, ' — . . . ' ` ` ' ., . ' . . . � - ' . F.
<br /> � - ` < �
<br /> ' " . . . � � � ,� . ' . . . . � .
<br /> y--- . ` , ,.... , � , � .� ' _ ._ "' . _.. ::� �,
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<br /> . . . �
<br /> U Lertdu ttq4tired 1ilQLtt_B88C±ns»r�nr�atal�c�diti[ttt_bf-mslcinQ.�hr_inat��i�rt-� . !•J`-t��iFSC�
<br /> � _ - - � -- —�--- . - . s•-�:::e��sui _ � �t,-=--:�- — �-
<br /> _��` .
<br /> - -
<br /> # ' �Orro�ver S�Pay t�Prtt�niums nquired�te maiutain ihe insntance in effect until'suc6 time as the requirement for thc '
<br /> . . insuranct ttrminates in accordance with Borrower's an�Lender's writta�agteement orapylicable taa. � � ��
<br /> � � d. inspectioe. Lxnder ar its agtnt may make reasonabte entries upon and inspections of tht Property. l eader �
<br /> . shall give.Borrower notics at the time of or prior to att inspectidri spccifying rrasonable caerse for the inspectiorr. . "
<br /> • ; 9: Gpndannatioe. "�he proreeds of any a�vard ar ciaim for d�magts,direct or cansequential,in connectinn witb '
<br /> any condem�eation or othet Wking�af�ny part of tt�t Property.or for convtyance in tieu of condemnation.are htreby �
<br /> - -. ; - assi�nedand�halE t+��id te Lt�ides. � - � :_ _ _
<br /> � � ln rhe event of a tota!takang of ttte Property,the proceeds sha!t be applied to the sums Secured by this Security
<br /> _ f Instrumrnt.ahether or not tben due,with any excess paid to Horrower.in t6e event of a partial takin�of the Pr�perty, �
<br /> • nnless Bormwer and lirtder otherwix agree in writirig,the snms socnrec!by Ihis Security Instrument shall be reducod by "
<br /> - : ; ,- ti�a amoutsi r�f the procecds multiplied by the foltowing Craction:(a}the tutal amount of the s�ms secured immediatety
<br /> ' bt�nre the Wking.¢ivided by(b)Ehe fair market valut oi'the Propeny immediately before the taking.Any balance shall be � '
<br /> �id to Boaorvu. . , � ' � •
<br /> ` � Ifi�e Praperty is abandoned by Borrowcr,or if,aFta notice hf�xnder tQ Borrawer that ahecandemnor�ffen.t4_
<br /> � � - tstske a:t sz�r�ar scttte a ctai�fc,�dunnages,Borrower Faiis ces r�pond to Lendcr within 30 days after the date the notice is �� �
<br /> Siven,Lendcr_is authoriztd to coilect arfdapply the proceeds,at its optior�,either to restoration or apair oPthcProperty or
<br /> '' � � ,to the sums secured by i�is 5ccurity Instrumeat,whether or not then due. . �
<br /> Unlas Lender and$arrower otherwise agrce irt writing,any appii�tion of psoceeds ta principal shal!not eatend or
<br /> postpone 4he due date of the monthly payments referreA ta.in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe amount of such payments. '.
<br /> � . 10 Barrower No!heleated; Forbearance 8y �.endet Not o Wsiver. Eatension of the timr for paymeru ot
<br /> i madification of amonization of Ihe sums secured by this Security Instrumen► granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> ' ` interest af Borrower shall nat operale to release the tia6ility of the otiginai Borrower or E�orrower's saccessnrs in interest.
<br /> i Lender shall not 6e required t�comm�nce procei�dings agai�st any successor in interest ar refuse to eatend�tiate for '
<br /> Qayment or.othcrwisc modiPy amottization of the sums secuted by this Security 1n�trumcnt by rea�n oPany demand made
<br /> by the original Botrower or Barrower's successors in interest �r►y farbearance by lxnder in eaercisirtg uny right or rcmMy
<br /> shall not 6e a waiver of ar preciude ihc eacrcise of any right ar remcdy. ' - �
<br /> �� ll. Sutcessora atld AsstRnt Iiound;dolet and Scvcra!l;iabitity;Co-si�nners. The cotrnants aad agrceme�ts nf �:•.
<br /> ` this Seeurity[nstrument sRal!bind and benefit Ihe svccess�rs and nssigns c�f Lender nnd 13cnrower.su6jeet to the pravisions
<br /> ` � of paragraph 1?.&rrrawer's covenants And agreements shall he joint and�veral.Any I�raiu�er wha co•signs this Security � �
<br /> ! lnstrumenl but does no!ea=cute the Nc�te:(a)is co-signing this Sccurity Instrument onty tm m�rtgagc.grant and cunvey
<br /> that Barmwet's interest iq the PropeRy under the terms of this Secarity Inctrument;(h)is not personally�bligated to pay �- --
<br /> • the sums secured by this 5ecurity lnctrument;and(c)ugrees Ih�t I..ender anci any othc�Barrouer may agree to extend, � '
<br /> • madify:forbear or make any accamrrlodatians with regard t�►the terms of�hic Sc:;urity Instrumcnt ar the Nott withaut -
<br /> that Borrower's conaent. -
<br /> ' f2. I.oan Chsrgd. if Ihe loan secured hy this Securrty ln��rumerit i�tiubjcct��►a►aw which cets manimum toan
<br /> i eharges. And Ihat taw is flnaffy interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges c��ileeted or t� be�collected in
<br /> . cannc�tion with the loan excce4 thc pecmitted limits, ehen: (�)any such luan ct�arge shaQ 1se reduced by �he amount � "�
<br /> neces.cary tn reduce the charge to the permitted{imit;and(h)�ny sums al�eady coltected frnm flurrower which exceeQed
<br /> , .pemtitted limits will be refunded to Rorrawet Lrnder may chix�se to rreake this refund hy rcducing the p�ineipal awed
<br /> � undet the Note ar by malcing a direet payment ta Rorrawrr.lf a re(und reducec princip�l,�he reductinn will he treated as a �
<br /> partial prepayment without ttny pre�ayment charge under[he Nate.
<br />� . 13. l,egishNon AReeting I.ender's RiRh�s. If enactmeM ar expiratinn nf appl�cnble (aws has the eiFect of '
<br /> tendcring any prnvisian of the Nate or Ihis 5ccurity f��strumcnt unentarce.3hle�crarding t�>>��tcrmc.I.cndcr,at itc n�t�on,
<br /> � may require immediate payment in tull c►P nll�ums sccured by thic Serurity Ins�rumcnt and m�s inriikc any rcmcd�ev • . .
<br /> permitteit by paragra�h 19,li l.ender exercise4 thic nptinn,l.ender shall take the ste���pcc�ficd m�he secrn�d paragraph of ' � �
<br /> parngrapFi 17. � . -
<br /> , 14, NoUees. Any itotice to Hurrnwer prr�vidcd f�r m Ihis Serur�ty In�/rument shall hc E�wen hy dclivcnng it nr hy �
<br /> , mailing it by fir�t clasv ma�) unfecs applicablc law reyu�re+LSe of:�nuther metl��H1. 1 hr nuUce tihall he duected ti��hr �
<br /> � � 1'roper6y Address or any ather address Ii��rr�ywer dcct�n�tcs My n��t�cr M l.endcr. An}n�►t►ce t��I rndcr�hal)hc��ven by '
<br /> � first d�ss m�i)t�i.ertder's nddress stnted here�n nr�ny mhe�addrec+I.endrr Jer.ignateti by tutiuce t��ilnrrnwer Any nr,tice
<br /> � proside�for in this Security tnstrument shall be deerrscd ta l;a�c bcen g�ven tu I1��rru�ver or Lrndcr when g►ven aa�rnv�dcd
<br /> . in this par4graph.
<br /> t5, �otcrntag I.aw:i�ever�bllity. "fhiti Sccurdy yn�frumcnt tihall hc F�+scrncil tiy leder,�l la«ar�d thc;.�w�►f thc - --- -- � � �
<br /> � jurisdirtinn in which Ihe Pruperty iv IocatCd (n t�:e event �h:�t aay pt��r�s:nn�►t cla►��c i�f thr.Sce�rs�} In�trument nr�he
<br /> V��te cnnllicts witb npplicaMe law.such e�inAtct shal!nc�t alTect e�ther{�rt�t:�u�u�uf thiti Sccunty In�trumcnt ar�hc iVnte
<br /> �vhich can Ge gi�•rn rlfccl withuut the ce�nflicting provision 1'n th�s cnd Ihe pru���u»►�e�f th►:Sncunty In4trutncM�ntd thc
<br /> Note are de�:?ared to be scverable.
<br /> 16. N[►rroNer's Copy. licstr�rwer shall be gi��en n��c cEmG�r�nrd ce��y��Ltl�c Nn�c;�nd nf Iht�ticcunly In�t►umenl. .
<br /> I7. ?nnslcr ot thc f'�ope�tY or a lieneticial Intcrest in Ilnrrnwcr. If:�II ��r ,r�c p:�rt��i thc �•«���ny nr ;�ny
<br /> interesl in it it�nld��r 1ran�fcrred(nr if t�hrt�efic�al interctit iu 8��rrnwer is sufd at tru��tifrrrc�t c�aut ti��sr�racr��t}E�t a rfatfirnl
<br /> persan)without l.endci s prtnr wr�tten cnacent,l.ender u���y,at�ts i�p��un, rei�wrc unmcd�a�e r,�yrnent m fuU��t.�ll~umc
<br /> � secured by thie 5ecu�ity tn�trument. However. �his�puun yli�ll nnt tx enerc��e�f by I.cnder�i'cxerci�c i�prahih�ted hy ,.,__�:_�
<br /> fc�ietal law a�e�f thcd�te of dtis Securily Instrumcnt. .
<br /> � (f Le�ider caerciscc this apti«n.l,en�ie� shall gitic Ne�rt��ucr n�,1�EC��i accrteratwn "i hr nut�cc�Irdl rr��vrctc;�rcnnd �
<br /> ��f not letisthan 3UJavs trotn Pltc d�te the rmtire ic delivcrce!��r n»�Icd aitlun wt��ch I���rrc�ucr tmi.l p:�y all�um�tirc�ircil hy `
<br /> �his Sccunty Instrumcnt• lf U�rruwer f:n1s tu pay these sum�pn��r t�►thc eX(�fitfllE,qi 4�I(I#t}�C(t/)t}.L[ll�Iff ftt.ttr Itt4u{cC ar,v :.. �
<br /> - - - - � � remeSies permii[ed by tF�is Securiiy incttument��•rffmut furthcr nut�cc��r:ten�a��d�m linrn�wer
<br /> ----- -�
<br /> 18,�orrowrr'�Right to Ktinstat�. lf Hotre►wrr meets ce►t:�iri u�r�d��n,n�, Hrutmcer Sh,IIJ�1J�C lAt't1�;IU (�� he�e �
<br /> cnfi�rcement oith�s ticcurity lntitrument d�sc�rotmued at.iny U�ne pru�r tn thccarlirr��f (;�15 dny+l��r�u�h,�ther ��err��d:�`
<br /> , e ap�lcrablc lativ niay•�ecify for rcinstatement)befe,re!.ale+�f thr{�rE�rrsty E.ur4u.�r�t t��c��ry p�r�ticr r�f�:itc.�»>t.��ued ir�rh�c
<br /> ` Serurity instrument.���(h>enirY ot��ud�n,en�cnforau��tuti 5«ur��y�tn.�r�,tneut 7 h��.c�nuditi�rm arr th:�t !l��rr�,�rcr
<br /> • (a)pays Lender all sumc tivhich �hen Hnuld he d�le under �hic Seeur�ty In�uumct�t anet the N��tr had i���1i;ECIC1i1Il��ti � S�
<br /> • aceurred;(h cures any default �f any t�tllCf CtrvC(t�l)!4(�l �t�;YCChrct�ts, tc)�:+y5 a1f c.s���rr�F. tricurrcd �ri cntf�rcm� thit �
<br /> 5eeur�ey tu5tru�nent, mciuding,but�iut frrn�trd fo,te.z�onaMc attvrncy: fc�c°:, a:i�t ttfi Eake��Fi�ii uefiF�n ;,�t es�drr t�,,,y � t ' ��
<br /> � rcac�;�[�fy [cqutte tii 5ssiue titi5t the lcen uf fhie Secutity-Inc�run3c�}f. !_tit�r��!. flh��tt ke �he 1'i��E�►ff ane) (ft+re:=urr'ti � �
<br /> �bligatron tcr �ay the suttis secuteA by fh�s Secunty Instrument �.h;Nt continvc «mh�sr►�;i•�t. !'���,n rc�n�t.�tc�nicnt i�}
<br /> Horrower:thi�Se�urity In<ttuntenl aud tttc u��ltgaticmc secureet herehy ct�,�ll re����j��futly.�•flerutir a�r�n���i�rfetaUur�ii,�J
<br /> incu�rei�.Flbµever.th�s nghi fo reinstate shall nut npply in thee:asc uf aE�elerat�urr e�ude�p.,r:,graj�he S 3��r 17
<br /> , �
<br />