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a <br />103440 <br />reconstructed by t;,*w owner of such Improvements. Each owner shall obtain and <br />maintain fir* and extended coverage Insurance insuring each owner's <br />Improvements on their respective lot In an amount equal to the full <br />replacement value without deduction for depreciation. <br />S. No owner shell make any structural addition or alteration to the <br />exterior of the homes once, construction is completed an Lots A and 8 without <br />first obtaining the written consent of the othaqF: ow m-r. <br />7. The parties ackmowledge that the tpart y. .4011 to be conatitntad an <br />the division line between Lots A and 8 provides for. a zero setbatki:.'• ThW <br />portion further adcnowlefte the applicability of the Brand Island. ZQnir'g -Code* <br />and agree to perform all wilatructlon an the promises In comspl w=e with all <br />setback requirements providid' therein. <br />IL This Instrument, contains the emittre agreement between the parties <br />Wated to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed and <br />any oral representations or modifications thereof shall be of no force and <br />effect. <br />DiWid L. Larm <br />Ca NO Larson <br />