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1 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST 89-- 101390 <br />�.ww.Y.rf/M 11RAp TNaf �tfOl1<SIgNfNg: ` tie <br />eorrewers(trustors)ufmsmtan mutMaocumanitMttMBwrosrarsusalwuttoaxawtoleaDeedOfTrustandnalamortpavandtratthapowerotaataprOV N <br />for In W4 dead of Truel pr0vldatfu0ata MNydif(ermt rights and obtigatione to this Borrowers than a mortpage in the event of s default or breach of obligation undmiN <br />r Deed at Trust, including. but not limiaad to. the I.Mdera right to haw the Real Property Sold by the Trustoe without any judicial proteading or faraNOSUre. Borroryfrfs <br />repaMnt and tesmsnt that this a cknOtlrNdgantartt was executed by them before the executl the Dead of Trust. <br />L <br />. . l• <br />�n. <br />'t <br />t <br />); Borrower <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br />COWLL"M O" PMU" ONLY NOW red **allay deeNge/ cenillab of INDIWDUALLY OMfWM MMICULTURAL LAND. <br />N aSIR— Compalo ONLY ONE flesh* 4 Biotic <br />D A ascwMEw of fnaalrr To DfBlfiN11f1E IldgpTEAfJ: <br />TM Renewer( a) sctrio�riiet9 ,ethaltMySreabouttoexei:caaf~ft toftawing Deedof Trust uP¢e th@redestaaid41scrlba ! li2ie*oin.The Borrowerp), and faehof them rf <br />there than oft. doherebydlci )Iietheirrighttodaiguaah .,"e , aadpursuantthereto. Nopmr- 0ti lshol mstl4datait+a:.t k- aBorrowers )ispresentlyorwtfrinthe <br />future be situated uponsaidrea lostate. The Borrower(s) astablishesaftwra siaad Off sc� ban Ofsaia+ast ssaNdurinpthetimethe Dead ofTrust <br />"id Dated of Trust ndalisntalonitaldttlafealsil. ikaraahaYblifteriphlto :RataeldafigMLtnoGt} -Sfgt ir2TaavantCtifonefoaureortrustM 'aselfwfUftgpeCltD <br />..a D..e a Trust : •. - <br />D B.. whit af=nlaf�TTO osaafl�a+tte +ida�wTeAD: <br />TheBq- aswgs) Warr& mkMgethatthayarraWuttourcutelthefollowing Osedof Trustt4pon the real eatitadsscrihefftriativin. The Borrower(s), and each of them it <br />more than oeet, i"Itereby wariiatheir right to dersignst l s foi astoaci pursuant thereto. The sorrowor(s) understand that 1lnty havolhe right to makes designation of <br />hOmaeteadrttirttf�tbyoxocuthgthiswsiwr ,thoY4rowaivir grip' htsotherwisesvaitableforthepurpoaeotattotd- ^.2tnamtltaayt irtumtytowtamthairhomgNadinthe <br />awns of ie d0 urfl upon the Deed o1 Trust. <br />D C.. moNATION Or MoME mv. <br />Purairw-i. the Firm Hontessew ProtectiomAat( SfctipiaTtf- iti01f tleg: Revised Statutes oftheStateofNebrastca), lreBrAraswer (s).Qonerebydasignstathereal <br />property deschlisid in the "DNgrution of Hott+MIOW atlseWittereto and incorporated heroin by this reference. <br />B�crawar <br />Borrower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />HIS DEED OF TRUST. is made as of it* iZtbday of ..A4WChL _.._ , tg -L9_ , by and among t *o ; rustor. Edward M_ 01 Bnyie <br />Melanie L. O'Boyle. husband and walla _._,,, hose Mailing address is 3Qti g___r&ntwood place, Cr'and <br />Wand. blE 68801 (herein Borrower ),theTrustee.Wi11i,3t)1.S- Rlarkburn_ a me)bpr_of the NF Stato Bar As n. <br />whom maiijU rmis j P ?+RtA Crand lclaadir - AF_ _ AA02-22$ar• (herein "Trustee'), <br />and the Benifc y, Five R01nts PaTi~k__�_. <br />whose mailing SWIM is _P.0'.• Box 1 07 Cie ed C_sfarrd NE 619842 -1507_ (herein Lender.) <br />FOR VALGktjl�:r OCIMAVERATION• ic;radi,ngthe indebtedness ;wiw3J5u!'r orein and trust herein created. the receipt of which is here`!f.ot:Nnowledged. Borrower <br />hereby irrsvoctrtirt d;a?i*3.' :'.tgstere, conveys Font assigns to Trustee. IN 7--!. �•;7, KITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and security of Lendar.4r.der. and subject to the <br />terms and condjrvw i~enat :after sot torch, the 'eu) property, described ore .Sur, its.' <br />Lot Ten (10), Pfock Four (4), Brentwood Subdivisbin, in the City of :rand IMand, FW1 <br />County, Nebraskp.. <br />TOgN11N with all building t. improvements. fixtures, strove. allays, passageways. @elements. rights. privileges and appllltenances located Ihoreon or in anywise <br />pertaining thereto. and the rents. Issues and prohte. reversion,, and ttmamders lhersol, including• but not limited to. heating end tooting equipment and such personal <br />pttipfrty that isattsiefted to thelmprovemfnts roes to conStitutesf jxture. and together with the homestead or marital interests. rt any. which interests are hereby released <br />And waived: 21101whicn, ImCitrding repiacementsanOadditionsthersto, ishereby declared to be&partof thereat estate secured by the hen of this Deedof Trust and all of the <br />foregoing bfrnp ifferrod to herein a the "property" <br />This Deed Of Trw_! $1112H •ure (a) the payment of the principal sum and interest t Wenced by Borrower's note and or credit agreeem�Aeefnt ddAaAtted M_�Mh_ i 7 <br />1989 •hertrtpanlaturrtydsteof March 15 1992 in theOriginilprincipa lamount'of 5.M.000.YY_ —and any and all <br />Modifications. eatentiofts and antral,, thereof of t hereto and any and all future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to ono or more promissory notes or efeellt <br />tigfeftrtfnlelhffeinCailed (b)tnepayment Ofother SUmSadvantedby Lender topr olectlhosec uhfyo) the Note,(c) the performance all covenants and agreement <br />Of Borrower set /orihhtreln, and (d) all indebtedness and 0091110111101 Borrower to Lender whether direct indirect, absolute or contingent and whether arising by note. <br />guaranty. oYardtaft Of Othertaott <br />Borrower, to protect 11141aeClinty of this Ofed of Trust• covenants and agrees with Lender as follows <br />I PayIMMMMAOMS"bWWS LBortortrShelfpromptlypaywhenduetheprincipalofandintereston ,andanyfeesorchargesprovideal .1 alloteorinthis <br />deed of Trust. <br />? Too. BorrowerlltMateneolthepropHLy ,f'AS the right and authority 10 Convey thePr optrty. and warrants Ina? the lien createdhershyisa first and pnry .f.e,.erl. <br />Borrow is Sub! tL�2t,lCtl 't:= f,:�CatP,ritti4flnn. andtheextcutionanddeirveryof this DeedofTr ustdoesnoty iolateanycunhactorotherobligation towhich <br />Borrow" is stltyeet. <br />3. Tass.Aa/Miessie tTo pay when dWtlr taxes. Special assessments And Bit Other Charges against (he Property and uponwniter,demandOyLender topayto <br />Lender such Sntauntas nay be sufficient to enable the Lender to pay such taxes. assessments or other charges as they become due <br />e At INS TO k4Q`P the Property insured agonst damage, byhror. hazards included within the term extended coverage and suchacerharat3s6stendurray <br />(iKutto.inaffftntsgndwilhCompgnmmsccgot&W <br />&to Lender. and with loss Payab!e tcp the Lender IncalSept loss under such r0ht,eS theLCnder,sa�[h�ntaaruadl+S" <br />tottecle'adCOmPlOrnte@. 4110611111 ihfttundel and Strait have the option of appi y, ng all at part of the tnsurance proceeds 1. Ito an y indebtedness se: ured he,eo, an a. i. "t. t. <br />order as Lender elaydetlrtn:ne. 04I*th@ltorrowsr tort@ uswfar the repair or restoration of the Property of"") for any Other purpuseor ob,ect eat.sracinry ro �e�9e� <br />will*out affecting tftafNnoftnil000 01 Trust for It$& tutla mount stCuredheren# before sue rrpayment ever tOOkplace any ir,••.Joli-ed•lutssha.t <br />not fatfnd Of postp+ori@ she due datf of any paymerits under Ins NOtt or cute any aefauit thereunaet of l:erp„n,^.ar <br />S VA"Ilaace 11 floolal lead Celafgsintf With Law(. Barrowar Shan step the Property 'In geed toner non and tees:* eral. pro np' . recd r c, ief.,.t: t• a . <br />rtC,' r. 0yfm@ ntwhlehtna• 1bttSamagfaaofd HtrOredshail not comm. Iofperm. t Sri r waste Ordetet .JraLCrtali ^.oprutelty 51161711`etc.e:,,.,de.r –.16M 01S.7' it'l- "I ,at..• <br />aria Oftheilm;cC+emfnls oifheproPetty. Shall ntriCCrnm.t suffer or permdanyactto bedonemOtuvc,l Me P,opc-ly- ^. 1 -a•�(: r. ur.v. r'an ,•d "'i <br />tihytpay ahaplomylly d,schatge al 6orforier a Cell eii9expanse Billiont er.��'"+l;ranCdlartQChii diie.•M e,. •ey., 3t , - <br />rf a5ve59L tl�1 • -,t•t. V,..1 �':f d' •.1' �-.i'•... .,., <br />rFY <br />•&+>TaE <br />i'�i�`•' <br />4-- <br />s <br />I <br />