<br />I& Be no Not ReMs##d: Forbearance By tandw Nat a W Nvieti Extension of the time for payment or medificbm of amortization of the sums secured by this Security trutrument
<br />granted by �L•nttar to suco•gor m intarast of Borrows atWi not aptxaM to ni•ase the 6abifity of the origin Eorrowet «Bormwa's sueceasora in in M Lander ejtalt rq. bar
<br />f srro0afat in intatest «reins# t0 extend time for payment «otttetwiss modify SMOnUstiOn of the sums sacured by this Security Instnxmnt try m6ain
<br />e d � end � �WW oy*rw BOrMW «Bon ower's sucpssors in ant W My forbearance by Lender in exercising any riot or remedy SASH not be a r�vr of or he
<br />the
<br />11. &MONMaa and Asellil s bolded: Joie and S a1 LiaMr. Cotes Thai WMWt3 and aWWOMOnb of this Secunty instrument shag bind and banefit the suoassers and
<br />aaaigtaottertderandt3dnovwr ar�aabtf> irOVisionsofparagraphV BonOwer'SCOVWM tsandagraaments $hall bepintandseveral, Any SorrvmivnoC &SWIlthaserxxsytnstrument
<br />but does not #xaait# the Note: (a) is co-signing this Semnly (nst ument only to mortgage, grant and convey that Bonoww's interest to the Property under the terms olthis
<br />Security Instrument:
<br />(D) is not peraonelty otriigated to pay the sums aeCUred by tttk Setxnttry Instrument: and (e) agrees that Lender and any other 8drraxar may ague to exttvnd, rrrootyf ftxbasr or make any
<br />acWmmadaWns with regard to the terms of this Security InaffuMmt or the Not# without that Borrowefs consent
<br />12: Loan CltdpN. if the ban secured by ilia Security tr►savmem is arblect ro a uw wttrr�n sets mahrmum fp3ri r harm •!.2nd Ihet Itn+r ,z pineal, rrR .�.d thattha or EGiir
<br />i rl"'E s m Mwwcfi«r with the ben exceed the pertnNted ftnuts, than: (a) any such toes Charge stay be reduced by one amount necessary, to reduce the charge
<br />b fls petfrtitMO kit and (b) any aunts ahtsdy collected horn Borrower wfMdt exceeded pernkflad fimi<a wM be rehnaMd to BthnDw, , Lander may choose to make this refund by ttdutkrg
<br />themots, undartitettafe« t1ymeRinga6ree1paynt •rNtoBatower tfaraAntdtaducNpr imfs• LMenductbnw�lbehealedesapatNaFptspaymatt !wrfhoutazyprapi�isefntcai�e
<br />.' 1A Lq $Dft * AiMetllg Lertdee's aiyfNf n ertsCbnertt «expirafon of appficame news fuss me af#ct of f•nderfrtg any provision of the Noce or ilia Security IrobuMMM unertforesebis
<br />aooardtrp b as Marine. L#rtdeR at its OOM- my Muir% frtr wdM paean "In RA of all avrtu secured by V a Somity inebtNfNnf and may invoke any unnedies Putnilted by paragraph 19.
<br />94 N L#nde mMWM this Opbon. Lendsr shelf taste the stares sp@oftd fn the axtCOrtO paragraph of paragraph 17.
<br />14. N•doaw Any. td Borrower provided for in ON security kMVW t d OW be given by deliwikfg it or by ma*% it by rrrat Gass mail unless appiicable taw mqukss M another
<br />nrM10d The ewae shell be din•CMO b fe Property Addrm nary altar a , 001M r dMiptebe by mice to L•ndM. Joy ttatke b LWKW Shall be WM by neat dace mail b Lander s
<br />as e � daaiOe� Df► nolfa b t3orrawe► My novae provided f« in tttia secrxify tnaburttem attall De daanrad to tnava been given b BoMWW all
<br />1S �eaedM = as:?aY•rabiply: TTlit set ivy lnaWW "dole be goverrwd by hderal Uw sM tlt• law Of ftw iW91liGlan in wttioh are PrOWV is located. In On # -dint MM any provaion
<br />CURM of this Security BwbuotarN Of the NOW otxtsictavrift appiicabta UM such Conf d stall not affect other proviaiona Of thts Security Instrument or On Note which an be Qtan effect
<br />1l � fmrM�tg provision. To of and ffie pnWMorn d tlAe Security hialru rant and the Nofvam deafened to be severable.
<br />COPY. Borrower shall be given one c«tloerted COPY Of the NOW and of this Security Instrument.
<br />1T: ltanafar of the P4operty or • b•nuMlefaf itlafsat fn 130Raw•t N all a any part of the Property or any interest in it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Somr*w is sold
<br />«trartdartsd and Borrow I$ not a natural p wwn) w4hM Lando a pion written consent, Lender may. at fts option. require immediate payment in fug o! all sums secured DY this Security
<br />ihrpnanent, however this option shag not be marsrsed try Lander if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of Me date of this Security Instrument.
<br />N Lender ehrerciaes this option. Lander shell give Bounder macs of as MMbon. The notice shah provide a period Of not less Man 30 days from the date the n2,ve it delivered Or marled
<br />wiflktwhic! Gorr« rermustpayaasumsse curedbyeSePlrttyttctttrment. liBOnowerfadst Otx.{ iYveses umspnortotheoVkaWnelfns Period, Lender mayL miutreaV-yMfn6dwapermitted
<br />by 11Nt Security 7rritrtineM wihout iurttte ri0aC3 all drenartd QT Bdrrbetar.
<br />1� NorrnwM• tMglK to RtieMeu U Bartow.>s meats cwtart aortdfticrts. &MrAer Shia naL- the right to hate enforcement of this Semuity, 11W ime nt discontinued at any Hmq t r tnPlo
<br />fie axtrieraL t(t) 5 daYS (« moat offer pxtrfod as appG:abM rarer nhy s0edh�) bMoresale of ttte irro{terty pursuant to any power of sate contained in this Security 1
<br />«(b) #allay of a rrdprwN anointing ads Serrate :ndnzn@nL Thos• ctxWd t>FOW that SW DWsr (r1) I�YS Lender all Sums whim then would be due under this Inglis tnetrumertt att3 C1r
<br />Note had nor 6 allornsys' occurred: (b) dues any default ai a ty other oovnarila all agre#nen� (cj. pays ell experan in in enforcing this Seaxity Insuurterd inOludirp. but not G�tflae
<br />to r+Mo+iWfit attorney' flea: a+td (d) take• sAn action as Lond•cmy NOOM iy mWft !o &MAMthat the Son of this Security Insburnenb Lenders rights in the property and gWnp errs
<br />and on 10 pay MO aims s CWW by this Security Inshut mtt? &-neat cor anus unchanged. Upon �sr statement by Sonowwr, this security irtabUrnant and the obigatioxts secured Itefa9JG `iatl
<br />1trMy effeeave a• if to aroaieraaort had Occtxred. fiCwcvey: this right to roimstate shag rnt: army in the case of aocaWation under paragraphs 13 OF 17.
<br />NON-IINiFQRM COVENfitEM Sc rovwf and Lender father oovanant and agree as follows:
<br />It. Aetilsrsllfn:lgffledlri tyartder altdltplwe rtottte to borrower prior to ncefWatiort fallowig 00Mware brash of any coverterrt tx.preanrl:rK kv tL," Smffty bmft m m
<br />(but not plor tot.00eleratt«, under paragraphs 13 end 11' unless appNaable for provides aYerwlee). The notice •ION specify: (a) the dsleulh (b) the anuart ragtlifsd to the
<br />dsfatrR: (c) a deY. net M n pion 3o days f m the dsae die rroeia fa given ilo eonvaar, bl+ Whlch the defauk must be cured: and (d) dui felines toe" the ddwh on or before
<br />me dwe apsoiMd in eel notkt tiny newt b aealerantbn of the caste sedate by this Seemity itebtarrent and sale of the (eropertX The Or shall further Intocm son"M of
<br />the rlglttto ttI W shw accMwMion and the tight to briny • court action Conn" the =f43dWnc• of s 400,01 orally other dstary - of Batraww r omeletatlon and slew B
<br />Mt• dafotlt i• slot Cured on or bsfole the defe atpeclffsd le tau rroNea: L#rtde at no Optlon "W roquke irtrttedla/e pymwtt in full of aN wars Secured by oYrts 66aw ty triaiunent
<br />wIft tadwede sundandnaylnvolraftpowarofsalesndaryotMrneiedlesp ernNtledpyappNcsb(elsrr Lantferah• NbesrNitlsdbcoLaetawaxpenaMtercurrsdiitpcm4tiing
<br />1M tatwe4fea 9 A I 'dad 611011111111111 PWMP ptph 111, t lickodi % but not NsN1ed to, nseatable atbrnf ya' feed end oaafs of pile evidence,
<br />K the p•ewcof •ale M lewlre4 lhrslfe #hall recap s 1, o, W d#feuh in •ash county In which any pert of tar Property is located andst" M" copies of sureft.ti9 *091 .the
<br />career D 1 m ift bymW in � w bar Io Hata"M and is pplic cur persona lee. ibsd b1t aPpNeabM istrV Aker tlr tlsis raquied D1► applleabM M►. Twee" Mo give "oft iaRke
<br />of ale d 1M pasrlbed bt► appiipbt• I#tw Tttallee, without daeasnd on Borrower, Shell sell fps Prop l rte at ptrbNo auCtfdn to the
<br />twits and plsos end undw the terrtta deagneled fn the rwtice of sale M ore «more psraW and In any order TnxMw dtlemti es, Trustee higfiast madder o the
<br />of 1M Prspsrty by p� anaowitenent at the fonts and PW" of any previously scheduled saiw Lender or Its designee may purchase ���ed my p*� or wf► Parcel
<br />Upon eCetpt of PSYeeed of the price bid. Thze1M sh a d•N-M to the Pumtwasr Rabe' deed eomrsying tM Property: TM Ite1tale In the Mustsa'$ deed shed be prim fmw
<br />awid•rtC• of the truth of the ataMrrurm She - ffereit. MuNMe eMN apply the proceeds of the eels In the following order (a) to ell expanses of 1r aorta, (ndudfnp, but rice ftiod
<br />b TfwM's fsMaa p#tmNMd by egpNcabie rear and rsseetebia •tbrteys' feel: (b) to all sum secured by this SMudty it•buffived; and (o) any oxcl as fa the person or, persons
<br />• Ieg•MY arlWisd t0 k
<br />20 I.otdar In PbMMSiato. Upon accebrrfim under paragraph Igor abandonment of the PrWarty, Lender (in person, by agent or by Iudkiagy appce-1 d tesa�ta p. r,xtaN be entitled to
<br />enter upon, take pOSteeaion at and manage L~Ie pm" and to coW to rant• of the Property :DM4 rg tttdee poet due. Any rents tt Wisd by Ltrtd•r or the ntoei O 5140 W appiiad first
<br />b peymhsM W ihe CaaM SaCrraY� naWPropo and coliecaon Oi what, including, but not fimrt#d to, roc#tvara tea. premiums on receivers bonds and mason" ubmeys• tea, and
<br />than I* ft ms s MMd this
<br />` 1. ftW0VWWM Upon paynenq of aN Sumo se Cured by Mid Security Instrument. Lander shall request Trustee to moorr ay the Property and SW sUrrottder this Security Mstrun wr:t and
<br />eVkkrx:xtg debt secured by this Security rnsGument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to
<br />i. Such Pennon Of persons shall pay any recomaaon costs.
<br />22: SvdeBhsM Ttustaw L*ncW at its option, may kOm time t2 tittle remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any Muttes avy_'utlod t1lrsunder by an : nstrument recorded in the
<br />am by My'hMMent is recorded. Without 6omtyenee of the Property, the successor trustee Shall succeed to W the : e, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br />23. (lapalat for I'm tic (3D.+'3" requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrowers address which is Use Property A press. Borrower further requev,: 'hat
<br />WON of the noticed of defUll and safe be se-r Ins each person who is a party nttrsto at the address of such person set tole herein.
<br />24. Rides b UN• >SeCrrtky itetrtattartC. tr are w more riders are executed'a,r (7a 3wer and recorded together with this security, instrument, the =tenants and
<br />rider snit be incorrporated into and shad sr:eic and su • cur y Instrument 0118801 nt ( such
<br />pplement the Covenants r3+±emen>g a this Serurityt Instrument as d fire rldar(o) were a part W this Secursrr Instrument (Check
<br />appiicSble box(se)]
<br />Q Adlutcabie Rate Ricer C fYr� p�rru r!7rtaq p 2-4 Fan ly Rider
<br />Q Oraduaoed Payment Rzer [_, P.ia.,rtetj and Cev%cpment Rider
<br />O OMW(S) Cspac+tyl
<br />BY SIGUN airs 8 -CLOW, Bonoyler accepts W. egass to the terms and covenants :ontamed in this Security Insburttent and in any ndet(3)) execs jt &fl fay Borrower and larded with r!
<br />— �X,�l�Yl���'��C��' Soap
<br />– C�m:wwr
<br />in
<br />(SPsts 0 Now This arse RV &knowkidgm•nt)
<br />stw of Nebrasita p
<br />CoMryop i(j3il_
<br />on this z: i, day of r'id rC h 19 , before me. a Notary Public in the stake ca. Ue ilia s k a
<br />porn* appeared — Ranter+ T ( T ndia i rlua l
<br />b me Wwnafy known to be the Per-On(S) names n and who executed the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged that executed the same 89
<br />voluntary act and died.
<br />tRy Comrh>rs m Expires: H.ERA Rv.SIaIacINabr.
<br />1E0vNE M SCHROER
<br />MyCo. n Exp.lan.29,1992 NOTARY PUBLIC
<br />State M NabrauRs f
<br />county of. )
<br />)
<br />� ttris day of _
<br />Personally appearred
<br />ss.
<br />19 . before me. a Notary Public to the State of
<br />to me'personally known to be the person(sp named in and who executed the foregmng instrument. and acknowledged that executed the sam9 as
<br />voluntary act and deed.
<br />MY Commission Expaes
<br />- 9Gn�wN
<br />q P
<br />ma
<br />r a
<br />r'
<br />1
<br />