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DEED OF TRUST 8�- 101477 <br />TFSSOM OF TRUST I -Seca ty anetrtrnent') is made an this 18th dwell earch <br />1a1 B:9 Thewstorhs Thomas E. Greenlee and Carol S. Greenlee- husband and wife <br />y <br />(- Bofrowarl. The truths is Commercial Federal Savings and Loan Associatiori4,,,,,P <br />("lralaM'y TM bsnsRcfiryl rs Cortrmhafcial Federal Sawirhge and hoer Aeeociieat aAhicth is orgartizad and etdatfg under the taws of Nebrastur and wh0ea addrpa is aeo Fxnsrrt Omaha. <br />twleZrceeKfhaatst rl«we-t. ear,�.,aw.e,.na.,tn:,pr;f,t�„a Twelve thousand seven hundred seventy one dollars and <br />(tts s : 12.771 _ nn ). This debt is ev+denoW by Borrower's not daNd the same data o this Security Ittstrurl ant (- Naha). which provides for mmft payments, with the <br />tlAleis lnotpaid� --- dueandpadabMon_ t1arch 23, 1994 <br />TMs SecQ* trheavhiI ser:taea 10 Lander: (a) tfhe repheymera of the debt evidenced by the NON. with ingrssL and all tanewsle. etoensiens and modiNcadons: (b) the payment of ao other <br />suese !anti, iaefael attvan0ed wander pra)yapA 7 b proNCt the senhrity M this Sarxriy kwttanett anti (c) the pertomhanee os Barrowme'a covenant and agmsmsnts. For du purpose . <br />eon�aher arts+�eaby grarw and axi ep t0 Tara". in wet with power w aam, the "lowing des«ibed property locarod Hall County. Nebraska_ <br />Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in Wade's Subdivision to'the City cf.Grand Island, Hall County . <br />Uphraska_ <br />VAia•h„tMadamor 1606 N. Broadwel l -Grand island <br />Natraaka 68803 ('Property Adits7--: <br />TOGETHM 10111111118111 the nhprovemw is now or hereafter erected on the ¢roperty, avid all easements righl% appurtenances . herds. royalties, amoral. oil and gas ngMS and profits. water <br />rfghta and stodt and ad fixtures; now w heraattar a pan of Lfu crop".. Au ^eplacernhents and additions sham also be covered by thfs Security it riff ent. AN of the foregoing is ralm ed to in <br />this Security Wtruert M the - Pwiterty.- <br />SWF WER COVENANTS that Borrower rs lawluly woad Of the 0020 F4ereby conveyed and has the not to grant and the Prdpwi and that the <br />convey Property is unerri. bwW, . <br />woottbrancumbranOM of rem Borrower wWW111S and will deft gwwaNy the ttb to the Properly against all claims and demands. subject !a arty encumbrances of recorf- <br />THIS SWURffy MMUMENT carbines uniform covenants for WNW use and nort•unifOnn covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to eonstilcte a uniform security instrument <br />CCYeffng teal Property. <br />LUFORM COVOMINM Sonower and Lander cowenati+ and agree as taws: <br />1- yy " of 11111liEw Met Ittlitaet; PeePayrrhaett @at Gala Charyea. Borrower shall PIOMPty pay when due the principal of and Interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and am/ <br />PrepaymMx and tie efhahgfee due urhdar the NoM. <br />t ►rattle for TAM ord *Mffl nee. to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly payment are due under the Note. until <br />th r-N M is PW in full. a elan (Tends -) equal to orrhrelth of: (a) y"rly taxes and wsesamseft which may attain PdO* aver this Security Instrument; (b) yearly leasehold payments or, <br />ground Wits on the Property, it any: (c) yearly hazard insL-anee Wwdums: and (d) yearly mortgage insurance premiums. 0 any. These items are caded -escam items.- Lender may estimate <br />the Funds trite on the basis of current dw and reason" *owns%$ of future escrow ilsms. <br />The Pam shay behead In an fetillAion the deposits ar':a ctsin4 of which are insured or guaraflned by a lefto or state 69M, i-Mi ul" Lei Wr it Lander is such an in ablution). Lueoisr <br />she apy;v She Funds 10PW to GWM moms. Lander mr1)rlrori Marge for fd+Idi ng and spdplykg the Funds, analysing the awourncc wiying the escrow items. unless Lender WA Borrower i <br />kttueat or rO Futde and SWiC" Iow permits Lernder to •make such a charge. Borrows: and Lender may "in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Urtess,�ffi agreement is. <br />meta or aWNCeble law MMM intlrssl b i>o paid. Larder shall not be tequktad b Ply Borrower any interest or earnings on the Furds. Lender shall give to Borrower, vFthatt charge, an. <br />exklw aaraurakg of Ilha Fonda eftolhrngcredlms and debit b the Funds and the Purpose for tehbh each debt Soft Funds was made The Funds ate pledged ss additiortat security far the <br />sums secured by this Severity trnstrurherc <br />N t» smourt of the Funds hold by Larder. to()etne with the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to the due dales of the escrow items. shall exceed the amount required to pay <br />the saaaw items when due: the excess sham be, at Borrower's option. either promptly repaid to Borrower or erected to Borrower on monthly payments of Furls. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender is not solioent to pay the escrow items thltEr due. Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or mere payments as required by <br />Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all suits secured by this Security instrument Larder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Furls held by Lender. N under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or <br />aOqul#W h Lender. Lender shall apply, riia avw then inanaft" prior to -wall of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds hold by Lender at the "a of spplicabon as a credit <br />one I - a rtes acre seared by tfile Seaurtt)y Irnsbunml. <br />A Appftelli 1 of Pgtesntw the i law provides otherew`ic ra Payments received by Lender under paragraphs / and 2 shall be applied: fist,!)* :ts:9 charges due under the <br />NOts; second, b prepayt•snt charges due tnnder the NON: third, to amcu. -ft payable under paragraph 2: fourth, to Interest due: and last. to principal due. <br />e. Charges: Liam 87 -!ewer shell pay aft taxes, aasasl'ults, chargq, frhes and imp0eili0e attd AAA to the Property which May attain Priority over this Security instrument. and <br />leasehold payments or .9mnd wife. if anq . earowwr sham rpk the" obligations in the mine► provided In paragraph 2; or if not paid in that manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br />to the person owed payc'ferM. Borrower analf promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph, It Borrower makes these payment directly, Borrower shall <br />p WWV k~ b Lender me" evielenrkgy the payments. <br />Borrower shill poly age any lien wl>reh has priority over oils SewritY Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a <br />manner accepfaW to Lender: (b) oontab in good faith the lien by: or defends agakhat enforcement of the lien In, legal proceedings which in the lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br />enfcrCeem of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the Property: or (e) secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. <br />N Lender datsmliassthat any part of this Property is subied.'i10 a lion which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower <br />SW 596* the Wen Of take she or 1111001111 Of the actions set Wrtn above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br />IL Messed kliewwoe: Borrower shall trees tits improvements now existing or hereafter erected 00 the Pr4fert f i s w ed against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended <br />cave rage' and any Orle hazards for when i.&'de requires insurance. Ths Asurehee sham be maintained m fitly amounts and for the pericch. a•r_t Under requires. The msw% r (xi carver <br />prOVldf!IT the insurance shall be Chosen trt (kirower a Aod to Lender's a1VutAsl which sham not be unreasor y vwm held. <br />AA inanrtos pokkes and ri swakt shad lea seeeptabis to Leader aed7 t0%# If%kxM a standard mortgage cue. Lender strait have the right c; ,t6c -,-,a paitoes and renewals, if Lender <br />requires. BorrOrrersans/ pwaftpty giwt t0 IAIesCer aW receipts of paid Ofefrhu rfa and renewal notices. In the event of ices, Borrower snail give prompt notce to the rwrance came and Lender <br />Lender may make proof of bats d not made p rompidy by Bortuveer. <br />Unless lends and Bottuw :.#Wwdee agree in writing, insurance prmoodd shall be applied to restoration or v.$mr of tf,e Fn;perty damaged. if t ^e or repair is economica!y <br />feaaible ed Lender's saailtiV is rat fneeattad. It the raikrajal of repair is mesoo tom"Ry feasible or Lender , `ien-rtty would be lessened, the rss rarce proceeds shalt be applied to the <br />alre secured by VU Saeurri, Insatrrke" t- YMether or not than due. WCh on, Veen paid to Borrower. it Borraffar aaandons the Property, or d:zs r.,t answer within 30 days a nnt:ce from <br />Lender that the Ystxartoa corner has otteEyd t, Oetlia a claim. the Leader may tbMeet fhe insurance pracesds. i ender may use the praaeds to near or ,store the Properly of to ; ay sums <br />secured by thle Security trlatrumett, w iwtwer ex not then die. The 30Q_ry parrot will tsepit► when the not to gbrn, <br />tfnaae tender and BomaW Nhefwiseag*e in writing, rally, appka6q I of proceeds to principal sham nut extend or postpone the due dato of the mcr. my pa-, -rr, -a retorted to in paragraphs <br />1 std 2 or cherge the amount of the payment. N under petttgraph 19 the Properly is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any Insurance policies and pro,eerr, resulting from damage to <br />the Property Prior b Lee asgrin/aion stow pain to tender 41 Nit extant Of the sums secured by this Security instrument Immediately prior to the aequ,s:tior' <br />B. Prseei -e n and AiaYmaatwtoe of Ptoo rty: LasealtmNs. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or substantially change the Property, allow :he pn ,9 t r _; detsfrorate or COMM,, waste <br />t this security Instrument t On MM*bold. Borrower shad comply with the =vl-- s of the lease. and it Borrower acquires tee trite to the Prole r r. �� 9 :611 J -+7A and fee tithe Shall not merge <br />unless Lender agree! loft mega in writing. <br />7. Prowilloth of LendWe 1111" in the Foopwill: MOrlgepe inetureinca if Borrower faits to perform the covenants and agreements coma; -a: ,T tr. °s Se"r•ty Instrument or there is a <br />legiiii proc"dirg thief may sgnificarify affect Lender's fight In the Property esuch as a proceeding In bankruptcy. probate, for condemnation or ,4 regulations). then Lender <br />may dO and pay for whSWM Is rteeessary t0 protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include I:•a!r-; U,%.q S:l;iS sacufed by a lien which has <br />pf "Overthe Security Grswntetl. appearing in court, Paying roasortable attorneys' reesandentering onme Propertyto make repairs. Althougn lr��,e` r<il::t p action under this paragraph <br />7. Lends do" not have b do so. <br />'shy ammgft d= —_J=ed try I urd:r this paraggr ph 7 s.%V bacons awborw Cwbi Of Borower secured by this Securty tnswmam. Umt, s Ei: W d Lender agree to other terms <br />Of pMrhent, these amounts shelf bee interest from the date of dlsburserent at the Note rate and shall be payable, with Interest, upon notice t:•cm Lrf-aer M Borrower requesting payment <br />L N L*iX* required mortgage xts,rancei as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums L?4uoed for- ainfaln the insurance In effect <br />UM such tkrhe ai the "iremeM for the insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's and I~$ written Agreement or applicable law <br />r. ( 0 -11Oe. Lender of its agefd may make reasonable entries upon and Inspections of the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an mspeCtlon specifying <br />rstldrsble Cause for the inspection <br />0. CanlMmn AOM The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. dlr'ect or consequential. In connection with any condemnation or Other taking Of any part of the Property or 'for <br />c0eVIIAMS, In lieu of condernnabon, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender <br />in the event of a total taking Of tee Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security instrument. whether or not tor` due. with any excess paid to Borfoher hi <br />the event of a partlal taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender otnenvise agree m writing, the sums secured by INS Security Instrument shah be reduced by the amount of the <br />PfO -41109 multiplied by the following ffactton ta) tho total amount of the sums secured Immed`ately before the taking dvnded by Ile) the talc market _a %LA of the property mm. a, to °v :`Ofure <br />the taking. Any balance. shall be paid to BorraNer <br />if tale property Is abandoned by Boffr�"t fir 4 after ncrrm y Lender to Boftowor that the condemnor offers to maxV an .heard or Set'.re a cla_- fir damages soap r et 1X IS to +espord to <br />Lender Wtrm 3U days after he d3.e the notice ,s (mien. U'vider Is authorized xt COIICCI and aCCiy thEd VOCeeds at 'ts opt on G!he? 'O `L's�Jrah:n� p• •n };I • ^+ .wE V.�per•, r t) the S:Jtt g <br />sesu!ed by this Secu'rS/ Instnument. *he' her of not then due, <br />Un'ass Ler>'Ie! N'd gOtfowei GthervrSe flgr04'n and : ;•,, O! prOCCCt}9 !4 G+nCG �f 91`3+1 rv�f a :tEr -p ^* LQ:s!L".;'.o'•'E� ^. �� ^ t'E' � ' ^e ' ^:J ^:� rC .I."P ^1.r `C'n: t • •, � ,I•.i, +::t r <br />I and 2 of chargge the am.oun.! ce such pa /meets - <br />tF <br />A 4 <br />—J.- <br />