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gg_. 101663 <br />r' VA ASSU14iPTIOPi POLICY RIDER <br />�L <br />. 44i <br />NOTICE; THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL <br />OF THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT. <br />THIS ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER is Trade this 30TH day of MARCH '1989 t <br />and is rr_,orporated into and shall b^ dee rued to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure <br />Debt. � "Instrument ") of the saute date herewith, given by the undersigned to secure the Mortgagor's <br />Note ('''Not! ") of the same date to <br />NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />its successors and assigns <br />( "Mq�.gagee ") and covering the property- 'd.scribcd in the Instrument and located at:' <br />Lt ?',:1EST THIRD STREET, GRAND OFD, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />(Properly Address) <br />Notwithstanding;.:,ything to the contrar *: riYr forth in the Instrument, Mortgaz a ou-s6 Nfort,;agor hereby acknowiedgss <br />and agrees to tl:z. ."lowing: <br />GUARANTY: Should the Veterans Administration fail or refuse to issue its.r_ ± :a full amount within 60 days <br />from t;4-_: date that this loan would normally bccom; c-ligible for such gca :a-V4 committed upon by the Veterans <br />Adrnin,i =,,ration tinder the provisions of Title 38 of t hz U.S. Code "Veteran" Benefits ", the Mortgagee may declare <br />the indebtedness :a.reby secured at once diit and payable and may foreclose immediately.or may exercise any other <br />`- <br />rights hereunder n;.tal;e any other prer•�:r - ion as E~•;:- lli:c pn,=,-;A41. <br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY- If a l`:,: any pari of the Property or any interest in it is sold or transferred, this r <br />lean shall be immediately due and payable upon transfer ( "assumption ") of tha property securing such loan to any <br />transferee ( "assumer "), unless the acceptabilay of the assumption and transfer of this loan is established by the Veterans <br />Administration or its authorized agent p::i=uant to section 1817A of Cha -3*,er 37, Title 38, United States Code., <br />An authorized transfer ( "assumption ") of the property shall also 1%, .t:b+ °C` .c3 additional covenants and agreerr,4rts <br />as set forth below: <br />(z: , ASSUMPTION FUJMJjL(; FEE-. A fce equal to one- half percent (.50 %) of the unpaid prir:c :7- La n c: <br />of this loan as of rihe date of transfer of ubc property shall be :,1e at the time of transfer to the mcrr[gagc�_ e; <br />its authorized trustee for the Adisinistrator of Veteran ` .;•f airs. If the assumer. falls to pay this fee at ,tie <br />time of , transfer. the fee shall constitute an ac�6: ional debt to that already secured by this instrument, shall bear interest <br />at the rate herein provided, and. at the option of the mortga_pee of the indebtedness hereby secured or any transferee <br />thereof, shall be immediately due and payable. This fee ie miori tically wais.r-i; if the assumer is exempt under the <br />provisions of 38 U.S.C. 1829 (b). <br />(b) ASSGh1PTION PROCESSING CH A RCIF_ Upon applic-iioo for :o allow assumption and transfer <br />of thi.. hvi, a Procrssinc fee niay he ch. -.c(' i °y the mortr, l�we or its author',zed :we.nt for determining the worthincsc <br />of* lie z-;surner and subsequently revising- t ^e holder's ov: asrsh;;, record; wit ^_ri as app roved transfer i5 )mpleted. The <br />amount of this charge shall not exceed the roiximum established b the Veterans Adminirtr. Lion for a loan to which <br />section 181 "A of Chapter 37. Title 38, Ui -"lied States CodL aplhli(-.s. <br />(c? ,155U�fPTfON I�1f�E�- 1 \IT1' i..i,�3I1.ITY: If this. oli :i)i11ion k wsuincd, then the assurher "erch"; aere la <br />assti;r : all of the obligations of the veteran Infer the terms oi' ilic "n struments creating and securing yh ;e,::n, incbicing <br />the cb!'.,ation of the veteran to inder^nifv the Veterans Admir_is.rratir n to the extent of any c.'airn r.:ymcnt ari i'ftg <br />from the guaranty or insurance of the inn- lebtedness created by ;his instrument. <br />IN W.—NESS WHEREOF, Morrbrigor(il has executed this Asw; ;nption Policy Rider. <br />-- - _ (Scat) It: f'f l r.^ 11 t <br />'� ^�C - - -- (Seal) <br />',,Mortgagor DEAN A. NELSON �+4orgrs }cfr, <br />Zln t• ,,r <br />r <br />t <br />