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r <br />t <br />utu.,.,. ................... (seal) <br />t - B (Se � <br />Le gcgen j oFrowe• <br />titntl of Ntltttm00%. Hail County Ss: <br />Oil ON 29th (illy 011- March .19 89 , hefOre ttrc, the undcrsigned. a Notary Nnhiic <br />Fluty cF,nrntitivitanf�dand Flualificd Gtr s,iid t aunty, pcnnnaily came Nguu Nguyen and Le Nguyen, each in _ <br />his and tner own right, and as spouse of each other, , (1Y me known to he the <br />Ftivillic d perimW t whow nanta•Is) arc "uhticrih(A W ncC frneguirtg in%ittiment and aiAnowledged the exccutit+n <br />111vicot Ile, fie their col unary act and deed. <br />Will - M) 11,111d and nmatial <cal :u GrV,�n Nebraska in ,aid Lounty, the t <br />�tv t Frnuanc,.u�n evp:tc,: Q� �� <br />fi �MM� ; i .•I1 ................. . .. <br />IL 1 LAN t, <br />@m I (1111 tit 1Ok ill t ()%%l l "AN( i r' <br />if, 10,1 .III <br />t <br />IQtC eft :1! f): !1!t'ta I% the' hilldcr Of thL nlitc ut INr(= C_!!r I'll t,ti tilt t } „il nt tFFLI w.Fttl ; ??'tic :, iH r <br />,i,tl! 1"16 a .. _"'IIcdl --. rill. 1 }tell "I 1!' ?!•(. )Lit 1. (lltll r;,Yat ,il !lift y +,:I •Ih 11: it it <i,f.:;l•'ct 11,, .lt;lil 1,11 <br />tl..trt !i! iiu .!, uln•_ RI ,Ili ll! 31:- F: rl he !i i,�, . ,1,1 r.. l ..,u., �rh,,nl ,, :;r °,,alt tit 'Lr , •!.1 ?:' <br />r e'::,_ IT :.a : °! <br />- '1 %'j� :t.,n,•• t•�r• +,n' i:l.Fii. .'.h,, ri 11 , 1. <br />101570 <br />NON•UNIFO.&M COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further. co- vanant and!vree as follows: <br />19. Acceleration Rene". Lender stall give notice to for Omer prittlr to acceleration following Borrower's <br />kresch of asy covenant or agreement is this Security Instrument (but out pear tolAkeelerstion under paragraphs 13 and 17 <br />unless applicable bw provides otherwise). The notice shall specifNI: (al: the dtsisiult; (b) the action required to cure the <br />default; (c) a date, pot less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Formwer, by which the default must be cared; <br />and (d) that failon to cure the default on or before the date specified in the -ant(i a may result In acceleration of tlm sums <br />secured by this Security Instrument and ask of the Property. The and". sbaift further inform Borrower of tip. ri at to <br />reinstate after acceleration and the! right to bring a court action to assert tbei :non- existence of a default or airy+ Cher <br />defense of Borrower to acalerstios and ads If the default is not tuned on or bt> ire the date specified In the notice; larder <br />at its option wsy require immediate paynest is full of all sums secured :by;3his Security Instrument without ftwoor <br />demand and stay ,Javoke the power of sale and any other remedies pert IMW b�appilcable law. Lender shall be en0*4 to <br />collect all expeum Incurred Is pursuing the remedies provided to tills pnsgrapb 19, including; but not linitit'to, <br />reasonable attarneye fees and costs of title evidence-. . <br />If tie pmrtite of ask Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of deffitelt in each county in which any part of the <br />Property is located and shall trail copies of such notice in the manner presetlbed by applicable: taw to Borrower and to the <br />other persons prescribed by applicable law,. After the time required by applieable law, Try shall give public notice of <br />sale to the persons ad it the manner prescribed by applicable law., Trustee, without demrstd.,aa Borrower, shall sell the <br />Property at pabik aucticeer ta• the highest bidder at the time and place andi&dw to terms designated in the sAotice of sale in <br />oat air smre parceh got it easy ender Trustee determlim..Trustee may p0.94in te:sat164. all or any parcel tf** Property by <br />pub k �i at t$e three and place of any pmfoudy: i i h_ iliid sak+ . ruder or its designee intay`*uti3iar.- the <br />Property at aEF soli[: <br />Upon receipt of payment of the prke bid, Ttaftte a slant &0t er to the parchaser Trustee's deed conveying the <br />Pr 11111 ty. The recitals is the Trustee's deed sbaJ be ptr4 ita facie evttlbnce of the truth of the statemeats made therein. <br />Thufte shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (al. to all expenses of the sale, includi but not limited <br />to. Ti ritstee's fees as permitted by applicable law and reasonable stfurneys' fees; (b) to all sums secure fly this Security <br />Instrument; and (t) any excess to de perm or persons legally,entith d to it <br />20. Lender is Possession:. Upon acceleration under parapr3oh 19 or abandonment of the Property, lender (in <br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitlbd to enter upon, take possession of and manage the <br />Property and to collect the renis of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of tlic Property and collection of rents, including, but not <br />limited to, recei c s fees, premiums on rece;ver's bonds and rt:wn:uble attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />this Security InstT- ument. <br />21. Recauvreyance. Upon payment a "all sums sn cared by. this Security Instrument, Lender shall reigiwst Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender tlii�i Secui,it1a f astrunlent and all notes evidencing debt secured liy this Security <br />a . <br />Instra sumo 20 Trustee. Trustee shall reconvay the Frlapaty'without warranty and without charge to the:'rwson or persons <br />legally en,;tW 110-A. Such person orpersiansiO41l pay Zay record ation costs. <br />22. Substkote Trustee. Lender, at itc;•mption, may from title to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee app pinted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />r < <br />With"t conveyw= of the Pmprrty. the successor G(s Mae shall succeed to all the title, power and do ,has conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by appl;:able law. <br />23. Regurcatt for Notices,. Borrowz-r urNuests that copies, of tNe notices of default aaw sale be sent to Borrower's <br />addresswhieh isibe Property Address. <br />24. Riders to this Secuttiity Insirstaaet, Jr ant, car more riders are executed by Borrower and ref c -d :d together with <br />this Security instrument, the covenants and agretmrot% of eseh'such rider shaID, tie incorporated into and shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and- agreements of t1lis 4wkMri'ty Instrument as -. 0,,: rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. [Chack applicable box(es)l <br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium, Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _ <br />❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ lilnttned Unit) Development Rider <br />Other(s) (specify] 1 -4 Family M:i'tier <br />BY SIGNiNG BELOW, Borrower accept!( and agrnes to the terms and covenants 1:G' t2.)rrl.' in this Security <br />•t <br />Instrument and in any riders) executed by Borrawerand regarded witjt it. , <br />utu.,.,. ................... (seal) <br />t - B (Se � <br />Le gcgen j oFrowe• <br />titntl of Ntltttm00%. Hail County Ss: <br />Oil ON 29th (illy 011- March .19 89 , hefOre ttrc, the undcrsigned. a Notary Nnhiic <br />Fluty cF,nrntitivitanf�dand Flualificd Gtr s,iid t aunty, pcnnnaily came Nguu Nguyen and Le Nguyen, each in _ <br />his and tner own right, and as spouse of each other, , (1Y me known to he the <br />Ftivillic d perimW t whow nanta•Is) arc "uhticrih(A W ncC frneguirtg in%ittiment and aiAnowledged the exccutit+n <br />111vicot Ile, fie their col unary act and deed. <br />Will - M) 11,111d and nmatial <cal :u GrV,�n Nebraska in ,aid Lounty, the t <br />�tv t Frnuanc,.u�n evp:tc,: Q� �� <br />fi �MM� ; i .•I1 ................. . .. <br />IL 1 LAN t, <br />@m I (1111 tit 1Ok ill t ()%%l l "AN( i r' <br />if, 10,1 .III <br />t <br />IQtC eft :1! f): !1!t'ta I% the' hilldcr Of thL nlitc ut INr(= C_!!r I'll t,ti tilt t } „il nt tFFLI w.Fttl ; ??'tic :, iH r <br />,i,tl! 1"16 a .. _"'IIcdl --. rill. 1 }tell "I 1!' ?!•(. )Lit 1. (lltll r;,Yat ,il !lift y +,:I •Ih 11: it it <i,f.:;l•'ct 11,, .lt;lil 1,11 <br />tl..trt !i! iiu .!, uln•_ RI ,Ili ll! 31:- F: rl he !i i,�, . ,1,1 r.. l ..,u., �rh,,nl ,, :;r °,,alt tit 'Lr , •!.1 ?:' <br />r e'::,_ IT :.a : °! <br />- '1 %'j� :t.,n,•• t•�r• +,n' i:l.Fii. .'.h,, ri 11 , 1. <br />