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<br /> . t � � '. (y�c�AMw this't�w� iK 1wa��ne OMrI .
<br /> � . � � , .
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST �
<br /> . . G�,, ,
<br /> . , . . . � .
<br /> �. `�4'HL4 Dl�G Ol��C�'�F'�'�ee��,^��rament"�is madc�� August 5 T ::� , , .
<br /> � . � t� .90.�'l�e�ear;s. ��si+�ss���rltf ���es�r.}�, Inc. . � • � .
<br /> ; �, . � � :��a.►�n�:�a�s��s�in�o�,s,�►ac.aean�.y c����s. .
<br /> , ; �.wb.a�.�r�•��eu savwc�s uwa�.o�w�s��c�NO�suu�,�,.�w�a� ,
<br /> or�sds�d a��►�[Ltias o�tLe law�of NESl1ASKA.aad�vho�e sddress is 2�t SouM 1-oeuN.tir�nd�I�ndr N�r�� - ,
<br /> � � lMOt'1"twnd�t"b ' • .
<br /> � HatavaaxaL,endertlrprincipil:umoP One Nundre� Three Thousand Two Hundred and no/10[t--•---- � ,
<br /> � -------+------------------ OollaraCU.S.t t03+2�0.Q0 ?.ThisdebtiseviderscedbyHorrawer'snote
<br /> dNad t�s wne dst�as thif Saeurity lnstrument("Nae").wAich psov�des for monthly payments,u ich�he fuil deM,if nae �
<br /> p�idarlier.�u�andpays6kan September 1� 20QZ '
<br /> ; '.Tius�ecutity[t�trott�tat�ecuta to Lender.(s)the rep�ymrnt aE the debt ev�denced by ihe Nate,with intefest,�nd�11. ' '
<br /> } �►ai�„eatrnsions sn�trtadiEkatios�s:(b)the psyrt�mt oi al!rnher sums.�vttb�nterest,adv�nccd undei para�raph 7 to .
<br /> ' p[�d0ae,�t tlre tecsrrity af thit Saurity tnstrumrnt;snd[c)tNe perforr�inrc of Borrawer's covenants and a�reementa.For this �
<br /> �' purpo�r.Bprrarver irrevocably�tants and conveys ta Trusta,in trust.wuh powe�of sale.tttr foltowin�Qe�scnb�d property . � �
<br /> loc�ted in Ha12. Ca�unty.Nebnska: `
<br /> ; �
<br /> � � Lots Qne �1 ) and Two (2), 81ock five (5). Gladstc,ne P�ace, in �the City of Crand �. �
<br /> ; . .
<br /> � � Island� Hall Caunty, Nebra�ka. �ogether with the 1Vorth H�lf (n 1/2} oP tt�e
<br /> r . . ��—
<br /> ; vacated al�.ey ad3acent to said l.ats Qn� (i} ��d �wo (2.) abutting rr the South
<br /> . t
<br /> ' ' 5ide thereof, as shnwn in Ordin�nce No. 5977 recc�r�ed as Qoc�-�ent No ?6-OQ3264
<br /> ; ��;
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> i . . .. _. ._. ..... _.. . .. _. .... . . . - -- - -... _.. ... . ..._ ..... .. . . . .. . .
<br /> wLichlwthe+�ddrasof 61� �. G4r�tis b 29C�7 W. :l�e�n , �r�nc} Isl�r7c3 �
<br /> �Stree�l I���l • .
<br /> Nebrasira E88�3 ("Pruperty Address"r � - --
<br /> . tz,� �� .
<br /> �- � - � '��t� �iTR �tt ilie ieipi�avernent9 norv or 6eraa3'ter erecta3 un tF�e prajxrty. and aTT r�sements, nghts.
<br /> appurtet�aacti,renta.royaltits.mintral.ai! snd ass rights a:�d profits, r��ater aghts aad stock and alt fia�u►c��ow or '
<br /> hetafttr s put tsf the property.All repl�cements a�t8 additions shsll also be covered by Ihrs Secunty lnstrumrnt.AII of the ,�
<br /> foreaain�is ttfetrW to in 2his 5ecurity lnstrutnent�s the"Propesty."
<br /> L ' BORROwER C�vENANTS that Borrowet is IAwfully setsed of the estate hcteby cunveycd and has the nght to grunt
<br /> and convey the Propertg utd th�t the P'oprrty ig uaencur�bered,aacept fer encurnbrances of rc�cotd Batrbwu warranty �
<br /> and will defead aenetvly the title to the Property againat all claims and demands.sub�est ta any e�cumbrances of recur�- ;�'
<br /> �cr
<br /> - 7'fflS SECURIT1t IN�tRUMENT-cotnbints uaiEorm cavet►a�ss fc►r itationef use and nc�n-umfotm sovcaants w�eh �
<br /> limited varialions by junsdiction to constitute u uniform secunty instrument cuvrnng rral pr�perty �. �'�
<br /> . NEBRASKA�--s���te iam�ly--fNMAtiH1M� lAltifOltM INSTNUM�NT �6.� 3o7e szre3
<br /> �`7Alfl:111�.fi�CfHt'!'� � ' �
<br /> - � fCR6 t81� . ' " . ' "
<br />