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—�¢ wa fam NWPNMN, Foomanote my titular no ai of the time for Paymutt or modification of amOrtitaticn of the stns seated by this Sa&ft InsPnrn�nt - -- <br />graraW by Ls+tdt► q amy txutxxnesor b resnset d eorretrw shall nor operator io releme the liability of the orgirw Bor ow.r or Borrowers successors in inwnst tender shad not be tsquind <br />to corerrteitet protwdirtge agww wry ell =NW tin ireweet a refuse b extend time for payment or otherwise modiy amortization of the sums secured by flit saauty tr*munene by mason <br />of any demand made by aiprlol BQrtoww of Sonwees successors in items! Any torbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or pmekrle the <br />ccexeruw gs# d any ri o t � <br />t t. fltiooaa rig and .1akM auto lhrertl LW WW, :o ei�rtere. The covenants and agreements of this security irstrument shall bind and benefit tux► sums and <br />assigns of I~ and Borrower, subPMin I to protnstorodparagaph 17. Borrower 'seo+enanbartdagmementsshatl be joint andseveral. Any eor owerwho co signsthisSectaity Wwmerit <br />"I"GA does not execute the Note: (a) is co•� this Sn" kfaatnt It any to 4101`191190, grant and convey that Borrower's interest to the Pico" under the temts of this so" instrument: <br />M(b) is not personally obligated to pry the sums s0neceed by I1fs Security lntstrlr+sers and (c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend. modify, forbear or malts any <br />atxortvrloQattw wile regard to the terms Of this Security kheru m.1 or me Nets without that Borrower's consent. <br />12. Law Cftwgaa. If the ban Secured by this SeCYrily Ir auto eIN ISM IDS lox which sets maximum foam charges, aid that law is finaiy tnterpmM so that the, to If of outer Coen <br />�rhargw collected or lobe caaecm Min corxnecY r m er(N Mee ban awned the pesnniaad timib. Chan: (a) any such roan lxtarg0 shalt be mtYuosd sty nr 0sitrhocrtt rnsepeaty to rs0ltcs the dWp <br />�ss ft o 'It- fates ar# r ) rsrrf afmr.#r t>ero ocfiure r wfhibn sxr Pe nwUd im(ts will be re11unded to Borrower Lon der may of a UNOWI is Wund by md+Nrg <br />he prircipai awed under She Nole a by rne" aQfect paytewttso 9on N a mfu d reduces principal, the rsdtction will boo as a partial ivoW Lei without sty prepw/mo A charge <br />cinder the Nola. <br />13. L*@Wmdm Atkabg Lsfidef a RWA86 M wt,Uftwtt or etnpiratian of applicable lawn has the aged of mWering any provision of the Not* or this Sommiity, kdku w& Lmwdoroumo <br />a w m ,Burg b its lon, Lent der, of lib option, fray ttegtile irtenedafe paymwtt in f W d aft stns tectred by this Slkalrity Instrumiwt and may invoke dry mrfeeisa p0orfim W by parag l 19. <br />0) M Lender exs VM this option. Lander alts! W&ft elepa fpaeillw in the second; gi op►h d paragraph 17. <br />CC 10. Nolksa, Any notice to Batoww presided for N afie Ssclltiry Inaawttent shad be givers by delivering N or by maiimg it by lust class mail utfasa eppica ble law regttwa mat a~ <br />ftsaiod. The naca shot) be aided b ale Properly Admfau «any otwaddfsw Barovter desi9MM by notice t0 Lender. Any notice to Lender shad be given by first does midi io Lenders <br />aderee s scud hOM -' a any oarr amfew t w+dsr dlaiotstes by rtOr lobonbwsc Afy rtolke ploride(f for in this Security i isti mud shad be downed to have barn grlvan b Bonowim or <br />Lender when given tes providl0 in flue pwa9 fill <br />13. Go arift Lar. SMnbli ft This Seniwy kiaatwtt shall be goverrned by federal taw artd to taw of the pxls*Ww in which ate Property Is tocatsd. in On event ea s y' pnbvisrxt: <br />or clause d fhis Serwity I sbuir m or ate feof0 con110 wih applicable Lacy such azftki shad not aflecl other pmvocmof orris swoity Instnt.n rut a thhe Not* vNBCh faits be WA" eft C1 ' <br />WOW a+e eonfliMig Provision. To art and the pf10vtsiaha. this SenaiAy Instrwnerttamt-Im Not* we dadamd lobe satemm. <br />tor, eorrGWIWS COW Bofower slid be givsfh ante coftfarread copy of the Note aidd On Security instrtrnenL <br />1 ?. Thfirnehr d. Mfe /fopefly or a eweRetY WA as le Blanvam mall or any part of the Property or any interest in it is solder trartsfvmd (pr U a bin'*' (mw itft'siR' 0,4. r rs said <br />or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) wdto t knnder's Pwr written conserm, LernOe► may. at its option. r0egerits icnmsQlaee tae -tern b FPe '3G sums sere tad -ham 4ecunty <br />Instrument. However, flits option shag not be exatindby fgndwit use is prohibited by federal taw as of ate date of this senmty trrment . <br />If Lori der exert i rs an option, Lender shad give aara,rtar rrntice d'accol ratiar 1t e+hOt os shat provide a period Cf eat less than 30 days from tree date tltta notice i9 :alnxte Ctsr - <br />withinwhichBcnowernristpaya ll sums setsre IL-1 ffftSn=t!r i-stsi-: teat. If SoncrA gartnisto pay those a ft6=Pond.Len der 3Wm%K'teanyiec.=iMspe- !U <br />by this Sacral htstrtxnertt without further rbtira or insa don'Sontrwat ;. <br />13 brroMere R)gitt to Rettnaafp N @arrows► cowls tartain Csr bone, Bofdom s A have tttenight to have ettit rantwR d this Security instrument diseontirwe a »-y tine prior to <br />to oarlrr of: (a) $ days (or such hater powd as applicable few may specify for minstasb -mint) before saltol the Property purawit to any power of sate contained in chi; Sw-- ty Instrument: <br />or (b) entry d a Mu igrmem outfacin then ward be due under the Secutt¢ trss WMR end the . . <br />Not* had no ac:oft ation occurred: (b) cues arry tfatanra dartl.oBtw coverlards a ag.Wew s: (c) Pays ad expwfeas u.=wyed in enforciN fhie Security instrument. indudrg, but not limited <br />al. mafonnable atAS rays• fees: and (d) fatal such win as Utnder may reasonably m wwrs to assure that the lien of LhieSecurity lnslnmunt, hander's rights in me Property utd Borrower's <br />obligation to pay tier sums secured by this Somiyr Instrument shah centime uneharrar_� upon mirmwomeft by Solriaer, this Security instrument and are obligations secured hereby slafi <br />W1184 A* effective as d no at oat ration had occnrni di However, this right to reMUM shag not apply in the rase of acceleration under paragraphs 13 or 17. <br />NONUNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fume► cmieriars and agree as follows: <br />te. Acesiaraaon: Rsaeediea. Lander shad ore neiiea lo fihaasnmt*r pr(or fb aoes(araMR fedowkg Borrowers-faach of grey eoveftate a ayfaorlhwtt N flue eseu11y llnetnrnerd <br />(bnl not prior to aoateration cruder; g lhs 13afd 17 wiflo cappMcable her pnfvldaa othi rieloo). TThe notices $hW ep0 tit (a) Mn dehlllty (b) ate at lfsn reIII , d to ewe the <br />t dw(a)apaadliid mnwkoe rir m --Min aaoa errifta�niiu�ie gum Secured bw Mile Borrower, by curi tneb and sofa W 9 �F1gW t� The flocks aMN ter hv� �glonaws rvU <br />tlfe icy j1t b ty4lekllreteller a.xat*lagon Scud the r(Wf o bdita court a non fo wmwt ill nwaexl@Mnce of a dafathk or say atlhar dalarhM of sortowor to as , --low w d data`$ <br />Mme dNwdt to hoc cTr+e1 on or bseae the dale upsrtAad let fffna nolice• Lesfdar a1 iflaattlfon may requiro hninadleo payment in full cf ale etaffa owwed by this gocur ft kfatrgwmc <br />tephowtkaftettfalfaehdandslayklro4henpswsrdaWaWatryadver11ane9- -perntitt*dbyapplkaW low. Lalda eWbee 00- Aloa)Mect aleerpwns0sincurrWinpurvAn0 <br />thexaahfh -1 la!>athdad in this paragraph 1e6 khdadrq, bet"&Wled b• reasonable atbrneys' laaa and coat of title slnidarw)- _ _ _ _ <br />meow Pmsc'ib" bNlapPNCObfa (�eornoaar cud folks ofAR persons preach (bad by appUcOb Wa AAftw fee Min Smdh beat*. � leer. TPwe t*te sw glue p "c noun <br />of sag fo fee Pmwm wd in Mme RN wr Pleacrtsd dad iepaifieabt* b a TtuaM, wNhout donit- on eorrower. shah oW the Pr*Mty at WAft auction eo tea itiylteet bidder at tits <br />time and Pb= and under the tafwu It 110 Std ih the nsltca std axle le ore or more parole and in any order Thrall OeeMm2 ThaaMe stay postpone sale of ail or any porcel <br />of the PIOWt ► by flubao aahouncwWK at lire UM W dgkm of any pwAouay sdedu0d sat*. Lettdw or Its designee may purehw ens Ploporty et achy ule <br />UPw a0e(pt of psyn ev of i w peke bk% 7hous erwe deaw to tffa p wchow Ttwlw's deed eOmveykg the ProWty. TT» roe'- - N the Thlat*s'a dood ahaM be prkna facie <br />etiidenIMP w tta truth 611010 adt*wwwt MOM t WWL lrusMe ref 0 appyths peoeelam d She sale 11111110110111011101110111101 (a) fo ore sspwws of Nw sale, kKkldkg. &lint n a Nmftd <br />10. lhlelas s titles w ptfea Nu b'y applicable fur and rsasttetaiia ettbellays fans: (b) ft AN cram saeusd by ihle saeufty kebuirwnb and (e) any ertxtefe to the person or parsons <br />t*gMgenMMed10iL <br />90. Caller fn pYfommbm Upon acceleration under paragraph .19 or aboridonritont of the Property, Lender (in person, by aprnt or by )udida11Y appointed receiver) shag be candled to <br />enter upon, take poaaasWn Of and MNNW the ProP"I and 1110 ootfeCt the homes of ate PMP" including Cove past duo. Any rants eoiecled by Lender or the WAkW slug be applied first <br />b payfnwa of the Wells Of manegwmwN dale Property ttnd c0 KUM of reek!, mckJ6rg. but not lirttited to. receiver's fees. pmmluma on meeivsrs bonds and mason" attorn W fees. and <br />Chu b the atrre Seared by this Soc rfly knelrunew, <br />tt+: Aeoonlvtrynroa Upon psymsrR d ad Irstrufterm, Lender shag request Trustee to moonvey the Property and #1011 aurmnder this Secu iy Instrument and <br />W "+c+rs Mlft oig debt secured by d ft Saar" Ltburnisn try T-WMe. Thrstee tM, raccrrrly fie P _,V:q withM w.rsattty and without charge to the person or persoos lep fly onticod to <br />r. Sued penal of pusons #had pay any neco daftai costs. <br />?L StlbeMfatuthm tor. Lender, at it# option, m n from time to tons remove Trustee and appoint a sun tnmfm to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded to the <br />0 ic y in Vi t tl trtt Security Instrument is rseorded: Watoul comayt M of the Property, the tklcee330• . J-0E ytEff snared to all the title. power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein <br />0sld Mt appica(xe faxes <br />12: Raqueae for?ktYesa. Bomswer n owesto that wpies of the notices of default and sale be sent to F/S -rni; r s address which iS the Property Ad*M. Bonrovver further requests that <br />a;rtes d the rto11icas d t1NauN Sts Este 130 5011011 to dinhtyersary cefvs is a parly hereto at the address ce sjCM person set forth herein. <br />:lie. RidaO b ales Sam, HN kneuvielft N ohs or more riders arm executed by Borrower and mhxiVes together with this Security instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such <br />rr9a shad be Incapaaled Unto a1d shad amend and Supplement! (fie oovenams and agreements of Star_ Security Instrument as it the ndegs) were a part of this Security instrument. (Check <br />aWly tie boxW)( <br />D Adjustable Role Rider p Condominium Rider iJ 2-4 Family Rides <br />Q Graduated Payment Rider p Planed Unit Development Rider <br />© 00111((s) [spt Wet <br />811 SIGNING BELOW. BOrrotvrr rl =;WS and agrees to the tame and covenants contained to this Serinty Instrumert and in any riders) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />sonk m' <br />E <br />A �;i� ,t .r 2 t�1 (Seaj) <br />- Borraeer <br />(S,PM Below The Utter For Ackhowledgment) <br />State ofNehrasita ) <br />Catintyc Hall _; ss: <br />Onthis 1Clt {1 {1 (lame Ngbr <br />day of .19 2? before me. a Notary Pubic rn stie state of <br />personaltyappaww - 2011 2 v senftet$t and Donna K Bennett- husband and wife <br />to me personally known w be the penson(sl mined 11 and who executed the torego;ng tr isttument. and dGuwwtedged that executed the same as <br />vo!uMary act and deed. <br />My Commission Expires. r NEV A.1401ARY- StatoofNobr. .,�,1� <br />II JEANNE M. SCHROER Wj NOTARY PUBLIC <br />r'vCc^�h Exp.lan.29,19D2 <br />I ss- <br />Cotrrry of j <br />On revs day of 19 before me. a Notary Public in the State or <br />' pon onsty appeuttd <br />to me Personally known to be the twrson /e) named to and who executed the r0re90--n9 .nsnumenr grid a:know:edged that — executed the same as <br />YOruntary act and 6W. <br />Mir CfJ-- tt.stan Erptras - -- _ <br />�- r,1DT4Rv PUBL;c <br />i <br />r.. <br />7 <br />i <br />i • <br />r <br />lti <br />I <br />