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<br /> (1A11PO1tM CovENUMS. 8otrowet and t�nder covenant and iaree as fallows: � . � , , `
<br /> . 1. �7nrwt ot Pri�r,iMi i�M�tere�Pa+'M�qif�t L�te Aar�es. 8orrower shall rom il v�r6cn due
<br /> � tt�e' a€a�i�ii�resi�oertnc�eb�tevi�errsc� t�ie�f8it-fndul � P YWY..- - -- _. _ _ ,
<br /> `-7- - �� < � �y yprcpayment-andiatec��rgesduenndertheNo�e. ,
<br /> �: "Fi■i�ht7�t 1�i;� Su6ject to apptiabk tslv or to�written w�aivcr by t,endtr.Hor�oNer shall psy � .
<br /> - � ��to L't�des an Uie ds�i monthty p��ts are dut under the Note,untit the Note is paid in fvll,a sum�(••Funds")equal ro'
<br /> � aae-t�rdlta of: (s}.yarfy ta:a and as�asments�uhictz may atwtn priority over this Sccurity IRStrwnent; (b)yruty
<br /> • ` � � 1�eboid.p�ntt.ot tra�und rants on the Propeity, if any; (cD Ye�r1 y huard is�surancx pmntums; snd (d)yarly � .
<br /> �O��,p(�vens.if anY•That itans ue calla�"escro�v items."Leader may cstimau the Ft�ds due on the `
<br /> , btl��Of CtlrtiuE dUa�Ad ir'ai0f{ibk CK/YllftlS Of futuTe esCtow IIemS. �
<br /> ' T�e Fua�sb�ll be bdd in�n institutr,on the deposits or�ccoants o#which arc insured or gaaranta�i by a federa!or
<br /> � ��Y Cxtudin�Lcnder J Lender is such aa institntion).Lendes shal!apply the�unds to psy the escra�v items.
<br /> ± LaKkt a�ay aae clur�e fa ho�lin�sr�d applyina tlu F�ds,analyzing the accnunt or verifyina the escroB items,unlas �.
<br /> �F�l►f Borro�r�inte[at on thc Faa�s.sad r�����,':Ta�Ak pers�its L�nder to m�tce such a chugG Botro�a aacl .
<br /> " I.ender ntsy a�tae ia�vritinE tlut interes��fial!bc p�i�;asa the F�.r.�;. iFnless an agreement is made ar a��alsfe»sw
<br /> . eeqltit�es ieterr�t ia�e p�id.l,endes stta���e requi�.��sy Henu�er anE��rest'or arnings an t6e F�nBs. Lerx�er ' �
<br /> ��W 8orro+iver�tvithouE dsat�e,�n�.-:ut aco�:l.��g of the Funds shewzn�rredits and debits tQ t�r�uads aad t�s .
<br /> p�pore ior�bich acb debi�t t��be F�nds�w�made.T�ae�unds ar�wc�'grd as a�':.niona)sec�.�fy�or t�e s�,�ss secnt+c��Sy
<br /> . �., tbit S�ritY I�t: .. . ,
<br /> ' - �ttbe taso�et of the Funtts held by�.ender.tagether�ith the Futurc monst�fy payment�aiFurids payablr priar to � '
<br /> � ' tbe due d�trs of the acra�r items,shs11 excx+ed the amount required to pay the escrow items when dne,�he excess shsll be.
<br /> . at Bo[row�t'a oqion�eitJfet ptaroptly rtptid to Barrower or creditcd ta Bonawer on monthly Faymtnts ot Funds.lf the .
<br /> �t dl�e Fun�hek!hy Lertder is nat sufFcirnt to psy tht escrow�trms whrn due,Bflrrower shatl pay ta l.ereder�ny
<br /> amount tieoewry Ro m�ke up the�e6ciency in one ar mose payments as reqwrcd by!_ender.
<br /> Upon p�yme�t in fWi ptsi)sums secured by.this Sccupty Instrument. Lcnder shalt promp[{y refund to 8orrawet � '
<br /> any Funds 6eld by X.ender.If uader psrognph t9 the Property is sotd or acquireA by Lcader,Lender shalt apply,no tater
<br /> tlw�immeQutety prior to.thr sale of eha Propeny ar its acqu�s�tion by Lender.eny Fundc hefS I,y LenQer�tt the time of
<br /> �ppliation�f�credit Kainst the sums secured by fh�s Se�unty Instrumeric � �
<br /> , 3• A/lik�tl�af PrYt�e�h. Unless�ppt�cable tav�pmv�des�therw�se,n!!payments searvca by L.e�der under .
<br /> p�ta�sphi 1 Md 2 sMll be ap¢Iied.flns�to tue eharges Que unQer the Nc�te.�econd.tu prepayment chsrges due under the
<br /> Nat�thiM,to�unpunU pay�bk urider psragraph 2:faurth,tn interest due,and la�t.ta pnnc�gal due
<br /> � 4. L1�efM:LkM. Barrower shdl psy al!taxes,asses�ments,charges,fines and impcss�t►ons attnbutablt to the �
<br /> Proptrty wihuh may ttUin priot�ty over tbs Secunty Instroment, end Itasehold paymen�s or ground renta. if Any.
<br /> 8ormwtr shall p�Y the�.:oblipppns�n the mannet ptoveded�n�araftraph 2,c�r�f ns,i pa►d m�hai manner,Borrower shall
<br /> � pay tha»on time directly to the peraon owed p�ymmt. Bnr�nwer s6a11 presmp�ly furnish t�s l.c,�.fer all nnnc�of amaunts �
<br /> ta be pid under this panyrsph. lf Bc�rrower makes tt�ese payments duccUy. Bnrr�wer tihalf prc�mptly furnts'h td Lende[
<br /> raceiptsevidencinsthep�yments, - -
<br /> Borto�►te sha1)promptly dtschsrae any tien whirh ha�pnonty aver th�s Secun�y Instrument untes�Qcsrtower.(a) -
<br /> _ � yrees in Mritin�to�!u paym�ent af the obligatinn seeurM by the t�en�n a m�nner aeeeptabte ta i.ender.(b►c�►ntec�s�n gck�d
<br /> f�Ith the!im by�ot defmds�pinst enforcemenc of the l�en�n,lega!Yrncctd�ng4 whtch m tP�c i.l::Zdtt's o��nt�,n optr.�re to °"`
<br /> p�event the tlfto�Cetts�nt of the lien oT Wtf�:�,:re of nny�art of the Propetty,or(c)�ec re�fr�m Ihc h�,��e� s,f Ihe t�en an " �`
<br /> ajreemene ntiYtactory to Lendar subord�nattng the lien ta�h�5 S�curety instrumenc If I.ecufer dMermirtes thar any part�ff
<br /> � tl�e pfopeRy n�ubj�Ct to�l;ea whtch maq atta�n prrnnty aver thic Serunty lnstrurrent. I.tnder ma� gi�e i3otriyti+er a
<br /> notict iQetlNt�inj the litn.Borrower shel!�.►�sfy tht Iten nr takc�ne c•mf1rc a�f the acti�ns set inr�h,e+x�yc w��hin f!t Qay` .
<br /> of the pvins of n�t�c•e. ,
<br /> . s• Hair��slll�Yee. Barrawer shaA 6;eep�he�m�rovemrnts nc�K cxisung at hrreafter eu�:ied an��t Prope.ty
<br /> infured�aintt do�a by 8re,haiarAs included wtthm Ihe ter:.�"catended cc�vcrogt"and any r►thcr harards fc t�vhich Lender
<br /> nequites in�urance. 7'his insur�rtce shall be maimaincd m titr am��tints anA Por the pet��xfc that t,end:- reQwrts The
<br /> inwrst�ee eatrierprovidina the insuraner s1�aU he chasrn Ay Snrr;:wer tiuh��ct tv L.eniirr's appro�a! whech tihall not Ire
<br /> unreasot�ably Mithheld. ;;�
<br /> AU initutance policies and renewals chall he uccept�hlr to Lendcr ena shAl! �nclude a ti�and�rd mnitgage clauge. •
<br /> 1�!'fldC��11a11 have tht�tht tU hold the paltcees end teRewt�ly tf t err�ler requires.Eic�rrouer�hal!prnmpUy g�ve w i.ender
<br /> vl te�Yipts of prid prem�ams ana renewal not�ees. In the cven�of Inc.,Fk,:r��wer qhal!g�ti•e pr�mpi nouce t��ehe�nsurance
<br /> carrier and I.endes.Lender may m�ice proof af t��ss�f not made pr��mpt ly hy Ibrruwer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Horrower 4thec�i�e agrre en wrstmg,inst,rance�rrxerd4 sh311 he apDtTCA to restoratrcm or apa�r ,
<br /> � . of tAe PropeAy dsinaaed.dthe resturat�nn or repair n e�eans,m�wlly kas�hle end Lendrr's�p�ut�ty n-not tessened.-!t the � - � � - -- � �
<br /> tAtonetiotf or repait�s nut erunom►c�tly feasihte�r t,ender's secunty wuulcf he te«ened,the�ncuranre pu►ceeds shal!be
<br /> ipplied to the sums se�cured by this See:unty Instrumenr, whether ar n�u eheie due, w�lh any eace�s ptird to�inrruwer If
<br /> . 8orso�ret�bli�ns Ihe Properey.�r dex5 not answer with�u 30 it�y�a�t��t��r ir�,m i.endtr that thc�nsurgnce carner has
<br /> dl2rad to etitk�c1a�m.Ihen Lender may collect thr�n�urAnce dn�ceds Ler,der may uce Ihr prcxecA�tu scpa�r at restore
<br /> tlNt P�operty o►to pay�ums securM by t��s�ur�ty Instrumem,whether+lr nut thni due Yhs 3(Ldr�y penod wi�� beg�n
<br /> 1Yhllf lbe eQtic!/f�iv4n,
<br /> Unkss Lertder�nd iic�rrower otherwise agr�e�n wr:unF.bi►y u�:�,lsi��t�a�►s c�f p:cxcrefc tt��+►��tcipal tiha11 ttat txtrnd ur
<br /> po�lpone theduedate ofthe ntonthfy payments rcferred tr��n parngra��h�1 a►�A 2��r changP rhe arnuunt of the paymerda If
<br /> undet pata�pl�19 the Praperty�s scqu�red By L.ettdet.Uoru�wet's rt�ht t►,au� �n�urauce�x_�!►c�es and pr��tteds rrsult�ng
<br /> fromdamaaetotheP�opertyptiort��Iheucyuts�uunshalt��cstulen�lP�tc�theeKtentc�i�he5;:�w�sec�redhyth�sStrurrt} � . . --..------
<br /> Instrument immediately prior eo�he ucyuisi��a�� .
<br /> 6. Prt�er�at[�nand 1�4ldeten�nte of Ptapt�ty;I,easeholds. F�»r�c,u�cr�-�;�It nc�t de�tra},damage c,r Subsl�ntiAlt,y �
<br /> ch�n�e�he Pro�ersy,atlow the Pto�erey tc+detet�uryte dr eumrrvt ��te if ch,s Se,eu:�t4 [nc�rt��r�e 4�¢,.���.�,.�,+ ..
<br /> �F�o�ver sh�dlcar;�4ly with�fie pravisicir�s rf the teas�,onci�/Ftnrrnw;�-;�,y�nrec fre ntle tu the Prapetty,the leasehnid ar.�
<br /> tee titksh�ll nnt mergc unIess Lender 3grce;�tc►the me�gee m wnt�ng �
<br /> 7. Protecttoe of LenQer's Rights in the P�ppetty; StortKege Insurynce. 1/ fbrrower fu�ls to perfurrn thc M+
<br /> cavenantsand agteements conta�necl m th►a Sece►nty irr+�trsirntnt,vr tl�ere�4 a le�;ai<<ttwtedang that may s�gntf:cnfllfy bffrct •�
<br /> � I.endet's rights in �hr YropeRy(sucb�s u pre��eedmg in hankru�t�ti. pr�,bate, fur ccrndemnat�c�n nr t�enfc�rce laws or
<br /> te�ulation9),1hen Lertder may doand p�y for ahatever is ne�ts�ry tc:F���te::4 thf�alup<�f the Prr��+criy 3nd l,et►der's r�ghts '�
<br /> in ihe Ptopetty. t�ender's�tctr�ns may in�lucie paying any sums�erareti hy a lien whrch has pnonty rner eh�s 5ecurny ti�
<br /> Ittsttumetrt,eppearing in ct7utt,�sy�ng:eawr�abte attc�meys'fe29 tf1►d�tttc`t��jt cm thc f'ro�est�[r,f�i�j�e tt�u7�t5. A14h�tiugl� ��
<br /> . I�iidei mAy takearfion uricier this paragra�h S.I er��lev dc�es r�€,t h�vt tcs dr,SR �:
<br /> �� � Ariy amaunts d�sbursed by Lender undPr th�c paragra�t�7 cl�aft�er�+mr a�i��ti4�i�,�}c�c�c�_�F N;.�rroucr se�ured by�his . '
<br /> Secunty lnstrument Unless ftr�rrou�er:�nd tendcr agree in uther rr:r:a<nf F�,�•.rner�t,thecr am+��ftit�:hali t�eat inrfretic hbnr
<br /> � the date bFd�shursement ar the hic�tr. r�te and cf��11 F� p;�yabte. u�tFi ttttet�4t, up�,�� nnli�e trr.rc� 9.ender ts� Horrr�Ker
<br /> reques�ing paymen[ ,
<br /> �
<br />