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<br /> � -= — -- ,-If=;.�r-�s+e��sms�aa=a aa�tditiass af�stg-th�! ssc�r�d-by 38is�ty Isutr�t�-
<br /> -�� -- - — - - -- - - -- -
<br /> .� • _ . . � Qau.wa.as�l�wltwset_tl.��.wc�.:e.��et.ww.'���:..�4�:..�..�___.��{��....wl..:...1.�.w�.e�_*t.a�.e...s�.wr.:}'�_ _
<br /> � - ���-=�ussf;.s_ • .�cz:s�s�-as:�::sa:u�u�:c.:u�-�uc:aRFassaus-�ic - --- -t�'' -- - -. .__ .
<br /> ; • � � inwraoce tetatinstes�ica�rda�x�►itb Bono�ver's aad I�ende�s�vritten s�t or applicabk law. � . ' . ._' .
<br /> - i._ �I�ettiN: i.eader or its aeeat may make reasosa6k entries eipon and inspect�at�s of the Property.Lead�er `
<br /> . ` � �a11�ive HorroMer notic�at the ti�of or�tior to an inspectiva_specifYinB reasonabge rause for thr insgect�n. . - � ` '
<br /> : � !. C�Ni�1ii�:. T6e p[ve�eeds of any��vud or cLim'for damiaes„direct or c�atttial.in connbctiae�rith - `
<br /> � aey oonctemnation or otha taicinj of any part of the PropenYi or fur conveyance in tieu_af cuademnation.ue hereby . �
<br /> . ; �itned and�11 be paid to Lender. � � ' ��� "
<br /> � -— -- . ._ - � -= -
<br /> ��� �i - .. I�t ttiee event oi a tcltal talcuis of tbePropertq,tbs proceeda shall be app�ed to'1he sunms sec�ured by this�ecurity-- -
<br /> � ' � I�trumtent;Ft�ether ar aot tben du��eith any eac�as paid to Sorruwer.Ir�the event ois parti�l ulcins ot'the property.
<br /> �. �� � tmks Horro�vet and�.atder other�ise�ree ist�rritiva,the aiinns securred by this Se�urity Insttuunent shsU be redtuxd by ' ` .
<br /> ' : : t6e amo�nt of the prx�eeds muhip}i�ed by the folIrnvina fnctiun:(a)tlx total imaunt of the aums secwe8 imnrcdWtely �
<br /> . '{ . before the WciAts.divided by(b)tbe`fiir rouket vatue of the Property immediattdy 6efore the takin�,My b�Lnce sbaU be
<br /> � , �.paidtoHorro,ver. � � , _
<br /> . i . If�the Ptoperty is abaadooed by Borrowe�,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower th�i the canderanor offers�o .
<br /> ` . malce a�s+�v�td or settk s.�l�im for d�rAi�ss.BorroMer fi�'shh to respoad to L.euder a�sin 30 dsys afta the date t6e aoqc�r is
<br /> • . pven.�derr��J suthdrized to coik�i snd apply the pracoods.at its option.either to rastonrian or repair of t6e Property or
<br /> � . ' . td tbe swns sxyucd by this Secwityc Instrument,whaher ar not thrn due. - �
<br /> � Untess I.en3trsnd HorroMer other�vise agree in wririn$,ar►y application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ` postpaire the dae dt�e s�f tAe monthly p�►yments referred to in par�lgaphs 1 aad 2 or change the amouat of such payr�nts. �
<br /> � . � : 10: aarrowrt Not Rek�ae�; Forbar��ce By Le�der rot s Wai�er. Estension of ths tim+e for p�ymeat cr
<br /> ,�- ' mo�i6catian of amortiiation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any succasor.ia
<br /> , �; intmest of Bamower shall not opaate to rele�se�the 1iab�7ity af the arigjnaj Borrowu or Aormwtr's successors iA intaest. � .
<br /> Let�der slull not be tequirud to commrnce proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to actend time far . �
<br /> p�ymeat or other�rise modify amortirstion of the sums secured by this Sa�rity lnstrumtat hy reason of ang demand made • � �.
<br /> by the ori=ital Horcower or Bonower's auccasors in intaat.Any forbear�nce by Le:sder in exucising any riakt or remedy � _ , �
<br /> s6�11 not be R waiver d'or preclude the exercix af any risht or remody. , ,
<br /> � 11. Skewonr a�i Aa�ips Bo�sd;Jai�t aad SeTeral tla�lltyt Co-sl�. The covenants and a�rtements c�f
<br /> • this 5ccusity instrumeat shsll bind and benefit the successors and assigns asf,i�.mder and Barrowtr.su6ject to the pravisians " ;
<br /> of p�ra=rsph 17.8orroNer's covenar►ts�nd s�raaients shsll be jaint snd seversl.A�y Borrawer who co-si6ns this S�ccurity ' . ; -.,..
<br /> Iristrument but das not eaocute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrumtnt only to mortgage,grant and convey ,_: .
<br /> � that Hona�ver's interese in the Property n�der the terms of this Socurity Instrument;(b)is not personally obliga�ted to pay ! '
<br /> � � the sums saured by thfs Seeurity Instrumrnt;and(c)agras that Lender and any othei Borrower may agree to eatend. —
<br /> madify,forbar or make u►y accommodations with regard co the terms of this Socurity Instrument or the Note without � � � �
<br /> ; that Bprro�rer's canseat.
<br /> , 12. 1.au CMar�es. lf'the loan secured hy this Suurity Instrument ic subject to a law which sets maximum toan �
<br /> charaes. uid that faw is finAUy interprtted so that the interest ar other loan chasges colfected or to be coQected in . � `=�
<br /> . connectiou with tbe lou� exceed the permitted kmits,then:(a)any such losn chuge shall be reduc�ed by the amount ''°
<br /> necessary to reduce the chuse to the pamicted Gmit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bonower which excoeded ^�.
<br /> - • � permitted limits will be rcfunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reduciog the principsl owed �{
<br /> ' under the Note or by msicing a direct paymcnt to Barrower.If a refund reduces principal,the rcductian wiU be treateA as a
<br /> • partial prep�yment without any prtpayment eharge under the N�ote.
<br /> � � � 13. I�tlor Iiliectty I.eeder•s Ri�b. If mactment or expiration of applicable laws has t'he eRect oP
<br /> ' rtnderina�ny provision of the Note ar this Sesurity Instrument unenforceable according ta its tertns,Lender.at its option.
<br /> ' msy roquire immed'ute paymtnt in Pull of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> � pennitted by psragraph l�.lf Lendec eaercises this optian.Lender sha:3 take the sfcps s�secified i�the second paregraph of
<br /> � V��Ph!1. �,
<br /> !4. Natjees. Any notice to Borrower provided far in this 5enurity lnstrurritnt shall be gwen by delie enng it ot by . ,�
<br /> msiling it by first class mail unless applicable lew requires use of anather methcrd. Thr not�ce shall be directed co the
<br /> Praperty Addras or�rty other addrtss B�rrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l,ender shall be given by . . '
<br /> flrst clus m�i!to Lender's address stated herein or any nther address l.ender des�gr�ates by noticc t�Borrower.Any notice �
<br /> pravidocl for in thi�Security lnstnimmt shal!be deemed to have been gwm to Borrower ar L.ender when gc+�e�as prov�ded
<br /> . in this par�gr�ph. �
<br /> � !S. G�eraia�Lsw;Seten611ity. Th�s Stcunty lnstrument sfiall br govemecl by fedrra!law aad the taw of the ��-- - --- - � �--
<br /> � jurisdietion in which the Property is Ivcated. tn the event that any prauisi�n or clauce pf th�s Secunty In�trumrnt or the
<br /> . Note con8icts with aqplicable law.such conflict shall not affect other�rows�ons pf th�s Secerny Instauri�ent ar the Note
<br /> which can be�ven ettcrt without the conflicting provision To th�s end the rrov�st�ns c�f th�s�ecur�ty tnstcumeat and the
<br /> . Note art dxlared to 6e sever�ble.
<br /> 36. Bo�rower's Copy. Butrawet shall be given one conformed c��py of the Note and c�f this Securuy Inehumem.
<br /> ]'f. Te�ftr ot the Pro�erty or a fieneficlal Interest !n I�orro�er. If alt c+r an� patE of Ihe Yruperty ur any
<br /> ' interest in it is sold ar uansferred(or if a benef�ri�l�nterest in Barrower�s suld nr trpn�ferred and f3arrc�wer is not u natural
<br /> person)without Lendet's prior wtitten cansent.Lender may.at�ts option.reqwre�mmediate payment�n ful�of all sums
<br /> . securec3 by this Security tnslrument. Nowever.tb�s optis�n shali nut be exercised by Lender d exercise is proh►b�ted by �
<br /> � federal law as of the date of this Security lnsttument. � � _ --
<br /> � 1�l.ender eaercises this aqtina. Lender sha11 g�ve Bc�rrower rtc�t�c�af acceTe�atx�n.the nntice shal{prov�de a penad '
<br /> of not less than 30days Ptom the date the notice is deGvered or m�ile4 wish�n wh�ch Horrpu•er must pay al{aums secured by
<br /> this SiecuFity Iqstrumrnt.1fi HOitowelr iails tb pay these sumS pliar to!he exptraflon nf'th�s penc�d,i,ender may�nvc�k�any � �
<br /> -� . remeuia�permittrcl i�y this Security iriSYruncer��willi�ut further noUce c,r dc�iand ur�ti�,�r��wer. � . _
<br /> 18.8o�iower's Right to Reinst�tte. If Hn.rrawer meets cert3m condit�nn�, H�rrowet shali 4,3ve the nght tn have • �
<br /> enforcement oF this Secunty Insltument d�scr�nt�nued as any Umc pn��r tu the earl�er of.td15 days(ov such uiher peru�d aw i�
<br /> � , applicabte law rnay specify for reinstatement)befofe snle vf the Yroperty pursu�nt tn sny ruwtr�f sale c�mcarned m th�� �
<br /> Secunty Instrument;or(b)entry nf a jud@ment enfarcmg th�c Seeurity Instrument Th�xe c�ndit�on�ate that N�rrower.
<br /> (g)pays l.,endtr al! sums whrch then would iu due uader th�s Secur�ty Intitrument aqd thc ti��te had na accele�ratu�n • �
<br />` o�curred: (b)cures any defaui� of any nther cuvenants or agreements. (ci rays all e�epense� mcurrec! �u rnforc�t�g th�s �
<br /> Security tnsfrumeat.me3uding,bvt not tim�ted tn�.reasunable attcsrrieYs'�"ee�,ancf(c!j taketi�ucls actt�.t�a: t�ntt�r may s[� .
<br /> ressonably requite to assuse shat tht iurt of thn 5e�ur�iy Instrument. l.�en��c's r�ghcc in eke i'r:�perty aE��t (1E�rrc��er`� -- `'�
<br /> obligation to pay ti�e sums secured by ehi+ Sec:urity lnstrumen6 shall conttnue onrhanged t'�.�r� rtinstb[ei��cnt h} �'�
<br /> BattowGr,lhis Secunly Instrument anci the obl�gat�t;trs secUred hecehy chafi rema�n fu11p e3eet�tie a<�f ru s a:eeleratia m had
<br /> o�rurred. However.th�s nght to remstatrshal}nat�pply in the race af acceleratiu�r uruier p:�ra�rspfi�i z��r !'
<br /> t - . �
<br />