; _ :;�-_— _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> , _ `` . , ` i ' � , ' .� . - .
<br /> -. � , _ . . . ' , - �
<br /> .� ` .� ' . � . ' ` � . ��. . . . . . ' c . � � �
<br /> , . , � < r . ' • ` ` � �
<br /> _! �_ � _ � � . .. . � =_--_=--.- �. g0_"' i0�5'�6� � � � � . �� ` �
<br /> � ! Upo�p��toei�t af all aum�t'�et�used hy this Trust.DeCd,Benefic�uy shall request Trustee tv reconvey the Property and shall surrender � ` ;
<br /> � ' ela�Tnest Detd,md�II Notes tvid�enciea inde6le�laes�.s�cured by this Ttust Deed ta'frustee.Trustee shi!!ree�onvex the Ptapeny, � �
<br /> �it6oul wranstaty to ti�t perinn or pcnonsde�entitkd thereto.If defiult be made in tht•pay�nt o�3nstalment�an ihc tou��rtun
<br /> , due ofi iti the fiithfn!peefarmi�ce of say or either of the agreements madt in this TnrsE Ueed,tisen the xhote of the loiw ahsll hecoq�e . �
<br /> d�rr ant!ps��bk.tnd.s6ir Teu�t Deed shatl remain in farce with Trustee or hia atwraep proceediug to sell the Projietty in ets tati:et�or , ,
<br /> F �patcet��t the tioe.of Ti u�te�at puBlie�tletion,to t�e hightst bidder:nd far cash.Howtv�r,tl�e P�o�rer of Sate.d�erei»coeftrred
<br /> ' � _ .. .
<br /> • t�;es't'r�ee�uolbe e:erce�ed urtt�'I`ruitea Gfes far ree�td.in 1ti�e oi�icr af.the�teqister of Deeds o[eacl�eor�dty i+s�b�eb ihe ` -,
<br /> r�i u�`eifuated,a Notice of Defautt,idsntifgiis�the Trastee,atsfing t6e names of the Trustar,8iviug she bon1�andp�e�hese this, . .
<br /> � ` Tpr�i�st, �eed is sei��ded.�contaiaiea�s description�of ths�'soperty,�pting that s bnaeh of aa obii�tuon for�rhicb the �operty was ' .
<br /> , • oon�a�ad,�u seca�rit�r 6�occuntd,and setting forth ths nature of the 6r�aeh�nd,of Trusue'6 etection to selPor�use to he snid tl� �
<br /> , � prrpert�r to iatid�r t1�e.obli�ation.Aftet tlte tip�e o�not kss than one montik Trustee sAal!g�ve Notic�af�le,as proviacd d�Nebrssb . .
<br /> � • `�[kr rlotiee of Default aad iap�e of aot tefs thse one month.Trastee shrl➢give�rritten aotioe of the tin►e and ptroe af sak,garticularhr ' .
<br /> � � , d[�et�bi�ttte propet�y to he so1d.by pubtieation of that Notiee,At icast frve tnne�,nnee a �reelc for Gve eonaec�nive Neel�,the 1s�t
<br /> , � peblipRtiop Ea be.at lea�t (0 8aya but aot awee t6an 3d days prior to the aate�in a ne� r l�aving a generd circalation in euh
<br /> 1�Eio
<br /> ` oouot�r.ie xhieh ihe Paapertg to be ao1d,is situated.Upoa satc,'�ruslee e6ali etecute an eliver a deed of oonreyance of the sotd . ,
<br /> ' ` - pFop�ert�W tbe purcba�tr or pwch�tt�a�that Property.Mq statement or reciut of fict in t�t►at deed,in relatioa to the e:ercise of ttte . • .
<br /> � � � po�et of S�De atK{�ale of the eold Property,includin6:ecit:le conceming any mailing,persond deliverp.aad publicatioa pf th�Notice_ ,
<br /> : uf pef�utt an�ann�mailin&Publication and posting c�:a rtatie�oi saie,and the conduct of sate,shall eonstiwte primm Eaci�evidence of
<br /> , . compliance irith�Nebnalcs.strtutes artd eonelusive tvidence of sucb compliattce itt fasor of bona fide purehiatta nnd eaeumbrancira for .
<br /> . � rafre ind�ritteuut natict._'�e Tru�tCe's Deed ehd!aperntr.to convey to the,purchasrr,ivithont right aE redem�rioa,Trusiee's title aad
<br /> � • aR ri�ht,titk,utterest aac�claial of Trutwr.his euecessatd in interest and af dt persans claiming by or ihc+ough or under thenie„in and w ,
<br /> the fold Prapettv inetudin6 all.such right,tide�interest end etairn in and to that sotd Property ecquued by Trustor ar Ais successors�in ,
<br /> � intrrat subec��nt to the er�teution a€Trustec.Truster shaq a�^ty the�r�ceeds of sale;fust,to�he cost and expenses of ezercising the
<br /> p6tYet of wk.a�►Kell as the cost pf safe,includ'eng payment of�erustee s fees actually incuned;and second,to pav-ment of the un�aid . .
<br /> ' bAlatt�e of!he Actual Amaont of i.oan.ptas interest�urtd the balanre.<if any,to the person or persons legaltp entiticd thereto. .
<br /> • � And Trustet cavea�ata f�ithfully to pedorm the '�'�L t�erein created. � - �
<br /> ' � � BEIVEFiC1ARY.'fram time to time, may substite�te a success�r nr successors to any Tnr.�e named hetein,or acting�hereunder to
<br /> � • e:eeute powers ereated undrr this,Trust Deed.Upon appointment and without canveyance.�s:.�e,s�ccessor Trustee,sucressor Teustee
<br /> � ehd!6e resttd with all title,powere.and dutiea conferred upan eny Tsuatee herein named uT ercin�hrrcunde�.Each sncb appointment
<br /> . and�ut»titutian ehali be made by written instrument on�i eaecuted by Beneficiary,containinq refer��c.-e to this Truet Deed and its �
<br /> , plice of record.which.when re�orded in the office of the RegiSter of Dceds uf the county u��ounties iz which thc Property is sit�rated,
<br /> �hs11!�e conelusivt groof nf proper ar�oiniment of the euecessor Trustee. The fntc�c,ing'power of substitution und the proccdare
<br /> thuefor sha41.n�t ba exclusive oi the�axer and procedure proti•ided Enr by law f���thP substiru.i�n o;a Trustee�r 1`��=teea in ihe pf�ce +
<br /> of th�Trus�ee or Trusterr named her�;n.
<br /> If'f'rustore valuntarily ahull seli or convey the Prryrtty,in whulP nr in pan,ar nn� interest in t�at t'r�,perty or by wme ect or means ;., _
<br /> . � divest tdnmselves of titte to the Property without obtuininR�he written �onsem of Benefciary, ehrn fir.neficiary, at its aption, may '�;`?_�
<br /> dectate the ent'ue balunct of thc loan plus fnteresYon the balancr inamediately due. enA pl}•able.'I'his option shall�zat appty if(1)the
<br /> ' �+a�e of the Property ia permitted beca�sse the pnrehaarr'F crPdieworthinesa is satigfactory•c�1�enefi�iary and(.�.)thot��cchaser.prior m _
<br /> � the eatt.hab esecuted a wrltten aseumption ep�eement containing terms preacribed by Bcneficiac}:inctudinp�,if required.an increase_ ,
<br /> ' ; in ohe Ratt af Charge. '
<br /> � ,
<br /> Thie Trust Detd ahall be cnnstrued accor�infi t�� thP laKw��f�tFr 5tat�r�f�teLruSka.
<br /> _i
<br />� ' Trustot requeste that a copy of eny:��_rire«f U�•fault un�l of nuy r►utii•��ut salc hrr��undrt�.f• t►�aitt�cf to 1'rugtur Iry rc-*..tird mai! nt thP
<br /> � ' address,ae fullowe: �
<br /> 303 E. NebraKka, Grand lsland. �VE 66801 �
<br /> ................................................................................................................�.....................................,........,............._._.. +
<br /> Er•idencc of eurb mailinR ehall constitute evidenct�e,f receipt uf ihat !���ti����. ,
<br /> ' The w�ivEr'by Trustec c+r Benefcciary of a�}defauH of'E'rurtur un�fer �h��Tru��I�v��d shs:i not br ur h��dremrc�to b�u wAir•er of aay
<br /> �� ` ' otAcr or similar dPfaults Nubarqucndy ne�urrin�. � - - �,y.�
<br /> ' . 'fhis Trurt Deed�h�ll inure to ond bind th�hs�ir4.lt•�;uterw,d��v�.«•��w.,uln�ini+tratnra. ��z�•c•un�r�, �o�,��•�ur� and a�,���na of the pa�li�•� '�`
<br /> �" hereto. � . '
<br /> ' Whrrever the �ontcal g�� r�yuirry,oin�;ul�►r Knrd4�hull he roas�rue,i �a du� y,hir.d aud ���� �Nr-a.att�F thr m:i;��ulmr ����ufer sFJ�II (rP „
<br /> - cnnsttued tu inclu�le tht• Femininr and�ir<• ccr.+a.
<br /> ' IN WI'i'N�S5 WHE:R�O�.'trustor hus qi�ncd th��U{•cd of Tru�1 ur� �hr da� an�! }•ear fir�t ahusr xr��te-n. .-.- --. .... .. . ._ . . .........' .... .. •
<br /> ' . r �:. ` -
<br /> . w�tness --�-_�__--.�._�_—.. �._;� - �--�� . . .._--____
<br /> `� . _..}t ► ',�/ ..._... . ___ .
<br /> �_.--. _. .. ___.___._ _ � �
<br /> w�iaGSg .�. - ��-y'�!
<br /> . l r�,•.r:,i � !
<br /> J
<br /> STAT�U�tiF,BNASKA ' M � , T
<br /> � �� --� � ...: At:ti,til/t�I,H:1M;�1t r'1' .
<br /> ' GQlI►�'!'Y UF.,...:r�:��'......:.......�...-----_�
<br /> - -.__.._ _ . . _ . . _ _ _.._ _
<br /> Bciorr me.u;Yutnn Put,)ir.quulifie�l hs said ec�unts.pcts��t�uit}�•�nc�..A!!!.R..RX� 7�..� . NH���N�r� . ......................anii
<br /> �
<br /> ��;...�,...�R�j�/j�(G� . ........Anuwu t�mt•!�r!��•thi•��1���itit el��rt���ul�)Nhi��i�fu!�d Ihrr t��rr{��nn�nt,trutn�•ut and �
<br /> Luc now[edgFd !h eacruuon th�� ruf tt�'hr..i�i:, her c�r thr�r �uluntu►y n=t a�n# �ft���,l. �t nr�ti�-. �rt•• ttr:�d at�4: 1�,tae�aE �rat ar� �
<br /> ..�(�(��....�.................. i9.1.�.,. ` t,�
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<br /> �uw�N s.a�8i�r�s
<br /> Ah Can�.EaD��a 4,1992 . `
<br /> _ �
<br />