<br />Grand Island Independent
<br />405 N 115TH ST, Suite 100
<br />OMAHA NE 68154
<br />REFERENCE: 10093487
<br />20463459
<br />LEGAL NOTICE TO: Tammy L. Lundy, 720 W. 17th St. Grand
<br />Island, NE 68801 Tammy L. Lundy, 119 W. 12th St. Grand
<br />Island, NE 68801 Ronald S. Depue, Esq., Trustee, 308 N.
<br />Locust, Grand Island, NE 68801 Alissa L. Sherrard, 4600
<br />Briarpark Dr. Apt. 106, Lincoln,
<br />Terri Trejo being first duly sworn on his/her oath, deposes and says that
<br />he /she is the Legals Clerk of the Grand Island Independent, a
<br />newspaper printed and published at Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and of general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, and as such has charge
<br />of the records and files of the Grand Island Independent, and affiant
<br />knows of his/her own personal knowledge that said newspaper has a bona
<br />fide circulation of more than 500 copies of each issue, has been published at
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, for more than 52 weeks successively prior to the
<br />first publication of the annexed printed notice, and is a legal newspaper
<br />under the statutes of the State of Nebraska; that the annexed printed notice
<br />was published in said newspaper.
<br />04/05/17 04/12/17 04/19/17
<br />cv
<br />TOTAL COST: 141.15
<br />AD SPACE:
<br />Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 19th
<br />day of April, 2017.
<br />My commission expires
<br />Notary Public
<br />GENERAL NOTARY- State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Sept. 2, 2019
<br />201705355
<br />TO: Tammy L. Lundy, 720 W.
<br />17th St. Grand Island, NE
<br />68801
<br />Tammy L. Lundy, 119 W. 12th
<br />St. Grand. Island, NE 68801
<br />Ronald S. Depue, Esq., Trus-
<br />tee, 308 N. Locust, Grand Is-
<br />land, NE 68801
<br />Alissa L. Sherrard, 4600
<br />Briarpark Dr. Apt. 106, Lincoln,
<br />NE 68516
<br />Person In Possession of 720
<br />W. 17th, Grand Island, NE
<br />68801
<br />In accordance with Nebraska
<br />Code Section 77-1831 et seq.
<br />you are hereby notified that:
<br />1. The property described in
<br />paragraph 2 of this Notice was
<br />sold at tax sale on the 4th day
<br />of March 2014 \for the taxes for
<br />the year 2012 thru 20115. The
<br />`.purchaser at tax Bete wa tt
<br />Heartland Investors. The total
<br />amount of these taxes plus in-
<br />terest to the date of this notice
<br />Is $10,291.12 Interest Contin-
<br />ues to accrue at the rate of
<br />$3.08 per day atter this date.
<br />2. The legal description of the
<br />property sold is:
<br />Lot Seven (7), Block
<br />Twenty -two (22), Schimmer's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Is-
<br />land, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />according to the plat thereof.
<br />3. The property is assessed in
<br />the name of Tammy L. Lundy.
<br />4. You will further take notice
<br />that unless you redeem said
<br />property by paying all taxes,
<br />costs and fees covered by the
<br />certificate of tax sale to the Hall
<br />County Treasurer within three
<br />(3) months from the date of
<br />service of this notice upon you,
<br />the undersigned will apply for a
<br />treasurer's tax deed pursuant to
<br />Neb. Rev. Stat. §77 -1801, et
<br />seq. Upon issuance of the
<br />treasurer's tax deed, your right
<br />of redemption will expire.
<br />5. If the property is owner occu-
<br />pied, the right of redemption
<br />shall expire at the close of busi-
<br />ness on the 45th day after the
<br />application for tax deed has
<br />been made. An additional re-
<br />demption fee equal to twenty
<br />percent of all other amounts
<br />due must be paid if redemption
<br />is made after application for
<br />treasurer's deed has been
<br />made.
<br />6. For any questions about this
<br />notice, please call (402)
<br />399 -9049, ex. 103.
<br />Dated this 31st day of March,
<br />2017.
<br />Heartland Investors
<br />By: Deana Walocha,
<br />Agent for Heal*nd Investors
<br />405 N. 11$tl treet, #100
<br />Omaha, NE 68154
<br />dean ©
<br />(402) 399-9049
<br />5 -12 -19
<br />