<br />101573
<br />A Ee A"N fiataeM lender sa +NrlaY afugt►in all compensattan. awards. 0amages and athet payments at relief (hereinafter "Proceads"1 in connection with
<br />condemnation Ot oilhasootessing of lag Peopirty, at part thereof. or forconvolaftea oft lieu 01condenstrostion Lender Shall besnhttedatrtsoOhontocammenca .appoStinmd ,
<br />prose u sittinateownnanMsayactionatproceedings. andShalt4160oaenbtNOtameat0 AnyCCMPfomrseotMtlisitnenlinconnsetionwithstishtarmsataamago inthis
<br />event any ponlon of We Property to So taken or damaged. Lender shuts new the option. in its sale and absolute discretion. to apply all such Proceeds. atttl deducting
<br />therefrom go Cowls and expenses incur tad by it m connection with such proceeds• upon any tndebtednss$ secured ttebeby and in such ovder as tender may detsfmma. of 10
<br />appty as such Proceeds effort Zxfa deduct.ans. to Into restoration Of In* Property upon such conditions as Lender may determine Anto; application at Proceeds la
<br />Ihdebtadrtess attall not extend at postpone the due data of any payments under the Note. of cute any default inersundot or hereunder
<br />7. P*dW AMObyLeeMr. intnHvelitof8orrowersf ailuretoperformanyOflhecOvsnaatshereinOfMakaanypayrnenlsraquir ednotably.Ofitartyactistakenar
<br />Iegalpeaceed com imenced which matersan y effects Lender's interest IA the Property Le ndsr may , n, ts own discretion. butwrlhoutottligatrantOdoso . And wrlhOt111611 e
<br />to ofder ftandtaponBorrowerandvalfOutteteasmggarrowerfromanyobligation. do any act which in@ Borrower has agreed but f ailstodoond may also do any othereehl
<br />deaths ra s"Mryro Protect Ira security hercot Botrower shall. immediately upon demand lhereiorbylender p +y, to Lender all calls ail* expanses incurred andttrms
<br />expended by lende rinconnectionwithInaexerCrsobyLenderofIn# foregoinglightstogetherwithinterestthereanatthefateprofid dintheNote.whtdlstrNlbOadRetita
<br />the rridebtedness secured hereby Lender Shall not incur any personal loabihty boUv$e at emyttrmg it may door omit to do hereunder
<br />tl. lino eel ONatal The following shall constrlute an event of detsutl under this Deed of Trust
<br />(a) failure to pay anymstaumentolprincipalatinterestofanystthersumsecurednerebywhenduo .a, astute to pay when dueanrotnirrndebednessat
<br />Borrower to Lender.
<br />(b) A breach of or default under any provision contained an the Note. this Deed at Trust, any document which secure$ trio ficote. and arty other
<br />encumbrance upon the Property,
<br />(c) A wall of execution coraltactoment or any similar processshall be entered against Botrasiveryhich shall becomea, len ca the Flopeftisror sayriao0salk
<br />thereof or interest therein,
<br />(0) There shall be toted by or against Borrower an action under any present or future lederal, slate or other statute, taw of regut4litt0n, E811111 .,T 10
<br />bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for deb ".ors, or there snail be appointed any trustee. receiver or uquodaror of Sol rowerar aft T, or arsyparlottty Propefty,or
<br />the rents. Issues or profits thereof. or Borrovee: snail make any general assignment for tare benatil of creditors
<br />(y The sale. transfer, assignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part at or any interest In the Property. e1111e1 toLUntefCY 0
<br />involuntarily, wnthoul tt5a etaress written cerse^t at Lender.
<br />(t) (t Borrower is nol an individual. itreSa2e. (ranster.ass 3nment. c _nvp -ysnce or encumbranceof more than _ . poi :er•AOS( 111 fca ttit►) rb
<br />rs4wit.MtdL(i(slandrngstock Or (d a Dartnrt>' ip) —�_ pe �q v.rt trr. trip interests
<br />3. somodws; xcceimavonUpioaDetat lN.Intrie event of any Erfrt; C {zut Stormay declare ail maebtednesssecur•: dP .ereCft,:,W6-;4a:id payable and the
<br />same S)telf ihereuprsn become due and payable without any protest or notice at any kind The :eatter Le ,7.durmaq..
<br />(a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER Of 1i-44'grintedherein and Trustee shall therealler cause 8crrzwerSin,1(tresttn the Property tobesotd
<br />and the proceeds to 0e distributed. all in tole manner pr2nfla3d in the Nebraska Trust Oeeds Act
<br />(bj Either in person or by agent. witlr.r.+r w6houl brrmmng any action or proceeding. or by a receiver appernhtC Dy a court and without regard to the
<br />adequacy GI its security. enter upon and tatietui fAessionat Ina propels V or any paotInereol •inrts own nameennthamj eoftheTrustee.anddoanyactswhich
<br />it deems necessary or desirable to ptesef <E'I)Ye value. marketability or tentabd.ty of the Pi- perry' ar pa: t the: qc; cc interest therein, increase trio income
<br />therefrom or protect the security hereof and. ,hilts or without taking posses si on at the Pi atl eit y. 5. to far of elhafr a ssif Bct:ect the rents. issues and profits thereof.
<br />Including thosepast dueandunpaid. and applytnesame_ tesscosisandexpensesof cperation and celleciren virl(idttig atiorneys`lees upon anyindebledness
<br />Secured hereby. all its suon.erderas Lender may determine Tne entering upon and taking possesa•nn of file Frdperly the cottectoon of such rents. sssues and
<br />piolsti and the apptscahort.tPfE i-of as afOrgsatd snail not cu re or waive anlf delatill of ndticO of dr: laud hereunder or im alida� any act done rn response to such
<br />default cc N.suant to suc;t notice of OCfadt :.Ind notwithstanding the cortfanuauce, in possession of the Property at lherasccaan. receipt and application of
<br />tents. rSpa eirU r profits Trustee orLendU .isar>l:eenbtledtoe :eicise ewes f lit; re fprovidedturmanyatlhaGa*ri ^s1e rrersdrby law uptrsrc4�.jrenceotany
<br />evenl of :atlar.M. including the right to emarbax,the Dower of sale. and
<br />(c) Commence an action to toretf.Zlft.his Deed cf. Tnrst as a trierr e, appoint a used Bgt, us SpeCd :cariy of the coveriants nereol.
<br />No nrarzdyhetemeonterroO upon of reserved toTrustegpfLencfct : r rr+dedtobeexctuswect rgfiViltafrurnedyhereinorbylawpr;;- +c?- darpermitted.buteachshallbe
<br />cumulative. shall be in addition to every of her rerueSfQAven naw01herrr-;p: rerryungarlu +r sr1nequilycr':;ystatuie erd maybe exercised concurrently. tt'
<br />independently or successively f
<br />10 Trualee. The Trustee may rwsign al ar..t . i:OtvAkl.houtcause and Lendeo r-Ay =< any time anti wnnout causE df9u-5.nt a successor or substitute Trustee Trustee )ice
<br />shall not be liable for any loss or darta{,e unless' :(E fz acr!onahte tessgent o or wilier„ n..5condur_ 1 and snail tool 13C required to fake ant action in connection with the {
<br />entdttament of this Deed of Trust ur.tWa inderr,4111ot •n writing t , : :;is.custs cufnpensatton m e, penses which may be assaudtev aitrewdh In addition. Trustee may - -_
<br />becoMe0Pu(" SefofAry Sold Of the' D: djadny(; i, Stia���, 5r under the ,ptrtercf safe giant edherein) hie safe of all or any pot b: ra •„sme property .as provided bylaw. -
<br />orrash! the Property as a whr"O. of in!X+jalate parw154 xtws -_
<br />it feltwe A.fhiaapa. Upon request of BO rrziv,ktfl- ander may aldsopt ion .1t.iaa:.iddil.anal df.d future advances and readvanceslD 3'tzrr, ro,9t Such advances and
<br />re70vantes, won tr: fYtf31 thare0n. shallbe secured! r4 dos Deed ill Tru;l At no t :'r... a :,ill tore pr Inc I pill dmcnmt ail the indebtedness secure Oet44 ill Trust, not in-
<br />cludmg sums advanced to protect the Security otthisl5httdolTrust exceed Ina ongmaipnncI Pat amonnt stated nerern atf rr! r .wnicrievens -
<br />gzeetif
<br />T.� fa)seeNatieow /roeMtona. ,
<br />(a) norrower Not NeleaeeA. Exte.lasitn of the time 'tbr payment of modd.calion at amortization of Inc sums secured oy this Deed of Trust granted by
<br />Lender to any successors n interest Of OcU�ciWaf snarl not operate to fefe35E es any mannev the habtlil f of Ine Original Borrower and Borrower $successors in
<br />interest tender shall not be requiredtoct;a; rrinceproceedingsagainstsuthsuccessorofFCtusetae■ tendtmetoIpaymentorutherwosenmdolyamortrlatron
<br />at ins, sums secured by this Deed of Tru .A: ,.: sun of any demands made by Inc- Ong-di Borfower and BOrfawei $ successors m interest
<br />(b) Lentfere /oisersW,mouupeau :v;tsa :;, o6-c anof otherpersannabletorlheyaymenlofdnyum, gationhereinmenfionedandmihoulaffecting
<br />Iris teen or charge afro-;. 61r of frustupin sec ur ny for I tie bull amount of all unpaid obhgAli(vitis -'
<br />lender may. from time I't,•f.iCe ono Withc:rt rt ;ii-e `,'! itri,ii 'it any person su liable In) er.trtvuYt :tor maturity or alter any of the terms of any SuGn ObhgatianS, na(l - i.
<br />grant or! terindutgancea ..•Nl release orrra :• i..i'y ore.a�.e.obe#efeasedcr roc olive yea t 'anyhmeatLendersuptiuny ally pafcel pot lion of alIof file Propeol. a=
<br />IV) take- i;fsvrfase any Motel of8ddutancs r :i ?ifdyfill anyJ t ;iigat.onhe, ,, ir•ait. :,',•Onett I#.I make compr; : h:l isofotherarrangemenisw iip..ta9lo(sinfetahbn
<br />theret3Y
<br />(e) rod"Weinces by L- ndier Mal a Waiver. Any lw-,tralance by tender in exelcis-11(jan to tight of fiereostiole, or other wise afforded by apPlicsPlie
<br />law. shall not bele waiver oforpreclude ins exercise cf am, !eib right ofrernedy The pick: '•r.reerrlat.ns : :r ,*:ce (if inepaymt;• r5 !of taxes or other liens ofch.7r;;ts
<br />by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lenders light to accOnve :e the maturity of the indobleC w5s secured by this Deed 0 T i"AA
<br />(d) Successors and Assignat Sdwv , Joint and Several LlabNity; Captions. Tne covenants ari(I i.a,ratrrmnls herein Wntamed shall bind. and the rig;,;:
<br />hereunder shall mute to. the respective successors and dssigns of L ender and Borrower subiact to Ifie i; dna ill patagraph a (el here^." Allcovenanfa and
<br />agreements of Borrower shall be )atilt snit several T he captions and heads rigs of the paragraph r, c11,.# s (i cud oI f r use are for con veniorire onry and are not to be
<br />uwdto utfalpfut in Gulf res *e pt 000 —k to tee. eut .
<br />(e) Itg11es1ferfaaYCes. The partieshefeby requen 7111111 t+ copyof any notice Of;atatti hereunder endscCrpyof anynclr.;e Of£A!e Ve'110lndel be maned to
<br />each party to tills Deed of Trust at trio address sal forth abc +aein ilie,nannor pfe5cfibed by ar.pf.cable law E itcept lot any C!:'f:r hUtrce I eq .n •ed ,antler appht: il;16
<br />law to be given sn anotner manner, any notice provided tar ,n only Deedct tfut t shall bo given by mailing such notice by cer111100 mad 2,4111 r_aed to Ind:ditttf
<br />parties, at the address sat forth above
<br />Any notice pfavrdsd for in this Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have teen given to Borrower of Lender when given in trio manner des- ,gitdted herein
<br />(t) Insialitectless. I~ may maltreat causeto to made reasonable enttiesupoon end inspections of the Property, provide* that Lender snaugrwBorrower
<br />noble lino► loony such inspection SWifying reasonable Lau$e therefor related to Lender a Interes! in Bee Property
<br />(g) ffacilams yance. Upon payment olail Sums secured by lnis Deed of Trust Lender shall request Trustee toreconvay the Property and shalt surr ender
<br />this Deed of Trost and all notesevodancing indebtedness securedbv this Dead of Trust to Trustee Tnistee shall feconvey the Property without warranty and
<br />without criafgo to the arson or persons legally entitled thefetd Such person of persons shall pay all casts of recordation d any.
<br />(h) /eraeatafingaA)/, iatyfify Aeraosi ens. As addilionatsecunly, for the payment of the Note all I -Mutes equipment• and other personal property used !- "- -_�-
<br />. nconnec lion w. th the teal estate ofifnprovbmantstOCatedthereon andnol otherwisodeclafed --I deemed to "a part of the real otsatesecuted herebtr. snail be
<br />subpart toe ficubtyintefs/ L• rtfavorOftheLenderuridrr th1NebraskaUmformCOmmetrialCode Tn. oinstrum9nt shall be construed as &SOC,ArtirAgreement
<br />under said Code. and the lender shall new* ail the rights and f4imed,es 01 a Secured party under said Coda to addition to trio tights and romed,el created urt& f
<br />and accorded trio Lirnder pursuant to this Deed of Trust
<br />p) 1lseeraMtfy. intnaevent those any provision of this Deed of Tools! Carol ueexdha ppl, cablutawot are dec rated . nvatidorolitetwneurtenturceabtosuch
<br />cGri; icl6ifnvatidiTy[ ttattnalafttecttt2otrtarprawrarurrsosm ,sveec3u(Trv6fvr Is. bF: uFewt., Lt. :,a :.c•toy;�aL:�C : :- '- .�'- '-'u"• San (Ir_f�r•gl•rv�•6crn_snrttntnit `
<br />end the pmvis' fJ Oi the Oead o1 Trust any Ina flats ate declared to be sevefabla /
<br />bafrowef has eeacuted this Deed at Trust Ins date written ebove �(
<br />_ ,ter- /!. %I't� �_• \C.. r .�/rG: f��� � �#
<br />b
<br />