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s <br />V <br />t. <br />$94... 101754 R cDGRDED <br />89- 101803 <br />Ttt PA91 ' Tllfi ;;LUtittli Y UI�Ttit�i Tfltl:iT DEED, TRUSTOR Nl RERY,,COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS ` <br />i PA11MRNT OF PRINCIPAL AND ti UNEIT. Trustor shall promptly priy.,wPon:duo the principal of and interest on the indebtedness <br />arvitittficedby the Note alitt lit t,ttl(jrrh,frgtl ;and fees asprovidedi nlheNote, andthepri ncipalofandinterestonanyFutureAdvancessecured <br />t1rJ II014 Trust Deed <br />2 oWARRANTY OF TITLE, I f uatcat is lawfully sgrzedtiilrY possessed of good.and :ndeteasible title and estate to the Property hereby conveyed <br />311111t.1s the right ft) grant atta convoy 1110 !'roper ty, the Propefty is free and ctnar of all liens and encumbrances except liens now of record: and <br />T r7statt will wltrtant acid dpfrntt the title to [tit? Propetty against all claims and demands. <br />3. MAItNTENANCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Trustor shall keap,the.Proppity in good repair and condition and sttair riot commit waste <br />err permit impairment r't ftlernrratit,rt of the VtopaflV and shall comply w +lh,the,prorissions of any lease if this Trust Deed is on a leasehold. No <br />I afore acerhent now of heinrlrter r!tilctell 14091111le Plopttrly shall be altered. rentnu0d or. demolished without the prior written consent of Beneficiary. , <br />T ru9tf:rshail Comply wdh all laws, errtfulent 0r,. ► eg ulati0ns . covenants, congyttinrland restrictions affecting the Property and not commit, suffer or <br />lyermit tiny act to be done ut or upon the piopoily In violation of tiny law. ordinance, regulation, Covenant, condition or restriction. Truster shall <br />cc7mpfrlle or restore prampliy arl(f in Steed wutkrnnnlike inannor any Improvernflnton•ltte Property which may be damaged or destroyed and pay. <br />when due. all claims tot tabor pcirfar)ned and Itlafeflals; furnished therefor apli.tnrany alterations thereof. <br />4 INSURANCE. INMIOt, ill tit,0xpense. w'11()audArn with Insurorsapprogpd .byjlcinofietary. insurance wilt, respscttothe -rharovementsa•nd <br />170rtong1 property_ constituting the Ptoporty llga/n,t Itss by fire, lightning, tornado, and other perils and hazarZISC&.l;e.7ad t;y siar. -Card cxtertdeC <br />Ciaver.7rge Indorsement, in an arttount equal to at least one hundred percent ;��pArYo) pit the Lull replacement,rca "are the °nom a�2r iriscranee against <br />Stich c -Mar hazards and in such amounts a:.lticustnminly carried by ownery nndoppratorsof similar pro, ;tadiesaraS4a1'efi;iaTy may requirefor <br />It3 prorttgt)on. Trustor wit► Comply with such other roqunemonts as Benehcitiry triny 11tom time to time requesm for the.pralection by insurance of the <br />ITT teraril, .3of the respective patties; All msurtancepoiie., eg maintained pursuant .101hlsTrust Deed shall name TrLstor and Beneficiary as insured. a s <br />Movirrispective interests may appoar and PlOvidl) that there be no cancellatitin,or modolication without of leas'. Is 5 days prior written notification to <br />Trushre and Beneficiary may procure such insurance in accordance with the''f,0-1 lensof ppragraph.lihereof. Trustor shall deliver to Beneficiary <br />theorgtaal policies of insurance andVenclis sthereoffirmemocop, esofsucAlppliumsandrenewalsthereof. Failuretofurnishsuchinsuranceby <br />Trash.,ti, or renewals as required hereunder Shall. at the option of Beneficaar/vCOnsldute a default: - <br />s TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND CHARGES. Trustor shall pay all taxes, Ftntiera Man In and other charges, including, without limitation, tines <br />and ImROSllions attributable to the Property and In,iseno!d paymonts or grt:und fents. ILany,, before the same become delinquent. Trustorstall <br />pramptlyfurnish toboneticiaryall notices of amountrr due under this paragr ;pp ;.and in tlto event Tfustorshall make payment directly, Trustersin.3g <br />ptamptly furnish to Beneficiary recaipts ovrd(inc)ng ! ;urn payments Tr;,(etOr shrill pray all taxes and assessments which may be levied upon <br />Pa eficiary's interest heroin or upon cols Trust Deed without regard to anlo)tTw Rtnt may be enacted Imposing payment of the whole or any part <br />thereof upon the Beneficiary <br />K AODITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF $ENEFICIARY'S SECUF.:iTY; Trustor shall make all payments of interest and principal and <br />p ymt'�ts of any other charges. loos and nxpi)nson contracted 110 he pi(d,tc nap oxfshng Or subsequent penholder or beneficiary, under any <br />existing or subsequent mortgage or trust deed notrue Ihn date they arednfittgonf min default, and promptly pay and discharge any and all other <br />11irns, claims or charges which may jeopardize the ':or urrfy grantod hnietn.-IL1 "tweldrfalls to make any such payment orfailstoperform any ofthe <br />Covenants and agreements contained in this Trust Dood 0r the Note refer red td hor2m, or In any prior or subsequent trust deed, 0- if any action or <br />praceeding is commenced which materially affects Beneficiary s (merest In.thn Property. Including, but not limited to. eminent dcrr.a n p••OCeed- <br />1rgs proceedings Involving a decedent, notic0 of salty ny Trustee, notico ill lintault by Trustne, mortgage foreclosureaction, or ifTrus'o- fails t3 <br />pay Trustor s debts generally as they become due. then Beneficiary. al KOnnhal11ry s option and wrrhout notice to ordemand upon Truster and <br />wltfv;,Ut releasing Trustor from any obligation hereunder. may make ,ueh:Nt:ponr.annon. dlfiburan such sums and take such action as Is necessary <br />to V,CTCI Beneficiary's Interest. Including but not limited In diSbellgrnlnhf Uf 'reaflonahlff altarnny s fear,, payment, rurchase. contest or <br />g1- --f-arry encumbrance, charge or lion, entry upon 1110 Prppgfry en 17111111- repalro, or ddclaratinr. of default uniferihis Trust Deed. Intha <br />everrt'li „_,• T ^�tler shall fall to procure insurance Ur to q;+y taxes, ansasaninnitt, (it rtny other rhargos tar to make any payments to any exist rig or <br />suta5L(II.,ant nenho►ders or existing or subsequent heneflcrarres, ftnnnliwarl luny Procure such innurance find make F .r . payment. but sha'; rte^ <br />be obsgated to do so. Any amounts disbursed by Benohc+ary ptultuunt Ili Moll I',•Feigrrph G shall become additiona.: ldebie ^ass of Trustt r <br />secured by this Trust Deed Such amounts shall ho payabl0 upon ontiue tr• ml flonnhnlary 117 Truntnr rcquooting payment thereof. and shall bear <br />Interest from the date of disbursement at the rate ptlyahio from i n►o 111 t,nu►111) zill11n,lndalg p11nrlpal under the Note unless payment of Interest at <br />such rate would be contrary to appl(cablo law. Ill which 0vont suoh ufrh)um otaii lionr intitfent tit 1110 highest tats permissible under appllc !ce <br />law. Nothing contained in this Paragraph G shall ruqufre Benrrfiutdrr ►u III rtit any Otxponna, or hake nny nctian hereunder <br />7. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. Senetic'ary Short have,' the rielht"Pow)"f drill 411111110,1V during Ihn continuance of thin Trust Dend to collect the <br />rants, issues and profits of the Property and of any personal pfnpnrry a N1111” 1111(0011 Willi of wr111uu11akiliq possession of the property affected <br />hereby. and Trustor hereby absolutely and uncundrtionanyriyt;Ignnjilt t1loill (till" " 19111111 <IndPrnhlstuUenoficiary Bonof(clary. however. hereby <br />consents to the Trustor s couc!ctlon and rotentron u! rer,►a. I'.u)uon .Intl 6,(,;1,111 rill11J11y ar r.r uo and beco(no payeblo so long as Trustor is not, at <br />such time. in default with respect 10 payment 0! r1ny111dU bill dnnOSlnnuiirfru)r'roy :, r III till) i; utinruuutcaofanyagie0mnnthoreundo/ Uponany <br />such default, Bonet 'Clary may at anytime. either at pf)f son. tJy trgoni, )r py a 'Irm 011,10 VIN) r,t,hl,,, lt(ld by it r Owl. without notice and without regard <br />lothe adequacy of any secunty for the indebtedn fins tin rchyaor . tit -tit i11.111111111111)1)Undfakepnss cis;! 0nOf trio Pfopotiy (it any part thereof, and in <br />Its own name sue for orotherwlso collect such rentf),Is!.u0': iaUr 6•ICIdH. nh111(111111Ifhl(:11 plfat (11 re %911d unpaid, and apply 11117 same. Joss costs and <br />expenses of operation and rollerlion inc lurf(ng rea ;onointo titulrtny I. t(rnn upon nrly utllab111100109 ,oCUind hereby anti In such order as <br />Beneficiary may determine. Ili) perform such acts of lepau of 1'tI:blconn lr1 ^uty;.0 .-0uounnr f at propurto ronaer it, tile vuluo of ilia Property, Ic) <br />leasethe same or any part thereof tot such rental, lit fill, and ..jum I uuh : sollrhuint .11 'tit E t(flimmfit suds diddle. or fortimirtntrl or adjust the terms and <br />condnions of existing leases Unless Trustor anll 11nn111url ;lr r illontnf irgurn nlltnr rlrin m wr'hrtft. MIV "Ptilwalinti of renlo, Irusuon or profits to any <br />indebtedness secured hereby shall riot extend or I)ooln,tlu the fill, hill(, fit (tut amLn41fu1n1 1laytannhl as pruvufOA m Sald promissor;f note or <br />change the amount of such installments Thoent0nnguuona!ndLihllgfr,,00r liIIt 41tcltl ;nll''•.,purtl tnnranuctnn►ldodinnaid Issuusordproht r <br />and the application thereof as aloresald, shall 1101 warvu fir cunr imV rhihuin ar 0"11111111 (it d(if.nln 11117cunetot fir invalidate any act done pursuant to <br />suchnotiCe Truster also allstgnstoBeneficiary d9humurcncunlV(urNUl,,t) fair) tuu11r t (it ill n r.btillldu it) 0st ":111!dtloroby a4prnpatdren1sandalt <br />monies which may have been or may hrTrnaftar fit) (upull11411r :r1itti1Ni11 -1, lilt# ty61 ty11e•,,,,,t,,,l ?ygis,,.pnrty in :•.,III tilt) ;0YI1.nrlf61 'lit yrt•r.1I" <br />darrrages, or upon dC!ault in the porfurrnam O of any at till) I.I.. VIIIlrrnU I,Ilitltll 1! 4. ,.1 .r „lr,!Il,, 1 1 IJ116vf -r .,ut 11 Siva!, and (100wJtts to Finut•L•r.,lry <br />004veryOfWh11QI1ftoti cootHenohrialy "otterr;'seoftnnnr)rllrlt,r. 11114111 °m,rAl.,I..,11ytn,,,r . l:.Ituli % "11+!11 I.d1,11!Ftlf.es011111.Ill UIIn:,Ilnftr,rflqu ;(. <br />said tenant to pay rent to the Beneficiary until (uithnl nrtticn <br />t3 CONDEMNATION. If title to any part of the propur!f, .,halt ILD Ln r0" in i undo ruutiln.n par. I uaihnll I r)y r.,1h► of I nnuanl (fun,,J,r' err <br />achcnl. of shall be sold udder threat of tundernnatuni, an htvrn.r9 (flln11dler) ,loll 11,111' ci'd , iii, rwil•try ,r)". 1t,('11 ,mat thilil till paid ru Hlvu fi . ;,1-y <br />t+hu shall apply such awatd:;. di nags!, ,In(I procoed!) tit Ittn 1,11rn clit thud I,y 1!uii 1, :•.1) h-rrt >..tli fill ' r•, n'.', I ,p,y J ,Jllf 117 T% -,Ill( It If f1 If o <br />recrlIVw; a fly rlofIco (it oI hot IfIffortIah tit Irg'iIdi 0"85 ,ut ;harlu III lt'IIUf'.(: Lion iing!, Itw.Itar .n.1i1.i, Vt. UR lhW Vi hlItItII,af vilinIIr.= (It 4nitnnrsLr...... <br />Ffgrniti!3!� °!n ;tlif;C::.At:nii iri:ryirnn 1ST r:OmmMCn 8fi(inn► ill h11r1 ', ! : <br />h. r t Urn I , ,:,, , ul,t, „n.; •.,, 1. ,u Vial ,,I ta• I emlitul" In,t I.t.,,n ! <br />nM,tlCd if, rrI(lkr) ally f (rn91JlU11tf,.o fir sldllenlfIld Ill ►.OnffUL111111 (•.:111 iltiv '. it it ,Ir Itlllr t.r I ;0",t /:N (trill•, <br />rr FUTURE ADVANCES. (loan re(lkleo of tr(,,,h.r 141110111."110 al Ehsnutr(.,,u tan• a o, „ , <br />l;IYrilnluro srlvanral!: to Yrb,tar•,turrr ptivanrar, Il,dtt •a.,r'Y ;rctunaUn ,t,ulirn n:„l,"r %�t- „�.r...,J'•,.r,i r.rull•� :.dlv•rcn r,,� � . <br />r 'r}r • 031111q that i:ant maw; a#0'!f” 141U1 6nrttby wi,valun ((rat �,t r t 0",n,Iil Islip ' r, f I,,..,t •,,.: .:• t ' ,r ,•, ; J= + . 0"l u n I., I , <br />, (.11!, prulU(.11110 f,01 uI ty (,.(.Cull I0"4 11I1f,drud pfirl rlt,l - "N" ' 1.11'ln I.iupipi, 1.,.,., y ........... ... .• ; , , t .. <br />t <br />o- n <br />4 <br />i - <br />r. <br />o- n <br />4 <br />