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-= 1 <br />4ra�osr Mat flsllesed: frOebsaraefoe 8yt t nldo NOt a V AVN EI"nW O1 the tints far payment or moditicatfon d amabxahm all the sums Secured by this SecNity trtstrurrnanI <br />grtteselsq 1M1Q/►iD cry eueeeator in rreereb of Borrower shop not OptxaM 10 tal"" ate Mb ft cf the Ong" Borrower Of Borrower's s7u Of t e S SUMS Lender shah rre t he required <br />�' �a 1O any WAX". er NI ar Mhno to*XWid time to payment OrO"Ww*e modify anI0RiZOM Of the sums 54CuMd by this Security hiflNrneN by rorsarr <br />b1i o4lM Whiciwer Of SWOWW Successors in kaereat Any torbesranps by Lender in exemsing any right or remedy, stun sot be a warwr d or preclude the <br />ettara"sf any Vior rvrwsdy;• <br />PA StatwWaaWfa NO AOMPM 9OIMIO: JOkK WW So" raftlelift; Coo ilML ThO 00WOr tits and egrteements at this Security Instrument shat ttmd and benefit the st CCassors and <br />aapnadtendararrd8arowerx bllbiKOtnsiansatpatagraph17 Borrower' sCOk7nirttsandag7eemerttsSltapthr9lpMandsiveral Any eni <br />bdtdees roll execute the Nob: (a) is Coaagrkrtg this Secudy Instrument "to mortgage, grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Sec unty lir&umerit: <br />L(bp w net perm set► obl"ad b pay ate sums secured by this Samnty Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. modify forbear cc make any <br />aorInerodetiore rrdb regard to the terms of "a Security Instrument Or the Note vnthaut that Borrower's Consent. <br />tff! {e! CMayal a fha Barr Secured by Vile SWWAV Instrument is VA" to a law watch sets Maximum {San charg", and that law is finally interpreted so that the rmerest Orciew loan <br />Of t WWO MbClsd or b bs wasted in COf>nef Yam wdh Ute loan exceW the PwmAted limits, Bun: (S) any such loan charge sfhall be reduced by the amount necessary to re kxs the dduln* <br />Is V1ePr� PMW bark and (b) any am shady eokcbd from Sonowsr wtwch exeasded p rmetted bruits will be rehrrtded to Borrower. Lender may droom to matte ties rebuts by wdueing <br />01" osiad wider the Nee Orb Y maRirtg a dies payment to BarrowSr. tt a mklr4 mattes principal. Bw sanction Wa be treated as a Martial prrapsyment without airy prspft"" dwoo <br />�"� »! Lsadw'e �d t B erfectrrhent a expirbiorh of appiicabM taws has she effect at randern9 �1► tovision d the tJole a this Security Instrurrrant r;erntoreeabte <br />ae�%i�1siM tamuL Larhda b ill aptioo. may► ragttila irtrttediste payment in full of M WAS sensed by 09 Security MlCMWR and may invoke arty MTMK ies permitted by petsgraph 19. <br />ULew w err wmm ers option. Leader shaft take ate steps specified in the SOCM d paragraph all paagraph 1T. <br />Jfide MORML Any rh0141"111100 BOSOM pgvided for in this Seamty tnafnxnent Shea be gkrem by detverxtg it or by mailing it by first class mail unless appficabie taw raquk" sae 01 another <br />rneaa t The moor- aftall bs dascbd b ftte Property Ad*m or any Oster address Borrower d"Wlws by rtaeCe b LendM Any notice to Liendershall bo gwan by first class nfad b Leer WS <br />UMMMWlMMmCrMV4Ws"ML&xfwdt$91,M$bYMbcoioWWw Any rhnor pmvkkd for in this Security instrument SW be chanted to have bean given to Borrow or <br />(�LalttlarsasangivwrasprOMdsd M this ParagrWPh- <br />�Q��nd Security aftap be govimned by lederal law and tie low of tIM jrxiediction in wtddr tlu Property is iocated. [nth* ewrrt that arrl provision <br />sbM Wa such oorAct shell not affad aVtsr pIlDVisione of tale Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br />xrfatetrttlss COrMflearg prwis"M To trio end ire P10"9ions Of this Secrity Instrurtwtt and the Mote are decund b ba severable. ef(ed <br />IS SOWNWO Cope Borrower 00 be given anal CWdNmW copy Of the Nee and of this Security fnatrumers. <br />1R lsasleraaafe t><epaety or a BarNAda1 aflweet 4n Borrower. M M or any part of the Property ar any :merest in d is sold Or trartsfarted (a it a tuenefitsal interest in Bor!uvter S3>d <br />OP 9NOmW <br />SW 8f Mother is exit a natural person) without Lender s prior writMn eaiaent Lender rosy at its open. rtsgtdre immediate payment in fun of all sums secured by this Sea, -*N <br />M k~ eaac 4 dais op or LLeldw $ Wl gm SM veer nohcea w a= amn The Miles law wide amps od of�noot tsess� 30s ays from <br />wialfilw111160 rr am Mist Pay ats %�"SecurWdby Oft Saualty(nStRA 11, ItBOrrower fads topay these Sums Prior to0* 6expirationofthi sp�eriod.L Lender may mvokeanyremesiesPermitted <br />001" ea mly YrM►ment wiew further nowei or demand on Borrower. <br />Uleeaafetr9days or( Sbwf eau► perbd appticabte Mw may Speedy for girtstaMmtertq before Sale tot to fheWu of this Se�rrty Instrument Giseartinued at any time prer at <br />Orly d a)tai�rusis endor0ag Vila Sominty FteburWIL ThOSe conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lendel whit 10ther,� p be crier tact o tike s.arity lint d T* <br />ItaRllaf w aaCWtaraalittD seers red: (b) case any Oetault 01 cry Other covenarNS or SeGxk tnaa bA PI a tC fhb <br />agreereNKS (c) pays M experees �tcst Sul in enforcing this Semint)r InstttmMnt. eteMai rg burl roc trot <br />tb0 rasaasabie atalars)ss User and (d) takes Such action as lender may reasoneW ispure b assure that she lien Ot this $omrRy ht Lender 9 rights in the Pmparty ar>m BarawW 3 <br />Or"W" Pay sffsraeta settsaed by tree Security krtrurwit Strap continue rrrstanged. Upon reictstAMMOnt by Bomowe : has Security ri uMont and the obligations serroect busby S.*W <br />tlrearr t afiaGtive ae t ►b agent had O=xmd. Mow Ave this right b reinstate shall not aPW n the of a=ekmaton under p�graphs 13 or 17. <br />f iillM:ORM COVIEf Ah M Scillmwer and lender frrVUr covww t and agree as bitows: <br />tti deWablaYelg9fr,afatWe LenldK ahMl (ice f101iCe b 86nowat Ptbt to Wicaii nefion foilVWft Biollowses,*V aGh of any Covenant or agroommt in aft 5@CWi!ty bjeu twat <br />ihegrlee b aoeaNratlons urldar pwagrapAe 13 and 17 union appueabie face pork" rk" OVWWIUN The notiR. SW 4pecity: (a) the dMautG (b) the acVon rtgplred to Cure the <br />AftiaR fF1 a ui1R ash teas then 30 days frOno VIM deb fife n1, 1, is piwe 14 Bcnca m, by wihkh the dalault nr(fotfie.ctrsd: arhd (d) that failurW to are the AafNoa an or bel0re <br />tttetite geCiaed kh afs maw efs)► il"A N sOeNerbbn Df tfhe aamuataa:eB aY fhb Siacurity krstrrattsrM arsd;sale otr the Pr Opeet� The notice attWl further kwIpma emyower of <br />Ilter thefts rekudals ahtr sooaYraaon and tits right to brkg a cores acbar- 22 avert the nOn4x(aI c pea d~ or any other de4eas of 8ortowmw to ac , 1- -miMoel and aWe. ff <br />ymob t� b rot waved an a before iM dbs spseMild ti tits ef ml, <br />tpe; Lwldorat.tts Option nice) f requkV (nrtte gdit P011 srrt In full of aY smile ssewwd by this 5mu tP IrrWUW&M <br />wf>barOtitr111erdwrdW4WAY*m " aVWPoasrofeabwgwVoaterntwdtwaMWMtWbysppiksWpile .LaeWvl sWbasnBU edtoCOINdM w>sperMesincurredinpursutrlp <br />oiersossbss proafdsd in title psraOrapA ts. kseitatfehg, but not tehiMd t0. rseavntatais atbrtMyY face and costs ar we evidence <br />■rtsPewr st aaM b kwDita4l)rwtae shW capped a rhotiee of dMauN in ssda coumy in which any port df the fhrioperty Is ioeaesd and shall moil eopiae of such rf uncs b the <br />aOa�MaaHle by �b IauW a ROrrOMerand b aM OMleryarWOms Peso bed by Opp*" A;111r the Gm eagrNrad by Mok@6M ias4 rM Whoa 91" P1f4p0 rf0lke <br />Pusoefs and in ttse nrferofar praecuibed by oppMeabla fen■. Tnm$W. teNhoat dasfand onl BOrMM. ~ aati tfM Property st public sucrion fo Bee hiatitatrt bidder at the <br />efMe� Place and alder Ilse "FM deeilarteled ill the notice ct sa%to one or non Pmnmk axhd in any order Thratee deMrthirmiL Ttusbe may lroattimm sab oeaii ar say peresl <br />!Masi ty fey OASbik alwa traoaefwtt K"rife and PUN *WW Phu* st:ffadur ed so. Lw dw or ft deegeNe may puaefyee the IPfoparp at soy sale. <br />tfrtaetsosW of Psy nwht of tthe yrioo bid,'Ittrnse a o delver 10 the pun haler ltuslse s dead r:orresyirg tthe Property The nscMab N the UNOI a'a died shah be prifu facie <br />awr4w.s/ lire vwm Gift , - I is abbewde fi the OP* t hs fro r ds a the aw in file lobtW2V Siam (a) to as exP«reeo a th ei InckwIlInp, but not firrtltsd <br />1e►1tw�e'sfsseas btam WAcs:(b)toalletamwcumdbytlfis <br />f s" sattttad b IL SsctrltY kfetrlrtfantt; and (a) any srreass b the perapn or psrsone <br />i INNUr M PbMSSaism Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or ablandonmem of ttte Pr Wj_ Lanier (in person, by spell or by luciciaihf appointed receiver) guilt !se entitled to <br />lie~ "M take powsseion d and -M tsge Sts Property std b collect the noes Of the Property irto VQI?toae PM dos. My Mitts collected by L#rxW or the WOW s.`w be applied first <br />•PaPl AS of rill oosM d marragwrrertt Of ate Property and collection Of rents, including. but not miffed to. ie"Wers fees. ptsmiums on rWCefwrS bonds and reasorubia af!l3rhsys' tees. and <br />MW Ill aw suits sectiew by 9%Sewiity ktetrumerlt <br />Upon pey TWN Of all Visits 31111W d by Vhia S$Cu ty instrument Lender shed request Trustee to n=nvsy the Property and ON swtrix3ar this Security Instrument and <br />1t Such per parrs »Mull fly foie im at ir,ee:ez -i,rtt to Ttustee Trustee.hail nsONhwy the Pmperry without warns? •and WOW charge to the prtsza or parsons Mgaiy enttled to <br />pay any tecadanon dais. <br />CMN* in which a Stataafttrte VIM" Lender. at Ra Option, may k4 : time to tie is amove Trust" and appoint a suotwssor trustee to any Trustee apx r, ted hereunder by an instrur m w repordM in the <br />a" by 111111116:1111111110 UK ty Insinmhem is racordSd. VL�st! ut pnveysra�, 7f the Property. the Successor h uotae stint suxeed t0 all the L,'kt. ;lower and duties conferred array T.-ustee herein <br />23L PkRMSW tree ANYOaa. Borrower requests that COptlr_ a6 L1e'I -Praes of default and sale be sent to Borrower's addrets which is the Property Address. Borrower further requests that <br />WOMOt aM malaasat default and sale be sent to e3en aft 7n wt^.O is a party hereto at fife address of such person set forth herein. <br />!L tubes 10 NOSewrNy kwfnaeeft It one cr m" rders are executed by 80-mwer and r110000 tog~ with this Security Instrument the oavenants and agreements of each such <br />"W afwt be =WPa•aad inb and Shall amend ar'd sc(pplement the covenants and ggreerrunts of this Security Instrument as it the nderfs) were a part of this Security instrument [Check <br />aglnbls bari(ee <br />O Adj ialable Aare Bider Q Condominium Rider <br />F_1 7•4 Famiy Rider <br />Q OraduaMO Payrment Rider p Planted Unit Nve:optrtent Rider <br />p Other(S) ISM41 <br />BY INININO BELOW Borrower accepts and agreesto the Mons and covenants cc. Limed in this Seeunty Instrument and in any rider(s) executed dy E•ratziwar and reco"_ vtrith it. <br />(Sea)) <br />— sonotwr <br />— BOrtower <br />[Spacd BsiOw This LiM ft? AdalowfsdSeldr4l <br />OWN Nebraska ) <br />Catasy of Ha 11 <br />0111111. Mkt ;larch Oa <br />day Of 19 batare me, a Notary P bkc err <br />ParaWyappwed Tho.;las E. Greenlee and Carol S. Greenlee- hussard an :? c <br />am raepsr ionaty krio" to be the Persons) named le arts #,rho exer..ted the foregoing instrument. and ackrroadedged chat executes the same as <br />NOUN ad and deed. <br />tb t;orrtmission Ggritas• r .. <br />N t4RY•;lataOER <br />IEANNE N, SCNROEt <br />Stab d Nebraska, i <br />.."!A <br />: v r omm ExP.lan 29.1992 <br />County of. ! ss: <br />On ors day of <br />Lt WearW <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />19 Wore me. a Notary Publa in the Stare ct <br />b ms OaOPIMY known to be the Persons) named in and who exemiled the forego ng ins- tument. and atknowledged tjhal _ e�trCUted the Sarno as <br />vol story act and dead <br />My COmrtussxin Expires <br />%OTARV P1J8L;C <br />r. <br />s <br />f <br />i <br />.a <br />r -- -- -- <br />r <br />