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t <br />iYt <br />ii <br />t <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST 69--F, 101573 <br />e3 <br />•oMROt�[1111 w�Tt11MI�oRS tWONM10k <br />lerretaen fTtwtan) undengan4that1t1a4areyln +M+tN+rttha sorrotwnanabvuttoaxttcunh *t�e4atTrwtsndsstantortpa4a sndthatthapoweratastaptovktaa <br />kw in theoead fA Teti" prowdesflubatartualey diflow -1 Viols one obligations tothtt BaaDwerf than t mort9W Intheevani of a dolauttor broth of obtigatior►uttd.tthe <br />Ood Ri: TtrttM. (nehitk % buf nW IinM1eA to, the Lender's tight to hire the Real Property fold by tiro Tau any ju'dteh! OC.edif{g Ot (at.ctOaUtf• 80rt/)tteff <br />eegfeaantaed taMrtyll thalthia.Ckraatledp.tnanl teat!securedby then) More the execution of the <br />of T f. <br />Jerry J. S dnieka r <br />Suellen Ut- riVICa Borrower <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br />COMrriO EFE tlifa tprUett OIRY It M f ont 11rMMif llwsrMd t:esas{leet 1NOMMALLY 01eR[O AGR#MTURAI. LAW <br />Naso-, e.t:aat+iaMONLYON [ tt11MrA,1,MG <br />O A DOCLAW AM OW WORT TO OeVIMATE NOMESTEAO: <br />TtlaBorrt Wi til ut4thetollowingOtedofTruslrlpon The- Borrowes(a).andam;ftrAll"If <br />m" fffanoete .doherebydiscialmtheirng! e.1-,its'ntateaf+ neatead{ tnL111tlhera n. Na. fsortolthehomesteadot eitri eralftirorrower(s)isprassriiy+1 *91n" <br />tuSare, bey ftisled upon said realsslabs., rfwer: asIK (f)undentandtha1uuithcrestab�•_ 2Qahomesteadan'avfypsrtots: S- !tatatedurirrgtMtlmettieE ¢tTrYS1: <br />r. tnairllttrtletatitdirMMd .liaftApart%.Ufte.Rt ate.[ here% hallbenorighttomakeadeslgnaElonoffiimes; stall( rrtlleerent oft tatectostlr ".*xWefsaletwthraap.etlq;_ <br />said Deed of Trust <br />Mx 8 WAMM OF MW TO OES1CalATE i1OM STEAM <br />The Bonowat( s) acknowledgelhatlhey are about toeaecutethe following Dead ofTcustoi{ ;rhthereatestatedeseribedtherem TheBorrower (ai.a!iihtEYittolthanif <br />snore than Date. d0 Hereby waive them rghl to designate a hgmasMad pursuant thereto The Gtrrower(s) understand that they have the right to mike ttowanation of <br />homestead andthatby eaecutingthiawalver.they are waiving iighls OiM3rosseavailable for the purposeofaftording them the opportunity to retain their hbthmtead In the <br />time of edefou" upon the Deed of tr"t. - <br />O C. OUNl11AT10N Of HOM$STEAO: <br />Pursuant to the d=orm Homestead Protection Act (Section 76 -1901 et seq Revised Statutes of the Stat blank!), th orrower(a)• d6tist r ydesignbM <br />te trN) <br />property described In the "Designation of homestead" atlaChad hereto and Incorporated herein by this refer ce \ <br />f "r.rry eT Borrower <br />Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES Pr�ROYMON <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. In rnarin us of Ihei.�t} lay of - _.'a Y'Sy�l_ , . 9 ._ Z . by and among, the.Truvor. — Jerry J . <br />tUCl�IlCiia_ 11G3Sl1ei Qf1 St:1C�I11Cj;a t h.1S i:.. *.f.�c,en ra „i ?9,11(f f,�t _� {t_` r --1-'. AX_ �_Aoni�7ha'1 <br />TINT, 6,1139 —_— (herein aw-r /mer 1 the Trustee 1i4;r.cL_rj � D�ia- '�h4•:i *:.v._ <br />a' <br />�fxtsemaiMngartdreasro ••?. .Pax Pr Don17har;e �'E. f�� � ?�. ._.-•--- ... --- - (heroin "Trustee'). <br />and. .Be.,ve.. Dank of Doni oh n _. -... _.- _ -- -- ' - - -• __ <br />whosemal¢rrAatldrel7l! �•4 Drx l� D�ni �'r:u r.' 1;':, 6 �'� ry <br />��_.. _�_ _. _..- .... - _ L— — - - -- — (he'rift , lender") <br />FOAVALLUABLE CONSIDERATION, inchiotng the ,nAotitpdnCSS •dE l{ilted herr,ri and Ituni herein created the receipt of Which is hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />hereby i•!spvctabty grants. lranslors canvey9 ann assignsito T-listen, IHtrItWHT W17H POWErl OF SALE for l hetlenefi l and Security of Lender. underandsub)ectlathe <br />terms andcondifions hereinafter set forth IMO teal property de- itbel is follows <br />See Lei_-a 1 Dc:.cri :'reign Atta chad <br />Together with all building!. Improvements. Infurps attiim,* alleys. pasfageway9 easements. rights privileges and ep(SUrtenances located thereon or in anywise <br />pertaining thereto, and the ►.nfa, issues and protilt, revettto" and temamders thereof. including. but not limited to heating and cooling equipment and such personal <br />propoilythatis attachedtotheImprovementssoastoconstitutectttture .z ^d together with the home3trador marital interasts .Many which •.otnro8t5ereherebyretnased <br />sod waived, allot which. melt[ dmgrepixementsagdadditionsthereto is her ebydecfat edtobea pail of the real estate secured by the lien riVtitDoedofTrustandallofthe <br />totegotny ble" rellerred to herein as the property' VI <br />This Deed Of Trust theM secure fat the psyrrent of the pnnc,pal sum and inrere�s]t ev]:donced by 6orrowet s note and or credit agreerrlr. st dated ' ".arc. <br />__ _ . having o maturity date of i"•cr X'CSl i j s - .1 79 Z in trip Original prin•,rif amount of S 4 ' ' !_ `! end any and aft <br />mtTdd¢attons. extensions and tertewat! theyent rip thereto and :f ry and all !U: ore ad. al'ce9 anti readvan r v3­ rencdpt p, irsuant tg one or more plamitsary Holes or credit <br />agreements (herein coned '•lily(et (b) Ill ep.TtirmIntofptr? ter, is.1,1 rw edtVton• fertop•oW:t ±nesecutdyhtehrTto!r act: i' p manre rill rovenan (9 and agreement <br />of Bottem st sot forth herein. and (d) all tn12h!glrtess and 00-ligahuus dl llorl over to Lender whethei d� rcc t indirect absolute or contingent and whether arising by note. <br />guaranty. overdraft or otherwise <br />@&to** -to protect the leturity Of t'.,s COM of T rug[ co vena nis and agrees wdh Lender as foi!ows <br />I 11111opme elMStlflttSalarttaleleresf. Rot. naershellpmrnpttypaywhendue theprincipalofandintereston and any fees ofchsrges provided try- IneflateatInth,t <br />Deed of Trust <br />2 TWO, Bottowet is theorrner pr the Yropetty nee the right and aulhont/ rr) con ve ythe ploperl y an'IKarrantsthat the lien created Meteby 19 a first anti 9mor(ten on <br />tr PIUV[/r] IyCepT at may tST:rff`F!@t9estt to'Tn nt•rerrt artd eTe eretUlrJTt aft•JC^',.ery3ttnis QEEd aT TiuS'noe!s may wo ,vtf any canriact arayrter oViptr, r, to wntcn <br />0otratfet is subsetto <br />L 3 Tests. Aa....ataNe. cav oil" due rates s _,ecia! esSetSmenttend a'I ;thee chaigeS against theptopettvans upon written demand by tende• Gay to <br />Lender such &mmp "ant May be Sul, t:.Iont t9 enab'a the L /nlar to pay such, tat" assintmanta or other chtrgesse (Rey batorl•e due <br />a 11fa1rriwal_T'O SeeQtt44tt,^.•et ! y,nt : rtela.Ta:•tl76ama'3e tYj t:•b limlicstriLtUdt9w,lhtnehrterm etftn;;/'}cotarage end tufty What fataidaas tends• may <br />1NYtq,ih aMietrt•Meh�e;en CO"'y^lM'N tCLfA }s5t /t9 t.endar andirdtttti"ptylhte 17 fife tender to C410 01 to" ult"rMu!npO1.C,IM rho l.endel,f /uthetlted" adjust <br />cn're!11111tldc7motal"" a•t C!W111r +rerful"Wrr anon she :share 0"0 7•, ^.1 a8pt y all t:. Call of Ire +a It waRce trr.". ds I: t 19anV ,ndobrednCtl Be! ute o't eteby, and '"1 It. 11 <br />Oilier a %8! "�dit rt':f/ 4y1frG+ <br />: 4 r- Pnder <br />•.1hC J7lltet!tt!ta Ct+e I:Q- fl tC ! Tt�t'1! tt f • -.Sl t:f' 1 ^f r ttf Srzrfu,•e 9eC rrC9 r.P.rr,y ^nt ;tO S,tSt`• Coy.!, • tl :at i,tit rte -e bur /Cpl ry!It n �f �nrtne j5t 1 :radPblCinM3 010 <br />ts!}t rr'�trid M N"ttt-,�' -� tad r}'u! a+�'b r' t•fy (ias't:QFIS L•1 igite I',e T{Jie GI I y,;rM tlht ,•L,'II _'1 ilie•ll.: r. •jw: r.o- ne.r_e -het <br />S aasfhiaArrce tltiw a se! Certyrleanear with taws frRtr:.l.yer Sin-1 ■etrp e-irr I}r -lpoRt ;r. ,- �:� r 'l" J' non Iara i ima-i rtatcpirr -ore r rr •nr t-e a,v <br />, r?at).hrt#ftt etttni•'. /j Cis d8* at 741 ^ r1 /Cr:+jA<Ttr :a':ebf +r,..•tr.,t =r CTrtri. tar . /Aa1,*ftr.,1p'tu.hq'•,r - -Ithw ['q-^nrtq s- r.%'- rvlrpn•.ra / ^.!,inh�r lJbSr ?"'t't it a "!I•• <br />all Clt lhai!.`�}Jt.fF.l, n_Tt rn:Ra t>r, ..l.•lr 1 t a': r:.lf L,.,.» -.1 i <rtel!'r ta7•mat anyftlr,i Cie r'9rp.rt 7r .C. ".. ,lh ir•n[nttt .. _ [ ..,• rt "r AA ?ftQrye +t lr r'••A 7,.'t'. (.r /.. •r <br />S' blLaiat' 9pr 't•,:y "yGi•r:�,ylAilf,�t:retr at.afr.Td.••15 r.�titl.'11-t nr- .�r -.ra 1" "Pte': •irh =.3S.ytit. r,4.- •.[.•eni .nl..vtir t..�l..t..: til•r, r•f,.�C, n >,fy -t <br />L _ <br />I <br />77, <br />