<br />4
<br />$9_. 101934
<br />Beneficiary to the sale, transfer, conveyance, encumbrance,
<br />mortgage, pledge or other disposition of the Trust Property, which
<br />consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, may be specifically
<br />conditioned upon consideration being paid to Beneficiary and the
<br />executiam.-of a management contract pertaining to the Trust
<br />Property.n'=in such form and with such company as may be acceptable
<br />to Btenetr•r -ary.
<br />34.. MC4L*ration of Debt; Foreclosure. Upon the occurrence
<br />of any fiv' t''Z Default and the expiration of any right to cure
<br />which may. .bre.�'- _Provided under the terms of this Deed of Trust, or any
<br />time the after, Beneficiary may, at its sole option and in its
<br />scL•e discretion without any further notice or demand to or upon
<br />T=star,:,.declare all tbp indebtedness secured hereby immediately
<br />due . a.^d._jpayable, and tom.• same shall thereupon bear interest at the
<br />default t
<br />. ate, if any, t for; . im the: Note;, car otherwise . at:.. the
<br />it he5t rate g amitteci ; 1 Z:AAV; ' Mrs , irresl aztk,4e. of whethez.,
<br />Be teficiary exeses ° sa1dt; .aptt -T it... its gQle aps,�.. ;a, ;..:. `
<br />It* its sole did cietidn' ' , 4i thout " -ahy r.r.3 ir, ;na 16e .car:: demand z
<br />upon Tr4�t"or, do one or.g*ore of the fmtil.owiztg:
<br />(a) Fty "csm ;:mod Operation of Tr+t: gray: Asstaist*_,
<br />of Rend -and Reticenuesa. neficiary day e„ntr upoxt, •" Crake pg1ssssf_T :�M,,,•
<br />;ref,.. • lag' 'e - and aperate: ith `gust : FrgP: dr' -any
<br />re Irs- axid alteratfenri, ab dc_. A r aci� c�ri�ich eenefl�:iary d
<br />.grrap"er to protect the secutit -i thereof, and either with or without
<br />taking possession, in its own name, sue for or otherwise collect
<br />and receive rents, revenues, issues and profits, including those
<br />past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of
<br />operation and collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees and
<br />Beneficiary's costs, upon the indebtedness secured hereby and in
<br />such order as Beneficiary may determine. Upon request of
<br />Beneficiary, Trustor shall assemble and shall make available to
<br />Beneficiary any of the Trust Property which has been removed. The
<br />entering upon and taking possession of the Trust Property, the
<br />collection of any rents, revenues, issues and profits, and the
<br />application thereof as aforesaid, shall not cure or waive any
<br />default theretofore or thereafter occurring, or affect any notice
<br />of default or notice of sale hereunder or invalidate any act done
<br />pursuant to any such notice. Notwithstanding Beneficiary's
<br />-continuance in poasession or receipt and application of resits,
<br />revenues, issues or profits, Beneficiary shrill be entitled to
<br />Oxercise every right provided for in this Deers of Trust or by lair
<br />'upon car after the occurrence of an Event of Default," including the
<br />sight to exercise the power of sale. Any of the actions referred
<br />to in this subsection may be taken by Beneficiary at such time as
<br />Beneficiary may determine without regard to the adequacy of any
<br />security for the indebtedness and other obligations secured hereby.
<br />(b) Appointrent of Receiver. Beneficiary shall, without
<br />regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness and
<br />other obligations secured hereby, be entitled to the appointment of
<br />a receiver by any court having jurisdiction, without notice, to
<br />take possession of, protect and mange the Trust Property and
<br />operate the same and collect the rents, issues and profits
<br />therefrom.
<br />(c) Foreclosure. Beneficiary may bring any action in
<br />any court of competent jurisdiction to foreclose this Deed of Trust
<br />or enforce any of the covenants hereof.
<br />(d) Sale of Trust Property. Beneficiary may elect to
<br />cause the Trust Property or any part thereof to be sold under the
<br />power of sale, and in such event, Beneficiary-or Trustee shall give
<br />such notice of default: and notice of stale a' iz may be then reTure
<br />by law. Thereafter,,upp^� the expiration of such t ze and the
<br />giving of such notice cf sale as may then be required bap law,
<br />Trustee„ at the time,And'placa specified by the notice of sale,
<br />shall sell such Trust Property, or any part thereof specified by
<br />Beneficiary, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in
<br />lawful money of the United states of America. Upon receipt of
<br />payment of the price bid, Trustee shall apply the proceeds in the
<br />April 10, 1989 zp
<br />1.
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