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<br /> - . ��t.�A«�..��.�. � ° - � � 90� i046'�5 . . _ .
<br /> • i - Ui D�tNit.I.ender maY�exapc as tineited by rejuLtiaas issued hy thc Secteary In tDe�sa oi
<br /> • im�edt�ta p�rmeat ia fufl ot�II au�seCUred by thia St�surity Insiiument if•. .. . MYment defsuits,require .
<br /> �
<br /> � 'f ' f�3��R�'auip by f�to paY ia fiLl anp moadilY F�Y�t ra[ by lhis Security InsErument prior to n .
<br /> uued or o .
<br /> r--! -- , the d�lt date"o�f¢he nesc mootl�ly'WYmei►t.or `` • _ _ – , .
<br /> `, i 1 � . ._. ' _:,.t�ilCw�ww.i..f��.—a. k..�._i-�itt.... !..:.�eFntte.!s1_��.!_.i.ri�--._='-f_-�__ - t.��-t!�.r-�_ sr- �--- - (` - -
<br /> �_�,__�� � ---°--'--
<br /> —.r.�__�._-- : � �___ :. . .���.'�..�.�.�...-...�•......���vs i�nn�w vs ums��r�a�i��,uViva iu,7 VNfGi WIIjiLIVI15 Wii{�W 113 TIDS�IIIy . .__ . -_. .__ —_.- _�_.._---_ .
<br /> , j ' j��. ` . ' � . , . ` .
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<br /> - r . �S pl�Ca.14�Of��C�mi lOC11[E��I l�if$ON[Jl�l�1�: , . ' .
<br /> ` ! �c��ar rM�t af Oae r,op�y i�otLa�►ise t�aiea cae�er�o u�r a�vi�e.dr daoeat)bj►me sa�owQ,am . • �
<br /> � �
<br /> � ��fu�'(be Piopetry is mtp o��avpicd byL d,�ie ptnr�aa oc p�ee as�ar 6er P�Y a�qY,�.�,��^�e p�a or .
<br /> .' . t . . . ��.��ir�i{i��YW�{�����������l�ir[��lA� r�. _ . .
<br /> i � te)�R►ai�If ciram�stano�oacQr that Mooid pemut La�dar to rcquire immsdiate paymeat in fuIt.but Lender does not
<br /> ; n4 �WY��l.Lender does not wtiive its nahts wIth rGSpect to substquant events. .
<br /> � (/)��HiJb SeereMrf.In maay cinvmstaacea mudations issued by the Secretary wpl limit Lender's rights.in .
<br /> the ca�e of paymeat defa�ts,to rcqnire tmmediate paymeat tn fnll�nd foreclose if not paid.This Strutity i�strument das � �
<br /> `.� . , aot�hortu�oeeieradon ar foceclasure if not�mittrd bY reEuLdons of the 5ecretary. �
<br /> -�. � _ .
<br /> '• 1�. Rd�1�t. Botrmra has s risdt to be retnatstod if Lender 6zs ceqsur�Immadiate paymeni,in full�te ot � '.
<br /> � • � Boaow�'s f�ure co pty ao amouat dae under the Note or this Seturity Iruuument.This rijht appiies evm aftet foralosure
<br /> + � prooeed[np�re institated.To reiastate the SecurltY�saument,BonoNa sh�ll teader in a Iwnp sum a�t amounts ra�uired to .
<br /> . � � btins Boccoper's accauat cutre�st�clndina.ca the extrnt they are q6Ugaaons of Horrawer unda thfs Security Instrument,
<br /> � forectos�ue costa and r e a s o n a ble a n d c u s t omary a t tomey's fas an d expen3es pra p e r ly associat e d v�dt h t he for o c iosure
<br /> _ ' � pcaoeedinj.Updn reusstatement by 8orroMer�this Sxurity Iastrument and tl�eobliaations that it sscures shaU rem�ia in effat as , . .
<br /> , if LenQer dad aot reqn'veA iiiunediate paymrnt ia fuU.However�Letider is not requirod to permit reinstatement if(�Lender has
<br /> :c seoepted rdns.tatement�tfter the commtneertient of foreclosure procad.� within two years Immediatdy pra�ediag the
<br /> commencement o!a curitnt foretlasure Droceeding,(i�7 retnsutement wii�pceclude Poreclosun on different grouads in thc '
<br /> . future,or(i�reinstatement wiU adversety affect the prioaty of the firn creatal by thts Secur�ty Instrument.
<br /> , , . , . �
<br /> i _ Il.�ner NM ikkarN;Forle��oe ET LeNer Not�VYd�er.Extc�sion of'the time of paynatnt or modification of
<br /> . anwrtization of tbe sums secured by this Security[astrument granted by Len3ra to any successor in intaest ot 8orrower shz11 not
<br /> ' opente to rekase the Gability of the original Borrower or Bonower's su�essor in iaterest. Lender shall not be required to " '
<br /> ; commenoe proceedinp agair�st any succasor in interest vr refuse to e�tead time for paymeat or otherwise modify amonization � " '
<br /> � of the sums setured by this Security Instrument by reason ot any demand made 6y c�.e ori�nal Borrawer or Boaawer's �,.
<br /> succasors in interest.Any fotbesrqnce by.Ltadtr in�eaeecising any rlght or«medy shatl not be a waiver of or prectude the
<br /> . � exercise of any right or remedy.� •• '" ,
<br /> l2.S�eearon�M Aa�i�r�N;Joiwt ud Se�eral LltbNity;Co-Slpen.The covenants and agreements af this Secvrity � .�-'-`
<br /> ' Jnstcumrnt ahall bind snd beaefit the sucees.wrs and usigns of I,enAer and Bonower.subject to the prov�sions of pua�aph 9.b. � -
<br /> ; Bocrawer's covenants and s�tameata shall be jolnt and several.Auy Borrawer who co•signs this Security/nstrument bvt does ` '-
<br /> not eatcute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security lnstrument on:y to mortgage,grant and convey that Borrower's inttsest in • '
<br /> the PropMy under the ternu oi thls Sccudty Insuument;(b)is nc�t personaidy oblig�ted to�ay the sums secured by this Security -
<br /> tnsmzment; and (c) agras that Lcnda and eny other E3c�nower r�ay a�ee to eatend. madiry, forbpr or make any �
<br /> : �ccommodations with regard to the tertn ot this Security in�t:..ment ur the Note withaut that Borrower's consent. –
<br /> �,�
<br /> � 13.NNiea.Any notice ta Bonawer provided for in this Secudty Instrament�hall be pven by dclivcring it or by maiting it by —
<br /> , lirat etass m�il uniess applicable law requ9res use of another meiFnd.The notice shall be directed to the Property Addres or any
<br /> ; other addresa Borrower desi�n�tes by notice to Lender.Any natice tn l.endtr sha116e given by first class mail to 1,enQer's address
<br /> � stat�herein ar u►y address LenQer designates by notice to Born�acr.Aoy notice provided for in this Secudry Instrument shall
<br /> be deemed to have betn siven to Borrower ot l.endrr when g;.en�s provi�ed in this puagraph.
<br /> ; . 14.Gwe�Y�Law;Se�era6fitty.Th19 Security Instrument shali be govemed by Fcderal taw and the law of the jurisdiction in �
<br /> , which tAe Propeny is Iocated.in the evrnt that any provi9im�or claase af this Secnrity Instrument or the Note conflicts with ap-
<br /> � DUeabk 4sw,such eonflict shali not offeet other provisions af thts Sccurity#nstrument or the Note whicb can be given eftecc
<br /> � severable�e conflicsicss provlslon. To this end the provisions of this Secu:�ry Inssrummt and the lote are dectared to be • .:
<br /> � �.
<br /> ` L;.Sorra�ra'�Co�y.Borrowcr sh�ll be given oae conf�.�ned copy of this Security Instrument.
<br /> i . .
<br /> ib.A��1 of Ne�ts.Botrower uncondltiunally assigns and transfen;n l.�nQer all the rents and revenues of�he Property.
<br /> ? Horcower autharizes Lender or Lendtr's agents to collect the rems and revenues and hereby directs each teaant of Iht Property
<br /> ; to pay tho reats to Lendet ot Lendet'a stgrnts.However.prior to I.ender's notice tu Borrower of Horrower's_breach of any cnve_._. .
<br /> _. .... . . . .
<br /> i � n�nt or aareement the Security Instrument,Hoirower shal)cbllec!end rereiv�all ttnt�and revenuea nt ihc Property as trustee
<br /> Par the benetlt of l.ender and Bonower.This ussignmrnt of rcnb constitutes an absolatc assignmrnt and oa9 an assignment for '
<br /> � addltiunal security only. .
<br /> . If l.ender gives notice of brtych to gonower:(a)all rents rtceivcd by Iiorrower shal!bc heid by i3nrrc,wer as ttustee for beneGt �
<br /> , • o!t.ender Aniy.to be applled.ta the sums secured by the Security Ins�rumen�:(b)LcnQcr shail be entiiled tn collrc�and receive all �
<br /> � o!the rents uf the Proprrty;am!_(c)acb tenant ot the Property shall pay a11 tents due and uapaid W Lender or L.ender's a�gcnc
<br /> on LCuder's written demand to the tenattt. _ ,
<br /> Botrower has nnt acecuttd any p�ior asslgnatent ot tht rents and has nat an0 will�tat perfutm�u�y art that woutd prevcnt
<br /> Lender fcom ezercising its rights urtder�his paragr�nh 16. •
<br /> Lender aha11 nat be requirtd tu enter upun.take cnntrol oi or maint�in the Ptoperty beforc ur after giving notice of breach tn
<br /> BorrOwer.However.Lender or a judiciatiy appc�inted receiver may da sv al any�ime there is a breach.Any aqtilication of rents _ _ _ _
<br /> sh3!!nat enre os waivt any Qttautt ot invalidatr any athrs�ig�t ur rer;tedy oP,i.cncfer. T his susignment of renu of the Prm.arrty �
<br /> . ehW terminate when tAe debt secured by.the Security lnstrument is paid in f�ll. � �
<br /> . • �
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