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<br /> . . , � ri�it to �xcairYt� � r�fill ditct�s and ta�nch��t • �
<br /> � �s� !or such vat�r� trans��sffati pip�tlin� aAd app�tfeanc�s.; .to tri�,. `
<br /> � *+�v�,`al�+�r, nAd ic�sp cisar ali tsess. bwsl�s, h�dasa. us�d�raravth.` and/or u►y ' � ' .
<br /> .��; otlwr ot��t�rqctions int�rfirin6 vith ths ,nu�rsytn�. constsuction, i�nispwceion, � . . , � `
<br /> ;
<br /> : saintanancs. r�p��r� s�plsce�nt, relocation. extension. r��ova�, at�d ap�ratioa . . .
<br /> � � , of snch vat�r traa�i�saiaa pfpelis� a�nd appurt�nanc��. All sefusa fraia cwttina , . �
<br /> � ` . `, ard tria�it�treas at�d bush�s shall bs �xarcL�d in s �tessantble �aimar utd shall �
<br /> ' - : bs rNO�wd by th� Csantas. � � �
<br /> ` �'`�1 , l�ll water transsission pipeline, fittin�s, �tist blocks, susface �=kers,. � ' �
<br /> • . � a�d nth�r appur'tensnces plaaed in, upon� ab±ave� �Yong. over. acress. ut�erneath� � . , �
<br /> i � '�md throu�t tueh 'easesent shall reaain the property of the Gr�ntee and �ay be �
<br /> ��
<br /> ' � , r��roved or replacad at aay ti�r. �
<br /> . . ,�t is. further u�c3critood �n6 agtiae�f �,�at Grsntor ihall fo�cthxith cesov� �s � �
<br /> �;
<br /> esrtain�,,�;a��llon storsge ta�nk. cannactin� i��e: sr�d appurtaetances presently . . ;
<br /> � � locstsA approxiutely a�ids�r�q within the eaoeaent herefn conveyeQ. Tiwa is of the � � `=�
<br /> . ,�-
<br /> �aa��. _Grst�tor relerses and waivea any clai�s s�sinst Grantee ariaina fra� or =
<br /> in r��ard to the se�oval o� aaid atorage tank, 1in�s. �nd appurttnances. Gsant�� �
<br /> � , a}ull acquire t� intarrse in s�id atorege t�tnk. Gr�t�ntor sg��eea to inde�nify u�
<br /> �hold Grants� has�le�a fros any claias arising fro�r �he use, lucation' or ra�av�l � .�
<br /> of �aid at4rsg� rank inclading leakege ox spillabe of the conCents therein.
<br /> " Gsantor shill .hwv� the right to use tha easa'ent traet fo�r purpoass not . ,
<br /> �nconsi�t�nt with Grantae'a full en�oy�ent of the righta here#n graated. � �
<br /> :�
<br /> providad, that Grat►tor ahall not allov aay structuree. bu�.idinge. cosbustible
<br /> '����
<br />. �at+si�la. or ather property of .ony kind vhatsoever. tb be erected� p�iced, �
<br /> •tos�sd. or accuaulated in, upon. above. olong. over. ecsos�, undernea�h. ar
<br /> thto�t ths e�ieaent tract herein �ranted: . . . . .. . -.. . .- . . . � ..- --- _ .. .
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