�, -
<br /> .� _ . . 1 �
<br /> � .
<br /> . � �aRTC��aE 90.,_, 10 4 2 8�
<br /> ������ia�p��p 1Jill�am C. Topham and Patricia M. Topham�
<br /> : Husbaad aud Wife �
<br /> � (bettlo"Mori�or")md
<br /> �I1iE POINTS BANK, Grand Islund, Nebraaka (�n{n"Motlp�ec"),
<br /> liott/yeK k I�i�►t� b iio�yl�e la the�tineip�i wm of i?���, 00.._�d ,e�id�eced by Mort�a�or's note
<br /> �a _ Julp 16, 199D �M«�»�������p4 of pNnelpd�nd iettryt,�rith tAo b�lanK of the
<br /> �M�w����������Y��� July 15, 1995
<br /> .
<br /> 7VMO1NeMe��tNli�e Nelr.�MMwst r proM�ed thtMe.tl�e Myea�et of�l otlie�wn�,witA lnterest.
<br /> ��r!►I�Ia1MM �!�'���of tAk Ma1Nye,�nd tM�rtonunee o!ths eonnan4 u�d�ments of
<br /> Mk M.�1�ta �oowN.d �n� �oe�� roa Me�eey eoKpK •na�wnrey eo Macp�ee ehe ta�o.�n� e�c�bed
<br /> �r�olerty IoaMi b ■ Hi�.S . , ..�nty� NtDntb:
<br /> ; Lo� Twenty Four (24), Block S1x (6), Unit Three (3), Continental
<br /> ; Gardens, City of Graud Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> r,
<br /> �
<br /> s
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> -- - - -- i ..er'wiiir aii iiaiiain .lm , - - _
<br /> --
<br /> --- -- -- _ - - ---- - --• nR�'� p � p�aman�s�nxtures;tteeets,alleys,pasii�ewayc, e�remen4.r�=hts, pslv!leies aad . .
<br /> sppurtenances located thereon o:le�nywise periainin�thereto,�nd Lhe�nts�issues �nd protits,�vet�loru and remilnders � � _..
<br /> fbeeeof;includin�,but not limited to,baun�and coolin�equfpment tnd such perwn�l property N�t Is atcacbed to the '�
<br /> i�ptovements so�to con:4itute�llxturr;all ot�rhich.includin�rrplaeements and addiUons tRereto�is hercb�•derliaed .
<br /> � to be�put ot the�etl est�te secured by the lien of tA�Mort�qe�nd all af the fon�oini beln;referred to hereln as the
<br /> , Y�~� .�
<br /> 1 .r
<br /> Irlorka�or furtAer convenmts and apres�wlth Mortpeee,as folloMS:
<br /> 1. Taytnen� To pay tbe Indebtedne�and the interest thereon as provided in this Mort�e and tAe Note.
<br /> �� Z. Titk. I►�lort�a�or b the ow�ner of th� hoperty,has the riaAt and�athority to mortp�e the Propert��.�nd .
<br /> �arsnts that the lien created 6enby is a itest and prior lien on the Yreperty,exapt ac m�y otherwise be cet forth herein. .
<br /> � O 71:e�raperty !�subject to�Mort�a�e wherein
<br /> r t�e lrlortptK,morded�t Bool� �ta�e_�of the I�lori�e Rrcords of Count�•.�
<br /> rlebrat�a,whicA�tortp�e S�lien pdor to tAe lkn ceeated heteDy.
<br /> . �
<br /> O(kher prior Ileno or eneumDnnces: �;
<br /> i. 7'a:es.A�n�►t�. 7b p�y wAen due all taxes,�peclal�essmen4 and a11 other ch�r�ec apinst the Roprrt}•
<br />. a�d.�pot►R►rlttea dettund by Ma�s=ee,ta sd8 ta thr psymeats requ3rfd ander f.i�e Note�ecured hereby,�ch amount u
<br /> �7��knt to�a�b�le tJ�e�toe�a�ee to p�y web L:a.�ments or other char�es a�they become due.
<br /> �. Iiw�eane:. To teep the iaiyro�etnent�now or her�aiter loqted on the te�] estate descdbed herein insured
<br /> , �f�t d�Qy�re'wd wcA other bwrds u Yort�ee m�y require,ia�mounts and�rith companiea acceptable to she
<br /> �P��+�°d �� � P�Y��� � �i�• In ea�e ot loa nnder sycb policies tbe ltorip�ee is authorized to
<br /> adju�t. eoilest tad eospromi�e,ia its dircretion,all dalm�thereunder at its�ok option. �utAotiudtoeither�ppl�•the
<br /> p[oeud:.to tbe e�tta'ation ot tAe hoperiy or upoo tl�e Indebtednas�ecured Acreby.but ayteeats heneunder ch�ll con•
<br /> tlnue•until the wm�xeure�b�teby are pdd in full. .
<br /> , i. D Fxr+o�v Fo�7yses ind Inwiranee. Notwithceandin�anyNin�contained in parapaphs S and 4 hereof co the ` -T
<br />• ��Y.����a11 D�y to tAe �tor��a�ee it tt�e time of p�yln� tAe monthiy insWlments ot principal and interest.
<br /> oee�twHtth of the yarfy taxrs� �e�smenfs.ha:ard inturance qemfums��nd pound tents (if any)which m�y atuin a
<br /> N��h' orer this Mo�rtp�e,�II as'n�sonably ectinLted f�om tla�e to ti�e py tlie MwVa:ee.'Il�e amounts w p�id shdl be
<br /> Mid by tlle Mott�a�e�e withaut �nterest ufd spplisd to the p�ycrsent of fhe items in iespect to Mhich cuch amounu were
<br /> repaited.71e wu�p�d to Morip�ee Aereunder�e+r pled:rd ac additioail�ecurity for tAe indebtedness tecured by�th,s
<br /> lbrt{�e.Morya�o��hvl pry to�iort�e�Ne amount of any deficieney between the actual Wces.assessments, insur�ncP �
<br /> L peemiva�s and�rouad r�nfs�nd the deposlts henunder within la d�ys�tter demartd is made upon Mort�a�or requesting ��,
<br /> Myment tbersot.
<br /> v
<br /> i. l�tpatr�Malnteff+�ace and Uu. To promptly trpair, iestore or rebuild•r��• buildints ot improvements nnu•or ��
<br /> Stratter on t1�e Roperty;Ro terp tlie Yroperty In rood condition and r�epair,Mitl�out w�aste,and tree trom mechanic's or ��!
<br /> otAer liens not expressly cubordinated to tAe lien Aereof;not to nsike,�utfer or permit any nuisance to exist,nor to d�min•
<br /> i� or imp�lr the vo�ur ot tt�e Property by any act or omission to�ct; �nd to compl�• �vith all requirements of taw w�th
<br /> tespPCt to the Roperiy.
<br /> �
<br />