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101570 <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance a-, a condition of making the loan stcurtd. by this Security Instrum im; <br />17 Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until'.such time as the requirement for the,- <br />ii-ainvoci terminates in accordance with Borrower's and Under's written agreement or.,applicable law. <br />~;::`#aK Inspection.- - Letiider or its agent may make reasonable entries upon arldItispections, of the Preperty. Lender: <br />s* notice at the time ofor prior to an inspection specifying reasona6lo cause for the inspection. <br />tion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, dirft-,I;or consequential. in connection.with <br />'t h king of any part of the Property. or for conveyancer in lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />coed a2�.w Am: or other taking <br />paid to Lender. <br />a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be appliixl'to the sums secured by this Security <br />;.Jti) n thf, Whia.ffiir or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the ovadfa partial taking of the Property. <br />uai W. -ro, ari4n Lender'etherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />t6ceeds inultiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immedixtely lief h to <br />air %V ueC) K e Pei ly MM ray ore t c taking. Any ba nce shuts be <br />.4iiha Prooerty is abaiido tied by Borrower, cir 4;_-fter notice by L"d9!tCto;Borro%vcr that the condemnor offeris-to <br />-in 6�ax'O-Ofstple a claim for damap! to Lenderiwithin 3f) days after the date the nolke is <br />igui4ibrized to collect and sp et i as a <br />ily the Ption, eitheito restoration or repair of the Property or <br />qn, <br />seei this security Instramr—r, wh--,Ihzr <br />Unklms Lmltr and Irk&r. ower other ,4. agjve 4ow 6�17& epplicatios i of proceeds to principal shalt not extend or <br />post oin pam"graphs I and2 or, change the amount of such payments. <br />� <br />'a <br />-10.. Slamip—war NotReleazed; ]Fz)rbm Waiver.. Extension of the time for payment or <br />mocuaaiian' aT.� rxMization of the sums. ,<v_zred .sir this Security Instrument! granted by Lender to any sucMsor -in <br />inter,ast pft=6i shall rot -operate to reicaw the lhibihty of the oTlig nal.Borrower or. Borrower's successors in interest. <br />not 'be reqt: nd -t:a commence pirocee&ngs against any successor. in. interest or refuse to extend 67FIC for <br />pay iii 6r.6ibetwise modify amclrdzation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made <br />y,,h- jin3]84m.We'roiBdrxb-ai' <br />b ii� ees successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br />shall not be a'% xVwdf or piec.adethe ei6nyse of any right or remedy. <br />Ill., SO� and A9i*w,8avj4- Joint and Several Liability. C h-sllmem The covenants and agreentents. of <br />this Security Instrument sb4lbindxnd behefit the successors and assigns of1ender-and Borrower, subject to the pm i5iaqs <br />of paragraph 17- %M4rp:%rrs,&,T.,i:iiants and agreements shall be joint and soverat. Any Borrower who co-signs this sexurity, <br />Instrument the No.,.r: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey <br />that Borrowers.inuzcsi inth- Property unider the terms of this Security Instrument: (h) is not personally obligated to pay <br />the sums this S"—ZZity. Instmmient; and (c) agrees that Lender, and'any other Borrower may agree to "tend. <br />modify. forbea, oTrra4C Wy s=_On modations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nose without <br />that Borrower's consent. <br />12. Loden ((7 he loan, secured by this Security Instrument - ii. subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br />charges, and tha,, . J3aw,is finally intemgmwe d so that the interest Or 011iff loan Charges collected or to be collected in <br />connection = exceed the ,wn.r,'vcd limits, then: (al any such -loan charge shall be red iced by the am aunt <br />necessary to reduce ri:h'l r!tlM*Cvz Ole prMitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borra%ar which exceeded <br />permitted limits w_`i be n6faladcd n i8orrorwer. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing tITe principal owed <br />under the Note or bs- payment to Borrower. If refundreducos principal, the reduction will be treated asa <br />partial prepayment w:y prepaymvz.--� charge under the Note. <br />13. IATJsWO,--rkm A41tetting LesiW-1, Rights. If enactmcnt or expiration of applicable laws has thc of of. <br />rendering any Prot; is-ivmc,!7dbc Note or Ohis Security Instrument uncrif(irceable according to its term%. Lender, at its option, <br />may require immediaic p,-aymvri in fu., of all sums secured by this,Security instrument and may invoke any ternedies <br />permitted by paragraph 39. ff bender ei(eruism this option, Lender, shall take the stepispecified in the second paragraph of, <br />paragraph 17. <br />14. Notices. Any to Owmiwtr provided for in thisSecutity Inslitumentshall he given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it by first class ma:! `:njcss apphca:ole law requires use (if another method. The notice shall be directed to the <br />Property Address or any oulm, at' �dres,, Borrower &-•ignates by noti-re to Leader. Any notice to Under shall be given by <br />first class mail to Lender's ac%';*t'sa, starve, x;z.--r!!.-. c,r airq, other address Lender designatv, by notice to Borrower. Any notice <br />provided for in this Security he deerned to have been given to Borrower (it Lender when given a% provided <br />isi this paragraph. <br />15. Governing Law; This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of !liar <br />jufiWiction in which the Prop-,-.,i i; :=--.rd- In tht twtnt that any provision or clause of this Security Insirunneril or thr <br />Note conflicts with applicable! ' ru-, sj& c,,�nflici ri.�it affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />which can he given effect witho,.,: e pvj--vinrw •. V,,shvvelid'the provisions of this Security instrument and the <br />Note are declared to be severable. <br />M Borrower's Copy. be g; w,.n- one curiTormint copy of the Note and of this Security lustru"Iral. <br />17. Transfer of the Property oy,& i3entfl4imrj fmterest In Borrower. If all or ally part of the Properly or any <br />toterest it) it is ~old or transferred (or if a o—_iAcial imemst in HorrowtMs -;old or transferred and liorrower i3lifif a n-tural <br />I►ismill %%Hliout Lender's prior written•(,.-,.w�-eat. Lent,,ler may, at ifs option, require immediate payment in full cif ant makis <br />,-ccurctf by this Security Instrument. HcAmavi;r, this option A-,-:;.,,5 nit he exercised by Lender if exercise i;6 profilbitcd by <br />fedvi at law a4- of the date of this Security <br />If Under exercises this option, noliveof acceleration. The notice shell FITAVi'dre, Ansiesd <br />(if oollicss, than 30days from the date thenc;llitc is miailed within which I'lorrinver must pay all sums sciuled by <br />Ook Suk tjrily hicarunient If Borrower f a i 1 r , C.n,R;ay �_,nis pr;',r to the expiration of thO. period, Lender rti:By I i iuokc any <br />reinedicii permitted by this Security Instruirtein: furthcrrm iceordemandon Borrower. <br />In. r.Wr;V4eF;5 Right to Rehistratei-,41 utr.?ihti intziiw =r4ain-cmiditions. Borrower shall have rb.- rurhi rrr have <br />('11forf. ellivill I if' tills Security Instrument any prior, to the earlier of: (a► 5 days for %utJj 4 itb': T C►-vnif.-I as <br />fama may specify for reinstatemer * M,":; 66o.­c igil,e of the Property pursuant to any power (If SaIC L01`1111 1`111�) Ati IF11% <br />'err, <br />toras Instrument. or (b) entry of a judgnaml tills SWUMv. lin-ttunient - Those condition% are fl-at Rorrmt. r <br />'under <br />Git 1•.q, I coder all suins which then woA'r . &z <br />' lvhi., 15recuniy Itistrument and file :Vote 1-,,Ij rlo 31�uettrafwli <br />If'LlIrrCil 4hp cofu,"fflt, default (-if any Otk.*O,''100;(�-;ZtMS.,,A pays all expense'. lixurred 11, fll.% <br />ltckljsll} 11mrVID111-111. 111LILIdifig., bill 1101 a:1.iorneys7 fees, and fit) take,. suds zicti•irt a. F.ariavr 11) ►# <br />V(13V ficif1h ictitore w- amire Heat the lien of fli-ni t1sirument. Umdcfs irsghts in the ll(i ipem, ty I 8;.Ott,,%k 7 <br />(11111"'.1111m fiv fq file %U11i" wiclacd by thl" shall ci►ntinor uncliatigvil 111,w, <br />fiver-kirr. thl-14rcioni, 1wtitinictit and file fully eireillie .1'. <br />f 11114 1 IF,11t ft I FC omatesh Lill not sit, i� ,, ° ?r tyi ?�� of ;ttifPt�fetlt4t!r Ufttfc7 pata.vrap!- <br />