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<br /> 6y�����Mnr��L.w Harri�to� and.Brid eR t A:�iarrin�,toa, husband an wi,€,�„_,��,.,,,,,,,.�rt��i, . ` ' '
<br /> - �` ' ' TkW.�1���1� `Itteurance Compa�ey , ` . . y���,�� ' . •
<br /> ; . • . ,� .....�..�.....�....................:...:......�..o..... , - � - - - _
<br /> , � .. ' aiid�EN�ICIAL.NEBRASKA INC.d1Wa�EN��ICIAIt a[OR�'GAtiE CO.,a Hebn�ks oorpor�ion.�eaieGcfary.� � . . ' ` �
<br /> :, ` �dTI�iE$.SETH:fibat,TroNof:6r 46ese pnaent�.doES araaR basain rtnd xll,ooarry�and oon6na�rit�Power o�Sde vnw Tnutee tl�e � � ' ` .
<br /> ' � ted propat�r.uidud'ma s1!build'io�,ia�pmremet�fs�snd�ir�s of ereq kind aow ar beraftes ereeted ar plae�ed on the real�.pro�ett7. � ' .
<br /> . � ' (6ereafte�referred�o+a t�e"Fiapertf"•)sitatte ia�.............. ».....�....M:».....».....Counq.State of�Ieb�ul�. . ' , '
<br /> . . • , • - . , , , , . •
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<br /> i. _ , � � ' '
<br /> " f , � ' � ' < -
<br /> . � ;� I.ot l.bl, Bueaa Pista, a Subdivision to the Citp of Grand Zslaad. Hall County, Nebras`ka.
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<br /> ' Foaseseien of the Properly having aow been delivered to Trussee: � -r� ' �
<br /> � � . .
<br /> � .
<br /> 1 . G �
<br /> f.�If thia boa is cficciced,this Trust�ctd is eubjest to e prinr trvst d eed daced.. .... r�1�13!...�............................:.........19..��.,eaecuted by � �
<br /> s ...., I�lg�t,}c .L Bar� o�...an,d..�3�1d,g�:.�.�... ,Ha�z��.uug,�q.n�.,..t�u�sbar�.,a�ad..w�f.�..-.�,axtgflge�e co e
<br /> . ...�Quitabl�...�u�,�A�ii...A«t1d...Ifi�TA..�i;��.Q1C��l���nl...4�.f,..S�Ft�!r4�...i8.�.alli�...-.,�'1�X.� S�w..................s.....,�ttus tts� a . i.
<br /> �' �°° $r:�. ..w tru�Yee for the
<br /> � benefit of............................................................................�..........._..:..........,..�....... .. . . . .........�.........»..:. as be . , . .,
<br /> ............................ nef�c�ary. .
<br /> � aecprin a ment of a roinisscry r�ote in the rinci a! amount nf �������b������� ' � �
<br /> . , � 8 P Y P P D ' 5....,.a..........r............ That prior trust deed was recorded on .
<br /> . ; ..:...�u1.yz...8�............................. 19.$8 with the Recotder of ................l�11........................... Connty, Nebr�.+ka in $ook I1i/.a......»...., .
<br /> � P'a�»��i�k�•Iratrument No. 88-103i�63
<br /> '• . ' TO HAY� AND Tb IiOLD the etmt. witb 411 riRhts, privileRes and a�puctenancea to s�ch Propert bel�nging unto TruAtee, and
<br /> executora.administratorb.heire.successors �rtd assiRns of Trustee forever.And T►ustor in this Tru�t �eed expresyly w�ives,reteuea
<br /> < ind.relinquiehea unto Ttusut a�eip�h1.tittt,ctaim,u►terest,benefit ond estate whatrsr.r.in and to thr P�operty which is Riven b�r or
<br /> � resulb fcom a�ll laws of the State�f Nebtaska pertaining to the exem,�tion�E homeetead.And Trustor cavenants w�th Trastee that he
<br /> . . , !�il1 fusgYr�s��ssAnt�t3 def4ssd th�t'sCR;tu�tA2 Pru�;tp ags"snst t�e la;.f�i.;�R1fity U��I��if:tBaEla M}tOftL�sUCYTi. • '
<br /> �
<br /> ' . IN TAUST HOaEVEA. for the purposes hesr.ribed. as foltow9: Ttustor on thi� Aate hns e:ecut��i o psomicRO l�atG ar I.oan '��'
<br /> Agreement (herc.after "NotelAgreement"). xtaich evidences a toan in the Actwl Amount ui luan uf =.,.�.��.4�...��f�.................
<br /> T
<br /> : (hetesiter referted to as thc "Principd"),tagethe► with interes�an un aid balurtcen of�hc P�incipal lrum time Ro titae ouc�tandin��t :
<br /> ' ' the Rate of Gharge set furth in thc Nute/A}Tre.ement,the �inal Qi�c �ate bcing ........ALgte�t...1J.................. 19.�3..utl of which ia
<br /> ' payAble at the ofticc of Beneficisty.
<br /> � In the event of the death of orte of the Truytare.at the option of BfnefiriAry.ehe�npaid balursce ut_the Actu�f Amount af Laan,together ..... .
<br /> . .with accruecl intereet,immediatcly may becomc due and payatile. �
<br /> ' � Unti!Ihe�ling of e Notice oL Uefaull. Trustar�halt:(1►pay oli presene�nd future�oRe�and ogsessmenta.Rcneral and epecial,again��
<br /> ' : . the Properry before �he�axes Gecome delinq�:ecit or actionable;(2)kee� ail imptuvrments eracted cn Ihe Praperty insured a� may be
<br /> �equittd from time tu timr by Beaefeciary ugains!loss by fite and othe�h�Rat�is.casualtic9 end'�ontmqencies.in su��h om�unt9 and [or
<br /> such{xriods a�are ressonable artd me� bc reyuitc�#hy Ite�r�efici•rry.and to keep al!palicies of such inqurancr i»ft►�ce ur effect upan 1h�
<br /> �'roptrty const.�mly assigned aad delive�ed to Her�eGciary,aitd t3)pay and rumply xith al!the term�and�r�ndilions uf utiy lien,tlaim
<br /> ot ittdebtedness that may be srniur w ��r take prece�drnce o(�his'i'ru�t Ueed as suun as any surh pay�rtent on ur of s��ch lien.eluim ur
<br /> • indebtedness sha{I Lecume due.Upun faitnrr nf Trustn'r tn kcPp ony agrePmFnt�ma�i��n�f►i�'i'�uti�Uec•d,F3eneFi�•iary n,ay pay y�rrucd
<br /> � � taaee end insurnnce premiun�e ur pav ofi anp lies�s ��r clainty or indr{�tedite.�. a� the ra.c ncav f�r. ThP ruuttey s� expended by ����� —
<br /> Brne�cia►y fur tbis purpuse ahnit 6ear interenz�►t the HatP of ChatRe end uhalt 6r seeuted Ly this�'rust 1)red. 'frt�stos a�eeq ta repay �
<br /> �he same upcin drmend. !lpan failure su tv du, Ihe lu;tn iuun�diat�lv sfiall Gerume dur snd E�avable, a! the upiiu�t uE Benefic�aty.
<br /> - _. - - - Ttttetut specifical{v,�onfer�ugpn 3'ruseee thut E'mree��f Salr ao��rr.vsdnr� �1io�,r�.aka tati,.��t=h=!!f •a� �r-��:iesss s:f!!ie I"susvrt; . = . .
<br /> nnd collect thc rents und re�ri�ues the�efru�t�un�il filing ot duch �iotirrl �
<br /> � 'f"tustora will p�y and heep rurrent Q�e monthlv in�talmems un the pri��r trus� dee;!and t„��re.ent ai�� �INfauU �hereunder.'I'�usture �
<br /> Lfurthe►agrPe rhat ehunld nny defuult be mude in thP pa;;ment of nny instatmern of ptirtF�paE or any �ntrrest oii�he pnur ttust eleed,nr
<br /> Ahnutd,iny Auit bF comrnenceei ot ot6er action tn�en to farc�ctuse thr�tiur trust�fe�d,tf�cr�the ampurd secured by this 7rust Ueed shall
<br /> become and bc•duP onc!pa�able in fuli at un�I.+n�e thereufter,.�f tltr tiptton nf Heneftrtae� unt!iq 1t'�'ot�fdnn•rtitth the �iute'ARrrrnte•nt. ��
<br /> Benexciary.at its�ptiatt.maa�pa�the srheJa}ed neun�h3y inst�lntrrztF+•�R th��.�F[t�t TTVSf!Ised an�.tc,thg eatent r;f thr�mout�t.a��ai�), �'j
<br />: - fie�oinF aui'�fu�tF�� tv llie fi�its Qf tfie Gerir�riet} ideatifted it�!hr�;tu.�r ttu�t EI���,1. A!{ }�a►rlEettF-nia�le t,r Iieiief:r�ary nrt tltr t+�ars ' �
<br /> �
<br /> Fr.cur�•t{ bv Ihe priur tru;t de�d�shs1!FE�;�r ir�icr��.f aT II�r Hatc ut Char�;� unht�•a�Fi in tul{ "'
<br /> � I:�.r4tiF: 1:�1�.E'd.tioe�'fi�(Z4-4�
<br /> , �
<br />