. _ _ C ` . . ' ` " ' . . c " . : i . ` . � . . . . i. " . • . . - _ —_ — . . ..
<br /> ` �_ � . . . ' i . • . •
<br /> � ' � ' �� . . � t '� . :� � , . ` . ' . .
<br /> i . \ . . < . , . . . . .
<br /> . ` ` a ` , ' . ` • . .
<br /> Ir ` �........ ` ` . � t . ` � , ` . . . `. . •- . �: .. . - �•.` . � "_ " _ � ' _ �' '.'� _ ' � , �
<br /> ..� _ � � . ; , . : : . � , . � 9Q�.- .�a�ss� � . - .
<br /> . �UiVIFqRM COVENANTS. ,BomoMer aad t.ender covet►ant and agree as.foltows: ' �
<br /> ` . .�. . • ' L�P�yn�e�t ot Prineipst a�d Intaes�d'rep�ymtnt�n�l.�te G`tiarges. Bonower shafl promptl�r pay whea_due � - �
<br /> , t�te pritlap�)ofand interes�on the debt evidenced by th=Noteand sny prep�ymeat and latecfierges due uncicr the Neta � ' � •
<br /> ' 1. Fuads for Tixta btd Iaanrat�ce. Subjert to appficabte lau�ar to awvricten waiver by Lcnder,Borrowe,r shall pxy `
<br /> ' . � � to Lender oe the day monthiy payments�re due uisd¢r the Note,until ehe Note is paid in full.a sum(•'�unds")equa!to ` `
<br /> ' � r 1�•�P. "" • _" ' ' .__ �_ .
<br /> �_ _.�_��nt-twelRh ef (al_V�eaciktaxc�anci_a���-�.�,�_�J�i�-�it�t�s+�,=£„�sc�urity-ii�#ro�sr;t�13�� ': --- - -_
<br /> _ __ _
<br /> t ; � feasehold-payments ar graund rents on the Ptope�ty.if any; (c}yearty hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly � � �
<br /> � � tetortyAae ititsuneee prcmiums.if auy.Tttese itcros are calted"escrow items."Lender inay cstimate the Fi�nds due on tlte
<br /> ; . , `. basis of'current dat�and reasorr�ble estima�es of futun escrowitems. ` �
<br /> ' The Furtds s�11 be heW i»sn iristitution the drpo�its or accaunts of wbicb are insa�red or guaranteM by a fedual or,
<br /> btatt sEencsr{it�cluding Lenckr if Lend�s is such an instimtiort). Lutder shali apply thc Funds to�pay the escrow�items. � �
<br /> Lender may not charat for holdins pnd applying the Funds.ar�atyzing ihs account or verit'ying the escraw items,unkss - �
<br /> --- '- �ec�YS Sareuwe�Interest an-thr r�tnds and apptieabk l�w permits Cender to irsake such a charge_ $orrower artd - .
<br /> , Lender may�gree in writing that intetest shall be paid on the Funds llntess an agrecmeret is made er appticabte lav►
<br /> � , •F requires iate�esl to be paid,Leader shall not 6e rrquired tv pay Borr�swet any inter�.st vr earnings nn�hc Funds.Lender '
<br /> , , , . , shai)give to Hoaawer,witbout chargr,an annua)acceuntingof thc Funds show�s�g credits and debits ta the Funds and the �
<br /> -� ' . pvrpose far Mhieh each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are ptedged as additional security for the sums secured by �
<br /> ., _� . this Secaritq insttument. . ,. .
<br /> _ lf the amaunt of the�FWtd�held by t,aender,togethrr witn the fufirre mantF�ty payment�af Funds payable priar tn ' �
<br /> . iHe'due dates aitlhe escrow itatts�sl�all.exctecf the.amaunt.requ't�i ta pay the escrow items w6en due.ehe e„tce��4lealt!x, — --- ._
<br /> � '; , �it BiKrurver's option,ather}�rpmptly apaid ta Borrov�;er or credited to Horrower o:�rrronthly payments�f Funds. U the •
<br /> � amo�u�i of the Funds heid by I.tnder is erot sutfici�nt M pay thc cscrow items when due.Borroae�shall pay tc+I.ender any �
<br /> • �` amouet necessary to make up�hedfficitncyin ane�r more paymentsas required by I,tnQer. �
<br /> Upt�tt paycatent in fuq of all sums secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt.l.ender shaU�:-omptty refurid t�I3arrower ' ' `
<br /> � • any Furtds held 6�te�der.!f under�s,zragraph l9 the Prt�Perly is snld�r aequertd by L,erideY.Lerrder sh�tl appty;no tater � �
<br /> r , than immediateiy prior to the sate of the Property ar its acquisition by Lrnder,any Funds h�td by Lendcr at!he time of
<br /> ap�tication as a creciit against the sum�secured by this Security Inssrument.
<br /> � 3 Application ot P�yments. Untess applicabie law provides bi�crwise,all pa�ments received t+y Lender undcr
<br /> pnragraphs 1 and 2 shafl be applied:first.to fate charges due under the Note;secorsd,to prep3yment rhatgcs due under the •
<br /> . Notr,third,ta ansx�unts payabte unde�paragr;�ph 2;foun6,to interest due:and last,to pri�ripal due. '
<br /> � , 4. C6arges;I,fens. Borrower shal}pay a11 taaes,acsecsments,charges,fines and impcxitions attributable t�the �
<br /> P�apeny which may attain.priori�y.avcr �his Security In�trumcnt, and le�schatd payc�tcnt� or ground rentc. if:u�y. „
<br /> .' , . Basruwetshal!pay lhese tshligalions in thc manner provided m�aragraph 2,�n if nat paid in t�hat manner.F�ru�wet Shatt -
<br /> p�y fhem on time directly ta the person awed payment.Horrower,shaJ!prnmptly futntsh to txsrder aU notic��c�f amouats �'
<br /> , : to he paid under this paragraph. li Harr�►wer makes these paymer.tc�irec�ty. Eiormwer shal!�+romplty furnish to LenQcr �
<br /> receipts evidencing the payments. �
<br /> Rnrroaer shal{promptty dischargc any licn whirh h:+s pri�ri�y nvcr�hi,�,.curity lnrtrument untccc Rorrnwcr:(a)
<br /> , agrecs in writing to ihe payment of the i�bf�gati�n securcd by�he lien in a manner acceptablc�o Lender,(b)c�ntect�in g�x�cf
<br /> faith the lien by.ar defends Against enPorccmcnt of the iien en,legal prnrccd�ngs which in!he I.ender's�spini�m aperate to �.
<br /> prevcnt the enforcement af the tien c►r forfeiturc of any part af'the Proprr�y;��r(c)scrures from rhe holder c,P thc lien an
<br /> � : _ agreement s�ti�Pa�ctory tfl I..ender subardinnting Ihe lien to Ihis Secarity lnstrutnent.If Ixndcr determines that aoy patt of � -
<br /> � the Property is subjec!to�tien which may attain pri�rity uver this Security InStrument. l.ender may g�ve Ii�rroa�er� �
<br /> natice itYcnlifying the lien.Bnrrower shall sati�fy the lien or take nnc ar more af the actions cct P<�rth abnve within 10 da�s
<br /> � o1'the giving�Pnotice. •� �
<br /> S. H�zard Ies�nnce. B�trawer y�:all kce�+Ihc im�roveme1:ts n�w ex�cting an c�r�licr erccted on Ihc{'roperty
<br /> insured agTinst lcxs by fira harards�nctudea within the term"extendcd raverage"and any othrr harardc for which l.ender
<br /> . requir�s insuranee. This insurance shall be maiatained in 1he arrtau�ts and fo:►3�e Pcriads tha� l.ender reqaires. 'I'he
<br /> . • inxutance carrier prnviding the in�uranre shal!be chosen hy H��rrower SubJect::z l.c�der's;ipproval which shafl n�t Fk
<br /> _ ' unrcasonably withheld. . ,
<br /> • All insutartce polieies and renewals�:h�l)t+e arceplabie t�+ l.endrr;�nd �hall mclude a titcindard murtgage ci;eu.re.
<br /> � `, l.ender shnll havr�".te right to hnld Ihe�+oticics and renewalc. If I.euitcr�rymres. l3nrrc,wrr sb:,ll prr►m�Uy gwc tn Lcnder • '
<br /> : aU reeoipts�P paid preminms and renewat�otices. In�he evcnt„f tns�,l���r���wer shall gice pru�npt untsce tr,the imutanre '
<br /> carrieratnd L,endcr.Lendcr may make prc�of uf foss�f nat made prampNy hy Fl�,rroKCr. •�L
<br /> � . Unte�s I,eader and i3c►rrnwer otherwise agree�n wrning,ins�u.ro�ce prucecd��h;�ll be apb iscd tc�rertut�nur�ur re�:iir ��
<br />, . oithe Property da:»a�e�f,if'Ihe rc�ctntatinn or rep:��r i�ecun�►mica)ly fc��tiible:ind I.en�tcr'�rccurity �s ni+l lttiuned. if t;e �
<br /> � rest��rati�n or rc�*wir ts not ec�ir�nmi�ally [casi�lc c�t l.ender'c�,ecur�ty w��u1d hc le�renc�d, the in�uratirc l�nr�:ccyl�tihall bc
<br /> , appfied to the sdms secured by this Security In�ttumem.whrthea ur nai then due,«•uh�ny exce�s p�id t�� Ilnr�owrr. IP
<br /> Horrower ab�nd�ns the Property,or ducw nnt answcr withiu 30�lay�,�u�+tire Prr^�l.endtr Ihat Ihe imurance�arrier ha�
<br /> _. ..--- --... . . . .. ._....._ .. .. . .
<br /> , utittcd¢o scitte a claim,then l,endrr may coltcct�6e irisurai�cc pnKCrds. I:cniirr ni;iy u+c thc prixccdc u�rcp.ur ut restorc
<br /> the Prapeny nr tc►�ay sttms secured by thiv Security Instrument.�►hcthcr ur not tlie�<<iuc 7 hc?D-d,ry per�crd w�ll tse��r�
<br /> when the nntice:s g�ven.
<br /> Unlcs�Lender and.Aorrower othcrw�se aFree�n�vn�ui�;,uny arr���ah�m��f pru.ced�t��pt mc�pal tih�ll niit catcttd ut
<br /> , �st�+nne the duc datc of the monthly paymrnts rcfcrrcd tc►�u�,;�r��r.i��h� i ana Z cr�han�;e thc am��ui�t��f tFc payment�.tf
<br /> under paragraph 191heProperry�i9 acqu�rcd by Lrnder.Hutrawer's nQht t„any u,.urancr�+�l�ccrs,�nd proc:�cd�reculhng
<br /> from damage to the Praperty pti�r ta the acquis�tic�n shall pas�In t.rndcr t���hc e�tcul e+f thc SuTU��ecured hy th��5erur.ty
<br /> lnstrument immeclisstety prior tu Ihr acyuisiti»n.
<br /> 6. Prescrvation�nd 1�laintenancc olProperbr;l.caschnlds. I1��rrowcr�h.,l�n��r dc��rt�y,d,rnt�ke>>t Suh�tanitaUy
<br /> rtiange.lf►e i'rc�pert�r. allaw the E'r�perty tvJeter�oratr esr c��»irnit �ti;�`te. If etnti ticcnnty In�truniem r�uir ;� te.+�eh��ld.
<br /> ilorrnwershallrvmply with the pr��t��si�nsc�!'thc Ieaci.����3 iFli�itr:r.�cr;�,��u�i��.ir�tnic���the i'r��eny.ttte icaceiu�iit nnd f,�..��
<br /> foc title shall nu1 ntergr nnlrss t.endcr agrecs to the merger in wr�tui�.
<br /> 1. Yrotectlon ot i,rnder's Right's in Ihe {'rope�ty; lfortRagc Insursurce. �If Rurri►HCF fa0� a� perfi�rm thc •
<br /> c�v�qan4s�tt�ccnecnts canlnine�l in thi�C������y�TMxtr:me::t,::t lheer s:s Ie�;��{+ra:�€r<lt:{n E#�t��r:�hr,sfs;,nt#y;rffcct = - =
<br /> . - . , —� - ..
<br /> . � � Lcnder's n�hts in �he Propetly(surh ns a pt«reeding in bankruptr�,pr��b.itr, ft�r ce�ttdemt�at+�+n ��r tv ct�f`nrce tBWS (�l
<br /> regufations).then Lrnder may doand pay fnt whatevrr tc nece�tiary t�►�+r��tecl th���ulur af the i'rc�perty�ud Lrcrder'ti r�ghls;
<br /> in Ihe i'rd�►erty. Lender's artinns m.+y incluc3e paying nny sums secured hy a t�en«hrch hac pn��nty���cr eF�i�5ecunty �
<br /> lnsftumenl.appcaring in cnurt,paying reasc�nnble atcnrncys'fecs arcd entering im the 1'r��pertf te,matie rcpa�rs.Althc�ugh '
<br /> 1 l.ender may takc nctio�;under Ihis paragraph 7,Lepder d�es nE�t havc tv�!c►w. � .
<br /> � Any amounts disbursed by Lendtt undes this parag�aph 1 shali becume addirin�►a1 drhr uF U��rroa�er secwc�!hy thi� n
<br /> Security instrumenf.Unless Iiorrawer and Lendtr egree ts�other termfni payneent,ttrcte am�iunts shall hear uitcrr�t frorn � �
<br /> the�te oi drs6ursem�nt ef tht Note rate�.�nd sha11 6e paygple. �with uitcrest, u�u�s :�osise frc�sis Lender t�s B��itc;aet -
<br /> . ,.: .
<br /> � - tequts�ngpayment.. .- ;
<br /> ,.. . 1.
<br /> ' � �-
<br />