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<br /> f 7. Cond�mnatlan. 4�tM�vant eAe Yltoperty.or any pait thereot,shdl Ee taken by eminent domd�,tAe Mort���ee
<br /> I �empnw.�d to collect�id e�ctiw vl compenwtlon which may Ee paid tor any property takeo o<<ot damaaes to properiy
<br /> nat tat�R,�►d�lprt�ap��ha1!�ppty wcli compen�adon,al ite opllon,efthe�ta a reductien ot tAE indebtednew�ec�und
<br /> Mr�by er a r�pYt and r�oR uM pcop.�ty so du�a�ed.
<br /> ("�' � �{���M«y�,l�io�tp� to�y,Out sAail hara eo obllption,to do any act whkh the lrtori�{or
<br /> � h�s yeN�b�t taik W do.rnd liostpNt auy �bo do any ict It dfain neceaas�r to prot�et t!k tian l�ts*ot. I�toet�/oe
<br /> �n to n�,�poa d�tna�d�Wy WAM�O f�plAiMd�►�A!�IOK{ir!!�O�UN�IfOY!pYlpONf.aad�ny�unr w�xp�nd�d
<br /> sy tAe IiAo�t�� �bMl M �did to W�f�d�bttd�a Keue*d h�sby snd pecome iubj�ct to the llen h��oi Mo�w
<br /> �Aall aot ineur any rno�r�1MWty 6�pu�ot�uyWla�it a1�y do or aai!to do h�nunder.
<br /> !, p�f�wh;A�ipwwt ot RM1� Ttm� b ot eM rwaa MtMOt, �nd upoe l�tort�yot's dthuit ia�ny co�na�at
<br /> or apwn�t ot th�MortpM,ineludiu�car�nm�to qy wMn due tAe we�s�eured bS►tAM Mo�tW�,tM lrtoetp�sh�U
<br /> �e .n�a.a,.e id.oa o�ue� uw�+�t no�..a a�d,�r.a���,m.,Kwr.a�►�a�►to�.p eo b.i�ai.kir a�..oa
<br /> �.�r.a..�i,e.o►eo�w.Ne.towelo.w�.ot ar Mo�t� by iudkW prooMdiy�:wa,peowa.a lticrta.r.t�.t upoa s�dr
<br /> *ta�le tbe Moet�t.ar� �Mwe a�+Mted by s co�ut.m�y at Iv opNo��nd wiWout r�'td W tM ad�qwcy ot tb�
<br /> � �eeurlty.��wc upon�t�te�o�Mdoa oi t!�hop�rt�r aad colNet th�nata,Mww+and pvAt�t1�ei�om wd aFP�Y�
<br /> �IAt!O thf lC�t O�COIIflt1011 Yld O�fl��IQ11 Ot WN TtOpfl�alid WfA Yp011 Ulf IAIMb�ldINM MCYrld�vll�M6K��lfi
<br /> Yld f�fhti.f11YM�ii� �9t1�i bfifl� �I�fd to t1M �10�t�lt Y 111ftlN� MCH�ty tOt tll� �yTlllQt Ot tA� IAdtb�11lM
<br /> ' �ured hereby.
<br /> 10. 7twt�e o/rwpKty. If al or�ny p�t ot tA�hop�rty U sold or truuferred witAaut the�xpe�e�wMtten con-
<br /> • �ent of the Morcp�,Atort�,yee noay�t 14 wt�optlon.deelue vl sunn sscured by thh Mortp�e to be inuaedlttNy dw
<br /> - ��v l%�vl:. - - -
<br /> il. ih�tun Ad�►sncN. Upon requat ot Moetp�r. Mortpiee n�ay �k� additlotul aad tuture �draoc�s W
<br /> Mori��o�.Sueh.ac�ronces�with lneerest thecton,shall be securtd by thi�Mort��rhen evidenced by pro�aiswty notes
<br /> uatin� that s�id nota ur ucured henby. At no tirtk ahail tbe peincipN amonnt of the indebt�dness ucueed by thb
<br /> � IrWKp�e.aot indudM�sum�adr�need to protect the�ecu�ity ot thb Ir(oet��txaed t6c oef;fnal Nott.
<br /> lZ. IKb�cdlaa�ous TrorWo�.
<br /> (a? My tonbeartnce in exercl�in=any d�ht or remedy sh�ll not be a wdver LRereot.
<br /> (b} Alt remedi�s provided heteia ue di�tlnct and eumulatire to my other ri�ht atfoTded by law or equlty.
<br /> Nd may pe exercised:oacumntly,independently or successively.
<br /> __. -_ __ _ _ t�i 7�. eer.�anp and aaeements contatned h�rein sh�ll bind. and the N�hts inure to, the respective ___
<br /> sueces�or�and asiifns ot the MortEa�or md thr MortQa�ee. �
<br /> (d) All corenan4 aad a�reers�ents ot the Mort�a�or are joint and s�veN. - .
<br /> (e) 'llr�headinp ot the pua�phs oi this Mort��te ue for conrct�ience only and sha11 not be used to inter- ' _
<br /> pret or detine the provision�Aeseot.
<br /> 13. Rekaw. Upon payment oi dt surru secured by this Morte��c. ?dort�;:c :ha:l �iscl�arrr ihia Monp=� end
<br /> shaU execute u�d delivee a sattstactory ielease thetefor. " � �
<br /> 1N WITNESS WHEREOF.Mort�ator h�s executed thls Mort�a�e on the 16th d�y ot Julv ��
<br /> ,19�.
<br /> � r
<br /> Wi113amrC. Toph� ta�sower '
<br /> ����� _ D _ e
<br /> (Fatricia M. Top am) �a�•* ,�,
<br /> State of Nebraslu� Hall County s�: �
<br /> pA �� 16th �y ot Julv .19�,hefote rae.the undezsi�ned��NoWry Pubiic '
<br /> duly commi�ioned�nd qwlified toi said county.personaily cam� ti171 7 3 am C. Tepham_and_Patricia M.
<br /> � »m� B��hanA anA Wife _ ____ .— , to e!e k110�►e to b!the
<br />. identic�l pe�son(s) what nune(s) are subscribed to the fore�oin�instniment and acicnowled�ed the execution thereoi
<br /> . �p� �Qi r votuntuy act�ad deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and notui�l sal at Grand Island. Nebraska in said county.the
<br /> date aforns�id.
<br /> � My Commissi n e � ��M� �p n n .c_ �. .�/
<br /> xoearv Publte
<br /> •� � ��,�,�� �-_ _—`-
<br /> (SHe�Mlovr Tdf�La�R�rveO Fos UaC�r aad A�eordn) -
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