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i <br />- =r <br />r <br />89- 102708 <br />Borrower and Lender cotenant and agree as follows: — — <br />I. That tiurrowcr will pay the mdebicdtfess, as hereml><tatrc <br />prodded. ltrisilcgC 1, resened tat pay the debt rn %4hO1e or in pat, <br />on any installment due dais. <br />2. That, together with, and fit aJdlth,n tit, the monthly <br />payments of principal and micro, p,lyablc under the tern,% of the <br />note secured hereby, the Borto,%er wdl ,.ly to the f ender, nn the <br />first day of each 111011th until the ,.Ild rule Is fully p.ud, the <br />following sums: <br />(a) Amount %ufficuen► to pfo%ide 112! holster hereof with fund, <br />to pay the nett mortgage 11INUranee pR'm1urn if tilt, In,irtiluellt ,21,41 <br />the note secured hereby are inured, OI ,1 utantthly ;harps 1-it lieu <br />411'a 111or19ag:e ursur:frfiX praurrlun) it they are held by the <br />Svetetary of Hou%utp and t h hall i)c%clo {,tent, a% tulle,%, <br />(1) 11 and ,o Inng as +.1,d nstc tit cten date ,ind th+f, ulstru• <br />ment are insured 4.r ate tenisurt:d under the prOol,iOn. OI the 111. <br />tional Housing Acs. an amount %utficit•r(l h? .iasumulatc In the <br />hands Ot the holder one 11) month prior its r1, dne dare the annuu: <br />mortgage ru,ut.nce premium In Order to mok idc such II,!tajt r is.n1+ <br />fund% to pay such prernruin it.' (Ile at Hw;suUt.au41 Lit <br />ban De%clornicJn pur,uanf• to the \artonal Iiou,utg; Ad, J:, <br />,Intended. and api,halhie N.•;Y,IftCon, 014,1eilli,1et 01 <br />(11) If and ,r Intl; as %ald delis u; e%e1i.Jaie and fill% I,,%rru <br />m4:n1 are held by the kcref.trl, of Housing mli) t, I'mr). th•%cirp <br />ment. a nlonihil, :h:it9c r.1, bav or' a ni4v'g.fz :e rrtrar•Jnit I-j ! irr11;, <br />whlcl, shall he to an arnourn ca{ttal :0 4 ue n%sil ?f1 1111).!.:: , n,•• <br />half (1, 2) per tcntum of iris au'r.+ge 1ut,f.riJ1111: bai:+nce • i!L on <br />tile note :011pured withotj, talrnr unit ,u,kiurn tfehnyccnca•, at <br />prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal t;, rl'u> l;r,,,� j. runt., 11 ant, nt:\l due. plus tlt0 <br />Premiums that till 21C %: . &,,tno •Jdc and hatable III) p•,hcle, of <br />fire and other hararti insuran t ,veering; th0 ;,toi?%rt1. ,,lax r.uc% <br />aria assrssmrritc T-em atfe•tri fire propctt% 1,11 .:, t,rfrtf,f:ed h% the <br />1 Crider) less all .unit a:f;ady paid thctetot dttided h% the ntlmbcr <br />Of mun'.hs ,u ekte,%e %-! >ra _ t1 .t. <br />`" •• : : :• 1 i.4. i.• tilt' klate to h4.•II <br />such ground tell!%, t+:crr: uric, :w\r• and ,1 „e „rornt% %„11 K%otne <br />delinquent. stlCh , :, ,,,! "o he rr:J ht (en,tel in trig,! lit 11,11 ,.1111• <br />ground rent, ptersr4u». 1,f\e% and cl,etlat a „c,unentc: and <br />(c) All paynicn :, Tp m.oned In 21:e <br />tilt, paragraph anti' iii ay ntrnt, :,, , t be IA,t roil Cl %%ell I..,% ,( ": <br />ft he t : dti [tic nuts t he 1: •::4. a' a ,,. <br />secured hereby shall be addej 10_,X.1%01, s '•f ^ ,c : ygrccatc ;:nl,IL,W the I ender •, interest in .ald re;ri e,t,ale ,1111 r.::I•n,tcnicn ,.:.und <br />thercol shall t>L paid b% the Sts' :,,Lye! 4.I,` lr „,nth n, .I ,rngic pat %%11101 111,1% he Ic•%ICJ livou rhr% 111%irunlCnl n: the dell, 'C "I' d <br />men: ti he applied M the i crag::° -a .tae .•,Ll :awing ,+cols ,n tilt hcich% thut 1111% to tilt Cvoll that „1.11 1s not Irrh, " :: !,! I'm <br />Order set forth: and .mil ti the extent that su:h will 111,1 nitric tits, a ors .vutiru,l, <br />riot c \,hJdlnD :trtt t114.itlIC tit \, "[.tic 111 Iedttal, :5;,),a'LS - ^ll <br />t ender, and %Lill file the o1fi;;a: r,:ai(v ,?t•?t.;ng! ,11th p,iynlcnt <br />wnh tilt' 1 ender. Upon %itdanon 471 the. •, (tr it the <br />h,tlto%%cr 1, prohlbited h% ant I.t,% now (,t hc•re'lftcr iv,fntg front <br />patnlp file -hole or ant prt!tt,n ,v file aforesaid ta\e,. (It upon <br />the lenJerlrtg Of ally ,utfrl dr.: ce prohibuu,g the payment by the <br />Borro%%cr tit .ply such taxtw, u: it such la%t Or de4:1ce. pc()%tdes that <br />,nit amoun! ,t, •,,ud h% ?Ile liortn%ter ,hall he .:canted ou the dept. <br />Cr.del 11a' 1.::•(• [fie ;I)! :t to gn%c :I (r :,rr tie },' %tut:ett nott:e <br />'„ the r%,rer .:• tic rrenn%e%. reyuirmg rtaa r *.a%ntcnr of the debt. <br />It ,tfch nonce ho 'men. the +aid deht %h,u1 iv sonic Je4e. I,a%ablc <br />.tnd .o4cril -le at the e\ {siralron of said ninety day,. : <br />11141fe +hint fifrQCn 03? alit\, 114 IFrC;lf% 10 %titer the Ctlra ctivil'se <br />111 %Oltett in N111d1u21; delill,lgelu lsaynte111 %. <br />3. that it the total of trip payments made by the Horrottet <br />under (h) of paragraph 2 preceding, shtlll cv d rile .41114,11111 (if' <br />paynlenls ;ICtually made, bit the Lender ft +1 +:rotund rent•t. tats. and <br />atiscssments or iut,ulallcc premiums. as lilt, case +nay tv. such.ev <br />ces, tf the Iuan it, cutrenl, al tits• option of Ilia HorrcitiIer, shall lie <br />credite,l be the I endel on ,uh>erfuctu p:ryn,e11tt, tit he made by the <br />11vrrutcer, 4.r refunded to the Horrower. If, however, tbp monthly <br />payment, made by the Hwrowcr under lit) of paragraph 2 <br />Itleccttingt %hall nit he sufficient tsa pay g;rttunst rents; taxes and <br />- 1- 0%inenis Ot m,utance prenuunn. a, the :ass nlsy he, when the <br />same %hall heeunie due fluff pavattle, then the Bprrat%tCf shall pay <br />It, the 1 code+ an} :mhltlnt, necessary 10 male. up the deficic+tcy. 02: <br />Or hef%rc the date when pavmenl tit such Around rents, tales, <br />a.1W,sIlIvll , O1 u1,u2,Jn:c ptcmuum ,hall . tine due. If al aunt lime <br />the 6Or11'wcr %hall Wilde, to the 1 ender: ur accordance with the <br />prtr ILWn, Of he note secured hereby'. roll payment rt lh,a entire <br />111 a/cilledns'„ tellic,cnled thereby, the Lender ,hall, ut c4.,nlputng <br />rlilr :rnluurn <br />ill such utdehtidne,,, credit it, the J%:%:ouut tit the HOt• <br />et. all pinnlents made under - the IllmI,u,n, of la) ut paragrapf% <br />heteol- %%•11i0l the I ender has not NN0111c obligated 10.1 pay to the <br />tiecret:+ry iif.11llu,nte and IJrhan Ilv%elopmcrt and any h;llanc0 r% <br />511,01+111}; .n lilt. funds ,i%cu.utulated 11114.101 the pto%I%iom of (h) It <br />11a1agraltt1 : hereof. It th : <br />,hall he a deiault under ,inv Ot the <br />pt,�%n1011% rt till, trstrllntent IC%ultu»: in ,t public ,alai of, :!!e <br />i°rtanre, t otered lereh%, t.1 1t the I cadet .t :k -)re, lha y,;�ytetty <br />Lvhen,I,e also J;tau+:. the 1 ender shall aT,.;siv. ,r; r c lure tit the <br />canln :in,enlCnt o1 ,u,h l,to;ceahng,. of ,u the -.111w The ,iiperh n <br />rshen%t,e .ntiuirud, the balance then foll,tutnu! m !I!r i;auh at. <br />c(Innfl.ned under Ill) of paral:I.fl,h 2 I,rccedmp. is .1 :!etiln ,gaunt <br />file amount Oi p11n,g,al then Ienl,unille Impala under said note, <br />,II,l ,11.11! isrtq,ctl% .I,11u,► ant p,iyu)crtls which %hall hate 11CCII <br />m.tdc u•,dcl la) of r,ar.t.0 I.II'll 2 <br />4 ill,tt the hotl„ttet kill! rat% .•ra,un,l iCnt,, lase,. .1„e%%IlrCllh, <br />t%at t'r t,tie'•. ai1J other 1•„%etI2111en1,11 ii Iltnnldtp -il .h.. n•r, Irn,,1 <br />of unpo,rtr4,n%. for 1,l ::0I rfo%t,ua1 11,1% not hccn made <br />hvelnt,elorc. ,WJ In Jt•Iaul' thovill the I ender ma% p,i% the ,.inc. <br />,uJ fha! tilt• Itt,n,n el will prolllp!i♦ deh,e, the 0111,1.11 teiti{,r, <br />hirct%v <br />to [tic. I Cnde1 <br />(1) premium charge% undo::?-.: :antraat Of vt,ulance with <br />the Secretar,. of Housing :Ind t rN a [)ctch�pment, or monthis <br />chA ne•(rn lieu it nxtrrEa,c : ::,c :afar prcrrtn,m)..i, the caw rnat <br />fie:, <br />(,ll) ground rent%, ia\c,, a,,e%Lrl:cnt,, t,rd ,tnd , +,het har:u,t <br />mvirance premium,: <br />(ill) Interest on the u,,•e ,e.:11ed hercht: <br />ACV) anutttira►iOn of the pcl.;clpal (,: %4.!d ❑r%!c: <br />(V) late charge%. <br />Any deficiency in the asnount,of such ag,_.tcg,ale montl:iy' pay- <br />ment shall, unless r,14de pool h,-y the licrrt,:. ;nor r„ 4trr d'ue <br />date of the nest such i,ayi,,r;4 .. :,? 317::: sera etent of ,ref�,t <br />under this mortgage. The Lerillcr !-ay „dery a. —late chargr "•" scot <br />to exceed four cents 14C) for each di;1lar 2iltt r,' each ^a'eCECiri <br />F. ]hat ,ho;j4. the 1)t,lrowcr fart to pity w;•70:, FOCp en% <br />ao,rnan: prntidc%2 fur u! flu, ni,uumrnt. lie, the L c• ;.er, .n r., <br />option. may flay- Or Perform the ,ante. and •a:, : ,,•et.• -' ',`' ,r <br />Page 2 of 5 HUD- 92143DT <br />7 : <br />I- <br />1 <br />