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<br /> j� . -- , _ . �� �-- fa4���
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<br /> IU�SH•FI� COl�PllliY; a Dr�sstsre Cospora�ion� �l�esein call�ed Gr�ntor,. in � . .
<br /> � ' � .cots�fd�zatian`of t�r suw af '�� � ' , r�tceipt of ybich ii her�by � • .
<br /> � �� � :,acla�ww2�d6�d. h�ssby �rants and com►�ya +u�to the , � �
<br /> � ' . . , C'ITY dF � ISL�ND. NEEAASRA. . _ �
<br /> . � . . ,
<br /> � � , a �icip�l carparatiott in Ha�.l County� Kebraitc�. harein aa2.led Crmtee, a .
<br /> s< ' . � • � �
<br /> � , � � p�fd�an�a� a�sQ p�rp�tual �ss�aant a�d ri�t-of-vay to susvey, construct, iaspsct, � �
<br /> � � • � �rafnt�fr. �Rpair, sep�ace��relocate. extend. reuova� and operatc therao:t, a Water , .
<br /> , � , tr�tu�ission pipeliae.� ffttis�gs, thrust blocks. aurface , saricers� and athcr � �
<br /> ` appurtenanc�a 'cannected �herewith, in. upon. above, along, �over. acrais, � . _
<br /> � � , undernsatb, and through • tract of land lacatec� in part of the Southeaat Qw�ter
<br /> ; . . . . �
<br /> . � (SE 1f4). Seation Ztsenty-four (24)� Townshfp 8laven (11) North, Aange Ten (10)
<br /> "� �
<br /> ' Nest of the bth P.M., Grand Island, Nsll County, Nebraska; the ea:esent belAg
<br /> f • , ,
<br /> � , . ao�e pasticulsrly de�cribsd as followa: � ,_ .
<br /> . .{.
<br /> Tha iTeaterly thitty-fiva (35.0) feet of the Southeast Qusrter -
<br /> (SE 1/4) of aaid SACtion 1�renty-Foux (24?. lying Sou�h of the �:�,y
<br /> ; . Sautheaatesly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Rai➢.road. �
<br /> Tha d�icribed �asea�ent containin�4�.84 acse�. �ara or less.' aa
<br /> . ` ahoan on the plat �ated S/04�90, �srkeA Bxhibit "A" attac�ed
<br /> ' hsteto and incorporateA herein by referenee. .
<br /> ; ,
<br /> ' , toaether vith the Polioving ri�hts: , =
<br /> , Gtantee �hall h�ve unrestrieted ingrese and egresa to the� above described
<br /> � � tu��snt for �ny purpose necessery for the aurveyfng, sonstruction� ingpection.
<br /> � . '
<br /> �aintanancs. repair. replaceu�ent� relocation, axtension. reaoval,� and operation
<br /> • ; o€ sucA wat�r tr�nseiesion pipeline, €ittings, thsuat b3ocka, surface aa��kexs. �*
<br /> , and ottier appurtenaaces. Such righta af ingYess and egrems shel� be exercised �, ��
<br /> in � reasonable aanner� upon notice ta the Czantor.
<br /> , �
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