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GUARDIANSHIP <br />201707095 <br />inclusive, of Article 15 of Chapter 49 of the Nebraska Revised <br />Statutes which Sections are hereby incorporated herein and made a <br />part hereof by this reference to have the same force and effect <br />as if they had each been reproduced herein in full, (ii) full <br />authority to attach to this power of attorney copies of any one <br />or more of Sections 49 -1545 through 49 -1557 of the Nebraska <br />statutes as may be appropriate from time to time with the same <br />legal force and effect as if they had been attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein at the time this document was executed by me, <br />(iii) generally and universally the authority and power to act as <br />and to be my alter ego as to anything and everything not fully <br />within the scope of those enumerated general powers, and (iv) to <br />the fullest extent practicable the power and authority, without <br />reservation or restriction, to do or omit to do any act for or on <br />my behalf which a competent person could do or omit to do on his <br />or her own behalf. <br />However, my Agent shall have only the limited authority to <br />make gifts of my property to himself and my issue, which gifts <br />are necessary to provide for the health, education, maintenance <br />and support of each of them at the standard of living at which <br />they lived during the past year whether those gifts are of equal <br />value or not. I intend this to be a limited fiduciary standard <br />which is fully binding upon my Agent. <br />I believe that this power of attorney confers adequate power <br />and authority for my Agent to manage my finances. No <br />guardianship or conservatorship should be necessary. However, if <br />any guardianship or conservatorship proceedings are commenced to <br />have such a personal representative appointed for me, then I name <br />and nominate my Agent to be appointed in that capacity, to serve <br />alone and without posting any surety or any bond that might <br />otherwise be required. However, if my spouse is not appointed as <br />my Guardian or Conservator then I direct that my son, Kevin <br />Kenyon, and my daughter, Debra Petermann, shall be appointed as <br />Co- Guardians and Conservators with their Letters of Appointment <br />giving Kevin the power and authority of my Business and Property <br />and Debra the power and authority for my Health Care and my <br />personal care. <br />DURATION OF POWERS <br />This is a Present Durable Power of Attorney for Business and <br />Property which becomes fully operative at the time of its <br />execution and delivery to my Agent and remains operative until <br />revoked. <br />2 <br />