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101663 <br />VA GUARANTEM LOAN RWER <br />(Fogy use with FNMA/FHLMC unirorm instruments for <br />Veterans Adniinistra&n Rtraranteed loans) <br />Gt�nsctitiirr.0 Lr►r� R►srtss is made this day of MARCH <br />and is incorporated into and sIvlt be deemed to amer� - supplement a Mortgage. Deed of <br />Trust of wed to Secure Debt, (herein "security instsunersit' dated of even date Eti rith, ri• b� tf a �tnn ers ed <br />t herein "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note to .BANK �r R°T1004'. ... MM <br />MW <br />+ p��c v .desctibe&?d 7 »he security instrument: <br />and Located at •L� r= 5ffiiUl'. <br />(Property Address) .. <br />VA GUAR.w%mta LiIAN CoVrv: M. In addition to agreements made in ate security instrumene:,. <br />Borrower and Lender further cu%�=m and agree as folk -w c F t <br />If the indebtedness s"umd; hereby he guaranteed ensured order Title 38. United Staies Code, such Title and <br />Regulations issued thereunder anii in effect on the date hereof shal!'; 0.Vcrn the rights. duties and liabilities of Borrower <br />and Lender. Any provisions• of the security instrument or other instri;rnents executed in connection with said indebtedness <br />which are inconsistent with saiii, Title or Regulations, including. but not limited to, the provision for payment of any <br />sum in connection with prep;oymiimt of the'secured indebtedness and the proviyion that the Lender may accelerate payment <br />of the secured indebtedness pupatant to Covenant 17 of the security instrument. are hereby amended or negated to the <br />extent necessary to- irusfoum su'M instrumc-nvi� to said Title or Regurviuns. <br />It WITFSti �� ir�i�:f• H, 13osrruvti�- has executed this VA Guaranteed Loan Rider. <br />MAN As NkUWr4 <br />— Borrower <br />VA GUARAWKEU LOAN WIR is a rr.:r 6 r!7t t�' al cc1Co� ir,rr +wt ,rt'tot�r, t.13ai;i��itiw aY +,:r►i <br />— Borrower <br />