: . ... :: n .. . ,� :. :. .
<br /> . . . � ` V � ,. -, _ . c . , � . < � `_' . , ; . • , � � •
<br /> • � ' ' ` . • � � ' . . � ' - ,
<br /> . : t . , ` . .. ' , , . . . , ' , " . �, � ° : �
<br /> '�. ��,�.:.� _ .. . � , < � . �`� . _ .. ..`.i .� - ,� , < � ._ _ `,_� . � �
<br /> .''s , . , � .
<br /> ,! . . , . ,
<br /> ` � • ' ' , ACKNOWLEDG�MENT OF DEED QF TRUST ` � ', � � � ° . '
<br /> � �.Q�J��. _ .
<br /> . .`� ' ' T�tUST�R RFJID'FWfS BEFdRE�Kit�lIINCC�• ' , , . ` Qn� ` , .
<br /> irss
<br /> � � , � Tn�und�nds tlut ths documentthat Trusbv is about to axecute is e Deed of Tnut antf nol e mortga�e and fhat Efi�porrer �� , .
<br /> � otat�r Pr4vid�d Ia in tf�t3�!ot TrusE provides sud�tantlaNy dHtarent�iphb end obli�attcna to Trusto�than a.morps�s U tl�e event - -
<br /> _-�-� � t+#a�orbr�Ch�t�bii�qtiottunQert7tef3sedofTru�Fncludin�:bntnotiimitedto.thalende�sr7QhttohavatheRrap�rtysoW. - �_ .
<br /> by tlN Ttuaw wkhout an}i�udtcia!pracesdlnp.Trusfat represents and warraMs that 4Ais acknowtecfgertsent was executs�d byt �
<br /> Tn�1or bKoe�IM axacu�on of the Osed af Tcust � .
<br /> .. •� . , . , .
<br /> i -- - - . . . . . .
<br /> � _ - � ! J Trustc:r VaaDeAalle,�71�adI � .
<br /> ,.�-�_ . ` . , + ` :
<br /> � . Y .
<br /> . � � (Shella R. Tiustor VanDeWalls, wf.fe) '
<br /> :1 '
<br /> .�
<br /> �� - '� . . , . QEEQ O�'[AtfST WITH FUTUAE ADVANCES � . � � � :
<br /> • ' 1; THIS tlEEO OF TitUST.is madie:as ot the.�Sh—�ay 4� - Auaust - ,�9-�-�,Dlr artd amonp• "
<br /> 1�12 TfU�lO%. �h f i I in ���+iL�7 1 w �riA Ch�i 7� it_ VsrE�V�1 i�_ ittt�i�anA � VTi�g � . ' .
<br /> , . ` ;.• -- _R3 � ' ,
<br /> ';.�� � whose t�aiUn�adclress is 7005 �io=Lh iL:�drGl�a-��iar�, 3t� (herein°T�asstar."whether one Cr moro). ' �
<br /> ;, _ ; tfte?fW160, ..��iiti e� G..B a. iehnrn� ���s o s,e - a���� 7Lsaciat�en � �., .
<br /> , . . � . , �
<br /> . _ � , 'whoae maitine edQress is n �-_Bp,Y 2Z80,� Gran$ iai�8, NE 68802.228^ �herein'Truatee'�.and � . �
<br /> i ,
<br /> , tha Beneflciary, PIVE POINTS BANit . . '
<br /> ? whose mailinp addre�s is P. O. Box 1507, Grand isLerzd� XrE b8802-15�� (herein"Lender'�.
<br /> E —
<br /> � .
<br /> , FQR VALUABLE CONSIDEI�ATION,inciud�nq Lender's extensi�n ot tredit iQentitied herein to p�llip J. VanDeWalle �
<br /> . and Shaila R. vannewAi�.e. Ruaban8 & Wite ' .
<br /> . (neretn"8orrower",whether one or mare�and the t►us!hereln Cre3ted. _ _
<br /> the rece(pt ot afi(cfi is hereby ecknawle�lped.�'rustor hereby irrovocabty grants,transters.convays and assig�s to Truateo,IN
<br /> _ � TRUST,WRH POWER�F$ALE,tor the benEtrt and seCUnry ot LenQer,under and sub�ect to the terms an�cond'+tions herelneher sef
<br /> toRh,ths rea{properry,Qeacrfbed aa tpltows: . �
<br /> �.
<br /> ;
<br /> ' Sne Atta�hment hereto z:`=
<br /> � . �, ..
<br /> . . ►�"
<br /> � Topether with all buildiags,impr�vements,fixtures,atreots.a�leys,pasaageways,ea&ements,r�flhts,priv►leges and appurte-
<br /> nances toceted thereon or in enywfse portamin�thereto,and the ronts,issues and prot�ts.revers�c�s and remainde�s thereol.end '
<br /> � . s�cch peraonat propecry that Is�atlaCAaa to the improvements so as to canstitufe a t�xture,�ncludmy,�ut n�t hrA�teO to,heating and
<br /> . cooifn�equlpmen�and togeMer with tne nomestead ar marita��nterests,it Any,whic.h mterosts ere h�reby roteaaed and weived:a�i �
<br /> o!WhiCh.includin�reptBCemonts end 8dditians thereto,�a hereCy decsared to tre a part oi the real estate secure��y the;�en o!Chis • -
<br /> ; Deed of Trust end ell ot the fOregoing being reterred to horein as the"Prope�ty". � ' • —
<br /> �
<br /> • • 7his Deed o!T�ust 8ha11 eeCUre(e)fhe payment ot the pnncipal sum and interest.evidenced by a promissory note or c:a�R
<br /> ' � .a�reeme�t dated -- Auduat 6, 1990 _.,hav�ng a ma.urity date of .. . 8j9 95 .__T.w ,
<br /> ,,
<br /> �n the a►!glrta!prtnclpa!ecnaunt o!5�.�9.._ _ ��Fsr.�an,,zr.�at!m;tl:l:r�sfs:�,ux���;c,^.s:.f�rcr.���ats
<br /> thereof or thereto and any and all auture advances r�rtd roadvances to F�orrower(or any ot tham 1 more than anp�horeunQEtf
<br /> • purauant to one or more promtssory�otes o�crod�t egrQements(herom cnilod"Noto'),(b)tho Daymenf of other sum3 ativanca0 by ' ,�,�,:
<br /> l.ender to protect the eecurity o1 the Note.(C)the performanc.e o}nil Goven�nts and agreomonts ot Trustor sot forth heiein,and(d)all •�.�
<br /> � ptesen!end future indebiedness and obl�gations ot 8orrowE•r(or�ny ot them�l moro than ono�to Lendor whather direct.inp�reCt,
<br /> . ab�olute or contingent and wheiher nris�ng by npte,guart�nty,c�vE+rciratt or�the►wise The No2o,th�s Deed�t Trust end any artd al!
<br /> � pther dOCUents th3t 3eCUte the Nole ot othorwlse expcuted in Con�aCbon th�re�Hith,inc'udmp v��dhout. •��tEiU9n guaranto09.SOCUnty
<br /> . agreeme�ts and aas,.rf,�ments ot toases�end re�'s,shalt b�retprred t�t�e-t.n t►s Ihe"laan Instrurner�ts" '
<br /> Trustar covenar.�and agreea with LendeT�y touaw�•
<br /> .. . . _._..- -�- -- -� ----- - � �- -- . . . . ..
<br /> ' . 1. P�ynNnt W Ind�btsdnna.AI!indebtedness 86cu►ed`��Gby 5h�ih b�pZ�d �Nhpn Au0
<br /> 2. Tflif.trustor is the owrter af Sne Property, has the �•a".:'£�nd,iuthor�ty!o convey Ihe�'►opsrty,and warrc�nts th�t th�h�n
<br /> Creat80#�eveby is a first and prror i,on on the Propprry,orc�t��t tor nqns a�d encumb!a^ces set forih by Tru9tor �n wntmg and
<br /> . delivered tv lendor u?!ore exeeut�on ei th�s Oeed at TrusL ond the vMecutio�nnd dUi�vcry;:�ttns�oeW,t 7rust doea no!v�olato any
<br /> contract or other obi�ation to which T�ustor is s:,bj�ct-
<br /> , 3. TaxN�AssNatn�nb,To pay boforo det�nquency aP tr�,�us.spec�a�:�SSEfS5f�lCniS�R(3 alf 01hC�t.h9rgElS B�J�I��Sf ihp Prpp��ty
<br /> � Row or r.sreaRer teviea. .
<br /> 4. �naurane�.TO kAep the Prope�ty mSUrE±d ayainst dam7ge by hrt�,n;�t,�rv<;ut��:iC<;,;7�dt�nf iNE!h�rm'exter,ded c�vsragQ'.and
<br /> SuCh other hazerds e5 Lender may require,:n Am�untS and with cornpar:es accepL�bl�to 4e�der,nammg L�;nder as an add�t�anal
<br /> . named tnsyred,with:��s peyabte to Ihe�lan8er.In case ut►oss unde�su�� Dol�c��s the Lencier��:act,^.or�ced to crri�ust,conect�nd
<br /> edmpromise.al!ctaims thereunder and shnit hava the opt�on of epply�ng a..�r part oi thc��nsuranc�,��r;;ceEds(�}to any indebtedncss
<br /> . aecu�ed horaby and in such ocder�ts Candor may determ�rj�;,�n�Iv tho Tr ustor to bi;us�c!tor the repau Ur restarabon a1 the�roperty .=- ---
<br /> or(fii)for eny other purposet or ab�ect saE�stactary to LanOer w:thout aitectmfl thv��er�ot th�s De��ot Trust tai the tull arnount securQd �
<br /> hereby b6fOre suCh plyment over took place.Any appNcat�on ot proceeds ta mdeatedness strall npt ex!end or postpono fliv duo �
<br />. _-.-... • date o!an��Ymantg��ete�t��1nt�.c�*r�lre an��ei�.![t Lh�sal.Endsr�.�n.�r��n��_ . . . - -
<br /> 5. EsCrow.Upon w�itten demand bp Lender.Tru9tor sha(i pay to Landa►.�n s:,cn n,a��ne��s Lender nTay d�signat�.sufficteM '
<br /> sun�s to enable tando�to pay a9 they b�icomg due ona or more of tha toqowing:(�p otf taxes,c�ssessmdr�ts ancf o:t,�,o ctiargos aga�nst
<br /> ,the Property,(if)the premiums on tho p�a�orty�n�uranee rdqu�red hdr�e,ndor.and(��t►th�r prem�urns on�nj m�rtyaga�nsur�nc� .fi
<br /> required by lendor. � .. � � �
<br /> L 6: MaintMane��R�patn�rtd Compliane�with�aw�. Trustor shan keeA tt�e PrppEvty in gUOtl c�ndrUvn�nd repair. s►,aU
<br /> . promptly repafr, pr �ppf�CO any improvomeM which may bo damaged or dastroyetii, ShaU nUt Gommat or p�rrnd any v�ssto vr
<br /> deteriaretion of tho F'ropflrty;shatl not romove.dBmollSh or sub9tani��l►y�ItQ��ny pt thp�mprpvE�rn�nts orr Ih�P'rapdrty.shalf nat �
<br /> cemmit,suHBr or pormit Any s�Ct to ba dnno In ar upon the Property in wolal�on ot any Iav�,t�rdiliBnCE,dr sE{�ut�t�ps�,at�d st�l!p;�y a�� . ,
<br /> promp!lg.disChatge at�Tr�stor's sr�st and oxpansct a1!1Eoas:enc�rr►b►ar,ces a�d char�es i��r�t�d,tmpn�e�or assfrss�d u�a�r,st t�[, . �
<br /> Prnp&rry dr eny part theraoi. . . " �
<br /> �• `tk .
<br /> 7. Emin�nt flomatn.londor is hor�by gss��ned�If comparts�tron.l�wards,d5mage9 Fi�d ath�r Ga�rn�er�ts�r cet,E!{t�ero�nattCr ,a =
<br /> "P.rmceQds")tn connQCtion vnth cqndemnaU�n or�tner tak�ng ot the F'ropetty or part tnere�t,fl�!�r convey��,ce��:bc�rr of c:�+�rlemr,�-
<br />' ti0n Lend9�shgfl6��nti118d�t i!s option tU c�mmartCa.�ppE���h�nd prosocute�n i!s o�un narnt�nn;��ict�or�of UrotE�e.d.ngy ;.trrti
<br /> shall afsa be entdtad to makc+eny camprarn�su or SEft!ement m connect�on w�tn such tak�r:g�r darnayc� ►��th�,��y�n!ttny�iprUOn Uf
<br /> . Ntit'3457lNo�Vy�wttu.�i0aaleNerft��89 �
<br /> Q fOQ�f71t�n.?l8lr.RtAtomrn�rteT��}N�Q$Jr,w3Assac�ahcn t�+KOtn kn;r�i�s . •
<br /> i '
<br />