<br />$g-- 101413
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ('-scam* Insxumenn is made on this 14th day of Marc h
<br />19 8f„;a Robert E. Lewis Individual -
<br />reorrowen. The trusts! is Canrner" Federal Swings and Loan Association.
<br />(`inure. The bsialiidary is commercial Federal Savings and Lean Aaaolrtl liM, which is atyerind and existing uMer an taws d (Vibrates. and etches le F a "
<br />Naer�R66131(.Llisera)- Bdrtowowa��apal aim of Six thousand six hundred ninty one dorars an .'0%
<br />(u&$_ 6691.85 Thin aye is avridsat ad by Bamowers note daNd the tam. due as tie SseuNy trrmnherht ("lvlou), which provides for mwft psymete. with theme
<br />furl de11L it net psld earner, due and payable an May 20. 1993 '
<br />THia Secttfftf ataanathe't aerates tb f.ander: (.) tea nrpaymMrt of tits dabs aavidsnhccd by tr Not vec7h IrtereM. and atN renchWe. sxtenMOM ant meditations: (b) the p»yment Of all other
<br />sums. with intenel adveeed undo► paragraph 7 to pro+ar a tlhe swum of this Sam* inew ww and (c) the performance of aonow a confute to and agresrnapls, fro' this purpose.
<br />B&I'0110er kMM" Wants and conveys to rrnuee. in turf, with povwr of a". uts fofiow{rtg described property localed In Hal l CotanH Nebraska-
<br />. Lot Three (3) Block Two (2) in Gosda Subdivision, City of Grand Island Hal-1 County, NE
<br />wrist histheaddreas of _ _ ' 4026 Edna. Drive Grand Island...
<br />(street)
<br />> E3303 CPrwarty Addrwe ');
<br />TMETNER with all Uts improvements now or heteafter erected on the property, wd ra easements, rights, appurtenances, rents. royatties, mineral, oil ad gas rights and profits, Water
<br />nights and stock and all Ixtures rww or thereafter a part all the propertyti A;! onsiscartigneand additions stall also be covered by this Security Instrument All of the foregaMp Is 'Va. —d to in
<br />on Security Instrument astto'vgwty.`
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Borlolm is lawfully seised of the snafus NMby conveyed and has (tile not to grant and convey the Property and thad the Property is 4selc+:�mbend.
<br />except for encumbrances of record. BMMW warrants and will defend gewally the title to the Property 3ranst all assns and demands, subject to any sncurniWxhcee of rs=rt
<br />THIS SECURITY IN.4TRUMENT eor. bkrsa uniform covenants for natidna} iWand mkx r- iisitimi coven" with limited variations by jurisdielic n to cons M a anillornn saaurity instrument
<br />aOWetkr9+eel t�Per$!
<br />UMFORM COYENAWS. Borrower and Lender coveharnt and agree as fellows:
<br />t. Pay IM I of INN and aderea iq Pnprytrl" tend Law Cheers" Borrower serif wornpfly pay when due the principal of arxi rdteest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any
<br />prepsyrr" and Isla charges due under tie Note.
<br />2. Funds for 7leses and atsaafteab Subject b applicable law or to a w1,2en v*w by Lender. Borrower shah pay to Lender on thhe day mo►rihtj payments an due under this Note, unfit
<br />the NO% is paid in U. a sun r Funds°) equal to one-hvetlh of (a) yeah* rues and assessments which may attain priority OM this SOWnty. ;natumant; (b) ywrly Uauttold payments or
<br />ground rents on the Property, it any; (c) yearly hazA d Insurance premiums: and (d) yearly, mortgage insurance premiums, if arty. These items we carved' escrow items.' Lanier may estimate
<br />this Funds due an"baths of current data lend reason" eatlmahs of hutiae escrow items.
<br />Tice Funds sisal ode bald in an htatiaution the deposits or accounts of which err Insured Or guarantied by a federal Of state agency (including Lender if Under is such an irmtitution). Lender
<br />shall apply the Futtda too pay the oKmw darns. Lander may not Charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow "Ims, unless Lender pays Sorrow r,
<br />interest on ter Funds and applicable Ise pamw Larhder to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agrw in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agessmam :s
<br />made ar atppacaUtte low MoikM inblil to be paid Lander 00 not be required to pay Bwoww any Interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. wdJn ut d.. 7p.. a .
<br />anni al soodtxMktg of the Ride shorunsa eredb and debit to ft Fuds and this purpose for w high each dsM to the Funds wall made. The Fwx1s are pNdged v adtitiorhal sg vut)I r, �,*
<br />arms secured by ire SOMM" R1stfu2 IC
<br />If the ernount of the Funds held by Lwndw, together with the h tr math* payntertb of Funds pay" prior to the due dreem of the escrow Rams, amount taquireC :Y
<br />1M aeaow fans wRhsre one. the raa!ss atnsti bs. u Borrower's option. sitter promptly rvprsid :o Bdrrohwr a credited to Ba rcvks* 3n mahttly patyments of tam 14 the amount of the Funiz
<br />held by Lender Is not sidWa tt tz Fat` i1ne escrow items when due. Borrower shall pay tC Larder any amount necessary to mere tip the deftency in one or ;sore payments ec required by •
<br />Lends.: I..
<br />Upw p aymsd in full of all sumo secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Furndt: titer 4it i, tr d ti% under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or
<br />aCqu11104111iry Lade► Lender 1111 W apply, no later than immediately prior to the sab of *!hw Property or its acquisition by Lender, &-i fvkl t:j, Lender at the time of application as a credit
<br />M&M t to sums secuad by Of $ecuift Instrument.
<br />& Appikeft r of fra(f nietaa. UNps spok&M taw p�ovkles otherwise, all paymex9 ra 2vived by Lender under paragra:;t s t a7d 2 -4--all be applied: first, to late charges due under the
<br />Noa; accord, b prior rant charges due under the t cot dtard, to amounts payable undra�yaregrsph 2; fourth, to interest due and fast. La adncipal due.
<br />e. CIw9m; L Mm Borrower shelf pay &N taxes. assees, —er s, charges, fetes and imp minions attributable to the Property which may rarehin priority over this Security Instrument, and
<br />leeeelhaid psyt(t M or ground rents, it at* Borrower MM platy these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph Z. or it not paid in Borrower shall pay them an !ime directly
<br />b the person owed psymerd• Borrower shelf promptly furnish 10 Lander all notices of amounts to be pawn aver this paragraph. If Sorcerer r-Takes tutees payments directly, BwOwer shall
<br />p'ornpty ft~ to Lander receipts evidencing the payrncnty.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly discharge any Neer which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower; (a) agrees in rM'tlg td the payment of the ca:W ran secured by the lien in a
<br />manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests In good faith the Lien by, or defends aagainat enforcement of the lien in, legal p xer,ngs which in the Lender's cpnien operate to prevent the
<br />erh10rClment of the fan or fortaihte of any part of the Property: or (c) secures from the holder of the ban an agreement satisraVxi, to Launder subordinating the lien to this Security instrument
<br />it Lander derenrl w ties any art of the Property is staid to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bo: rower
<br />SW satlety dt 4W. or :aike one or oldie Of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nobae.
<br />S. lfeaallS' 1'flalr ands; Borrower eha1, imli the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by r: e, hazards included within the term 'extended
<br />coveraPlr and any "hazards for vdwh lender requires Insurance. This Insurance Mall be maintained In the amounts and for the peroos plat Lender requires. The Insurance carrier
<br />providir19 the insuancs shall be chown by Sorcovwer subject to Lender's approval whist sham not be unreasonably withheld.
<br />All Insurance pobw, and rerarrea *0 be —r pfahl to Lander and Shat include a VA04M mortgage clause. Lander stall ham the right to told the policies and renew". If Lender
<br />MWON. Bowser suss 18tattpty give to Lander all recaipte of paid premiums and renewed notices. in the event of lose. Bonmw sham give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender
<br />Laude may make pall ref lass t hat made prortpty by Barrows
<br />Unless Lerch and Lar ewer otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shelf be applied to restoration or repair of the Property damaged, d the v t :r, cn or repair Is economically
<br />feasible and Lender's security is not Mnoeerud. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Leader's security would be lessened, me Insuraraa ;rcceeds shall be a l,rdd to the
<br />sums secured by his Security Inaft -MM.. whether or not theist due, with any excess paid to Borwm If Borrower abandons the Prope ft or discs not arr-fier within 30 days a notice from
<br />LaMar that the in11utantsc carrier fats egret to setLb a claim. the Lender may aspect the imsuramco prods. Lender may use the pxooceds tO repair or iew" the property or to pay sums
<br />secured toy this Security tnesttnem hMhstfgr or not ihsl due. The 3044 period will begin when the ratite is given.
<br />• UnYae Lerida and 9m &M othevtfee spree In wrrL M any application Of Oroeeeda to pnheipat Shan not extend or postpone the due date of the momh ;y payments referred to in paragraphs
<br />1 and 2 or change the amount of the pleyrnws. It undw paragraph 19 the Property is a t*ted by Lender. Borrower's NM to any insurance policies BM prvreeds resulting from damage to
<br />the Property prior to this 60Wd*M strap pen to Lender to the extent of the suns secured by this Security instrument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />el. Pi8M vS err bed Mettler I I at' Property; Laaeelmids. Borrower shah hat destrcy, damage or substantially change the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or comma waste
<br />If this Security Instrument is on Waleft d. Behrowef Main campy with the provisions of the lease, and if Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the leasehold and fee title shall rot merge
<br />unless Lerdar agrees to the mega in writing.
<br />7. Prolec" Of LYrder'1 Rights In thhc Property; Mdltgoge Inaumhoa. it Borrower fails to Worm ter covenants and agreements contained in this Security instrument, or there Is a
<br />WO proceeding that maly SKyMirantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. for condemnation or to enforce taws or regulations). then Lender
<br />may do and pay for wlmteNr is nscessiery to protect the vatue of the Property and tender's rights in the Prop".. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has
<br />Pf" over this Security Instrument. appearing In court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action urrder this paragraph
<br />7. Lender don not have to do m
<br />Any amour!: disbursed by Lender under this paragraph? shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Security instrument Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms
<br />Of payment. these amounts Shall bear interest from the date oidisbursemeni at the Note rate and sham be payabb, with interest upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestlrg piryment
<br />L t Lefdlr roquinbd mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by thus Security Instrument, Borrower sha;i pay the premiums required to ma:nta:n the Insurance In effect
<br />L unfit such time as titre raquxemeM for the insurance terminates m accordance with Borrowers and lender's written agraemenf or apps cable tat
<br />IlhQeaY a Under or its spot may make nawnebts entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender sham give Bonorwer notice at they tame of or prier to an Inspection specifying
<br />teesorrble cause for the taper Lion,
<br />9. Conderrm g&L The proceeds, of any award at claim for damages. direct or consequential. In conrhecton with any condemnation or other taking of any out of the Property or for
<br />canveyehre in Nor of epndtrixrabon, we heeby assigneo and shall be paid to Lender
<br />in the evert of a tatai taking Of fie Property, the proceeds shit be applied to the sums secured by iris Security Instrument. whether or nci frtert, cue vnth try excess paid to Borrower rn
<br />lfle avant Of a DMIt S taking Of (ter Property, un'.ess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In wntnp. the sums secured by this Securiy Instrument snaii be reduced by the a'roL'„t of the
<br />VOCWS mulliVed by the fDJtw:ng fract on. tai the total amot,nt of the sums secured Immed.zvvy before the taking. da:ded Cv lot the ra r marlket .a:L -a or Ma Pro"fht •mme,;,a!eTy blo,ore
<br />ter takxhg An/ baiame shaft be paid to Borrower b��
<br />t the Property's abandaned by Bbrr.7we►, or It after notice by Lender to Wfower that the condemnor otters to make an area'd or solve a ciaxn for Damages Borro-Ay, #a ig to resl>,rld rb
<br />Lender MIIthRh 30 days after the date the mlxe r3 g:Ien. Lander Is autrtahted to Covoct and apvy Ire Proceeds at ^.a beech a mgr IC, 'estoral'Crt or •ppa r Ur t ^e Prr,iyn: i•, nr fc= sip 5"^•s
<br />;- secured Dy fl, -q SecuM /_Insrument Nttether or not !hen d::o
<br />y Ur.*&s Lender and Borrrower otiierin se agree in wrc:eq. airy on �f proceed" .'rr Or.rv.,pa :M1yF rr., a Ct-j L r :, •a ; nv l• (r r „r. C:pp :. ,Fp h •r : 3,'^e -s ,o•F ,,h } '.,
<br />T 1 am 2 or crtano the arvv unf of sue h paymen!3
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