, _ _
<br /> ; , <". _, - - c .
<br /> : ,h r �. .. _ . .. _ _ ... _ . _ . _ _ .. __: _. ,. _ _ _.
<br /> :�:, . �,. �
<br /> L k, , a . , ,` . ' ' ' —�"' _ ;'_—. '_ '__ — ___ _ -- _ _�_ .__ _. . .. ` � . _ ;_._—. '. ._ , [ —__,�—�- _ ,
<br /> .. ., . ..r .. .. -. `- _. -. . ` .. , �. � . - '. ' .' _. _ �
<br /> . , r, • . .. . . . _� .. _ . . � , .
<br /> `_ .. . . . . , . . - . .. . _. . . ... _ . '._-.
<br /> . . � � �, ' - . i � ', ' ' . . �
<br /> . ��.�. . �� . _ . � . �9a--: �.�4s.�r5 . . . . _ .
<br /> • � , 1.l��we�t,�f�tiret�t.l�Innt�M LNe Ci�a�atrower sha1�piy when due the ptiacipa!oi,asid Iataest on�ihe debt � � - �
<br /> � , . ` evidenc�d by tI�Note and I�te caarses due unda the Note.
<br /> ; . _ , . _
<br /> ` <.. �•M�[!1'�l��w NTi�t,t�wLce�M Alfer�Wr�ei.BorroRtr sh�tt incfude ia eash monthlY PsYenent.tojetherwith .
<br /> .. . tbe yri�ipd�ad iaRaat ae at forth tn tLe Npte aad iny d�tt cRu�ea�ut insiaftmau of anY h)t�uca�nd speclat�s�um�ts
<br /> � �<
<br /> lt�rtsQ�W be kvkd�qdmt tbt f'taaertq tbf_tes.el�td��ements_n�r�:�_�.�p�" � zi,..:.��;,.=. ..,- „_ -.- - -
<br /> ' ` �����. . . . .
<br /> � } ` F.sch moetbl7►bWal4oe�t tadtemt{R).�b)anQ fe}siul�e9ua1 ot�e-twtltih of the aanu�l�mounta�as rasoaablY atirciated by' ' �
<br /> .• � �, , �� I�a�de�.Oirc�u amoust wtl'i�ia�t to a�t�fa�o tadidonal bsiaeco Qf not more thau one-aixth o!the attmated aiaaunts.Thr ' �
<br /> �'� � � !hi alM�M�i vio�at io[e�Ch k��MII be aocu�ed 6�r Leeckx�vlthiif s period endi�ts one mohth t�fore an ium�routd �
<br /> j . ba,�odc de�qae�t•Lernde�r�11 hoW,th�e amouAts�olkccedia tcnst t�o R�y ue�(a).(b?�nQ(c}befote tiseY bexueu ddinquent.. ,
<br /> , 4 ,. If at aa7 ti�e tbe tot�i vf tLe paYiaqe4ts heid b�r Lenda for itdas ta).(b),�ad tc):tojether�vich the future raunt�el9 Qajrmeass ` ,
<br /> fa atdn itee�s pyrbie.to Leoder_A�to:tLe dtte data of such itans.exte�s�s t�r asore thaa ases-sixt�the e�-t�aated amourrt of
<br /> ; �� �', p��rments roquir[d to pay wch iteau w6ea dvr.and if p�yments oa the Note ue aurent,[I1d)LtOdlT SI1W lltllOf IC�d ifit ,
<br /> exa�ov�tr one-�xth ot tf�a atjaated psyments ar aradit the txcas ov�oae-si�ah of the atirnstcd psyments to sn6sequmt
<br /> { p�ts byr Boim�ner,'u the opHon of Borro�rer,If the total of the ptTmen�a mado by Sono�er fas iteru(a).(b).or(s)is ` � '
<br /> � inwt�eat to pa�r tbe hem wheie due.then Borrwver ah�pay to Lertder aay amouat�aECSSaty to maQe up the de&ckncy oa ar �
<br /> � hefote 4he date the item beoomes due. .
<br /> � # As usad�n tbis Securlt�►.tastrumet�t. •`Secretuy"�s the Secretuy of Ho�n�arid Urb�n D�e�reiopment or his or her � . ` .
<br /> ; ; f daipiee.Most Sacurity Jnsttulnmts I�sspred by the SoWetary are insured under pra�rams which require advaAC�e paymeat af thc
<br /> . - --!. _, eutita mocti�de in�urance pceminm.If tt�u SecurIty Instrumeat is ar was fasuted under a ptoaraai Which did not tequire advance :.
<br /> ._--- - =pnymxtoithteasise�art�ziaaurmscr�i���tA�e�chmon�IYPsY�tshaUvlsoittcludeeither:(�u�instalUaentofthe .
<br /> .�j� ' ���i�R�snoe Oremium to be paid by Lender to the Secratuy.or('n)st monthiy chuje instesd of a mort�e
<br /> ' ! . inwraeetDcemivat it thi�Secun'ty instrumeat L�lxid by the Secretuy.Each nionthty instatlment of the mort�e insurince
<br />, • � • prcmJum a1W16e ia�u unount sufFick�nt to accumulate tde fuil�nua!mortga=e insutance p.romium wit6 Lcsder one month
<br /> - prior to tbe dste the fuU annual ffiortjsge insurance premis�m is dur to the Sec�ttary.or it ttis�ity Instrurnent is held 6y ttie
<br /> . .;, . .���Y,ach monthly ehu�e shn11 be ia so amount cqual to orx-twdith of ane•half�ercena of the outstanding principa!
<br /> � ' b�lanct due oa the Nate. ,
<br /> . ' � It Borro�ret.teadas to i,ender the full payment oP all aums secvred by this Securit}tnstnrment,Borrower's aceonnt sha11 be
<br /> . • i crodited vrIth the b�fance remaining !os all instaUments for items (a), (b)and(c}and anp mortg�ga insurance premlum �
<br /> • � instaIIment thu Lmder has not become obJipted to pay tv the Sarccary,and Lendee shaU ptamptly refund any excess furtQs to
<br /> ' � � Borro�rer• ImnKdiatdy prior tb a forectosure s�le of tAe!'roperty or ite acquisition by l,ender. $orrower's account sha11 be
<br /> cxedited�ith an9 b�tance remainina for aIl instWmena fas items(a).(b)and(c). •
<br /> j �.A�e�tlea oI h�s�est�.AIt paymeets under pa.rzgrzyhs I and 2 shali be apDtied bY l.cn�er tts foIlow-s:
<br /> + �,�,to tlse mart�e insuru��prcmium ta be paid by LsrtQer[o the Secretar;an to the monthly charge by the Secretasy
<br /> � . j , in�te�d of the montMy ntart�e insnrance premium. unless Barrawer paid thc errtise mortgaas insurance premium when this '
<br /> I Secudty Iastrument wu signed: ; �' .
<br /> SECONp,to any taxes.spe�ial assessments,teasehold payment�or ground rents,and fire.Qood and other huazd insurance , ;�.�
<br /> . I �faNllmf�1S fCQuitCCl; .
<br /> j �j]$Q.to interst due under the Note: `
<br /> � �'O1�RZ'H,to amortlration oi thc priacip�i ai thr Nocr. .
<br /> $�.to tate cbarjes due under the Note.
<br /> l1•E't�e.1�7Mi s�OIMes N�ifara�ee.[iorrower shali insure ati improvemencs on the Propeety.whether naw in eaistcnce �
<br /> i or subsequrntty rrected.Apinst any 6uuds.c�sualtieg,and contingrncies,inctuding�le,far which f,ender requires insurance.
<br /> i 'i9�i�:�urance shW be maiatained in the�rrtounts and for the periode that Lender requirei. Bortowtr sha:C alsp insure ali _
<br /> . im�roveramts on the Property.whether naw in existence or subsrquent0y erecteA.aga:�s�toss by flaode to tho e�ent required by
<br />. ' the Sectqtary.All intur�ece sh�ll be curicd with companics appraved by Lender.'i'he insurnnce policies anA any renewals shall '
<br /> j be held by Lender nnd aflall Inc[ude toss pay�ble clauses in favor�f. and in a form acceptabte�o. l.ender. �
<br /> � Ia the evtnt of[os�.Bprrowtr stull�ive Lender immcdi�te notict by rntil.t_ender may make proo*ot los4 if�ot madr pr4mpt-
<br /> , ; i ly by,Borro�vrr.Each inxurance companx concerned is hereby authorixtd and dlrected to m�Qe payrnent for such lass dire�etty tv
<br /> i I.ender,insttad of to BotraMer uM ta t,enatr jo3mly.Ail or any pan of the insurance proceedi may be appt�ec!�y l.ender,at ifs
<br /> I opt#on� eittiet(�)to the reduction of Ihe indebtedness undet the Note and this Security Instrument, �sst to any delinqueat
<br />, , atnounts applied in the atdtr in Para�ph 3, and then tu prepayment of principal,or(b)to the restoralion or rrpait of the •
<br /> d�[�D�oD�*�Y��Y aDD�iatlon of the proceeds ta the princip,tl shzll not eatend or posiponc the due d�ite of the mont�:y �
<br /> Wlymtnts whkh are referted to in Puastaph 2,or change the amou��t o!iuch p�yments.Any c�cess insutance procceds aver a:r �
<br /> amount requiteA to pay tll ontstanding inQ�btedna�under the Nou and�his Security Instrumcnt+hall de paid to!Ae entity legal-
<br /> � ly entitlad thereto. .
<br /> i in the evene of fotecloaure of Ihis Security Instrument ur othcr tcansfer of title[o the Property Ihat eetinguishcs thc in-
<br /> , ; dt�tadnesa.�J)ri�ht,tftle and lntetest of Borrower in rtnd t�insur�nce p�►Iccits in (nrce sh�ll pass to Iht purohzset.
<br /> . � S. reeservulsr� MYrk�au��of Ire tro/ertf. /,erelefb, Bnrruwcr_shal!_not commrt waste c,r de�troy. damxge or_._.. _. _ ..
<br /> i snbst�ntially cfiatue the I'raprrty oi alfow the Proper�y�o Oeicri�roie, re�snn�ble we�r and tcar ezcepted. I.coder may ina�cat
<br /> the praperty i!Ihe property is vacaut�r abandoneQ or the toan is in defuult. Lender may tnke reasnnabtc action tc�proiect and
<br /> � praerve auch vacant or�bandoned pro�►crty.!t tf►i�Securny last�umcnt isoro a Itasehold,liorrower shatll compty witA the pro�i•
<br /> sion�ot the kase.IP Ebrrower ac�uire�!ee li11e tn�he Prapeny, the tease.hald anU fcr ti�te shall rvfle he mergee unlrss t.rnder
<br /> ; a�tce�to the met�er in writin�. , .
<br /> �.(.'Mna fo Mttower�N trefeetio�0/I,tNtr's RyAts iN IAe Pro�erty. tiorrower sh711�rry�Yt YuYcrruurntal vr munic�pul
<br /> ' cMrres,tlnes�nd imppsitians that arr.not includtd!n L�aiopraph 2.H:�sro�er�bali p�y�hecc aUligatu�ns ua iime Que.�ly to�he
<br /> , etttity which is uwetl tht payment. It ftitutr tv pay wuutd atf�ersety affcct Lcnder's n�[r�e+t m the F'roi+enY.upnn[.cnder`t rc �
<br /> quest Bortuwtr shsll prampt�y fumieh to I.enAer rece�pt�ev���ncing tt:tse paymrnts. . �
<br /> 1t Barrovrer lails eo milce lhtst psy�rnents or the paymrnts rrqairtqi by 1'aragoDh 2.ot fu�t9 t�pe�fnrm any uther�cyvenant5 a»J �
<br /> a�tetments cnntpined in this 5ccurity Insirument.ur�hete is a lcga!prExcedir�that rnay sign�ficantfy atfat Lrndcr's rirchhts in � - -�
<br /> - tht Propr.ty(sucls rs�yru.,:;�n�:n�,:i:kruqt��.Wr rcmd�mn�ian ar tocnturce tnv►s crr reguiatiun+j.ti�cr�Lcr�der may da and '
<br /> pay whatevet is nectssary to protect�hr v�11ue ut`Ihe{'rc+pert y ond f.en�e�'�r�ghls ir�the 1'roperty,�nclud�ng psymtni af tatta,,
<br /> � harud insurrnee and olher items mentionrd in PA►�r�6 2. . . . . '
<br /> Any amnunls disbutscd 6y tenefer t�nQe►!hi4 P=r;.;t�ph;::all�:orpe up adJ'rtrur�a{�Icbt oi 13onc�wer And he crcure�by thic �
<br /> Stcurity Instrumcnt.These�maunts sh�lt Qctr�ntrrest fram�he dare c�!d�sM►rs�mtnt,at thc Nutc rate,and at�he aptiun`c�[ �
<br /> Ltnder,ahalt be immedi�tety due a��d payabte. .
<br /> � � 7.CoNttv11q11.'ihe prnce�ds biany uwarQ ur cl�im tor dama,ge:.+Suect ut cvnseyuentiaJ,�n wnnection with Qny cdn�tenr
<br /> nation�r ather taging of any p�tt uf thr{'ropMty,vr f�Jr rnnveyance iri nl�re�.�i cvrsdcmnahon,are h:reby fiticig�ie�t and sh�ill6c
<br /> atid tu!ertdu tv the extent at the lull amo�n��f t�e inL.btcdness�hat remasns unpa�Q undtr the Nute and thls Secu►;iy In�uEi- `t
<br /> meet.LtnQer s1�a11 aDDJy such prcrceeds tu the reduc�iun of ihe indeMc:ir►es�under�he[vuce a��J tf:�s Se�urify Instrume.��,fi►4�iu �
<br /> • any delinuutttt at»uunts at+�lic+�in Qhe�rdcr psc�.idrd in t�ar�graph 3,��7d thei�tu ptepLymrnt.af prm;ipaf_ hny eppIteali���z uf f[�!�
<br />: „ the ptvrtcds tv tFie p►in�ipat eh31t fitii e�i.end ui puSlpunc ihe�fuc�ic uf the mc�n�htq�ayriren.e, whi;h are referreJ t�•i;, - .��
<br /> ParogtapYt 2.or rhange the aniQUnt t�t!�uch�ayments..4ny exce�+�prv�rtJt��srr ai�arnnant reyuued t�.�a�all�+Litstrind�ng,�e. _ _
<br /> de6te�ne�s urulet tAe Note asid Ih,ia Se�u��tx Instrua�en� shall he�said sc.tl�c cn�itq Feg:�lty cn��tteJ rl;crri��
<br /> e,E'etl. I.ende► ma�y c�rfte�t fccti anc3 chargea uuNu,rired h� �hc�cc►rtary. '
<br /> .. 'I4`�1,i l,�f �. . __���`_ _ ._�. _"_____� _ �
<br /> r
<br />