<br />- 89'i-02'708
<br />n)ade %hall be add,d n+ the prm,11Sa1 Sum „%stilt; on the abo%c
<br />note, .hall he Sctutcd hcreb%, and %hall bear nttere%t at the rate Set
<br />forth III the %aid mote, litltil paid
<br />that the Morro %set hercb% atmgn %, transfer% and Sets o%er to
<br />the I ender, to he applied toward fire pa%men: of the note and all
<br />%um% secured hereh% In :a %c of a dMault ill the performance of
<br />am of the terin% and .tinditiom of till, to %tnunent or the %aid
<br />note, all the rents. rc%cnues and Income to he der)ted Irom the
<br />said premises during such tittle a% the Indehledne— shall remain
<br />unpaid, and the I ender %hill ha%e power to appoint an) .gent or
<br />agent% it ma) desire for the purpo %e of repair,
<br />tiv said prrmi,es and
<br />of retying the same and ;ollccnng ;he rrn� :e%enue% and mu,me,
<br />and u tt aw pa) out of ,,ud income% al; expcn% %'t repairing %aid
<br />Prcmu;% a',Q Acre %war% :ornml%%ions ,atta erytit %ss-, m.urred m frnt•
<br />ntg J11di ma ^ag)nh the %arise and of ;t%: ��Kine -en'a!� :hcretrum:
<br />:he bI?an%� remaining. :i am, n, be l ^ „t`e,� t,,%S, °.f 'he drO,hdlee
<br />t•t Say.' iT*,9;bte %Inc„
<br />K That the Ilormwer %%Ill keep -he I'
<br />nprownier-t% nov% ,x)Stag
<br />or hetcaiier elected ooh ate paper%%, insured a% ma% he requited
<br />from time to time ht ;`r I ender against Io %% b% fire and other
<br />hazards, :a%ualtie% an,Y :anrnlgenre% to such amounts and t:,r ,jch
<br />pentxi% is ma% be required h% the 1 ender and will pa% promrt.%..
<br />%'-her, due, an) premnitn, on ,u,ll insurance pro%I,,o❑ It•r parr• :nt
<br />of which ha% not heen spade hcicrnheforc All Imurance %hall he
<br />.arncd in :ompamc, a, Vrawesf h% the 1 ender and the Polme% and
<br />rcnet+al% thereof sha.'F t, he;a t,% the I ender ,m.l ha%e ara, bed
<br />thereto los% pa%ahlc :ia_,e„n ta%ot .,t and :n ;.`;In tac'ptah'.r :;..
<br />the 1 ender In c%rn1 of L,et B `r�pw%; %%III cLe utuncdtate n0_11:c
<br />h% mail to the 1 ender. who Ina'. mist,; NkV'-I .11 It`„ it 11,11 trade
<br />protnP'I% bs Wl`rp%,.Cr. and :a%'
<br />hereh% Guth, %died and ,;:cirri, ct r.` gzal,; ^a%me':^ •, %nth Its,
<br />threct1% lo the I ender : ^.S;r,�a c,' Cg' '. :fit HOrrtt,tet and the 1 en&t
<br />%Dina%. and the insurance procec4;,,.;
<br />