13. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary may, from time tot lie, by a written instrument executed and acknowledged by
<br />Beneficiary, mailed to Trus2:r and recorded in the county or counties in which 1: °,a, Properly is located and by otherwise complying with the
<br />provisionsof the a. piicablelawsoftheStateofNebraskasubstituteasuccessorofs;. ccessorstotheTrusteenamedhereino ;•a ; linghereunder
<br />14. INSPECTIONS. Beneficiary, or its 23v.13. representatives or emp !t,i t, es. are authorized to r;.-14-T al any reasonable fit-(: up9n or in any part
<br />of the Propertyfor the purpose of inspeetir.;tlr a same and forthe purpose :rr,�. anyof the acts it is authorized to perform undarth.e terms
<br />of the Trust Deed.
<br />15 .OPTIONTOFORECL4.4.,IJAE. Upon [V ct.:currerr-a? 'any breach v,6 u,:. ^�.,tY ed eclaratiorof default hereunder. Beneficaryshaliha:e,he
<br />option to foreclose this Trust Deed in the r'1'!n;ner provided by law for flit? iri acics.rz of mortga”' Ss on real property.
<br />16. FOREBEAPA%CE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEE NOTA WAIVER. AnyforeL',*•arance by Beneficiary orTrustee in exercising any right or
<br />remedy hereunder, or otherw-seafforded by applicable taw, shalI not be a waiver of c, .+,*crude the exercise of any such right or remedy Likewise.
<br />the waiver by Beneficiary or 7r,istee of any default of Trustor under this Trust Deco' :,hall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other Of similar
<br />defaults subsequently occurring.
<br />IT BENEFICIARY'S POWERS. W -thoui affecting or releasing the liability of the Trustor or any other person liable for tre payment of any
<br />obligation herein mentioned, and without affecting the lien or charge of this Trust Deed upon any portion of the Prcperty. Beneficiary tray. from
<br />hrne to time and without notice at the request of one or more Trustors. (i) release any person liable, (i4 extend Gr renew the maturity or after any of
<br />the terms of any such obligations. (itit grant other indulgences, (iv) release or reconvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any tome al
<br />Beneficiary s option any parcel or all of the Property, (v) take or release any other or additional security for any obligation herein mentioned. (VI)
<br />fnake Snittemnnts ni bthnr arrangmmantn Wd11 Trttetnf to rnlatinn tharat(% All Two sffom Shall hn ir)tntly ?nit Saver ;lly nhl,rjatert araf t%otinri by it---
<br />actions of the Beneficiary or any one or more Trustor as stated in this paragraph
<br />L is ATTORNEY FEES. COSTS AND EXPENSES. The Beneficiary of this Trw;f heed is ent,tied to the payment of attorney s tees t u_.t•,, anti
<br />expenses as provided in this Trust Deed, except as otherwise prohibited by favi
<br />f G RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon written request of Beneficiary and upon payment by Trustor r t Tn„fee s `t-es 7 *tr5tce's' .i:!
<br />QGOnveyf:) Trustor. or the por, onorpoisonslogally enflled1horeto wdhoutwananly., inyporf, imof the Properrrthen hold M eratiodoi Rar.tal� it
<br />such reconvoyance of any matters et f,rrfs shall bo cooclutove proof of 1he truthfulness thereof The grantee ri any rEr.errevatire rri:iv
<br />de5tr,bed Ss the person or persons legally entitled thore>t4
<br />r.
<br />n
<br />f
<br />__
<br />-
<br />89` j.01803
<br />8�-- 101754
<br />10. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shalt be entitled to enforce payment and petftsrmance of any
<br />indebtedness or obligations secured hereby and to exercise all rights and powers underthisTrust Deedor under any other agreement executed
<br />i
<br />to connection herewith or any laws now or hereafter in tome. notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations secured
<br />hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured. whether by mortgage, trust deed, pledge, lien, assignment or otherwise. Neither the
<br />pcceplanee of this trust Deed nor its enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sate or other powers herein contained, shat)
<br />prejudice or in any manner affect Trustee's or Beneficiary's right to realize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Trustee or
<br />Beneficiary, itbeing agreedthat Trustee andgeneficiary. and each of them. shall be entitled to enforce this Trust Deed and any other securitynow
<br />or hereafter held by.Beneficiary or Trustee in such order and manner as they or either of them may in their absolute discretion determine. No
<br />remedy herein conferred upon or reserved tzTrustee or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provided or
<br />permitted, buteach shall be camulative acd;t hs l,be in addition to every other remedy given here -:nder or now or hereafter existing at law or in
<br />i .
<br />equity orby statute. Every pov er=rem eq.*pTasiced unde^th ,�s Trust Deed to Trustee or Beneficiary or to which either of them maybe otherwise'
<br />entitled, maybe exercised; cc.^ruirently 0- gbdapendent1y, tmonn time totime and as often as may bedeemed expedient by Trustee or Beneficiary
<br />and either of them may pursue''nonsistenz`�,em'sdies. Nothing herein shall be cohslr;r�tas prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deft cleric y
<br />.�'
<br />judgment against. the Truster to the extent such action is permitted t)y' law
<br />.
<br />11. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSUMPTION. If all or any.psa ;; :'of tti? Frap� � =- . *a;r8st therein is sold. transterr� or otherwise
<br />conveyed by Truster without Saneficiary's prior written consent, c` a :.,_n or encumbrance subord:note 1c ih'..3 Trust
<br />Deed, (b) a transfer by operation of law upon the death otaitiustor who is a joint V',9grantof any leasehold interest oftfirde (3tylearsor
<br />less which does not conta:_— a *;bption to purchase, sualh-action is a breach of thisaj eierpent: and Beneficiary may, at Beneficiary's apfioirli.
<br />declare all the sumssavura; fbyt¢ tisTrustDeedtobeimmediatelyduepndpayable ,prrividad :furl e-; this Trust Deed may, atBeneticiary'saptia,. • ., ., `':.
<br />he declared immediately di-�2 and payable, ,if x1) Truster is a partnershipand any interest in t p ltnership is sold or assigned by any meaF�s;;';
<br />whatsoever. or (2) if the TrusmL is a corporation and a transfer of the majority stock ownership U!Izevst in the corporation occurs. or the Trust. ; :' : 2;
<br />corporation merges in any form with another corporation or entity. Beneficiary shall have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sacs,.
<br />transferor conveyance, Beneficiaryandthe person towhom the Property is to be solo ortransferredreach agreement in writing that thecr?t,�iof
<br />i
<br />such person is satisfactory to Beneficiary and that the interest payable on the sums secured by this Trust Deed shall be at such rate as Bene..t� ary
<br />shall request.
<br />12. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT; REMEDIES; SALE. The failure by the Truster, to make any payment or to perform ay of the terms and
<br />i
<br />conditions of this Trust Deed, or the terms and conditions of the Note, or any renewals, modifications or extensions thereof, or the failure tomxke
<br />payment of any other indebtedness, prior or subsequent to this Trust Deed. and secured by this property, or the death of one or more Trustorssbatt
<br />be a breach and default of this Trust Deed and the Beneficiary may declare a default and may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due
<br />and payable and the same shall thereupon bi o3me due and payable without presentment, demar -,,3 „.retest or notice of any kind,provided, Trustor
<br />shall have any slatstory right to cure the defa•uit before any notice of default and demand for sc:55rray be delivered to the Trustee. Thereafter,
<br />;
<br />Beneficiary may sine ver to Trustee a written declaration of default and darnand for sale. Truster agrees and hereby grants that the Trustee shall
<br />'
<br />have the power of sale of the Properly and it Beneficiary decides the Propaay is to be sold it shall deposit with Trustee this Trust Deed and the Note
<br />or notes and any other documents evidencing expenditures secured he-aby, and shall deliver to Trustee a written notice of default and election to
<br />cause the property to be sold, and Trustee, in turn, shall prepare a simc ar notice in the form required by law, which shalt be duly flied for record by
<br />Trustee.
<br />(a) After the lapse of such time as may be required by law following the recordation of Notice of Default. and Notice of Default and Nc6ce
<br />•r
<br />of Sale having been g ven as required by faw Trustee, without demand on Trustor, shall sell the Property, if not redeemed, in one c'
<br />more parcels and it vW, h order as Trustee may determine on the date and the time and place desty-,V tgd in said Notice of Sale. a:
<br />public auction acccrd;ng to law
<br />(b) When Trustee sells pursuant to ra D 3wers herein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale to payment ofthe costs and expenses
<br />=
<br />of exercising the power of sale and of the sale, including, without limitation, attorney's fees and the payment of Trustee's Fees
<br />incurred, wr:ch'r�;!"r:?'s Fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the following amounts based upon the amount secured hereby and
<br />remaining unpaid av7r,o-ume scheduled for sale- 5 porcentum on the balance thereof; and then to the items in subparagraph (c) in 1Ee
<br />order Cher? stated.
<br />(c) After paying the items specified in subparagraph (b). if the sale is by Trustee, or if the sale is pursuant to judicial foreclosure, the
<br />proceeds of sate sfhzti be applied in the following order.
<br />(1) Cost of any evlr_- i :e of Idle procured in connection with such sale and of any revenue transfer fee required to be paid.
<br />(2) All ebtigations se,,t. ed by this Trust Deed,
<br />r'f
<br />(3) Junior trust deeds, mortgages. or other lienholders.
<br />(4) The -rersainder, if ary, to the person legally entitled thereto
<br />13. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary may, from time tot lie, by a written instrument executed and acknowledged by
<br />Beneficiary, mailed to Trus2:r and recorded in the county or counties in which 1: °,a, Properly is located and by otherwise complying with the
<br />provisionsof the a. piicablelawsoftheStateofNebraskasubstituteasuccessorofs;. ccessorstotheTrusteenamedhereino ;•a ; linghereunder
<br />14. INSPECTIONS. Beneficiary, or its 23v.13. representatives or emp !t,i t, es. are authorized to r;.-14-T al any reasonable fit-(: up9n or in any part
<br />of the Propertyfor the purpose of inspeetir.;tlr a same and forthe purpose :rr,�. anyof the acts it is authorized to perform undarth.e terms
<br />of the Trust Deed.
<br />15 .OPTIONTOFORECL4.4.,IJAE. Upon [V ct.:currerr-a? 'any breach v,6 u,:. ^�.,tY ed eclaratiorof default hereunder. Beneficaryshaliha:e,he
<br />option to foreclose this Trust Deed in the r'1'!n;ner provided by law for flit? iri acics.rz of mortga”' Ss on real property.
<br />16. FOREBEAPA%CE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEE NOTA WAIVER. AnyforeL',*•arance by Beneficiary orTrustee in exercising any right or
<br />remedy hereunder, or otherw-seafforded by applicable taw, shalI not be a waiver of c, .+,*crude the exercise of any such right or remedy Likewise.
<br />the waiver by Beneficiary or 7r,istee of any default of Trustor under this Trust Deco' :,hall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other Of similar
<br />defaults subsequently occurring.
<br />IT BENEFICIARY'S POWERS. W -thoui affecting or releasing the liability of the Trustor or any other person liable for tre payment of any
<br />obligation herein mentioned, and without affecting the lien or charge of this Trust Deed upon any portion of the Prcperty. Beneficiary tray. from
<br />hrne to time and without notice at the request of one or more Trustors. (i) release any person liable, (i4 extend Gr renew the maturity or after any of
<br />the terms of any such obligations. (itit grant other indulgences, (iv) release or reconvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any tome al
<br />Beneficiary s option any parcel or all of the Property, (v) take or release any other or additional security for any obligation herein mentioned. (VI)
<br />fnake Snittemnnts ni bthnr arrangmmantn Wd11 Trttetnf to rnlatinn tharat(% All Two sffom Shall hn ir)tntly ?nit Saver ;lly nhl,rjatert araf t%otinri by it---
<br />actions of the Beneficiary or any one or more Trustor as stated in this paragraph
<br />L is ATTORNEY FEES. COSTS AND EXPENSES. The Beneficiary of this Trw;f heed is ent,tied to the payment of attorney s tees t u_.t•,, anti
<br />expenses as provided in this Trust Deed, except as otherwise prohibited by favi
<br />f G RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon written request of Beneficiary and upon payment by Trustor r t Tn„fee s `t-es 7 *tr5tce's' .i:!
<br />QGOnveyf:) Trustor. or the por, onorpoisonslogally enflled1horeto wdhoutwananly., inyporf, imof the Properrrthen hold M eratiodoi Rar.tal� it
<br />such reconvoyance of any matters et f,rrfs shall bo cooclutove proof of 1he truthfulness thereof The grantee ri any rEr.errevatire rri:iv
<br />de5tr,bed Ss the person or persons legally entitled thore>t4
<br />r.
<br />n
<br />f
<br />__
<br />