.,arth C,,r w•iht,.n O tinder
<br />require% insurance. Thi% rrisuronce %hall he maintained 111 the ainou nt% .teat e'- the Ivillrl% that I :tiqunrc. Tht
<br />inwrrnce earner providing the in%uran.w shall he chtneu h% Borrower %uhiet r to 1 endcf% oppr(wil %hich %ha)l cta,t: fe
<br />S
<br />unreasonahly wuukiheld
<br />All nmurance ptlllcaes and renewais %hall he acceptahle It, I ender and %hall include a %tandard intortgrge Haase
<br />Lender %hall ha%e the right u• hold the ptllicie, and reuc%%al% 111 ender require%, horrower %hall pronlrwit. aivc it, i ender
<br />all recerpl%of paid pienutum and renewal nutter% In the etent tit tins. ittm,•w,; r 41.111 gl%e prompt notice m tilt• inwrance
<br />,
<br />carnerand Lender lender may make pr%xdrf h,%%it not outio- Ptrt►rIt% M ti4••',,weI
<br />tlnle%% L ender and Borrower otherwise agree lit %% fit ing, laity stet.: my ; ell% %11.111 Ix- applied tit rrororath►tl 4,r r,7pJ1r
<br />Of the Property damaged. it the rt•%toralrtal tit repair 1 %e1141110111W ll% east%; `:% $I--j I cude•1 •% st•.ants 1% wit lessened It the
<br />restoration air repair f% not oo,t.a,nntaily lea%Ihle',r l enciel'% u•.unt% w •.<1 %t 1,,• .%%rued, the 1mutJroe Ir ,•trctl%%hall he
<br />ap.r.,.,ed it) the %uln%%e.•ureat t,%. rills yecunly Insuunacllt. whelher ,•r r.• r it,%•rt with .►n% ce.e%+ p it,,1 Wrroiter It
<br />Ilttrcower ahandilm title Pft•Itt'% it %I," ritil all%Nef w1111111 ..axis 1 r:, Ic,a' Iltgtl 1 t•rltar "W tht' 11:i:N" I'i t' %.IitteS i1A%
<br />efferkd to%eltie rcf.imi. then I elhter m.m..,, Aec t the 111 %tine•.. 1 " ,, r,.., 1 rhdo ma% t:%r rift: Ire, yeed% it, r-T-til Of lea. re
<br />the Property or let, I,.I% %u"I%%trLilrea ho chi% Set ltrlt% In.tnircnr r AFtllt'ier . r 401 Then ti „e Itie it1.4t I,. retuxl wr9f N-9111
<br />vllrtrn the rn,tl.e l%itrseel
<br />t it"..I endef arnt iit+rrowet otheiwl%c iptc - %4 r1ring tit% Irr - it iltsced% to with ;,.a : •r,�!I •c, a tslcnll,11
<br />rumtrutnethe. Ito•Anh•aitihemunthl% Mal. tau•lit%trfr•rrtslI., Ir mar &at&t F, %1.th4t',let,11.u1 et. Ihe jilt, uhr r the t,.A%rrlCtlr,If
<br />under paragraph 14 the Pruprrly I% acquired h% l ender. llalrr, •,aer . r:gto to .lit % m,u►.ulce 1%,11% le.. 1.0 r r.., r ed, •^ A ring
<br />from damage it the Property Pn% %I to the rcyw%itt „n %hail P,I% %t t oIdeI h, tilt• e%Ic•lo ,•t the shut•, ... , r, , ( H, 11,1, %.:', tlhtn
<br />In%truneent mumtimtel% pnl,r I,, the .l.yutslurn
<br />e, Ptewrvation and Mainteeanceof PropertyA eas. hold%. 11,,rfo%rt %h.All not de%it, % •Ixf- -sut •,r . ih%t /nr:Jlh
<br />J
<br />change the Prolvri%. allow the Propert% lit drler•t,r.nt, or %„mton w I%fe Ile it,,% \ttunl% 11, %frunn"r.l t, ..0 , 1,-A a lt,ld.
<br />Burrower %hall ct,nlph with flee Pr,%ISn•n%ot the lease .ird It lit,fi o%%cr .o, burr,•% 14.1• tille r, • lit, I'r.-I'vo %. -tie l% e%. h, :,: Jnd
<br />fev title .hall it'll mettte little•%% I Clikl'f JFIvc%I., Ilic flit•rFel 11, UI II Iii'
<br />7. Protection sit Uendef's Rights in the Propert); %hirtpUt, Insurance. It 11011,•%.,"r 1,411, h• i•lth•ttll the
<br />casettanhalid.lgr%•e•t►1len1s t. 41111.4111M Ill 1111%St•,utll% 111.1111111% Ill - .1 then• 1% .1 it 1r 111 ►•h•.tt41111, Ih.lt 111.1% %lgndls tilt I%.0, %1
<br />Ieotler'% right% 111 the N161V11% lwsh r% A I,It %cedtilF In hrnktui,l,% 140h.Ite 1, t ,. Tldt 1,la.1tioll oI I„ cha'f'e 1.1w%of
<br />regulauru%►. then I ender Holy drantt Pa% It,r wh.m ova I% Ih',v% %.tl% I,• t,r.,tf, t Ihl •.il,,r •t the Nhq,t•In .111%11 t ndel %tivill%
<br />?
<br />In thr 1'ft,Ixth I I ride•1 % j% 11"11% IIIJ% Ill, ludr r.0% 111F .111% %llllt% %4„11I t1 ►,% .t ill t, %%1, it 11,1% i`l 1,-111% •%t'1 1111%
<br />111%tfuflle111. trir•.11 ;hit 'it. cull pJSllll fCj%o1l.lNv A111.11to, Ill % IIIJ f,1, Iii, t' ••rl ltit I ". I" I,. 1. •11 ll•t r, 1•.011 %'fits -,,_1.
<br />%r
<br />I ender ftla% LIk,'.I%r,.Ht 111141u flit. 1,.41 al t.lrh 1 1111It I tit %, 11,•1 it 1„ 1.- A
<br />1 t 104.1 uh,h I I'm I'm IF[ 114, .I. 1„ 1y -•,n „Lice,. 1•.,l ,,, 1^ it 11. „ 1 ,•%
<br />%e%11111% I,I%l I%jim Ill I Ilk %%It.•1” "A 11 1f1,i I I "I,1 '►•Ill t • let,,• 1.i . 1 , %,I ,,.I , . ,r•, - , .. , ,, •I / �1•
<br />the llme of ,IHl,afyml ant t II,, V ilr ,r,.t ,r. ,.1 I. 1•,. , , 1
<br />Irtitaroille Imitilltltt
<br />.—i
<br />