.��.��. . . - �<<{:� . . � � � � , . . . . . ` . - � - , --- - .
<br /> y. , . .
<br /> � - ' , . , � � . < ` � . .. . � . . • . _ . . -- ' - � . .
<br /> . �i Tr`_�.'. � . , • , � ;F ` ' � . ` .._ ,..` � �
<br /> � . � � � � V . , . `� ` . � , � � 90--i�4v4� . � � . � � .
<br /> . � . . . , . . � .
<br /> � . ,�
<br /> , ` . � tf I�der rrqpired aaRp�e'msut�aee�s w coodition uf'mafcim�the fatn ser.wred by t6is Secptit�►InsWitxtit. �� , • � .
<br /> . . : , �
<br /> 8orro+wet sb�i[j�y t1ieTl�mt�str9uired to m�intain tt�tinsunnce in ef[oct unW sach tinae as the requirermat for tlre
<br /> - inwranc�e tenein�tirs in �►#tb Borr+�ier's arid Lesder's*nitten�are�ement a appiicabk IsN. . .
<br /> `. . � �. I�r/�eti�. �L�ib a�ent eoay mate msonabk entria upon aad inspections ot the Praperty.la�der` �
<br /> ; s1w11 pvrt sotta�er t�tice u thetiese of`or prior W sn iuspectibn specifying re=sona6Ie cas�se for th�ips�Ctio�•
<br /> � `" !`C,wi�Ei�. "1Le�roceeds oE a�ny awrar3 ot ctsim for duna�es,dirxt or caaseqveatW.ia coouec6ao�rith �� �
<br /> � . ��i,aoe��natio�or otba t�kenj ot�tny part ol'tbe 1'topa�ty,a for conrc}anct in lieu�caKlemnation;are baeby
<br /> ' aia�nedaadsb�U bep6id t4 Lender. ` � � �
<br /> � •
<br /> _ .__� --- ----�-�z;p;��t`- --� �• :-��-�a�ds�ta-��-ta:�� ' ' ' --- — ------ -— --.__
<br /> . � �miruma�t,wrbether`Qr not tlun du�with my e=saeat paid ta Bon�o�rer.In the evsnt af s p�rti�l takina of the Property.
<br /> � = wk�s Hocr�o�rer and�.m�er acher*rde,yr+ee in 1►ritin�,the sums aecused by tt,is Securicy Inswmaas sLa1t be reduced by �
<br /> tbe sawunt of tLe gcocae�ul�airiplied by tbe fdbi�kins frsction:(s)tbe total amaunt of the sums secured immediatdy
<br /> . �betore tirc taitia�divided by(6)the f�ir martcet v�ine of tf ie Propercy immed'utelY before the tatint:My 6�l�nce shalt be � .
<br /> ;. , ���a � . �
<br /> , . ` Yf t�e Property is ab�aidoaed°by Horra�rer,or if,afta notice by Lender ta Borrnwer that the coodea�nor offe�ta.
<br /> ' anke sn a�rttd or st�de a c1a�m for dam�es.Borrosva faits to rapos�f to Lender w�ithin 30 days a3�er tbe dste the notice is
<br /> ' ' �irm.Gp�det.is autboriud ta collect and appty ehe,proceeds,st its o�+tion.ei�her to rat�nnrion or repair pf tht Property or �
<br /> � � to tbe wmsiecuroc�by this Secasity lnstrcutt�t►whetha or not therr du�. '
<br /> - Uak�s LRndrt and HarroMer othtr+��e agae in+vritin�any applic�tion of pracoeds to Qriucip�l s?ull not extend os
<br /> pot�tae tbe due d�te of the maathty piymrnta refuted to in pua�phs 1 aad 2 ar chanae the amaunt otsuch psyaxnit.
<br /> . :, . . . 10. 8oaowa Not.�Fo�ie�es�te By t�a�es Not �Wdrer. �..�nsian of the time for p�yment ot
<br /> . � - � modiRc�tion of arnatiut�to�the a�ms sac�ued by this Soc�urity lnstru�necr;��`:�d bY Lettder to any sacressor i� .
<br /> . iaterrit�HOsr�rtt s�a1l�st opr�te to retease the lability af the esipna�!8emas��ar.Ha�sts�rer's succ�esso�in inser�.
<br /> � Ld�der shal! aot�be roquired to commence procoedinas s�inst ar��successar i.� iaterest ar refuse co cxtm� tune�'ar
<br /> ' p�yeneat or othet�rise:nodify s�nwrtiutian of the sums saPired tr�t�:�Sesurity����arument by ruson of u�g�nd made �
<br /> � . by thp ori�ftn�!Not�er or Forra+ver's sucassura in intat►�.�lr.}�;:�earaace��Gcnda in exetcisina stny r�&t or remedy
<br /> �aU not be s wr�ivaraEor pr�tude the cxaasr otany ri�ht or remod�. - .
<br /> . 11. S�cl+w�s�i A�Ipr So�dol�t�1 Sea►al Li�iitY;Ca�sipes3. 'I'h�r covrnants and a�reements oP
<br /> tbis Seeyrity inslrumeat sha11 bind and benebt the�uccessorfi and us�ns af Lender and Barrawer.subject to the provisians
<br /> of parynph 17.Aarrowre�'s cavenant�artd ajraments shal!be jaint snd several.Any Borrorvet who ca-signs this 5aurity
<br /> � instrummt Dnt dats not etawte the Note:(a)i�co-sianina this 5ecunty Inatrument anty to moetasae,gr�nt and convey ;
<br /> that Barro�ver'sinterest in the lkuperiy under the terms of this Sacurity Instrumrnt;(b)is nat persanallq aDli�ted to psy � ,
<br /> the sums secured by this Sbcurity Instrumrnt;�nd(o)agrees that ixndet Artd aoy mher Rorrowtr�may oaae to eatend. -
<br /> modify.forbas or ms�e tny accatnmoQations witb teprd to the terms af ihis Secunty Irotrument ar�he Note wUhaut •
<br /> tlat Borrowra'scanstnt.
<br /> 12. LoM�.1�r�a. lt eht lan�eeured by this Secunty lnstrument�s suA'eet t�a taw whkh seu m���mum lo�n � "
<br />. ehu�a.ar�d tMt Itw i�6rsilly �nterprNtd so lhat the interest ar ather Icjan chu6es colt�cted or to be colketed in ' "
<br /> � eortne�tion Mith the losn excerd the permitted tim�ty, thrn: (s)any such losn charge st�alf be reduced by the amaunt .
<br /> neeess�ry to teduet tht rlut�e to tha permitted hmit;astd(bl any sums already c�ltectcd i'ram Bc►rrowtr whicb tacaded ;�
<br /> ' permittod timits�vill be refunded ta fbnuwer. Lender may choose tn m�ke this refuttd by �educ�ng the pnnc�pal owed
<br /> � undtr tht Nottor by ttisjein�a dueet payment to Hc►rrower.fi�refund reQuc+e.r p��ncipal,thr re6ucUon w�ll bt ereatod as a
<br /> p�Aia1 prtpyment�without any prepayment chuge under�he!�ote. ,
<br /> � �8. t�ti0� Afi�etiy Le�et's Ri�. If tnactment ur e�per�u�n of a�►pl�c,�bte ►av�s ha4 th� tRect aP
<br /> readerins any prorrisiott of the Note at this Sec�rtity!mt rument unenf�►tcwbir accnrQing ta its terms.Lende�,nt it9 opt�an.
<br /> - msy tequire immrediate pryment�n full af al!surrts sccured by this Secs►rrt} Inctrumem and may �m�ke any remedia
<br /> petntitted bp paragrtph l4.lE l.endcr exerrist�this optton,Lender shall t�ke:he srepti spccifred m the stranQ p�ragraph of .
<br /> � Du�Ph 1T. ��r�:
<br /> 1�. NoNetU, Any n�tireto Borrower prnv�deA fur in thi�Serunty Inctrument tihali t+e g�ven by delwenng it��r Ay .'���.
<br /> maLn�it Ay ti�st elus m�il unless �pphc�bie law reyu�res u�e c►f�nnther mahnd 1 he nnteCe shalt bt duected to�he �
<br /> Prqxrty�Address or any othe�aAdress f3cirrov�er deugn�te;A�nnt�cc to Lcndcr Any nuuse u►I,cndrr shall he gi��en by
<br /> Ant ctas*mail to L.endtr'e�3dras stated herein a�any nther ad4ress t.ender ctes��nate�hy ncu�ce tc,Burrower Any notice
<br /> provided tat�n th�s Secunty tnslrument shall be deemecf to h�rr txen g��en ic�HurrE�ucr c�r l.ender when g�vcn as prov�ded
<br /> � inthnp�raatapA.
<br /> • 1S, G�tlff�iN�l,��r:Seter�4iHty. Thts 5tcu�ty In�tnjmtmt sh311 he g«ti�crnc:l�ry fc�crdl tav�and the iaw�:f�he
<br /> jutisdiction�n�rhuh the Pt�rptny ia lacattd. In thc e��ent�hat uny pruv�vnn �+r�lau�e«f�h�s Sr:unty luitrumrnt nr the ��-� � � �- � � - �� -
<br /> Note conAicts w�th�ppluaak bw,such cc►nfl�ct shaQ nr�t a�ect other pru���r�m�Etf th��tiecunty la�trume»t��r the No1e �
<br /> Rhich cut be�ti•tn eQect without�he runflut:ng p:�c�rnsan `i'u�h►s end thc pscs�«it�m<��th:�.5c�uri�y lnstrumrnt and the
<br /> Nate ete dtc1�►rtd tn br se�er�ble.
<br /> 1i. BaRVwer's Ca�y- f3orruwer shall be gnrn one c���furmcd e��py c�t the'�ute ancl ut thi�5ecuuty Ir�strumtnt.
<br /> 17. Tra�fer ot ti�e Pr/�/eKy or a 8eaefiei�l tnterest in Horrawcr. Il all n�• �sny pare uf the Vrnpe�rty ur any
<br /> iatertst�n�t ts satQ�r trans�erred t��:�ta be��efici�l antete�t in Cic>rrc�wer ec sc�1d�r trancfetre�and Botr�+wet�c net u natural �
<br /> �!.'i3tH1�K�t�tULf E,tt{ACt's�rtur.wt;ttm c�n�eflt.L�f1dCE fi13�.dE ItS 4tDtft7i�.r�c�u�;r itras�tr.�liatr psymrnt �n fult c�f all�ums
<br /> sccuted by this Sesunty Ins9cumrnt. Now��er,Ihss opUc�n shali nc�t hr eR�r:+�cd hy l..ender if earrr����pr�+h�b�[ed by
<br /> fedetaliaaasc�tt�tdsttafth�s5eeus�syln5trument. � , " �
<br /> If Ltnder exercESCS th�c csptcon.�.endrs fhatt gire iioeraaei nc�a::.c,f a;celerat�cm 'fhe netiee yhalt pmrid�a perec�d
<br /> otnoi tess tt�n 3{�d�ys frum�tte Qate�he n�irce i4 delitiered�r m�iicQ+�sthm w hieh tiarrcewer must pay ali�um��ute�i br
<br />� tRi�Secunty lnstrument IP&rtr�wer ta�l>t�g�y chesc��.:ms pt�c�r t.►the e�p�sat�:�rs of th��pestcxl.I.ender may iuroke a��y -
<br /> -_ . ! ���...�.�����.u-..�:�t�ccr�:mrntayetm�:tfurtteeer.c�i�rcncttaia:ulae:I3c,trc,ser. _ '
<br /> I�B�ito�er's[ti�t to RtiesGlte. !f ifarrower mcets certam c�no:c¢nn<. i�a�r�wrr�h�ii navr��e ngnc c�r na�r. , �� -
<br /> L eniarcementc�fth;sSece�nlyinssrurr.entdix�c��hne:�datanyi�rrupr:art���h�raricers�f r�►4da>4t�rS�echatherpen���t �f�
<br /> a�p�uable t�w mn}y�e;ity f_-:e�nstatemenE f brfc�se�aFc��f thc I'resDers�pu.tiva�of tu snti Grz�wet of�ale�ontaincd tn shi� �
<br /> Securita instrumrnt;c�:f,h�enir}aF a�udgrr�ent er:farr�nglh�s S�runE} lnstr:rrsient 7h�we�+�»ditu+ns are tha! f�itu�aet
<br /> (at�J�9 Ieii6CT 811 SLtTt�Wht_!! then µc�uf� tx�iue uR�tt th�6��iutiey I�sstrum€�nt :iiu:t�d tic=te l�ac3 m.�s�c.eleranan 3
<br /> accusred. {�+) curet an;� defnui� ��f any c�the; cu�enant�or agreemrnts Ic► $:+y� ��6 cx�rens�:�r.;.ua:ett �n tnfe�trrr.� cbis �
<br /> 5tcuril} instr�meot, tnclu��ng, but nf�2 [im�ted tc. reasonablc aitc�rru«fr�.. art�i idj tn1e�{v:.`�a.t►nn a� [t�uler may ��
<br /> st3�nabi} tc�ues�.r�,;l�iuf� chat ihe 1Eet���f ltir� `4iuF�1g insirumer�i_ Icnues's �zhts �n tht Ps�,�•etty an�3 f�.,rr=rat:'� ; �'
<br /> �bi�gaii��r tu pa� ti�: surns �,:Lure� �+� t��� 5cc�nt� tn5ttncrnrzt �t��it <<-;.tir;u� ur:har���.i t fi=r� r*�,s�tst�f�ie^t R�
<br /> � Hc�ti��wer.OhttS.�:.arit} in;ir4r:.fnt an�i th�<<`�tt�Zatx�m:�.��utr.�i hrrch.�t:s({:°:71;f{f�El1{I}P�C_f�c��s�.�R r�<<a_,ei:'�:iift�Fl Yi3tf
<br /> �ti`.tUftC{� ��lsilt�Cf.€�?t�at1��1�!`�.'.Ctti�i18�t4}/d�L Ilv!���`�: {�t��?:::zeSC•.}!i:_:_Pj_°C.3l�sef:i►It(f^t(+ai.lZif.i;�7e��"f �'e
<br /> . �
<br />. �
<br /> �
<br />