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<br /> �f5f �—.
<br /> : . . earroMa�p�r#�1e�teqtupro�ta�m�mta�a Tn��L time as tbe requic�meht fa tbe � • .
<br /> � . �F �iawraoa te�min�ics in�witi�ce�ert iud I.endec'a writtm a�tr�emeator'spplipbk b�r. ' �
<br /> � •�. I�ett!a� I.e�c-a�i1t apat�edap maice:+e�ooible eatriat md of the t.eader
<br /> ` upon i�ec�o� �nnQerty -
<br /> , • •
<br /> t ` ahdt pvR llarto�armdae u tLF droe dorprior to au�ospacxjon�pecF[jrin�raaontble��isa fcrtlie�upecdon. � �
<br /> t`` � � !. Cw�ii�wMM�. ?t�pc�ceed`s ofray�wud ar c�aim for d�ma�s,diroct or conseq�eatial,ia ooaiection witb • � � � �
<br /> . �aa�r�or aber falci�of aay P�et of the PrapatY.o�r fa voaveyaooe in liw af+oandaaa�mn,are bereby �
<br /> - ` .- �_- . _ —�s�d��'�1�..4t�epeict#�t#� � ' . � � . � � � .
<br /> . I L!lu Cvmt`af s tohl W�in�of the Prvpece9;tbe proceeds sball be applied 3o tLe wms secuc�ed t�ryr t�is Security
<br /> I�tnuaant,Nbett�er ot not tbw do�,�rtt��ay�ca�p�id t�Ba�m�rer.In t6e ev�at oP a p�rtial takins of the Property. .
<br /> � = uale�Boau�rer aad I�eader otberwi�e ap+ee in�vritia�tbe wms txutrd by tbi.s Se�urity Instrumaat aLaA iu re�uced by
<br /> t1�e a�nouat of tbe pmoeed:mutdpiied by cLe folloains fn�ctian:(a)the wal amount of the sums aacurod immediately �
<br /> . i bdos+e t�e alc;�.divided b�►(b)�be fair markec value of the F:+opercy immeaiaxeiy b�fone�be raidn�.�ny b.iance suall.be
<br /> . j p�td w va�tra�r � . ;
<br /> .�� -- a�slc'tsaaasrclar�z�s����iirr�awa a�ot not�oe byt L�ender to Bono�ver t6u tLecondm�or�o�e�s to � '
<br /> --`s . _ . �t�, reapo�sd�f.endr,rwttBin38daysaf�erti�+edateti�eactioea�
<br /> �iven�I�tader i�svt�or�cd to colieCt and spptg t.�e pmceeds,at its optioa,either to restoration orsepair cf thz Propetty crr .
<br /> ' W tbe swa�tecnt+ed bY this Secarity Instr�ment,�►hetber�rnot theu dna `.
<br /> , .' � � � iTn�as I,e�det ats�Borruwet vthes�vae agroeia�vritina,aay�pplic�atioa of prooeeds w principaT at�alT not eatend or ' .
<br /> patpooct�edae data af ibe moathlY P�Y�ts referred to eu paraasapbs 1 and 2 or ehanEe the amouat of auch piyrneata.
<br /> � I0. Hoerowa Na 1tda� Forbea�.ce B�i�Na a Wa[nr. Eatension af the time for psyment or
<br /> } . modifkation of aasortiution af tbe aums secured by this Seeurity Insirument gtyrnted by I.endes to any aucc�ssor in `
<br /> � intere�t of Bosro�!et�haU not operate ta release the tiab�ity of tlu original BonoNer or Borrower's successora in interes� �
<br /> ; I.en�er siull t�ot 6e requited to commence proceodinas a�ains3 any auccessor i�interest or refuse to ea�tend time for
<br /> � � paymaut orotlierw�ise modify amortiution ofthe sumssocured by thisSecurity It�strument by rason ofany demsnd m�e . . .
<br /> by t1�e ori�inal Borm�va or Borrower's aucceuora in intera�A�y forbantnce by Lrnder in eaercisina usy right or rensedq ,
<br /> � , sh�il not be�MUVerofor prociude theeaerciseof�ny ri=ht orremody. . . .
<br /> '• i�. S�etw�on a�Asdpr Bou�Joirt a�d Se�ea!IJ�;Co.dp�ps. The covenarits and agreemrnts of
<br /> � thi�Sacurity Imtrua;ent th�ll bind uid beneSt the aucce�son and as�i�ns of Lender and BorroMer.subject to the provisions
<br /> � � bf p�ragnp617.BorroMer's cuvenanta snd agamrnu ahall be jaint and several.Any Borrower�ho co-signs this Security • � �
<br /> In:trum�nt but doa not eaceute the Note:(s)is casip�ing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant ar�d convey � R"
<br /> that Borro�re�s intaai in the Property ur�der the terms of this Security Instrument;{b)is not pe�sonaily obTiaated to pay ���--
<br /> t1u sums aecured by tl�is Security Instrument;and(c)agras that I.ender and any other BorroNer may agta to extend, � -
<br /> modity,forbair a mvice any accommodatioas�vith regud to the terms of this Socurity Instrument or the Note withaut =
<br /> ' tbat Hbrro+vtr':conaen� . , =
<br /> 12. t,wi1 C�. If fhe lou�seeured by this Security Instrumrnt is subjxt to a iaw which sets maximum loan
<br /> � cbuaa. sr�/d that i�M is Bn�lty interprded so that the interest or other loan chuges collected or to be coltxted in �''
<br /> ' coonection wvitb the lan exceed the permiuod limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount :��
<br /> . � naees�ary to roduc�tbe charge to the permitted Iimit;and(D)sny sums alrady collocted from Borrower which eseaded
<br /> i permitted limits xiU be refunded to BorroMer.Lender may choose to make this rePund by reducing the�sincipal owed
<br /> ander tbe Note or by matcina a dirert psyment ao Borrowrr.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction�viU be trated as a
<br /> putial prep�yma�t�rithout any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. Le�i�istta ARectt� Le�ePs Rt�b. If ensctment or eapiration of applicable laws h� the efPect af
<br /> . rtnderin=my provlsion of the Nate or this Security Instnrrnent unenforceabte accotding to its terms.Lenckr,at its option� �� �
<br /> ; may require imn�adlate p�yment in futl of�11 svma secured by thia Security�nstrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by psr�raph 19.If Lender exereises ahis aption,Lender shal!talce the stcps speciRod in the second paragraph of �i
<br /> PuaBraDh 17. �.
<br /> 1�. Notka. Any notice to Borrowet provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ; mailins it by flrat"class mail untess appflcablE Is�requira use of another method. The notice shaQ be directed to the
<br /> `: Propaty Addreu or any other address BorroMer designatcw by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shaU be given by
<br /> ; flnt ct�s mail to Lender•s sddress stated herein or any other address I,ender designates by notice to Borrower.Any natice � �
<br /> ; provided for in this Security Instrument sh�ll bedamed to have been given to Borrawtr or Lmder when given as provided .
<br /> in this Pu+i�raRh• '
<br /> ' ---...... .. ........._ ._. .
<br /> , iS. Gorerai�Lew;�er�flit�. Thi�5�urity Instrument ehall be gnverned by fcderal law and ihe law of the
<br /> jurisdietiort in which the Property.is IncatEd.ln the evrnt Ihu any provisian o�cl�use of this Security Instrument or the �
<br /> Nott canAict3'with apQlicable taw.suc6 can}lict shil!not sl�ect olher pravisiona of this 5ccurity Insttument or the Note
<br /> which can be given etfect without the conflicting provision.To.this end the pr�visions af this Sccurity lnstrument and the
<br /> Note uedecLra!to be eevenbk. �
<br /> � li. 8orrowe�'�Ca�q. Borrower shall be given ane confarrr►ed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> f1. Teu�fer of+t�Pre�erty or a Be�eHeld tnter,est in Bas:ower. 1f oll or�ny part of the Prnr+erly nr any ��
<br /> interest in it is sald ar transfetred(ar if a berttflcia!intertst in 6or�uwer is�td or transferreJ and gorrower is nut a natural
<br /> person)withoat Let�der's prior�vrittrn car�se»!.Y,endtr may,st its aptian,rer�uire immediatr payment in full of all sums
<br /> sQCUred by this Seturity lastrument. Hawever.this option sha}1 not be exenised by Ltnder if eaerc'r;e is prahibited by • ---_-
<br /> Paderil 1aw as of the date of ihis Security Instrument. � •
<br /> I!'Lender eaercises this opt�on.Lender shall give Bcrrrower notice af accetention.�'he notice shaU ptovrde a pericrd
<br /> of'not tess than 30 d�ys Gom tht date the notia is detivered or tn�iled�7thin which 8orrower must Qay all sums sccured by
<br /> ._. . . it�5ec�tSr�lsss���.�.€8�sf��u�:��3 ltsss:�c:stts�i€sr is t h cs�'sratiaso€'thi�per�#.�dcs srray il�vvRc�rry .
<br /> romeadies permittcd by this Security lns�rument withont further notice or demand on&�rrawer.
<br /> ib.�orrower's Rt�t to Relesute. !f Borrawer mats certain candidc�as,f3orrower shatt have che roght c�have �
<br /> enfotcement ofthis Security lnstrument Gisctintinued st any time prinr to the eprtiet af:(a)5 days(or Such other perivd�s
<br />: � applicable 1aw may sptcity for reinstatemtnt)6efore sale af the Property pursuant to any pawer oP sale ccmtaineU in this
<br />. • Security lnstrument;ar(b)entry oE�judgment enfarcing this Secutity lnstrumem.ThoSe ccmdttinns are that borrower. �►
<br /> (a)pAys Lender all sums whieh then woutd be due under this 5ecurity lnslrument anc!the Nate had nu acceteratinn �`'
<br /> oceutrtd;(b)cures any defautt of any pthtr rdvenau�ts dr agreemrnts; (c)pays ali e.xpenses incurred in er�inrcmg thi� �
<br /> Secarity lastrumertt,including.but.aut-timited t�,reass�nabte altQmeys`fees;and(d)tnkes sush actic►a as l.rncfcr sr�ay - -'�- �
<br />: � rtasonfbfy rtquire ttf ussure that ttie tiel�of this 5ecurity Instrument,I.pnder's ngl�ts in the [�ruperfy nnd linrrtrwer's = _
<br /> ' obligatron ta pay the sutns secured hy this 5ecurity lnstrurricnt shall cc�ntinue unchangcei. Upian re�nstatement by �
<br /> . . Borrawer.this Security lnstrument and tl�e oAligaliUn�secured htreby shul!rem$m fully rffect�ve�s if nn accelrrattnn had :
<br /> �reutr�d.Ntsweve�;this t6ght to reinstal,e shalT nat eppJy in the cese of acceleran�n under paragraphs 13 ar 17
<br /> � _ � �.i .
<br />