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<br /> _-- --- - — -- --- -- --- - - -- �--- - --- - - -- - - ---- -
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<br /> . . ` .urnFQ,u►1 covpvwxrs. $Omo+ver ar►a L�ider cq�rensnt u�a.Era�s funuwsi. .
<br /> �. : � 1. Par.wt at A�he4.1..�t.1a+w�Pt+q.�.aK�Lte t�e.. � 9orroRrer shall promptax MY when aue
<br /> ,�• , , ._t�piuwapri-aF�ir�aere�tae tl�e dzbrea�#s�the At�[c intt�mY��Y�en[and tsfect�arges ctue under the�oTe.- , --- -' - __
<br /> ` - - ----
<br /> -� -- ` _ �l�is fiR`�if��fi��-Su�ect t�i �v or oa wn�en�ver by i.a�des,eorroxer-siu�i pay - _
<br /> ., � . ta La�det�tlre day nwnH�ly p�ynrents are due uc�er ttu Not��ntil the Note is p�id ic�tull,a sum("Funds'�equa�ta . . � .
<br /> �, ate-t�wdltb d{s}yt�iy tues arid assatments +�hich miy aEtain priority aver this�Securiry Jnstrument; tb)9��Y � � ' �
<br /> � • ' �d P�Ymeatt a'Erouad reats aa the Propetty. if saY+ (c) Ye�rly bazard insnrs�nce premiams: and(d) Y�Y - ,
<br /> , mo��t�i�bwtirke ps+en�ium�.if'aay..Tl�se items are cslled"acro�v items:'L:ender miy atimue thr Funds due on the
<br /> �� b�s af�nttent data and af futute escro+�itaas. �
<br /> , � . '�e Fwids st�116e bdd in au�stitutioa the 'u nr �
<br /> depos+ a�oyAts t�f wrlfiCh�Te ins4rtd ar�uaTUtteed l�v A fCdEi�t1�r -- -- . -
<br /> . ` qste a�a�cy(iaclwlia�Lender if Lender is such ari institution).I.ender st�all apply.the Funds to psy the escrox items. � �
<br /> , .IRnda may not chsrac far hoidin�aad applyini t�e Fn�dst ansiyzing tbe sccount or verifyina the acrew itea�s.uakss .
<br /> • � .' I.�+ider pays Horr+ower intenst oe�the Fueds and applicable law►permits Lender to raalce sucb a c6uga 8orro�ver and
<br /> � .�Lenddr eiay a�roe in writin�that iaundt shall be pa�d on the Funda Untas ui ageente�t is made or spplicsble 1aw :
<br /> requirea inter,a�W be pid;Leader shaU uot be reqpirai to pay Botro�rer u�y interat or amidgs ap tbe Funds.Lender � .
<br /> ' - �a11 p!K to Bore+u�ver.�ritHoat eUar�e.ati annw�l accouating af the Funds showing credits and debiu tQ the Funds and the • ,
<br /> '� purpc�e fa�vhich ach de6rjt to tl�e Funds�vu made.The Funds ue plodged u sdditioaal s�cusity for the snms secured by � �
<br /> � tl�Se�vrity Inairumrnt. -
<br /> � . � � It tlie�mouat af tbe Fuqds 6dd by I�er.waetber wntb the future moatbly paymmts of Funds psyabk prior to
<br /> , . , tbe due dstes dthe escm�v itans.sball e:ceQd the unount required to pay the acranv items whrn duq tha excas shali b� �
<br /> , • at Horrr�rePs option.eit�r pranprtly repaid to 8orro�vtr or credited to�arrower on monthly psyments oi Funds.If the
<br /> ,� , ` amount ef�he Funds 6eld bX Lender is not sul6cirnt to pay,the e�craw items when du�Bonower shaU psy to Lender a»y
<br /> � �mount naaastry to matce up tha de6ciency in one or more psyments as required 6y Lender. �
<br /> • � Upon p�ynx�t ie fi�ll af all sums secnred by this Sxurity Instrument,Lender shs11 promptly re.fund to 8orrawer
<br /> ' uiy Fui�s l�ttd by Lettdcr. Ilunder parsarspb i9 tbe Property is sold or aequired by Lender.Lender shall apply.no later •
<br />� , , � than immedistety prior to the aale of the propeRy or its ticquisition by Lender,any Funds hel�by l.enda at the time of
<br /> ; 'application a�a credit apirut the aums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ; 3. AN1iaWoa�f Pi�we�b. Unkss applicable b�v provides othenvise,all payments roceivea by Lender under
<br /> s ptrapaphs 1 and 2 shal�be applied:fust,to late chsrges due under the Notr,se�ond.to prep�ymmt c6atga due under the ,
<br /> Not�third,tounountspayabk underpusgnph 2;foureh.to iattrcst dnr.and last,topric�cipat dne.
<br /> , 1. C1wer I.ie� Barra�ver shal!pay all tues.atsessments.ch�rges.fines and impositions anributsbte to the �
<br /> � Property whieh msy atuin priority.�sver this �ccurity tnstn�men�, and teasehotd psymrncs or graund rents. if any. �
<br /> Borrorver shall pay these oblip�tions in the manner providod in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner.Borrawer sha11 � .
<br /> • pay them an time 4irectly to the persoit awed paymrnt.Barrower shall promptly furnub tq Lender ail aotices of amouau �
<br /> to be paid under thu�ph.If Barrawer malces sheae p�yments ditectly,Barrower shaf!promptty fumish to Lender
<br /> reeeipts evida�cina the pymer�ts�. -
<br /> Borro�rer ah�ll prornptly discharae any lien ahich 1us priority ovu this Seeudtg Insuummt uniess Bonower:(a) ,
<br />, saea in�vtitins w the pyment of the obligstion secured by the tia�in a maaner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contests�n sood �
<br /> . fiith ttte lien by.at defends asainst enforcement oi the I�en in,le�l procoedinas Mhicb in the t.ender's opinian opentr to , �;.�
<br /> prevent the entorceineat oF the lien or forfeitare af tany psn of the Praperty;or(c)secures ftom the hofder of the lien an .
<br /> a�reement stiisiactory to Lender subor+dinaring the lien to this Sxurity Instrument. li Lender dotermines thAt any part of � ;•
<br /> 1he Property is subjact to a lien which msy attain priority over this Se�urity instrumrnt,Len�er may give Batrower a
<br /> notice ideatifyrina the lien.Borrower shall astisfy the lien or take one or mare of'the actions set forth above within l�days
<br /> . oftbesivin;ofnoc;ce. .
<br /> • S. Ha=�i I�atn�ce. Borrawer ahsll kap the improvttnents no�v txisting or hereafter cacted on she Property
<br /> , insured�aaieut toaf by�re,har�rds included aithin the term"extended coverase"and any other huards�'Qr which Lendes
<br /> requira insuraace.Thu iawrana shafl be mainuinod in the amaunts and for the periods thit Lender requires. The � �
<br /> � insuranee carrier providin�the insuraare ah�ll be chosen by Bonower subjoct to Lender's approval which shall not be
<br /> unrwauMy MithheJd. �
<br /> All insunnce policies and renewals shall be�cceptabte to l.ender and shall include a standar0 mortgage ctause. ��
<br /> I.ender shall have the siaht to boW the poticies and renewals. lf l.ender requues.Barrower ahal!prampcty gwe to Lender
<br />. al!�eceipts of p�id titremiunu snd renewsl notices,ln the event o1'toss,8onower shall give prompt notice to the insuronce
<br /> c�rritr anQ Lender.Lender msy make prooPof loss if not made prom�tly by Borrower.
<br /> " Unless Lendtr and Honower otherwise agree in writ►ng.insurance proceeds shaU be applied ta rextaratian or repair
<br /> fli'the Praperty dama�ed,i�the reytoratlon or repair is economicatty feuibte and Lender's security�s not lessened. If the
<br /> r+atoraiion or repsir is not econamicalty fasible or Lender's security wauta be lessened;the insurance"piaceeds shall bo "��"�"�""� " ��" "-- "- " � �
<br /> applied to the sums secured by ihis Security Instrumrnt.whether or not then due. w�ch any eacess paid�o Borrawer. If �
<br /> Horro�ver sbanduns the Property.or Qoes not answer within 30 d3ys a noiice iram Lender that the rnsurance carner h�s
<br /> olFesed to settle a claim.thrn Lender may collect the insutanct proceeQs.Lender may use t he pracee�s ra repair or restore
<br /> the Property or to p�y sums secared-by this Security lnstrument.whe�her or not thrn due.The 3�day period will begia
<br /> when the notire is pvcn. . �
<br />, � Un�as Lender and Borrower othrrwise agree in writing.any applica�ion of procec�s�o principal sf�all not extertd ot .
<br /> postponetheduedateofthemonthtypaymentsreferredtoinp�ragraphs t and2orchanaetheamo::ntoithepayntents. If �
<br /> under psragraph 19 the Propeny is arquired by i,ertder.Bortowet's right to any�nsurance pnitctes a::d pr��ceeds r�ulting .
<br /> . from damtae to the Property pt�ar to the aequisition shaU pass ta Lrnder tn thc e�trnt of thesums sccurcd hy this Secunty
<br /> ,., �.,�__.
<br /> [nstcument immediately prior to thc acquisition.
<br /> 6 Preur�ation asd MainttiaeceoiPropetfb�;[.eate�old�. Borrowet shaq nct destroy,damage or substantialty
<br /> , ch�nge the Property, allow th�Property to deteriorate ot commit waste. lt ch�s 5ecuricy Instrument is cin a teasehold.
<br />_. . 73�str�ru�a!!eatstplY�itls.l1se ps�:-'e^,is�s�s!'th:l�sc.ss�d i;'$onrn�rr s�ui:r;!'rr tists su�ht Prc:ycrsy.�he kasehi>id ars� .
<br /> fa title ah�U not merge urdess Lender agrees to the merger in writmg. .
<br /> 7. Protectlos o/Leedet's RigAts in the Pro�etty: Mortgage lnsunece. If Borrowet fa�ls to perform the ' r �
<br /> covensntg and�gramtnta r,ontained in this Secunty lnstcument,or Ihete ts a legal pr�xeed�ng that may sigmhc�ntly aRect �
<br /> ' 'Lender's rigltts in the Prapefly(such as a ptaceediog in bankruptcy,prabate, fot randemnat�on or tc•enfurce taws or �
<br /> �. , eegulotions).tfisn Lender may do and pay for whatever is nccessary tn�rntect the value af the i'roper�y and Lrnder's r�ghts ��
<br /> " in the Pro}ye»y. l.,endtr's acttons may include paying any sums secured 6y a tien whuh 6us�+r�oniy t�yrr th�s 5ecurity '� �.,
<br /> � 1nsKUmtnt.a�►ptsring m caurt.paying r�asonable attomeys'tees and entenng�h thr Properly tey me&r re�±a�rs.AD�hough ��
<br /> Lendtt may lake action under this paragrap6l,Lender daes sat ha�e totfc�su
<br /> Any arnuunts dis6ursed by Lender under ehis paragraph 7 sha116ecome addilrunai deht c�i Dorrower secureci by�h�s ' �`
<br /> Security lnstntment.Unitss Horrawer�nd Lender agree taalhe�termsaf�+ayment,thect a�tnrun��shall bear interest trvm ' �
<br /> tMs datt of d�sbursemenr at the Note rate and shal) t+t pa}able. w�th interest, upcm not�ce frc�m i.tnder t�T kf,rrowcr
<br /> requestirtg payment.
<br /> � ' , �.
<br /> , - , �
<br />