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r <br />89-- 101934 <br />it deems necessary or advisable to clean up, remove, resolve, or <br />minimize the impact of, or otherwise maintain and abate, any <br />hazardous substance, solid waste, contaminant, UST, asbestos, <br />formaldehyde insulation or radon gas on or affecting the Trust <br />Property or any part thereof which could result in an order, <br />notice, suit, imposition of a lien on the Trust Property, or other <br />action affecting the Trust Property, or that, in Beneficiary's sole <br />opinion, could jeopardize Beneficiary's security under this Deed of <br />Trust or impair the value of the Trust Property. All costs and <br />expenses paid or incurred by Beneficiary in the exercise of any <br />such rights shall be secured hereby and shall be payable to <br />Beneficiary by Trustor upon demand. <br />(f) Trustor acknowledges that Beneficiary has and will <br />rely upon the representations, covenants, warranties, indemnities <br />and agreements set forth in sections 25, 26 and 27 herein shall be <br />binding upon Trustor, its successors, assigns and legal <br />representatives and shall inure-to the benefit of Beneficiary, its <br />successors, assigns and legal representatives. <br />(g) Unless specified . to the contrary, as used in <br />sections 25, 26 and 27 herein the terms "hazardous substance" and <br />"release" (or "released" .shall have the meanin4s specified in <br />CERCLA, the terms "solid waste" and "disposal" Cor "disposed ") <br />shall have the.meanings specified in the RCRA, the term "discharge" <br />Shall have.the'manning specified in the CWA, and the term <br />wcontaminalra+t" shall have the meaning specified in the SDWA; <br />provided, In the event c.lther 2ERCLA or RCRA or CWA or SDWA is <br />azended so as to broaden the tre-aning of any term defined thereby, <br />such broader meaning shall apply'subsequent to the effective date <br />of such amendment, and provided further, to the extent that the <br />laws of the State of Nebraska establish a meaning far "hazardous <br />substance," "release," "solid waste," contaminant," "disposal" or <br />"discharge" which is broader than that specified in CERCLA,•RCRA, <br />CWA or SDWA, such broader meaning shall apply. In the event that <br />any substance or material would not qualify as a hazardous <br />substance under CERCLK, but would qualify under the CWA, then for <br />such substance or material the definition of hazardous substance <br />contained in the CWA shall control. "Underground Storage Tank" <br />shall have the meaning specified in the Superfund Amendments and <br />Reauthorization Act, and the term "regulated sub - stance" shall have <br />the meaning specified in the RCRA. <br />. (h) 2n the . event any actin -4 or 1iroceedlnq is commenced, or <br />any :claim, demand, cause of ?wtion, loss, damage,, liability, cost <br />or. expense arises with respect,to which Beneficiary proposes to <br />hold Truster liable here"�der, or in connection with the <br />transaction contemplated herein,.then as a condition precedent to <br />liability of Trustor Bi eneficiary shall furnish written notice to <br />Trustor of such claim, demand, cause of action.' loss, liability, <br />damage, cost, expense, action or proceeding, Such nett ce shall set <br />forth, in reasonable detail, the nature and extent of the asserted <br />liability and the basis upon which Beneficiary proposes to hood <br />TrUstor liable., Trustor shall, at its option, have the right: to <br />contest or defen4 any such matter, at its sole cost and expense and <br />with counsel of its own choosing. Regardless of whether or not <br />Trustor shall contest or defend any such matter, Beneficiary shall, <br />at its option, have the right to contest or defend such matter, and <br />Trustor shall pad' or reimburse Beneficiary for all attorneyil!� fees <br />and all other expenses and costs of contesting or defending such <br />matter. <br />- -� <br />28. Assigt :ont. Trustor traball nab: assign, pledge or <br />otherwise alienate any. rsf the iTevanues, .and Income from the Trust <br />Property without prior written consent cif Beneficiary, and any such. <br />attempted assignment, pledge or alienation shall be subject and <br />subordinate to time rights of Beneficiary. <br />29. Debts and Encumbrances. Trustor shall not, without the <br />prior written consent of Beneficiary: <br />(a) issue, contract for, assume, guarantee or permit to <br />remain outstanding any debt or any other obligations which would <br />D: \LOANDOC` HEALTH. DOT <br />April 10, 2989 <br />16 <br />Y <br />x. <br />�,1 <br />�w <br />-J <br />