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<br /> �. � � �. .. � � _ � � --= �044`72 � � . ` �� . .
<br /> . � : p����coRa�n��_,., i�i 47�9 �0 � , � . .
<br /> . � . ', UNfPWtM C'OVENAN'i'S. 8oerorer and i,ender cavenant aa�d aara u follows: � � .
<br /> L `A�t ot AfieiN4 a�i I�PrMl'�t�i Lte C'6ar�s, Borrower shall pso�aFt1Y PsY ar�dae -
<br /> `.�_- `- -, . tbt pitiarcip�l pf�rld interatQn t��htsvide.rWeif 6�Note.snd�ap pre�vtnent and tate chssaa�e�the N� --
<br /> . _ �. Fi■ir i�r3�,�u��aM i+�wes■ec. Subecc to appiicabk faw or co a writtm��iva by Len�er,Borr+oMa�hall pay
<br /> � � , W La�der al tbe dsy moetLly P�Ynxnts.ue due un�ier the Note,unU'!the Note is paid in fuU.a sum("Funds"3 Q4+u�1 tQ
<br /> � oa�t�d:{a}yarly taxa and assessments wlsich may sttain priority over this Security Instrurnent; (b) Yarty
<br /> ' . . ka!eitdd P�yn�mq ot pntwd rents ar tlie Property, if.anY,(c) Yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d� yearlY
<br /> . _ �at�ye mwt+oa Pneaaums.if�ny.These iteras ue calkd"acroMr icems."Lsnder inay atimaf�tLe Funds due on tbe . .
<br /> � . , b�tii¢ewrmtdsiamdreronahkestin�ttsoffutureescrrnvitans. �
<br /> - � , '1'he F�s sMll 6eAdd ia an institutix�thct�.-�t�ar�ccouats o€�t�'sctc ue insured csr gu�ruiteed t►y g f�:.t ar-- --= -- � -_--- , _
<br /> � aate�eiky(incl�dinS Emder if Iand�er,is sucb an institution}.Lender slull appty the Funds to pay the,acroN items. �
<br /> , � � Leader p�ryr not ebu,e fvi boidin�arid appiyina the Funds,anat�rus�g the aocount or vedfyina the escra�v items.unlest ` �
<br /> � � i;�uder p�y�Borranrer intaeu oa the Fw�ds and�pplicabk!aw peearits t,endu to matce,such a chuge.�8arru�ver:ed �
<br /> � La�der rnay a�cx in w►�itiea iLat atterat s6aA be p�id on the Fnnds. Unlas an aEreanmt is m:de ot apQlicable 1aw
<br /> . " . �iste�t to be paid,Leader slall not be requirod to pay Borrawer any interest or earniugs on the Funds.L�du �
<br /> , �11pv.etoBaraw�er.w►itLout�ur�e,ur anaust accuuntan�of the Funds showing creditsand debitsla the Fundsand tIu
<br /> ' pMrl�ne�os wLicb e�c&debit to the Funds wru made.Th��unds ae ptedged as additional security for the sums secured by : �
<br /> ' . t�is Securjty i�t. � • . . -
<br /> .' � _ If t1�t�tmount of tbe Fw�beld by Lendet.to�thes�vith tht future monthly payments of Funds piyabk prior tv � �
<br /> � � tLe�ue�atts attlle eseroM items.ah�ll excoed the�taount requirod to pay the escrow items when due.t�c excess shall be, � �
<br /> � st BcarmMa's option�at6er pranptty rcp�id to Bortowcr or credited to Borrower an monthly p�ymrnts of Funds.If the
<br /> . . �mouat o�thC Fundt Ife1d by�.eader is noe suf�cient W psy the acrov�items when due.Bocrower sball pay to I�ender any
<br /> : " ' amo�iat nace�►to mal�e up tlx�deftciency in one or more paymtnts as required by L.ender. . � �
<br /> � Upon qyment in full oPall sufnasecured by tbis Security Znstrummt,l,e�dcF sha!!pross�ptly refuad to Barrower
<br /> u�y Futdt hdd by 1�ender,tf under panarsph 19 the Propetty is sold or acquircd by Lender.Lender shall apply,no luer
<br /> tlun ima�edisteJy psior to the tde of the P[operty or iu acquisitfort by I.ender,any Funds held b� Lrnder at thr timt of �
<br /> �pQBatiioQ is i credit tpjnst the sums secured 6y this Security�nstru�ent.
<br /> ' �. A/llia�do�o�P��b. Unias applicable Iaw provides otherwise,all paymrnts received by Lerrder under �
<br /> � p�ra�rapla 1 at�d 2 shd{�e�ppliod:fitst,to lite c�vgd due under the Note;sccond,[o prepayment charges due undec tbe '
<br /> NotC thiM,to amouets paytDk undet prasra�.��;�;fourth,t�interest Aue;and last,to principat due. • -
<br /> • 4• �1,te�s Borrower shaft p�: s11 tssa.asses.amems.charges,fines��d impas�tions attributable to the . .
<br /> Ptopetty �rhiCh tnsy attain ptiority.atier tltis Security Instrument, and leasehold paymcnts or graund rents, i!sny.
<br /> Bort+aaer�lul1 p�y thei.;o6lisations in the m�nRet providecl in paragraph 2.or if nat paid in that manner.Borroxar sha0
<br /> � pty tbml ou time dite¢tly to the persan owed paymtnt. Iiorrawer shali promp�ly furnish to Le,�der all nutices of amounts . �
<br /> to be pid under this parajtaph. If Horrowet ntaices these payments d�recity. Borrawer chal�promptly furnish to Lender . •�
<br /> raodpqevidenci�thep�ymer►t�. -
<br /> . , ' Horeotver sh�lf ptomptty ditchat6e=ny lirn which b�ts priority aver this Secuncw Instrument untes.Horrower:(a) -
<br /> � �in�vritin=to tAe p�yment of the obligstion sccured by the ttrn�n a mmnet acceptabie�o Lender;(b)cnntats in goc�d � -
<br /> j fsith the lien by�a ddeAdsapinst enforcement of the lien m,lcgai pror,admgs which m ihe Lender's op�nion operate to
<br /> pravant tlte enforeemetft oStAe lien or forfeiture-�f any part of the Propeny: or�c)scc .rcs from th�hc��cie� af the Gen an � `
<br /> � a�een�mt s�tisffetory to Lender subordinating the lien tc,thi�Security Instrumtnt.If Lender determ�aes ihai any part�f '�
<br /> tbe Pro¢ertsr is wbjee!to a lien whict�may attaln pn�nty over this 4ecunty Instrument, l.endtr may give Batre�u er a �
<br /> notke idetttifyinj the lien.Botrower s'�all sapsfy the lien or take one or nsore�f the act�nns ut fo»h ahnvc w�thin Ip da}�c
<br /> oleheavin�otnaci�ce. •
<br /> S. �[�*a[�YM�ta�1le. Borrower shall ircep the impravements nav►txisnng ur hereafte�erec;ted on the Proper�y
<br /> inwne0�Aitat.la�s ey�rr.l�euds�netuQod withi�the term"ertended coti�rrage"and any other hazards fc►r whtch Lender
<br /> raryit+p i�quiutloe. This itlsur�flce sifall be maint4ine� i� tht amnunis end (or Ihe penods that Lender requ�res. The •
<br /> i�unt��arritr ptovidinj the insurince sh�ll be chc►sen Ay Ac,rrc�wer sub�ect to l.ender's approval which shalt not be . �
<br /> unrea�on:bty�vitAht{d. . ���
<br /> AU insutance policiea and renew�fs sha11 be arceptable to Lrncler and shall mclude a s�an�rd mortg�ge clause.
<br /> � Lender�hall have the rijlft to ho3d the p�ticies and renewals.lf l.ertder requ�rc�,Hotrower sh�l!promptly give tc�Lendsr
<br /> . a!1 reoeipts oPpab prtmiunt�and renawi!notices. In�he erent af tass.I3orrawer shall g��e prampt not�ce to Ihe�nsutance
<br /> Carrier attd Lender. l,ender m�y make proof of toss if rtot m�de pr�mptly by Hnrrower �
<br /> Unlesf�.endetusd$osrowe�o�herw�se�grre�n wntmg,�nsuranre.proceeQs shell be appl�ed to ratotat�on or repair
<br /> of!!Ie Propetty Ount,�d.af thc restoration or repait ik ecnnomscally feas�ble�rtd l.ender's secunty cs nat tessened. Il�he �
<br /> -� -- ...... ._ ..---.. . .........
<br /> reNoratbn or rep�ir�s not ecosinmicalty feis�ble or t,erede?'�secunty wc::i�be lessencd,the�insutan.ce proceeds shall be
<br /> ap�li�d to the sums sxuted by this Secunty Instrnment,whether c�r na�then due,v►ith any eacess p�td ta fbrcower. lf
<br /> 8orroacr ab�ndons tht Prop�erty,cr does nr�t answer w�th�n 30 dnys a nutice From[.er,du�hat the rosurance carner has
<br /> oRer�d to settk a tl�Im.thrn Lender msy colicct the msurance proceeds Lereder may u�thr proceeds ro rep.�u vr restore
<br /> . t�e Pr�opetty or to p�y tut�ts secured•by this Secnnty Instrumrnt,whet�Er ar not then due Thr 30��y pennd w�U bc�n
<br /> Mhen thie t�otice ispven.
<br /> Ut�lesf LRndetinA Horrower othrnvise agrct m wnting,�ny op�lrcntian i�f�rtx;eeels t�+pt�ncipal shall nnt txtend�t
<br /> � pottpo�fe thoQuedateof titemnnthly�ayrr�emc rtfpree�I tc�iu Nar�gra�hy 1 and 2 nr change the atnoun�nf the�aaymen��.1!
<br /> undeT p�ta�n�tt 19 the Property�s acywrcd b}Lendet,ikirrt�wet s ngFtt�u nny�ngu:ance�wi�cies and pracceds rrsulang
<br /> ttpnd�m�e to tht PropeRy pnor to theacyws�t�nn sh�ll pass ta Lender ec,ehe e�tent c�f�hr cum�err:urcd by th�s 5ccunty = -_---
<br /> • Iastrument immeQiattly privr to the acqnisit�oi� , �
<br /> ' � �. •Ptl�er►ttk��iNMai�teNawceo!PraOtr�;Lta�thotdr, borrc�wer rhall n��t dstroy,Aam�ge or substmti�lly
<br /> . ebaAje the property,dfv�v�he Property tf•deteienrate or commn aa�te Ii th�y Security Instrument is un a ttaxhold,
<br /> ._. ���k� �j!!�`�1:'G�.�i��'w{ii'.'fl'i^.�3fi3e`h�3�iC i6s9..�.3Tri3•f��if'iTfEiwri nfr3iiiFEi�fc itf i�tv ii�r�rvpetty.�Tit�C3*.�C�IO�ait� _ .
<br /> f�titk�hall not mer�e untess Lender agrets to thc rnerge��n wnt�ng ' . . , , '
<br /> .. ; , 1. ProtlHiol�ot [.r�er's iti�tt ie the f'ro�eqy; '1faHp�e lnsurance. If Horrawer fails to �xrtorm the � �;
<br /> . eovet�,�ntst�td agcements cuntaiotd�n thi�Secuf�ty Instrument,or there i5'a legal�rcrceeding that may sigm6cantly aBe�t �
<br /> � l,tnder's ri=hts ir�tht Praperty(such as a pr��c�eding �rt bankruptc�, p�ub�tc. fur randtmnatran or,io enftrtre laws ot
<br /> reauLtinns),thrn Gcnder nuy doz+nd�Say fc�r whbte�tr fs rte�e�st�ry e��protc�it t he y�iut vf thc Yr�perty and t,ender'�nRhts �
<br /> . in th�t Pro �`
<br /> peMy. Le�tder's act�ona may inctutit p.�ying any sun►s se�:utecl by :s lie�r whuh has�+rsor�t;. c�ver th�s 5tcur�ty
<br /> tnstrumen►,eppe�r�nE m caurg,pa}ing teasvneble attorne}�r fce�at�d entet�r�g Fln the Yrc��erty tn make re�a�rs Alth�ugh �f�
<br /> Ltt�er auy.tak.tect�on under lb��paragrapF�T.!-est�cr dc�rs r�r�t:ta�e tcF d�,5ci -- -�-
<br />- Any amoants dis5uracd by Len�cr under thic��ragra�+tr 7 cfialE betom�adJ�ticm��drb��+t ilntrnuet t�eured�+}thts �� -
<br />� � Secunty Instrum�nt Unt��H��uaurr�nd Lenda�agree tc�nabiee�trrn4 c�i rav�Fttit.tht�c urni�unts Shali btat in�ern!froztt
<br /> � . Ihr d�te�t dtktry�s±men! �t tt►e '�nte r�tc and 4ho11 t� payaefe. u�:�-f intrr�-st. u�:�r. ni�tt.e ft��rrt I.tnc�er tu f;urrt,wrr
<br /> • teque�tmg p�yrntnt
<br />. , , �
<br />