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<br /> < . . . . . � " . . _ _ • . �. � ' . . . ' �
<br /> :_ � � .:. , _ . , .. . � . � . � - . _ �— ��a4��2. . : �. � �
<br /> , � � �ut�deM oa�rt,►Kts. 9orn+o�wer aaa I,aida oor►enaat aaia a�as colla�ts: , . . .
<br /> ' 1. la�...t.t Prt.etNl a:i tM�+r�Pnl�it a�t I.M�G1!rie�. Borcawer shau P�aIY P�r��n aue ��, ` � � .
<br /> `� ' . elk p�nrip�!o€aAd in�ehest ca tbe debc cridencbd'6�j►rbc Naa and sny pr�paymei�i aM!lace cha�es duc w�der rhe Naa .- � .
<br /> '• , - Z F��it?a�s a�i�i�1e� Suj�ject ta appticabit taw ar to s+ivrittm waiv�r by 1�ettider,Bo�roMer shall pay �
<br /> � . � �ia Le�da on the my moneAiY P�!►men�s an�due unda ibe Nae,unW chc•Noce is paid�in full.,a sum(•`Funds•'}equal to . . �
<br /> f ` ' oq�.�weMA of (s)yarly taxes and assatments wrhicb m�y attain psiority over�this Securiry Inswment; (b)yrartY� . � `� ' .
<br /> i�el�oid p�yments or�rauad rcnts on.the Properfy. if.wY► f�)Yearig haratc�inst�rance praniutiu; and (�)yarly _
<br /> - .. _ „ -- - - — — � -
<br /> � . _ _ ,•___
<br /> �eel�e i�ur�oe�ne�s.�aar.�e i[eees ue catkQ: �iter�s. L�ma�r_�n[te___t���i�_.o�..�...�r_�_. :
<br /> — _ ---- ---- -�_.__.�_._�_—,_._-_-------- —._,.—_._------ -- -- -- -__ __ -
<br /> � b�wofcul�+dstdwaed�a+anable�rtima�es�tanescra+ritems. . - `---`- . -
<br /> Ti�e F�eds sUall be hd�ia ari iestitndoa the deposits or accouhts o�which ar+e insurod os guarantad by s federal or , . , : -
<br /> � state a,a�cY(includiui I.Mder�Lender�is auch a�►ies�ituti�n}.I:endet shall apply the Funds to pay th�excrow items. � �
<br /> . Le�eder msy not¢ta�rye for b�and apptyie6 tbe Fu�nds:aaalyzihs the ac�nt or verifyin�the aerorv itcros�urilas � . ' � � .
<br /> . � �T.ende*p7s Bonrow�r in�t o�tbe'Fi�nds and a�plic�bk L�►pecrnits I.e►ydes.to m41ce sucb s chuae.borrowet and • .
<br /> ` � .L�oder msy atre�e in�writim�slnt intcrrat sball be p�aid on tbe Fwids.�tTriIas an agrameat is made�or applicabk hw ` . , -
<br /> � � . � �m intertist tn bt n�id,I.eider shall not be a�uired tQ p:�t Borro�rer any inter�st or eaminrs on the Fnnds.t.a�der ----- - ------
<br /> sidil[�Tve W Bomu�ra,�rithaut char�an snnwl ac�ounbng d'tbe Funds showing cr+edits md ddNts to tha Fpnds and tlie
<br /> . . p�rpae f��vhicH es�debit ta the Funds wr�s msde.'Fhe Funds are pkdEtd as addinoeal se�urity t'or tltie susns securai by , ,
<br /> . tLis Security In�tt�mndat. � '� . � �
<br /> ' Yf tLe amownt of tbe Fandt Leld by Lasder,to�ethtr ait6 ti�e futun monthly paymmts of Funds payable priar to
<br /> the dna�at�s af tHresctuw it'�ahaU exaea the am�unt roquired to pay the escrow items when dur,ihe eaccess shall 6G .
<br /> � at Borc�a�r's aQtion,dti�er pr�nmptlY re.paid to Borrowrer or.credited to Borm�va on montUiy payments of�nnds.lf the
<br /> .. enouat of tbe Fwds I�dd.by I.ander is not su�sieat w pay the�e;roM items�+hen duG Borrower s1saU pay to Le.mder arty
<br /> - ; � - aamsent�warYtvnsaiczesptha�e8eie�seYiaere�orms�tepaYaemisasrequirsclby�sss�es._ �'.
<br /> Upon P�Yn�t in full of all sums secused by this Security Iastrument,Lender shaII promptty ufund to Hossc+ver
<br /> , } any F6nds l�eld by lrender.Ifunder ptxEraph 14 the Pcaperty es sold or acquired by Lender,Lender sl�lt apply,no�a[a .
<br /> i ttan iaunediatsly prio;ta tfic sak of the Property or its acquisition hy Lender,any Fun�s held by Lender at the time of
<br /> appHcatio�e�scndit a�i�et tT:e sums secured by this Secarity Instrument. . .
<br /> : 3. A�of P�Sab. UnJess applicable ls�►provida othtrwise,a11 payments received by Lender under
<br /> p�saEraphs 1 u�d 2 sissll be spplied:tirst,to Iste cbasaes dua unda the Nat�secaad to prepay�nent charges due under the
<br /> Not�third,to uaounts�ayabk under psu�sgraph 2;fourth.to intarest due;and liat,to prirtcipal due. '
<br /> , � 4. �IJtr. Borrawer st�all pay all tuea�usessments.�ehuges.fines s�nd impositions attributable to the �
<br /> ProQuty which msy sttain priority over this Sxurity Instrument� u,a i�ho�a �►��,u or�o�a f��, ��.Ay. �
<br /> Boc�oMet shsll p�y thae oblisations in the manner provided in pangaph 2�or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sl�all • �
<br /> pay them on time directly to the person awed payment.Borrawer sh�ll promptty furnish to Lende�a0 notices af amounts , � � ,
<br /> � to be p�id under this p�ngrsph.tf 8oaower maices these psyments directiy.8onower�hall promptly fumish to Lender � �
<br /> . raxipts e+ridencinj the p�yments. ..
<br /> Horrrnver shall promptly discharse�ny iien which hu priority over this Socurity lnstrument untess Bonower:(a} -
<br /> � � asraa in�vritina to the payment of the obliastion secured by the Gen in a mumer acceptable to I.ender;@)contests in gaod ,�
<br /> faith the lim by,ar defmds�pinst tnforcetnent of the tien in.leaa!proceediegs wfiich in the Lender's opinion opeate tu
<br /> Frevrnt the ertforcement of the lien ar forfeiture of any p�rt of the Propeny;or(c)secures ffom Ihe holder oi the tien an . .
<br /> aareetneatt sttitfactary ta Lender subordinatina the!irn to this Security Instrument.If I.ender dttermines that any pstt of "
<br /> � the Propetty is aubject to s IieA whicb tnry stttin priority over this Socurity lnatrumcnt, Lender msy give Borrower a -`f
<br /> ! � notice identifyirig the lien.Borrower$hall satisfy the lien qr talce one or more of the actions set forth abovr within 10 days �
<br /> _ of tt�e Sivins of natice. • —
<br /> S. Nmrd I�wra�a. Bariower shall kap the improvements now eaisting or hereafter erected on the Property •
<br /> , iasuted s�ainst loss by 8r�hszards includad aithi�the term"estended coveragd'and any other hazards fot which Leader
<br /> raj�eira insur�nce.This insurance shall be maintainod in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The �
<br /> : , insurancx carrier providing the insurance shals be chosen by Borroaer subjoct to Lender's apploval w6ich shall not be
<br /> � � unreasanably�vithheld. '
<br /> � � A11 insurance policie�s and rencwsls shall be acceptabte to Lender and shall includs a standard mortgage clause. .
<br /> L�entf���6a11 hsve the right to hold thc policiea and rentwals. IP Lender requites,Borrower shall pramptly give to Lender
<br /> �11 r�eceipts of paid pretniums snd renewa)notices.In the evrnt of loss�Horrawer shall give prompt notice to the insurance
<br /> . carriec and I.ender.Lender m�y mske proof of toss if not made promptly by Borrawer.� t
<br /> , Unles�Lender and Bonower otherwise agree in writing,insurance procceds s�all be appli�d to restor�tion or�paiir ��
<br /> of the Pro�perty damagrd,if the restoration or repair�s economically feasible and Lender's security is noi lessened.lP the
<br /> rataration.or rcpiur is not economicalty feasible or Lender's socurity would be lesstned,the insurance procads shall be
<br /> appiied to the sums stcura!by this Security lnssrument�whether or nat then due,with any excess paid 3o Barrower.tf
<br /> ' Boawver ab�ndons the Property.or daes not answer within 30 days a natice from I.ender that the insuranee carrier has
<br /> oRaed tn aeltk a claim,then Lendei may callect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair vr restore
<br /> � the Property or to pay aums securod by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30�day period will begin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Horrower atherwise agree in writing.any appli¢ation of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> � postpone 1he due tlate of the monthty paymrnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change 1be amuunt of the payments.lP
<br /> � � under psngraph 19 the Praperty is acquired by Lender.Barrower's right to any insurartce poficits and proaeds resuiting
<br /> � from dam#ae to tlu Propeny prior to tht acyuifition ah�l1 pass to Lender ta tha estent af the sums sesured by this Sccurity
<br /> Insttument immediately prior tothe acquisition.
<br /> b. Preseer�tion and Mdnteeance otPrbperty;Ltase6olds. Hnrrower shal!nat destroy,damage ar substantially
<br /> chanEe the Property.aliaw 16e Property tv deteriorate or commit waste:ff'this Security Instrument is an a leasehold,
<br /> � Borrower shafl cvmply with the provisicas of the lease,and if Borrower acquires fee titte to the Propeny,the leasehold and . _ __ __ _
<br /> fee titk attaU not merge unitss Lender agees to the merger in writing. �--__J-
<br /> 7, Prote�tiod ot Lender's Rigbts in t6e Peoyert,y; MaMg,�ge Insurance. If Bonower faits tv perform the
<br /> covenants and agraments contained in this Securily Instrument,or tAere is e legai proceeding that may significantly affcet -
<br /> Lender's rights in the Ptaperty(such as a Qraceeding in bankru�tcy, probate, for condemnation or to enForce tas�s or '
<br /> --- - r�i�qicros%i�iEft L�iit��Y QtB�t#t3Si��-���df iii�t8tEY2i IS it�Cc�3{6(iTtltECt iT'f�VdIUE t3€���t"rcfpc�ty and Lcndcr's�i�h�s . . . _
<br /> in the Praperty. Lender's actians may iaclude paying any sums secured by a lier�whirh has praoricy aver this Securiry ��
<br /> lnstrument,appearing in rourt.paying reasnnable attorneys'fecs and entering on the ProPerty to make repairs. Although
<br /> � i ender may take action under this paragraph 7,Lertder does n�t have co dn so. ,
<br /> Any emounts disbursed by Lender under this patagraph 7 shall hecome additional debt af Borrnwer secured by this d,
<br /> Securiry Instrumtnt.Ueless Bortowcr and Lendet agee to other terms of payment,these amounts shall benr interest from . r.
<br /> the date of disbiusement at Ihe Note tate and shal! tx paynble, with interest. upun natice Pr�m 4cnder ta Horrow�er �
<br /> � requesting paymrnt. _ ,�
<br /> . , �i
<br /> * �.._
<br />