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DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />FOR <br />BUSINESS AND PROPERTY <br />APPOINTMENT OF AGENT <br />201707095 <br />COPY <br />I, Carol L. Kenyon, a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />hereby execute this Present Durable Power of Attorney for <br />Business and Property which shall go into effect immediately and <br />shall remain in full force and effect until my hereinafter named <br />Agent shall have received actual knowledge of my death or of my <br />Agent's having received a written notice signed by me revoking <br />this power of attorney by specific reference hereto. This power <br />of attorney shall not be affected by my subsequent disability or <br />incapacity. <br />I do hereby appoint my husband, Harlon L. Kenyon, as my <br />Agent to act in my name for me and on my behalf as my attorney - <br />in -fact with full power as hereinafter granted to my Agent. <br />My Agent's present address and telephone number are: 5150 <br />West Wood River Road, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803; phone 308- <br />382 -3547. <br />BUSINESS AND PROPERTY POWERS <br />I hereby confer upon and grant to my Agent plenary power, <br />without limitation. Plenary power means the general and <br />universal aggregation of authorities and powers set forth in <br />Sections 49 -1501 to 49 -1557 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. <br />Without limiting the plenary power granted hereinabove, I <br />declare that my Agent's authority to act in my name and on my <br />behalf shall include (i) the power and authority to buy, sell, <br />exchange, lease, option and otherwise deal in and with respect to <br />Areal estate, (ii) the power and authority to buy, sell, exchange, <br />option, vote, invest and otherwise deal in and with respect to <br />corporate stock, corporate and government bonds, mutual funds and <br />all forms of publicly traded securities and (iii) the power and <br />authority to do all of my banking transactions, including, <br />without limitation, the authority to sign and endorse checks, <br />open accounts, make deposits, make withdrawals and close accounts <br />and otherwise manage all of my money. <br />Without limiting the foregoing, I declare that my Agent <br />shall have authority to exercise in my name and on my behalf (i) <br />all general powers set forth in Sections 49 -1545 through 49 -1557, <br />1 <br />