<br /> -
<br /> .—
<br /> _. t .. � .
<br /> , _ . _ .
<br /> � � � _`, ' . . _ ,. ' . . . ��_ ` :- . � . .' - �
<br /> ``'� ' • . ( ` � C, [ • � � ������ ` � ' • i t � t ' i •• `
<br /> ' ` • . � _ � . �. ` �� . " .
<br /> , � �. �Jrtt�oltlil CovErt�Nri. 8o�ro�ret�nd t,ender�avenai�t and wee t�fdJows: , - � `
<br /> ' � �• ��Mt�PrI�iI��j��i�3��Y��R�.� HO�fONrCf SIfiI�Pr�P�I'J P�3��YIiM�I�C � . .•
<br /> �[� � �P�'f�P�af�irituese on thedebs evjda�se�d by the�11ote ar�d aay Pre�aYmait andt�tschar6a4due undeithe Note. , � .
<br /> � �. I��fait?�tr�I�wea�cs. Subjeci to applicabk bw ar to a aritten�viiver by I.ender,.8orraMa shall p�y
<br /> to I�adet m ti�e daX moethtg A�S►me�t�are due un�sr tb�Noi�uaW tl�Nolt ss paid��Wl1.a sam(��1�unds�"f c�a1 tc� - _ -
<br /> �oee•t�reHlb of.ta}y�ty�and m�meats,�bich msy atuin priosity�over this Serurity inst►ument; N) Y�1Y ' . .
<br /> . . � ' ' ��.OrY�� a�d rtrots+nu tlu Frc�Ry. if any: (Cj yeuly haLnd insurance prerttiutn� and (dj yqrly .
<br /> � R!°rt�e i�u�auce Praaiva�.st�uy..These items arm calkd"escrprv iteu�s."Lendes may.atimate.tbe Fonds due on thr. .
<br /> . . b�o�current t�rsasAd rwonsbk e�im�ta a�'future escr+o�v itarls. . .
<br /> . . �� '�e Fuodi shtU be 6dd io ao inuitution the deposits�acow�ats of�vhich are inwrei!or awrujteed by�s feda�l oi . �
<br /> �aate�eecy(inctudin=I.en�ler if I.eeder is sueb an insticutionj_Lerder slul!_�Rpy��ttnd��Y ive_�scr�c it�ans.�-� — `--'-
<br /> _- -—- - „�,��,� = - -- _�e�u�, Yzma account or verifyins tbe e�cro�r itaas.unkxs - �-�-
<br /> � �P�ri��interest ort t�e F�and appiiabk IaN permits Lender to make such a char6e.8arrmver and � `.
<br /> ��Y����i�tbtt intenest shait be piid on tbe Fu�ds.LFnlas an a�reanait is m:de or apptieabte Tsa. . � '
<br /> nqMit�a in�aat W be p�id.Lendtr s6a12 not 6e requited to pay Borro�rer any int�cest or eunin�on the Fands.Lmde: � .
<br /> �ali�iv�eto�cx�n�rer.�nti�out e6sr�an aanual accountina of the Funds sho+ving credits and debits to tbe Funds snd the �
<br /> parpore tor Nhjcb nch d�it W tbe Fwids Maa mide.The Funds ue pledged u additional sa�rity for tl�e sums seeurod by
<br /> t3itSecurityl�trumeea . . . .
<br /> �. . ti the�n�ouat of the Funds 6dd[ry I.eader.t�er�vith t6e future moath�yr payments o[Funds payabk ptior to
<br /> t5e dnt datet of the escro�►itans,sball excad tLe smount sequ'ued to p�y the escro�v itans when due.the excas shalt be,
<br /> at Bo�t+n�ve�s option,atiur prnmptlY repsfd to Borro�ver or credited to Borrowa an rtionthty p�yments af Funds.if the
<br />. amouat ottLe Funds hdd bq Lender is not su�cipit to pay t2re escraw items whm due,Bonower sl�aU pay to Lender any :
<br /> ataauit naxs�uy to m�ice up tl�e detieiency in ane ar more payteeents is cequirM by Lestder. ' . �
<br /> ' . vpoa PiYa�at in fuU of dl sums secursd by tbis Sec�uety Insteueaent.i,ar�r ehaU proaipdy rrfn.ad to Borrawer .
<br /> ' any Fwd�heW�y I.ender.If under panaiaph 19 tbe Proper6�,is sotd or acqu'ued by t,enaer�I,ender shalt apply.no later -
<br /> ,. � tlian imtnediately prior to the s�le af titE Propecty or�its acquisition by Lender.any Funds hetd by Lender at nhe time of
<br /> � . applieation aa credit�tptinst tbe�secured by ehis Securiry Instrumest_ ,
<br /> 3�. �:a[�ay�e�t�s . Unku agpliatbk!sw prarida Gtfscwise�sl�p�ymeats r�eived by Lender undec
<br /> �ara�pl�s 1 aad 2 si�r(i be spplied:�rs�to latE dyar�a cftae under ehe Nar.�seeond,w�y�ast�harses due cmder tTx .
<br /> '.±. Not�tb�M.W a�e�spaYable uadrr parapsptl2:fourth,to interat due;and!u�t�pci�cip�i dn�c, . . .
<br /> ;,..
<br /> � > '1� �.7Nt��3�r. 8ort�er sball pay aU tua.�sfauments.charaes.5nes�nd imposirians iitributabie to the '
<br /> proQe�tjr v�i"sich m�y utain psiority,oves this Seciuity Instrumeet. snd lasehold psyments or graund rents, iP any.
<br /> � � � 8orro�ra s6ap p�y the�e otitiptioas in the mannes provided in pars�nph 2,ot if not paid in thtit�anner.8onoxer ahall �; -
<br /> py thap on tiine dirertly to the persoo o�red payment.BanoMer shall promptly fumish to Lcnder a1!natices of amaunts �
<br /> w be p�id utsder this qn�rsp}i.It Borrawer makd thae paymenu Airectly,Barcower shaU pramptly fumish to l.�rnder -
<br /> �00l1��111�l11CIA`t�lt Q��►111QD�f. . . -
<br /> 9orra�res th�ll prc�mptty ditchuaa any lirn which ha+priority ovu th�s Secuticy tastrumrnt unkss Bonawrer.(�)
<br /> ' , a�ees in�titin j to the p�Yment of tht obiipti�n secured by the lien in a manner sccept��k to Lender,(b)contats in aood
<br /> �ut6 the lien by.or def�nds a�in�t enforcement of the lien in.le�i proce�edinp Mhich in tde Lendei s opinion operate to -
<br /> • pr�.went the mfotcaa�t ot t�lim or lorfdture of any put of the.Property:ar(c)serurcs from the holder of the tirn an �
<br /> ye+�emmt s�tqtactory to Lender s�bordinatin6 the lian to�his Seccurity Instrumen�If Ltnder determines Ihit any pan of ;
<br /> tlie P�ropertq is aabject ta a lien which�may atttin priority over tbis Secu�ity lostrument. L�ender msy g�ve Botto�ver a
<br /> r�otioe ideatiiyiAR tht lien.�orraMrr shalt satisfy the lien or tatce one or mare n!the acnons set fortb abo�ce w�ithin IO days
<br /> • of t6e pvin j of notice.
<br /> S•. Nua��t�ea Horrower ah�lt kcep the�mpravemenu now esisting ot hercaftu erected on the Pr�perty �
<br /> imurod apinst lo�by fire.harards inctuded Mithin the term'•e�itended coven�e"tnd any wher huarQs far which Leoder ; �
<br /> � 'neQuirc�iawranoe. Tlus inwnnae sha!) be trtaintune0 in the amouats and for the periuds �hat Lender requires. The
<br /> in�u�nae esnier prov�Qin�the�nsurance sh�ll 6e ehosen by BorroMer sub�ect to Ltnder's sppm�al which shall not be
<br /> u�nason�Wy�rithl�eid. ,
<br /> All insursnce po9icies and anewals eh�1{be acceptabk to Le�dtt and sh�li inctude a s�snQard mon�t�e ctause. �'
<br /> �l.et�det�ll Aavt thc n�ht to hold the palic�e.s and rene�vafs tf Lcnder requues,Borrowrr�hali promptly��ve to Leader �
<br /> all reaiqs ef paid premiums and tenewa!nnpces.In the tvtnt of toss,Borrower ehall g�ve ptompt nc�t�ce to�he�nsunnce
<br /> carrier an0 L.tnder.Lender msy make proaPof t�ss if not msde promp�ty by 8orrav`er � •
<br /> Unless l,endet an0 8orrowtr other�ue�gret�n wnbna,insurance�rocreds shal l be appteed to restoialion or repair
<br /> ottl�e Plropetty damaacd��tthG testoration ot tepair�s econamecally fus�ble and Lemder's secunty ts nollessentd if�he
<br />" � rata�tiaf or teqir�s nat econam�cslJy tcssrble or Lender's srrunty would be tessened.�ht�e�uran�e praceeds�haJ!be
<br /> ' appiied to 1T�e�ums se�curcd by this Secunty,tnstrument,whelhet or.not then aue.�rryth any excess pe�0 tn Bosrower. If.-. - - . ...-- -... . ..
<br /> Bett�orer sbuWons the Pcopeny,or doe�s not answer w�thin 38 dsys s aotcce from l.tnder thst thr msunnce camu hss �
<br /> derid t�o eeuk s cl��m,tAen Lendef may tollt��th:msutance practt+ds.L.�nder ms�use�ht prc�cetQ�to repa�r ar restore -
<br /> . �ne P+ropet4y ot to psy aums se�cur�b}this 5ecunty Instrumrnt,ahtthcr�r nat thrn Au�. 7he 30�Qay p�npa wd)beg�n
<br /> wtie+��ht notice is�ven.
<br /> , tJnku 1,endrr at�d fbtrower other�r�se agree m writma,any sppl�catian af prc�cerds to pnnr�pat shall not t+�trn0 or
<br /> patpone the due date of�he monlhty psyrnents referrcd to�n pu�gr�ph�1 and 2 er change the un�unt of the pay mrnt�.II
<br /> under paraaraph 19 the Proprny is acqu��rd Ay Lertder.Bortawer's ngAt ta any insuranc*.��lie�e�and prucceds res�ltmg
<br /> froelt Qama�e to the Pso�xrty pr�ot tn the acqucs�t�on shRll pus tu l.ertder t:�the e�tent of ihe svm�secu�ed by�his 5ecnnty
<br /> instrument�mme�dutely pnor to ihe a:qu�s�tion r- ----
<br /> � i �t��MiM�M�iNtsute ot Pro�tt�;Lea�olr„ Harrv�►er sh�11 Rc�t des�ra�,damage ur substant��lly
<br /> • elfaaae Ihe Prope�ty.albw tht ptc�erty tu det�ertorate or comm►t +aaste lf�h�s 5erunt� Instrument is t►n a t=a�rhn4d,
<br /> Borr+n�uer shali camply w�th�f�e pro�fs�ons oi'the teue,end�Y gcsrav�er ncqu�res!ee tiete tu thr 1'ropeny.the teasehotd and
<br /> fee tuk sfiall not mer�e uele�l,ender��recs tu tC�e merger�n wntmg
<br /> - '. r�`rvii�nii-dr #�svl�irieins isr rer �g; ?�f�� ��,��, - ;r a;:;trc::r: Pai#� t�, y�rfac,;.�the " '�
<br /> . ea�maats�r�+Q s�reemems cantuat��n th,s Securn�I�tstrument,rr ehcre�s a fe�il prcr�refi�ng th�t ma}siAntftcanely affect �
<br /> ` . i.eaQer's na�ts�e IRe Ptayerty (such as a pr��a:ecri�r�g�n 6ar.kruptcy. pre�5�te. fot ccinQemnat�t+n or t��enfvrcr Eaw�ut
<br /> � te�ulateons),then Lender tttsy d�artd pay fnr whate�er�s neresSas}Le►pfote�E Ihe 4ata�ctf the Pr�,pertf aad Cettdtt'S n.ghts
<br /> it�tht Ptupeit�. LertQer's a►tcrng rrsa} irt:Sude ray�ng an� yum.g sr+:u�ai[+y:a;..�n wFse:h has prrvnt� c,�er eh�5 Stcesntv �;..
<br /> Enst�ument.s�pr.�nng m cavrt.��ymg reuc�nahI�at[;�rne}s`tets and entcnnR c�r:�he Pr���+erty t�=n,a�e re�s�Rti AltF.c�ugh ;�.
<br /> t�ertder cc�ay e�tee ac�cun und;r�h�s�araA:a�h'.�ender d��not ha��tc�dv«< �!�
<br /> Ariy amei�nts�ssb:.trsr�E�t Lend_r under sh:s€ara�r��h?shai�bctic•r;t a�#:;tFt:.`?S�Et�tC`°_•�E#=-�rr�cr c�^�:urc�t hv�hts _ ,�.
<br /> Seeu:�t4lr;tn:n:�;�t �=n"r��:Cmrrttu�er�»�€err��sL.eet�:���rrtf►r�c�f�:��[n���:.tF�a.��w:�ssf�.elF�eaiin[eresiP�c�m. .` '.
<br /> t�r �sse c�f�tsbt�rscstt�nt �t tlhe ti�**r rate g�t:� chait t+r �ata*;e, �,rh �nr-r-.:, ,��,,�, ::.��r c ;-c��rr [.cr=�;cr ;f� E3:�rr��uer
<br /> rt��sesteng�,��,m.r►t
<br /> � , �
<br />