�_?:T.''' '� ..' ' . `_ ' '�. '. '� T' '. __ . R . . . ... .. _ . . . ... — .— ' ' ' _ ' ' .'_'.. . .. ' ' '_. ..,_ -. ._.
<br /> - . . , � . � . . . . ' . . _ . . . . . . ,
<br /> . ' , . f . . . � . , ( • � ` ( . � . . . _..��. . � .
<br /> t • . . . : - . r � . . �
<br /> . . , . .. . � . � � . ' � � ; � a�Q� 104571; � �. �
<br /> � ` ttie Prop�rry#s ao taklM or.d�ma�ed.Len�es ah�l!have t�e aptlon,in Jb aot�and ahaotuta d�scre�or�.to sppty atl suc�Rroceeds, , �
<br /> i1Mr dsduc4inpl4�erefrom a0 costs and expenses irtcurred by i!irt cortnectton w(tfi auch PrQCeec�a,upan eny insebtedneas aacuced
<br /> hKSby ana tn�au�RorQer�s I.enQer may Q4termirte,or to apply all such Proceeds,atter.such deductions,to the�estoratlon ot the � < -
<br /> ,�� _Pr�upan such condlftoeses Landar ma�determine.MY BPPIic fliUon oi Prnceed�to�ndebtedneas ahalt not extertd±x pb��one ; —� -
<br /> 1As dw Mbe ot any p�ymenb under the Note,or cure any defauit 4tierounder or heraunder.Arry unapplied tunda ahmll be pa[d to <
<br /> � YNlMf. `
<br /> - 8. P�tlormana br��nd�t,Upon the accunence ot an Event oi peTaufthereunder.or it�any act fs taken or te�al proceeding • �
<br /> ' � c�mmsriced which mat�riaityatbcts Lnnder'a interes3ln the Frbperty.Lender inay in ita o�n Qtacretlon,but wf�houtobti�tton to Qa �
<br /> � � so,antt�vithout nodcs to or.demsnA upon Truabr and wtthout releasing Ttustor irom any abt�gation,do any act whlch Trustor has •
<br /> • -� " - :a9re�d but taits ta do arid mcy,atao do any other acf it deems neCes�ary to profact the securiry heteot Trustor shait,tmmediatety
<br /> upon Qeman�tttN'ofor by LenEer,�sy to LanQer ali cosb and expe�se�incurred and aumsexpended by LenQer in connecGan wiffi �
<br /> � , ttts'exerci�s by Lertder of tt�efors�otng rights.Cogether with Interast thereon at the tlefae�tt rate prov€ded in the Idote,which shatl be
<br /> _ , addqd to tbe Indebtedness aecured fier�by. Lender shail not incur�ny liabiliry because of anythirtg ii may do or amft to do
<br /> hereunder. .
<br /> � ! "• 9. Na=�rdous MaMt1aN.Trustflr�halE keep the Properry in compiiance with al!applicabte taws,ordinances and regulations
<br /> ' refating to(ndust�ia!hygtene or environmental pratection(coitectivety reterrea to herein as"Envlronmentai�.aws"�_Trustor shaii
<br /> kbe�the Properry iree trom at�substances deemed to 6e hazandpus artoxic ander any Environmentai I,aws(coltectivety reterred tp
<br /> � : herein a�"Hazardoua Materials"�.Trustar hereby warrants ar��represants to Lender that there are rto Hazardo��Mate�iats�an or
<br /> underthe Property:Trustor hereby aq�ees to indemnity and ha!dharmtess lertder,its directars.oNicers,employees and egents,anc! �
<br /> � any succeasors to LenGers interes�irom and agai�st any artd aff claims,damages,losses an6 IiabifitiBS arising in connectton with . � .
<br /> the presence. u�e.dispasef or transport of any Hazardous Materials an,under,trom or about the Property. TH�FOREGOIHG •
<br /> �, 10. AsNpnm�nt ol R�nb.Trusta�hereby assigns to Lertder the rerrts,issues end profits of the ProDerty;proviQed t�at T�uste�
<br /> - sflell,unti!the�ccutrence ugan EvenEof Delauit hereunder,haYs the riQht to co�tect and�etain such rents,issues and profits es they � �
<br /> : become due and payabte.tJpon the occurrence ot an Event of Defauit,Lender may,either in person or by agent:with or without
<br /> •. bringing any action ot proc8eding.or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard 3o ttie adequacy ot its securiry,enter �
<br /> upon and take possessfon at the Pruperty.or any part thereof,in its owq nama or in the name o!the Truste�.and do any acts whiCh it
<br /> deems ttecessary or desfrabte to preserve the vatue,ma►kstabi(iry or rentabiliry ot the Praperty,or any part thereof or intera9t therein.
<br /> increase the income therefrom or�roteCt Ihe securily horeot and, w�th or without taking possession�f the Qroperry,suo for or
<br /> �- otherwise colteCl the renls,issues artd�uofits thereot,inClud�np those Dast due and unpaid,and appty the sarr,e,less costs and
<br /> . , 9xpenses of operation and collection including aftorneys'fees,upan any�ndebtedness secured hereb f,all in such orderas Lender
<br /> ' may determine.The entenng upon a�d taking paaseasion at the Property,tho coilection ot such rents,issues and pratits and the . •
<br /> - - - - $�IIE31EflA�haf80�.".13 L'�BTC.S.^.lEt,sh&tt noi c�ra or rnraiva any c#etauH�r srotrcv of defauit horeunCar ar rnvaiidate any act darte in � "
<br /> ' . �esponseto such defauit or pureuant to such notice ot default and.notw�thstand�ng tho cont�nuance m possession o!the Property or • _
<br /> � the collectfpn,re�e�pt ana appt�cation of rents,issues or prof�ts,a�C Trusteo and Lender shatt be entitled to exercise every right � '.
<br /> : provifled(or in any of the Loan Inatrumeats or by law upon nccurrence ot any Event of Oetault,�nctudmg without hm�tatron the nght , '
<br /> t0 exofCise the powe►ot eale,Further,Lander'a nghts and remeC�es undar th rs paragroph shall be cumulat,ve w�th,artd m no way a
<br /> limit8tion on,Lertder's righta and remed�es undor any ass�gnmant of leasos and renis recorded aga+nst the Property.lendQr,Trustee ' .�'
<br /> • and tba receiver shall be I�ab1e to account onry for those rents actually rece�ved -
<br /> 11. Ewnb M ONaulE.The fotlowinp 3hap consUtuto an Event ot Ootau!t under th�s Qeed of Trust. -
<br /> ' (e) Feilure to ptiy any installmont ot pnnc�pai or mtorost ot any other sum secured�ereDy when due, .--
<br /> (b) A bveach of or detaul!under any provision cuntnined in tho Note.this peed u}Trust,any ot tho Laan Instruments,or any � -_
<br /> othe►lien or encumt�rence upon the Proporry; =
<br /> • � • (c) A writ otexecutian or attachment ar nny a�mitar process aha�t De antored ap�m5e Trustor auh�ch shall Decomo a Iren on •
<br /> � the Propetry o�any poR�on thereot ar interftst thore�n,
<br /> {¢!)Thero Shall bti 1i18A by�r Against Tru�tor pr 8orr�ker an action un�o►any prosent or future feQeral,state or otAer .�
<br /> atdtuie,law of reg��ation ratating to bankruptcy,insolvoncy or other re el for debtors,or th��e shalt be appointed any frusfee.
<br /> ►eeetver or liqu�da�r ol Tru9tor or Borrower or c�i a�1 or aRy�art ot tne��aporry,c�s�ne ten�s.�ss�as ar p►ot�ts tnereat.Or TrustOr
<br /> or Bor�owe�shali make eny general ass�s�nment tor the benetrt of aed�tors. ,
<br /> (e} The 3a1�,tran3fet,led8�.838►gnmpnt,conveyancv or}urthor Uncurnbram;o of all o�any part ot or any interest�n the
<br /> Property, either vofuntanly o► involunfArdy, w�thoul thcs c:xpress wntten canssnt of LE�nOer. prqv�ded that Trustor shall be
<br /> , pOttflift@4 t0 8x8CUl@ il(@39p Of tAp PfOperty IhEit d0(J3 nOt�Ont��n an pp}iUf+to purGh£15p dRd Ihp term Ut WhiCh d0Ei5 not�xC�B@d �•
<br /> tiit6 yb�t, _ '�
<br /> . {� Abandonmen!01 thfl i�roperty.or �
<br /> (91 �1 Y�usto�ig notan�n0ivid1aal,mo is�uance,sat�,transter.,�ss�!�nmt�nt,Gon�Ey�nCO or enCUrnbr�nCp Ot m0/e then a tOtai
<br /> . ;��.
<br /> OI,,.....,�.--., n@rCBnt ol(�1�tOrpprtlUOny ds�59ue�1�lnd r�::t5Y1n{��nr�SlnCk Ur!i[�N;��tr�crsh�p)��tatat cf! . percent of •
<br /> partnership interesta dur�ng tnQ pur�c,d th�s p�c:cf at Trust rEmf����s J ��U�� on�r�c�Pr��,erty
<br /> 12. RNnldiM;Aee�Nr�tion Upon ONault.In the evont pt pny Evcrnt Gf�����ult l.ttndtrr mt�y.+���tr.c:.!nt�1�Ct�Uacept as roquftE�d by � .
<br /> law, dectare all in0eb!edaess securad he+eby tc,bo du�r�nd pnyabio a�.A '!w samv sn:j11 I►hG+fL�(yO'T bec�mo duo su�0 payabfb �
<br /> - WttT10Ut 8tiy pr@gEnilTtQn�.damand,proteat or nuf�ce o1 any k��9 Fhoreattc� lC«dnr-rn�f�... . . . ... . . - --
<br /> (A)�csmand thnt T!usteQ exerc�sfl tha POWEA df S��LE �jranted t�ere;�n, A�, °•;:stc�t� shaU thc;r�after causEr Trustoi s
<br /> ►nNdresl�n tt►e Properry to ba 8o'd end th�proceetls to tia d�str�Duted.al1�n the rn�n<<�sr pruv�de:!�n th�NetrrasKr�Trust UQeds
<br /> ACh,
<br /> (b) Ex�rCisp�ny and Fl�t nc�hf9 p�ovtded tor m�ny r�}thc� Ltiar. .�,'r,�rr�Cnt9 Ur Gy�rw u�<�n �CC�rrfin��Ot��ny�vent Cf
<br /> pefautt;a�d
<br /> (C) Commone��n aCGOn t�taueclo5c�th�,fJ�sed of Tr;�sE as�j mor;r�a3�r,��p�,omt a�ece�ve�,u�sWC�c�f,L811y�jnfUrr,e�1n�Ut thEi
<br /> cove�ants heropf �
<br /> No remeify herpin Cpnferred upon o►�e9f��ve0 t�TruStCO Gr i r.•r,UUr �s�nlenr�ta tv E�c!L'xGfuStVC Uf�rly otl�er�Emucfy hore�n.rtt tho
<br /> � LOan In9trumant9 or ny faw proviubd 0�pOrm�ttErd but encn ah��ll bv cu�'�:,`:5'�v�.f.htllf bE>�r1 Etdct�tip•+tp f�vf�ry OthEJr remetly t��vpn
<br /> . hereundar,m tho Lnan Instrumnnts or now on c�reattor ax�st�ng at fa,�v nr:� �•;,,,,�rr ur b�r st�tute.ar�d°:�GQ c.�aart,,sed c.�ncurrenlly,
<br /> independently or succossivety
<br /> 13 T�WtH. ThE TtuSlB@ mfiy re5�t�n <�I ffr�y Ume w�th��j[ ;,,iu5ti.'tthc!1.�•nde� nsay t�� a+�y t:r,�u anJ ri�fhUUt cauSC;apUuarst t� %'� -__
<br /> 8uceessor or subshtiitc�Trustea Y�ustc�sP�all no1 Gv l�abte to�ny purty,���e�u����g watn�,ut��n:d�i�on L�•ndle,f3•Jnvwe.�r.7rustUr o►any t
<br /> • . pUtChaSdt 01th(i PrOpprty.far(1ny 1095 Or dlRt3pe un�ess elue tc�rQGkte59 c�r w�1Mti�rn�s�nncfuct e�n3 sr�a1F not be�b�u�red ta Wke any
<br />:.. . ..
<br /> ._. ucfrrm rrr chnrto�fien witi*ma oriem�*rt a*tisrs �3e°� of . .
<br /> ^t5f JrtiC3S trt6GmnrF�E3.ir ;�;rtsrrc�.f0►�ti CQSTy. GGn'��iF:���tit3n Gi - - ------- _—
<br /> G7(pQf18@S 4SIhICh Rlay b�flSSaCitl441tl therovnth tn a[ldih�n,7ru5t��ma�l GeCamB a purGna5pr nt anV SA�E3 O}th0 HrQt�orty��ud�C�a�or .
<br /> . �nder the{�oviar qt sa�Q,ti►antnd h��►��n►. post�nn�the safe of au or�ny pori�on of tho Propc�+ry ae pro��ded by �av�. or st;EM trva
<br />' . P�operry as a�vtiole.or in 5oparatd parceis pr tots at trustee's d�scrat�an ' ' �
<br /> L' 14. Ra�i aad�psni��.In the�uant 7►ustee se(IS thQ PrppQ�ty by a��rc�se c�1 o;;r+e►a�s�i:c,Tr�istee sr�al�trv enhr,eU to rs�>Uty
<br /> any sUl�ptoc��ds hr�t to p1lymEnt U?tlll CUSfS anC7 eRpE1nS!'9 O��x�r�ig�n�j ppN�Cr�!;,�lt.�t+C�Ud�f�g C!!1 Tr;�S!E�C 5�CC9.-i��l C'�td���
<br /> and 7rustee's attorr7ey's feES,actuatty,ncurr�ti td extent uerm�tted by app�ti��btp I�,�u Iri tt'��lc�t Qutror,c�cr Tr�;s.:�F exe�c�w�a«y �•
<br /> � irght ptbvide�f by tarv[a cure on�aent vf Oeta:,lt,i.endei shal�be ont�il��to�e�cover tr�,•:c T�;,s;:u a��«,s+s an;i erx�en:es ca°tt����f{ �
<br /> • ' - IRGUt1ElCj t'!S FI /�Slt��UF ytLi5tU1�S ilt3fi]Uit. !tiC�SIC�tTt�YllfhC+eli irn�!f<ifSpS7 8If TtUBifiC 5 i71Ef ilif���ey S tee5 ta S±,e eFfent pe!m�!tGT�tIj/ ' �
<br /> RpAt�Gabfp ra�i _ . �
<br /> 'i5 Future�lBv�ns��. tipOti tC;(lU!!ST 0}'�bitbYJEII. f,C'!7�E�� m�7y U1 t!S 4p:�nn'n'll�f' ^3;���S���tI+;1� c�.�?C}tUt�;*e acive���es and �e� . . -�
<br /> EfUYat1G@.°i t0�Olt041tiOf SUClt iItIJ/3f7Ct35 RR;1�C3dv�hCLS.'.�Rt�tt.lC�tes!lt+L'«'uf� 5��:t�!F:�=SG_!.'89 L�z!i'is C}i'.E`i�()�T��'S� Q�^!Yhm.�eh�lE �-+. -
<br /> th0 pfl�tClplf ftf7tb:Jnt UE tNQ indCbtOdhC53 SCGt�rE3t!tiy thi4 C�eCd:�t Sr;�5t ��r,t:ri(�Uy����SUr•<}i)d1 i���E:�fr�(�r�`.t,�Gt.i�f•5t_-�ci��fr r,t 1ts�;
<br /> � �1efIC�Ut�tUSf CxCCE7d th0 Ori�m�f�+I�nG�P.7�flmUel��t 51;11C*�t��rl..i� .r � ja�Qjlf�1.QI3 . . 1�'�:tt;t.��,E �ti t�••�A!�•- �
<br /> _ • ` �
<br /> , �.
<br />