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�f <br />•F <br />r4 <br />a <br />f <br />' t <br />;-$-- 101934 <br />Trustor pay to Beneficiary additional installments in a Reserve for <br />Replacements Fund, in a separate account with Beneficiary, of an <br />amount not to exceed ten percent (10 %) of the principal and <br />interest portion of the installment payments on the indebtedness. <br />Such account and the funds deposited therein shall at all times be <br />under the control of Beneficiary. Disbursements by Beneficiary of <br />such funds, for the purpose of replacements of structural elements, <br />mechanical equipment, non - realty items, or any other maintenance <br />and repairs, may be made at Beneficiary's sole option and in its <br />sole discretion or by Trustor only with Beneficiary's written <br />consent. In the event of a default in the terms and conditions of <br />this Deed of Trust, pursuant to which the loan is accelerated, <br />Beneficiary may apply any balance of such funds to the amount due <br />on the indebtedness. <br />15. Payment of Impositions. Trustor shall duly pay and <br />discharge, or cause to be paid and discharged, the following items <br />(hereinafter referred to as "Impositions"): <br />(a) all real estate and personal property taxes, special <br />assessments, w-ater, sewer and solid waste collection rates and <br />charges. and all other taxes and governmental charges and any <br />interest or penalties with respect thereto, and charges for any <br />easement or agreement maintained for the benefit of the Trust <br />Property, general and special, ordinary and extraordinary, foreseen <br />and urtforeseen, of any kind and nature whatsoever which at any time <br />prior, to or after the execution of this Deed of Trust may be <br />assessed, levied, or imposed upon the Trust Property, or the rent <br />or income received therefrom, or any use or. occupancy thereof; and <br />W. all other taxes, assessments, fees and governmental <br />charges levied, imposed or assessed 4on or against Trustor or amy <br />of its properties. <br />trustor. shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon any of <br />the Trust Property not less than ten (10) days prior to the <br />delinc <br />guent date of the particular payment or installment and shall <br />exhibit. rece l' 'ts to teneficiary. Trustor shall pay all other <br />ImpostUat,, *- or installments thereof not later ther. the due date <br />thereo_f,:'at tte day any fine, penalty, interest or costs may be <br />added th,.eretcr or imposed by law for the nonpayment thereof ( if such <br />day ia.used to determine the due date of the respective item). <br />However, if, by law, any Imposition may at the option of the <br />taxpayer or other person obliged to pay it be paid in installments <br />(whether or not interest shall accrue on the unpaid balance of such <br />imposition) Trustor may exercise the option to pay the same in such <br />installments. <br />16. Insurance. <br />(a) The Trust Property and every part thereof shall be <br />kept insured at all times by Trustor against loss or damage from <br />fire, hazards included within the temp "ektended coverage ", and any <br />other hazards for which Beneficiary may require insurance <br />(including flooding if the Trust Property is located within a flood . <br />prone area), in a coverage amount of no less than one million two <br />hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,250,000.00). The insurance <br />company providing such insurance and the amount of the deductible, <br />if any, shall be subject to approval by Beneficiary. Trustor shall <br />cause each insurance policy issued in connection therewith to <br />provide, and the insurer issuing such policy to certify to <br />Beneficiary, that (i) loss payments shall be payable to Beneficiary <br />as its interest may appear; (ii) the interest of Beneficiary shall <br />be insured regardless of any breach or violation by Trustor of any <br />warranties, declarations or conditions in such policy; (iii) if any <br />such insurance policy be subject to cancellation or be endorsed or <br />sought to be endorsed to effect a change in coverage for any reason <br />Whatsoever, such insurer shall promptly notify Beneficiary and such <br />cancellation or change shall not be effective as to Beneficiary for <br />thirty (30) days after receipt by Beneficiary of such notice; (iv) <br />Beneficiary nay, but shall not be obligated to, make premium <br />payments to prevent such cancellation, and that such payment shall <br />be accepted by the insurer; and (v) refunds of insurance premiums <br />U: \L0AfJD0C \11EALTH. DOT <br />April 10, 1989 7 <br />t <br />