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cc <br />W4 <br />r <br />• <br />f. "am" oeatslw Lender rs turraty, amars" w COmpMYtion. cards, damages andotfet payments 0. relief wnarefna tar Roc*edi t in eanneeaan rill, <br />COndtmnation of Otertak'nga the property arpan Owreal.Or fotCOnvetflociaml ,all OtCOndNtnatlon Lender rnand <br />praeer:uMmds Ornlnem *oily ACtIOn Or prOCesd:ngs. and shat aleobeenhbfdia rheganY CO1nP+Ormeedrletwm /m m COnnICUOrt inn LtCn lak,nga/ damUjQ Into <br />a.wal any potion of thf Property legal fallen y damayed..lerdw Met nave me dpn00. in in Sala and 41060400 discretion to aDPfy an cucn Procaeft After dfducting <br />{ QPpwlsstlrrbffraOOY+t+ncdalfwuon ran etleU pmctedl upon&"fnobtedMssM Cured hereby andmaucha+deraaLenow nay dwarmme orto <br />after such ddnetlars to the reafaallae at ae prosily apart SwcR candile;ru as Lender may deleriti t Any application Of Ptacoods to <br />4Liletd or psatpvna the dusasteal any paymentsunder the Note. of cure any default Ihertunaer Or nerSundsr <br />r parlaewaa 1"Lower. in the Trent of raeerslLlutetOpenarhtaM at traCOVenentshera+nartnakeany paymentL Mgmtad het*by.ofnalry act dtaaen Or <br />legalp ea: asdinf; CWIrMnCedrMinmatwhtl ! Loadermiy mdsow discretion. but witnaul OaNQenOnlodozol and rdMul fwhce <br />1001dSfhwldupOn2MOweram4wnhbutrgk ="Ztci"*Ww framanyaehpeborRddany, act wnlchthe Borrower nas agreed twlnttls+Odoa+Nmayats000anyotrw 80 it <br />a �rNCeaeary�tprprpNCl tlN ascurny nwfat Bdrrpsar ehYL nnmtlYllly upon demand therefor by Lender pay to Lender aft Cogs ono a.penMf incurred and Sums <br />.. ... ..,..,..w.wrrw rw. wNUhv�rrdrettlutaraeelnenants .lolatnwtntnlmetfsithseonaf tlrTaleCIOYWrIl + nmeMal. Mlrtnthelip►adaep to <br />S. Ilaawla alOtlY4 The 10ft"?feed C011ilftul* an *filet a default und0f this Ouse Of Trust <br />(a) FrWwetopsyany n+sea lmsntalptlnCtpYOrintOrNtoranyotfly sumsKUraoMtaDyrMttaw otfaduatopsvlmendue arlyoMofit eatedfmsol <br />Barrovrer to LOndw. <br />(b) A Breach of or delautt under any prouston conlamad In we Not*, thin 11"d at Trust. any docunynl Wftfl secures 11+* Not&. and any Omer <br />err -Uf"wm eupon ilia Pic"n r. . <br />It) AwrMaasKUl cwaltKhnwlo rwvvwAwptaoaustWlbeMUtW agsnss BarrorarwhrcbshaubsconMalrnonfhspropHlyaranY pOrllon <br />1111 -F ly1f11wM1Iflerefl' <br />(d) There Mae to file/ by at agswwt Borrower on atton under MY present at tuttua tedsrat. Sits of Olhsr statute. tsw or rsyuraticin rfNatafg to <br />bifNruplCY, MwolrwrcYeroeMrrebM /ydaMyK orMRfslWffaappOtmadanYttuasM •tKUrMat�u/latoto! Botrovrcrorotallorarrypartof tMPtOpwty, tar <br />tra ror4L aahwa of praft thetas. of Borrower clef nWeany Walter "&IPI OM top the bereht of trad.tora <br />to) The Bale, trwasw, MVPN f4 rsnuesonea co fumfer eeeu+rrpartc* of W os any pats as m any Walser m. are Property, either Voluntarily of <br />Inroarwrr /, wxnou►n� aPre{s rrnwt cmaensa twnear. ' . <br />Ifl 11 Borrower dlhaariNdrldiwL MosaM. transfer. MSfgnfnenf.conveyancf orencumbrance of more thin pbmwecl(its Cceporatfon) its <br />teeuMaMaMferldwgNOCLOItd apartrrrthp) Oe(athapartrferMginaeteele- . <br />B MKa/ IgAae{ 1sNpasUpeeGaYtta. IntlfeaMMaarlttErM- taON{Y1tLlndOr nliydK,arfallmWbteanesa aeClrraO MraDySa baaW?undriaTMY atfdiM <br />&am sliall thereupon Wallis due and payable, wilb4lutAfty "WtEW3. dMWAL protest at notice of =V kind TtNgalhrlanaarmty. <br />(1) 0lnfarh0/ NITrtyWas arctNtMls011fIEiiOFSALEprsnMOMrsin. arATtuNRShsblMree harcwwBOrrowiih (ntsissi'rntttt9r..perryt04soW <br />And thepeoceedstO bepatnb~Wto the rrr MMpf&'WW inlMtlebrasaa Trust DOOM Act <br />(0) Either In person or by agent with or wdlwul bit aging any action of procaedng. or by a reC81101 apPWnrid'bY.lcOun atld wf ul rsg{T41Dthe <br />e0*quaCYadsseCUrMY.ahMrupCr 4ltatat* poasasMyhallMPfopfny .yarypantMraOt. fnraofm natnaerfh IhenAmeu:!fneTtasbt. SfldQOanyaGifwfdltcn <br />d deaths necessary or deslratea t0 fueaere the value. Mafaetsbddy or Tantsbdty of the Property. or pan thereof tar f14aMt Maim. t="" the tnCOme <br />secured�faeeby;Win such, O•d was; OgOermsyoNd^ m: r_ TManterm0uponand 1AWCgpotMSaOnO! IMProperty•ibcosldandtaua5wlsllil15""and <br />. Draruwfllfw>�sea6dntfer*OIsss: Cuffed. Sets?[- a�au: tOrwatveanYde/ aullornarca6laefaullMrtundafOtinglbaM tnyaCedorlAlrrasponsdfOSuU1 <br />.. tMfauRorycaaaeedas such noeeamtyrlaultillO nOCwiT :»yndwnglheWntlnwnalnpetaaaawnaihe PrOOemyy the CCliaCtiGlY :rw:*•1"pt amOappi:atfona <br />WeM.1111se.'aS7rdtfb, Truantorlefa)ttfM1lp pee erK•yed q( *awCiMeMryNgtw pt6vlddfumsrly OlUe LOaninsttuRw(nT arbyatw.rpafhti�erreaaaat:. . . <br />. atilt ol dfioWt. tncludrlg the rignt tz-miuwthe Power of saw. and <br />tC) CanmwleaMaeWntotoxMSS trio t7ssa at Trust asamOrtypf. appamarfcfmr. or apecmplly m�Taruz asn•ef tfwcOrsnuts Mtfat. ' <br />NorewAb"lwanconhrraduponoenmr# ofoTruu" OrLanalCai OUnOeotobetACkMveotanyahorromedy netwn or bylaw per iallo.buteunshatlbe <br />CNwNAstivoswim N sallawn saMryatharramoft Given MranxIdwarnow Or nerMlter unsling as taw of in *quill or by statute etamay. usaswrixm eaneurmtty. <br />tlhdepondnPy of suci as ifory. . <br />10. ToolowTheTwomm" ~816" "i".andL*ndw AMyus ay tunsatld without tauftapDancaftKCiHOtWSUGItt {oteTtuHN Truitt) <br />shall not to twbf* I" SAY IoM Or defog~ unless due to actionable nVigence or willful misconduct. and MW not w required to, tut any W IM iti-•connecnon wtN the <br />*nlOfGamMt of this Dead of Trust unless fndfmndiod,m writing. err all costs. compensaf:on or espenses which may be aerxW )aathir*.Itn fn4,0d,0W%Trustermay <br />thecomf apurchefera/afrysaMOIPMPropeny (luddal0/ unaerlN*pdwerolseMpranledhtnm), ppsipOhemesale otall oranypO[trxf otlMprapeny.MptondlObytaw. , <br />ere eW Ills haputY N a wllol*. d m Mperap petewf yIota - <br />it. prabaleAfr osesuponre questatearroww• Lenclermay. slasoption . make adowWnalsadtuturea( wane s and readwncnstoBrrrrowTSachaaranaswnd <br />tta0r/flCas.*rilh mterestlMmorf.shall at Secured bYpllsOssd of Trust. At nohthe Sell the principal amount of the inOebted seecumilb�l11 ::80iWaGITtusr.nOttn- <br />ctudng swmaadvarrAdtopra esflheeaurdy011hls Dead at rffn'twCMd iheofig+nslprincwpal amount stated nerewn Ors W.,30-i�D___ _.wthchereffs <br />WMW <br />1Z WeaYefwpweMMaa <br />(a) BwnrerNOflisIsaeN ExIonsian of MIS time for plyinilral Of moad"llon of amortization OfirS, Sums smuled oy this Dilea cf Trait grantfl* by <br />L *ndrpenyweeMeorMfrlMreNOr8=aar shelf Fiat Operate ter /eissN.fn Silly fhantaf. the liability of the OnginAl )`r:OwerAnd BOtcprars sucCeNOrs at <br />meraN.landaa1heN/1alMfqurl*6I: COmaeaCepn) Gss dfnpSlgaNlal{ ncnfYCCe ssyyrefUMlOeaendl•rteTJIAOymertt orb(t'*rwMew+tadflYaatOnwLtfdl <br />of the sums secured by this Dead of Trust by raasan of any dsnsnds mad by IM Origllal BO(tCHac and Barrowern %Lccessofs :r inwr= <br />(b) Lewdet*peatraWdnoutaltacbng lh*ha0iatyaany alMrpereonusOle lOrihe paYganmtanyebfrpabon neremmemr6 v7c_OC3rw1n0ut sdkCUnp <br />the tenyCharga0l thisDeedof Trust upon W 10mon ollfePropeny, notthellollnerewfare rVolaindastecurdyfar inefult smof.n::r'bf: vnpafdObbgetrone. <br />Lender whey from bmaw bme and without flat" 11)rdssMany perean so liable. (+f)nttna Ihe maturity of allot am! Of(" terms Of any siren Oblip lions.(+er) <br />giant other lndulgances.( fv )MlelMarraCOMay.ocauM1001relessed orreconvoyed stony tiniest Lenders C) POn- ass!•PArcel. pomon Well ofIM Property. <br />( v) takeytelssss anYOlMryriwtaflrwNtataecunrylyanyoWigetwanherNnmefitroll ad. of lw) mabcomposmons of :c'nparrangemenuwdnwlebtoa mretabon <br />thereto <br />(q i/ wfeeraaeebyLwhdrNelfWMw ►.AfryfO(bssrinCebyaMOtrmeter fOCV(@ ntGflnrmmc6cFlhundv tntGft xl$OF lordednsorchaabts <br />taw. shAllnalMarafvwOfapreCtudelMlserC +sealahytuCn ryntornmadY Tne OrOCUrwMnlolmsuanctoriM DaYtlMloltasporolMrlgnforcnfrgss <br />by Leader OW not beawafer of L~11 rpn110 accelerate, me rhsluntl1 of lM (ndtOMdneu murad by thq 0sed of Ttusl <br />(d) SelleaseenaluAfaipg SWAM "WolidS MIMLISb1W.Ouil11efLTneco & At# and OWOofrwnunfnm Contained "I.brnd. and tn0rfgha <br />he(*unfer"mereto. the respective succossmandsssgntal Lendirind Bor(Ortr. SubjKtt0 the prOVfs011so1 t:eragtAPhf (t) hettOt All CO/MAnoSSM <br />YO mtent0 (aMKpfNO/diMi�rNp lo�M foal. ThfCipbOnsand hedingeallhe pSrspraphSOlthisDNaat Trust Tutor convenfenceOmy andsrd(Olt000 <br />t*J Ibpafe1fer11Wese. TheoanfyMrebYregwalmaucapyolanynohaofde4mtneraunderandacopyd '.arv: rODUOfM(tntravna*fama.Mdw <br />each party loNN owoi Trust at load dresss*t forth atwve nin* manner pfasCfIWCI by APPI¢Abit tar EmtDitory�r ':L11rnOttfemgmrdunde/aDDI+gOle <br />law to beg+von Inanother manner• any notice proudoC L;r en >!q, Dad 01 TrustSN11 b*g+wn by mailing such notice oy candid Mad aadMtMd 10 the Other <br />panel at the address set 100 abOvO <br />Any offer provided far in this Dead of Trust shall to roomed 10 hand been glen SO Borrower of Lender wrwM gman in IM MIA W' Cert(g•.'aea M(wn <br />(1) IllspetYM• Lender May MIMeorpufetobenu.•,* reasonaOeenlrNsuponandinspechons of tits Property WontleOtn4r. ".Nndr"llgMBCrrowtf <br />r4WA qty lO sty" It itepecfyh aptdfywq noosohabeNull therefor reefed to I~'$ interest to the Proper', ' <br />(g) INsefwyaaef. Upon p4yrrientafall owe securdby llnsOMdol Trull. Leawsnalingwsl Tiustestd, is::rvoVMo Prop"Sna shaltsurionder <br />MIe0eN01Trw1arbWnatMtrlOMCfrglndeWedhe sesacurdbytnisDMd01TtW110T(U1tN <br />Trustee snail 00 VTOY (no PVOpertywnhaulwerrantyNo <br />eM11101ACharge 10 the persona persons legally entaed theralo Such person Of WSOM 1111611. pay all cosy of recordation. it any <br />(n) pefeffMpupNb.BKwNyAgmonn@ LAS1 00nonafsecuntyfylh apaymM101 the NOtealllsf•,tm+. Rwphwnl ,MOolMrpetsonatpr0penyused <br />in connection with the test esMMyfmpfOv~b I0mm •Mlson• and not olhwtwMdeclardOrdssned 10 be ADart of IM Feel estatsM:.rMateleby, 0fil"te <br />sub)eclwssa cu,ty Interest In favor of this under urfOm+h *Itabnska Uniform COmfheICIAIC001 This nlllrumenl sh a110 econitiu"amOSbcut,tyAgraemwnl <br />under Sad Cod. andtho Lender of WI hiv*11l (M^9aaand f~109 Of* Uli party under laic Code in add,hon to the fights and hanaYasuuTtd unds' <br />and occordd the Lender PuawFit t0 this Desd Ct 1.4111- <br />(1) fleeerea".In Me@vWV,.%Warry pranact 4l lt•.sD*W of trust conflict with epplicablefaw of ere delta ec: rauaarotnarwrss ururdorceable suo: <br />COnIhClo /fhralbfryMSl1 noteffee �riT,a.1er Ot':¢!cra:1 that feed alTrustaf 111014016 which can be Owen *tract yt7ti3o::h* conflicting pto,opon, and to:1 h6 <br />ens Irwe prorerona s ill peed 41 to � oGL Ra 1,(CCa a=! tethered 10 to stwrsble <br />,.lower fasessaaw thisDuO of T!^,l Ve Cwo*rt:ni Ayr* <br />Mela ie L. O' Bo 4 "' <br />STATE OF NEBi1A,UA 1 <br />f ss <br />COUNTYDC <br />Tne fy*pWp AGerfowteq)amenl of Otfa W Trust. Preface to Deed of Trust (d atichcab:t) and oleo V I Tt uyl *CIO qtr nowedged before me Ras 1 MAY fay of <br />_March._ tf.. -89" Edward M ..O'B�r a elanie L. O'Boyle, <br />--husband-and sfe 5!!* ! MI1T111r.. of - - <br />andwer *eaeculsdmthooreesulfwMabal OE1iM —' `. �1 ✓ ('� <br />fro(iy Put %c <br />STATE Of NEBRASXA 1 <br />r sat <br />COUNTYOi <br />fns fova Wrq A0nor+pyeM9AI of Dead at bust and Dead of funis ram acknorrdyed before err V 4 d.1101 14 <br />Oy of <br />W Bret* rate u'tl W it,* O,.tss fir (trtn a:nf.e <br />StATEr.I t4MtA3aA <br />N bar C,.•. <br />t'. <br />f - <br />' <br />www� <br />E <br />d <br />kr - <br />WI <br />t <br />