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<br /> , : u i.,e�,�r�ea,�o�e���s 000a��oo�t��t�o��cu�a� ��s se�r��r�„�ioa��., � : ,
<br /> '`_�- -----' -- _ " s�alt�ay'��m►a�*t�red-ro iadn�tbe a�tu�oe m e1['aK nn�i!snc�time as the ra�uir�a�ent ror tTre __ �
<br /> _ --.
<br /> '� sn�nr�oenaarintts�a.c�rdidoc�nt saidl�s.�ri►renag�ee�[Y��ir�vr_ - - -:-- - --_—__--_ -
<br /> � . � �, ,I�eliw,-�I�s`ot�WWC yeat��-reinnab�eatria�npa��d "amp�ions of tLe�r�patr.I�rtdar - ., -
<br /> � , smllp�rt8orr�resaotioe�tliati�cdorprioEwan.iaspectyonspecifj�ie�re�oe�eaiusefatiiei�paetioo- -
<br /> ' � � - !. E�MiN. � 't')re prooeeds dany arud or�fordsma{�es.dir�xt oroonseqambal.in oonaeetion�ritb • . .
<br /> �t conda�eibw a�otlet nitia�af�aay Pat d tbc R�cp�aty.or fot oatv�a m Ii�e cf Qosdema�tioa.ue 6erd�► , �
<br /> a�ed a�sMiII be p�ia to Le�der.. • � , <
<br /> : . J�tUe e�+aet af.cctsl hlc�ort8e PropeRy.rLe praceed�sbau be.pptiq!sa c6e wms�ec�d hSr tln�sea�it�► : .
<br /> -- � - - ,�,-ar�s*.�x�s�e��ii��r sa��+�J ta�orro�rsr.ta tl�ereat d a pgtni taio�af tlie PraQd�tr.� .
<br /> ` ' ,t�ele�s Borra�er�ad Y.eaMr ot�wirF ap'x irc writiai.tba sicros�acured EY t�s Sec�uitY instrv�neet�hefl�be raduoed byr -- - . _
<br /> tlie ado��t af tMe pt+aoeads mdtjpiied b�r t�faila�rias fractiaa:t:}tLt taul amo�t of the sams a�umd i�ated�tdy �
<br /> ' . � bdore t�'a qki�.dividedlry'(b)tLe bir m�kct vah�t dtbe Propaty immadiately bet'ac tt�vlcin�.Any t�lrece slull 1�e '
<br /> fpiatoBorr�a�a• . .
<br /> , If t�e riopatg'i�ab�naoned byr earow�er.or i�afta notice b!►�.maer to eArro+ver cnst tbe conae�anor o�a�co
<br /> apik�e ao awrard a xttle s ci�ua fardams�s.8aro�rrr fWs�o respond to I.mder�ritbin 30 dsys�fter tbe dstr tbe naticx is
<br /> �ft�La�des i��os�to cdkct aad agphr tbeproeads,at its option:eit6er to restoration cx repair dt�e propertp otr .
<br />_ -,- ; - fai�stireiis�.wt�#dSi t]�Sacu�t'y In�ra�.wLct�cros:sQs tken d�. � , �
<br /> . °� U�ias L�rnder aed Batrowv otberw'se a=te�e in�►riw�any�applicapon e�rocads to principd�ari not extend a � . .
<br /> " ' po�tpone ti�e dae date dtbe ioaetLtg P�Y�v���m P�SMh:I and 2 or cUan�the amamt dsncb pa�oeati. '
<br /> i� �nwwyr 1V�t Relew� Foe�eusoe B! I�ier Net� Wai�er. Fxta�sian of th�time t�x p�y�nent a�
<br /> � , . . mod�attioe a8 a�oirtir�tioo o�tbe ateu�xurod 8y tltis Securitg iaurumeat Rsntsd bY t�nder to�e�suocessor tn , ' .
<br /> � �ntaat d HQrrn�et s1v11�ot opaate to rdwe t6t liability af tbe atisinal8orro�ver or Barm�va's successors in intaeu.
<br />. , � La�der shaU aot be requirrd to cae�mence pt+oceedinP ayumt ai►Y aucrsssor in interest or rdusc to exta� time for
<br /> � py�mant a ot6d�rise mddifY amartinti�n of the sunfs securcd by this Socurity lnsirummt by reuon of any drmand madc
<br /> 1 �� : by tbe otipna�Barawitto�8orro�ret's sucuaiots in intaeat.Aay�'�^iba�ranee by L�±Mkr in extrcisin6 any tiabt ot remedy
<br /> s�ll not be s Rsiverdot preclude t6e t�ercite af any ri�ht or m�dy. .
<br /> � ' ii. S�eowes�■i A/i/�e��i�i■t�M Sered 1f■i�tf:CasiP�*�- 77�e covenant�and sdroenrents oP
<br /> � t�is SecuritY Inttrument t1W16ied and beneft t!u suoce�cxs and t�isns of l,eoder and BorroMer�subject ta t[se provis�oas -
<br /> , of p��raplt 17.Barra�ra's rnven�ats and a�roemenb s1�a11 be jant ud severs� Any Barr�a+�ho co-sians this Security .
<br /> � Insiru�nent but daa nd exea�te the Note:(a)i�casi�ain�t6is S�xurity Inst�umrnt only to mortas,�e,�t�nd ca�vey .
<br /> tbat Barrowrer's�nnteteat in the PropertY undet t6e tmns of tAis Secunty instrumrnt:(b)is not pe�saully abiipta!to pay
<br />, : the sums sacured by this Soc�trity lnstrumertt;and(c)ap�ees that I,ender and any a�her Borrower m�y aga to extenA. :
<br /> moQify,fOtbeat or rtttke any accantnfodaEi�ts�►�itb aEasd to the ttrms of this Secuniy Instrumetft or the Note�vithout , .
<br /> t6at Borro�ret'sconse�ft. -
<br /> � 12. l.eM C'�■r�. 1!the la�n secund by this Secunty Instrumeet is aubject to a law which sets msximum lo�n ,
<br /> ' chat�es. and thst.lawr is linaliy interpceted so t1�t the interest or Mher laan chairats colfected ot to !+e colleceed in
<br /> • c,ataectia�n�rith the la�e esoaed the peimitted limits. then: (s):r►y such to�n char6e sha11 be roctuced 6y �he amaunt
<br /> neceutry to reduce the chsr6e,ta th+e peemitted limil;sn0 tb)an�surns already coltected fr�7m Barraver whicb eaccedrd —
<br /> , pa�nitted timin�vill be ret'undad to�otre+rer.l�er�der msy choa�se to make�hn�efunai by raduc�n�ehe principa!awed •
<br /> � uiidet tbe Note os by n�akin j�direet payn�a�t ta 8arr�ver.If a refund aduc�s pmrcepil,the reductian wi11 be tratad�s a ;
<br /> prrti�l perpayeKpl�vitbout aey p[ep�yment cl�arae under t he Not e�
<br /> . � �3, i�id�tiw Alhtli■�l�iee�s Ri�ls. It ensctmtnt or e�p�ration af apptz:.161e laws h�s �he dfect of
<br /> rerKle�in�any provision o�the Note or this Secunty Irtstrumrnt untnft►rceable aca►rding to�ts terms.Len�er.at ic�«pcwn.
<br /> �nay require imaiediau p�ymrnt in tuq of�l1 sums secufed by this Secunty Instrumerrt and msy mvoke any rcmedres
<br /> ea
<br /> pertt�itted by prraira�A t9,lt Ltader txacisa this option. 1,enGer aAal1 tske the steps specifirQ��n the sec�nd pira�rspb�f T
<br /> q�inPh 17. .
<br />" l�. NMkp. Any riotice to Hos+towet ptovided ipr in tRis Secunty Instrutr�ent sha?1 be�ven by dei�vmng it or by
<br /> tnailite;it by Atst class tt�ti!unkss sppli¢abk I�� requires use al'another methnd The notia shall be d�rected to Ihe �r ,
<br /> Prapetty Addtess or+n9 other addfess Borta�rer drs�anates by notice to l.rndcr Any not�ce to L,ender shall be yven by �
<br /> Ant cla�tnail to I.et�et'f add�ess ststod hertin or any other address Ltnder des�gnates by notccc to Borrc�wer.Any not�ce .
<br />�. ptwided fot in this Security Instrumerit shall be deemcd ta hsve be�en gwen to Botrawer or t.ender when�ivenis provrdcd
<br /> in this para�pb.
<br /> , 1�. C�ee�fy Isw;5t�entifHh�• This Secunly tnstrument shall be governeA by 1'ederaE law and tAe taw a(the
<br /> jurti�dietion in whicl�1.lie Propetty is(aeated. In the evrnt that any pmvtsion�,r cl�u�e of th�s Secunty Inctrument or the
<br /> Not,e conAicu with�pplieabk taw.siicb canitkt slull noC affect alher prov��u�n�af�h�s Security Instrument or tha Note------ � - -- - �--���- -- � �
<br /> Mhich can be 6iven esect writhout the ctmflictma pravision_ Tn th�s cnd the prc�v�vans af th�s Security Instrument and Ihe
<br /> Note�re dacluc+d to be�ewbk•
<br /> 1�, 8a�rewe!'�Cq�y. Borrower shall be�ven one canfarmed c��+y oi'thr Notc artd�i�h�s Sa:unty Instcument.
<br /> � 1'l. Tr�er of tre Pro�erty or�BeaeAeW t�temt i� BoROwrr. It all ot ony part ai�he Praperty ot any
<br /> interest in it n so{d o�Iransferce+d(or if�beneflcul interest�n Borrower is sotd or�r�nsferr��i�rzd Bc�trnwer�s not a nztunl
<br /> � petson)�vitlwut i.mder's pnoo wntten cnnserit.l.ender may.ot�es opt��,�i,teywre�nimccl�ate paymcnt�n futlaf�II sum�
<br /> , securCd by this 5ecunty Instrument. Howtver,�h�s c�pt«�sh�lt nut be e+�trcised t►y l�ender �tcxtrc�se r.ptoh►hii�d by
<br /> feder�l(aw u of'tls=cLte of this Sec urity lnstrument.
<br /> � ' 1P LenQt�eatrCises tbts option.l�ertdet slult�tve Bc►rtas�er nUttce o!gccelerat�un."the r�nuu�hall prc�vtde a penad ,
<br /> • - -�—=_�-
<br /> of a±c►t It�s thu►30 dsy�fram the date thr nottce 4a dtbverr+d ur m��ied w�th�n wh�ch Iinrr�v►er must psy all��m4se�:ured by .
<br /> this 5ecurity tnsttumrnt. 1f BotroweT fiils to pay these sum�pn�r ta thr t�piration�c�f�his pen+�d.I.enQer may inv�lce any
<br /> � retnedies pem►�tte0 by th�s Secunty lnstrutnent��thaut funher nc�s�ce rn dem�nd nn Horruwer. .
<br /> .. - �_ ��.��������� ��g�r�t� . .. :��.,��,�„srr ahall hare the n�ht tn have . , ; •
<br /> enlorctment of this SecuritX Instrumtnt drsronhnued.al any ume pnot tc�t!►e eartitr�uf te►S days tor sach ut�er penc�d rs _
<br /> �pplicable[aw may specify fot reinstetement?before sate c�P�he Prape�ty pursuant to any puwer uf saIe cunta�ned�n�h�� ���
<br /> ' � 5CCUtitY Ins�rument;pr(b}entry af e judgmrm ea�farcmg th�s 5erurety Instrument Thnse c�rnd�tcon4 arc�het.Ei�rrnwer.
<br />. L (�f pays Lender alt sutrts whcch then would be dde under th�s `_iccvnty lnsirumcni und the Nc�te hgd nc�acceterahan -
<br /> cx;CU�ted. (h)cures any dtftult af any other cavemnts c�r agteernes�ts, !c►�y�af!e�penses mc urreti in enfurc�ng eh�s _�
<br /> Setun�y inst�ument.mclud�ng,aut aoa lim�ted tr+,rcasor.able attnmeys' f�es.antt fd)takr+ �uch gcunn a�l.ertQer msy n,
<br /> assptubJy ttquite t�as.�ure that thc t�rn e�f ttus Secunt�r lnstrument, l.ender's r��ht��n t6c Pre�perty and Elorr�+�er's ��w
<br /> - qb�Taptl�7i to �� tlft 5i11l1g�tlttQ by EhtS SEfil�lly Ii�5tt11tlt�slt 6I181� t(!nl�tsue �.,ircF►�r�Er�f t:pnn rrin��atement by �
<br /> 8atrawer.ehis 5es:urtty fnst�ume�a�nd the vb��g�t��ns secure�d heieby s6ai1 rtma�n 4�utiy�i(cit►�c as if rtn acctlerasiurr had -
<br /> �xcuntd t�aRe�er,th«nght to retnstateshuit ntit appJy ir�ehe c�se�f ac�eftraii�sm m�der p�ra�ctaphE i��t 17
<br /> ' � .�J
<br />