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r � <br />� <br />DEED OF TRUST . 89--Y oi3 4 s <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ( "Security Instrument") is made on this 10th day Of M rc h <br />t9 '89 .71N1nrsioris Rn11IRY• Id. Bennett Donna K. Bennett— husband and wife two <br />('Borrower ?. The M460 isComirrercial Federal Savkgcand Loan naa mhorp <br />("Eris a'i Tr>. bait is C�n>irieteial FaderaY SsApa and Loan Asa lkn w.id4T1 is orgarkm and erd:G-tq under the talcs of fwtet, W a, and whom address is 44W Famemi. cTaewatw1'- <br />twera, r,eels+(-Le„a,,�,eon,orwrc,�,al rrdara,ep,k,c,pateun,a Seven thousand five hundl^e seventw eight dollars ,a,dla/ <br />(11S. S 7578.10 _ >. Tfie daft is evidenced by BormWs note dated the same data as this SmAW tnstrunarA (-Note). whiBa Pam" for met" paymuft with the <br />11 a{idabll,ifnwpM I dwandprp;tsoa, arch 20- 1995 <br />This Sealfh! t liunwht seeues 1D Lwadar {a! Digs t od i,* debt ervideneed blithe NM. with interest acrd alt:.ner Ws extenaiorts acrd rriodilptions: (b) the payment of all ottre <br />;rune` wwilr xu+ateac4' adwrcad +Alder paragraph 7.L ; wed t a�:rily off" Sataarity Instrument: and (c) ffha putrfanswhoe Borrowers edwwtrism and agresmila tit. Far ttia Punpttea <br />"aaroumimpgw ibt gramandcorrMsiloThWail: ii 'sesi'+�1Ctr!(� ?tslaW,fttolowin dwribedproperry fat�ttdin �idll C liftNebre" <br />Lot 7 (10), Kentish: fdi11S SubdivisYoh its the City of Grand Island, Hall County, PEE. <br />3815' RochdaI a Circle Grand I al,And <br />aietxe�ka , 631303 (•Prop arty AadresaT <br />1`0GENER with SM the imptaivementts noel arN- waffer erected onto properly, and ill easarNrin n$ft appurmnances, rants; royalties. r-nvaf, di) and gas tights and pn71as mater <br />TSftariC420 and all fixku9e "or heirsa rr a pert of the property. AN MPlaanNMS and additbrta Shafl aIW bet"Vetad by little Sacrmty ini trutterrit Alf d the faegoirg is retched to frt r <br />r <br />t ivsalL fyrtMeti tent asfhe "Property.' : <br />: <br />9 1 iR COVENANTS let Gortoww is lawfully sewn of due estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and em W,ft Property and 00 the F p :y is unstricumbered. <br />" ft>r.ailcirrnbrarnces et recterd Borrower wwantb and wtdiefand genstroNy ft fife to the Property against all Gams and derntimds, sutited to any encumbutixra es of record. <br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT wmbkm uniorm covenants fm natfonad un and port- urhi/orm covenants with limited variations try lurbdiction to consults a autdbim security instrument <br />Cowisrllag �`t�ir: � <br />� - <br />t1NIFClF# OOVENANTB. Bormwer and Lanow txawenantt ad sport as tutllow <br />1. Porn of Prkla:fpMl 00 Mieeeser; Plan" 101N and LA% Chstgea SWIA r shit) MnWy pats wtim dire the pritrcipN of aid inb/risst on the debt evi WM by the Note and any i <br />i;.. <br />propaytdetdtrand lass chatgn doe under rte Note. <br />Z ftl& ter T(tsss and (boat Saab M hD appkeable taw of to a WMM waiver by Lender, 8anower shalt pay to Lender ai this day (nth(" paynmtts NO ON urxtew the Note. urmt <br />ttre tides tat told in full. a sun (•FbndsI) et(uap to orhrtwettth (%* (a) pearl taxes and assessrrWIZOrtieh may attain priority, ow 711s Security Instrument: (b) yearly ieasshotd psym«it or <br />Wound mqs on to Property. if any: (c) yatarly hazard lnwrance premiums: and (d) ye" rnongagr `raurance premiums. if any Thor Items are calad 'escrow itame.• Landow may estimate <br />the Fwtfe (ilia on the baaR of owma delta and meeonebie eatkna n Of Wane escrow twos. <br />The Fuanfs eal be hand in an lntitinedn tsi deposits or atncaoarls of which are insured or guaranteed by a talent! cr state ago nry /Aw* kV LwKW if Ladder is such an in@ORM n). Lander <br />atoll QPpty attt FWfa to py fthe escrow hens Carder may not charge for hotdktg and app" the Funds. anal9fiinps NN aeeoart Oman" tM escrow itern e. urilaa Lerida pays Borrower <br />IrMwwt On the Funds and alpptleatltte low permits Lwder to make such a charge. Borrows and Larder may again writing that Infer set shall be paid on the Funds, Unless an agreemenq is <br />meet or arpplicsble taw rK ae Intetael b bit paid. Lender shall not De required to py Borrower arty iMenet or samings on thud C -acids Lender shall gins b Bonower, without charge. an <br />surreal soeouri irig of the Farts go" NO debit to this Funds and the purpose for which each debit to ft Funds was matte. The Funds afro Ooc%pd as additional security for the <br />wane secured by this Security Inelntarr" <br />N the arrtourn of tN funds hNd by Lander, k9elMr w o tfN future monlMy peyntwib of Funds payable prior to lute due date of this escrow, Items. shall exceed the amount rwwked to pay <br />the "MM items when due, the excess shall be, a Sw~s option. either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to eW raryw on more tly payments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by I~ is net sufRebnt b py the escrow tame when due. Borrower shall on to Lender any amount necessary to make up the d~ZVI irtone of more payments as ret(aunad by ; <br />; <br />Upon payment in full of all sumo secured by that Security Instrument, Londe► shat promplty re(und to Borrower any Funds hold by tender. It under paragraph 19 ft Property fs sold or — <br />auquirao by Lender. Lender shell all no later than fmm@datety prior to the sale of the Property or ft acq< adlon by Lender. any.Funhds Be1d by Lander at me time of application as a erw <br />ahgakiet the suns eatcured by rtes Sacurty Irotnuman4 <br />r <br />A Apppftft1n of Pft 00tlK Union applicable lawn provides otherwise, all payments reWiwed by Lender under paragraphs 1 and 2"be applied: first, to tale charges due under the <br />Nola. accord. to prepayMOM duayce der under me Nee: third. to amounts payable under paragraph 2. fourth, to inttHeet due. and last, to priricipet tie. <br />4. Cherwell Lkw. Wrowwer"pay al %arse. assessments, charges. fines and knpOSaion9 attributable to the WepWA -Which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and <br />taWW psymstnts or ground MM. it any, Borrow MO pay Bess obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2• or it trot paid in that mannet. Borrow eh W pay them on time directly <br />10 rte pow owed peymwr.C•'3Moww shall promptly furnish to lender all notices of amounts to rte paid under this paragraph, It Borrower makes these payments dtiactry. Borrow span <br />pnanply *~ to Lando wovipls rAdaricing that payments. <br />BOndwrer shall pmahpfy 000wV any lien which has prWAy ewer this Security Instrument unless Borrower; (a) agrees in wnfMg to the paymerrl of the obligation: %cured by the lien in a <br />marine aceapfabte fo Larder• (b) contests In good faith the lien by, or (Wends against enforcement of the lien in, legal prooaedirgs which in Bus Landers opfniritopa ►ate to prevent the <br />wrforcli w d ttr lfan t r lowfelers of my pert of the Property: or (c) secures itt,•rn the Midair of the lien an agreement satisfactory to lender subord`autralg the I*n to .h:3 Security Inumonent <br />f Lender dtllmrines that arty pot of the Pro avty is subject to a lien which msy tract priority over this Securely Instn:ment. Lender may give BOrrITA 9• a notice rdenVylr ;g the lien..9&Mwwer <br />shelf sawey cwt Ilion or take one or more of (Mt• actions test tort► atove within 10 days of the givingab nonce. <br />S. timid lewmeue. aw Mr shat keg? he trproveniemta row etdsbr ig or hmftw erected on the Property insure( against bas by (iris. hazards included rowan vie term "extended <br />oovarags' and any Oter haaetds for which Lender eeteakes irnutarice. This insurance shall be maintained In the amounts and for the periods that lender tsgj%MS This insurance earner <br />providing tie fmnraneo shit to rltooerl by Sw-aw SAW to LeMer's approrat which shall net bar Iatreattlonably w•thhwld. • <br />Al insla erm poNdeal and Answoo atoll be. aiNiptabte to Lewder and sw include a standard mix1gage clause. Lender shall horn the right to hold the POlicles and renewists. if Lender <br />reQtines. Bu'ht OW shell prornoW qve to Lvft, as receipts of paid nnieriams and renewal notices in the event of toss Sixrowwer shat ' p <br />Lender mw moo proof (f lees a dot made P7 * by Borrower 9we once came ender <br />UrAM Lerkier and BorrowNr oWwwiee agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or •epalr of the Property damaged• it the restoration or repair is scononi;.alfy <br />tsasrble.att[: Larder's swifiy is not Naewted "No restoration or repair is nit economwAltr teasde a lendw's secuny would be lessened. the vtsuranOe procissde shat be applied to the <br />sums !elr=M by ft Secti fy ktpnrnertL whist air or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons dons the Properly, or dues not answer within 30 days a notice from <br />Lender that the inwaance ca n w ter offered to dwtle a cWm. the Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the procesds to repair or resters the Property or to pay sums <br />secured by Oft Security list en . wheillm or not than dire. The 304W period will begin when the notce as Olive. <br />t1Mikas Larder and Borrower otherwise atpyae in writing, any application of prooeeda to pdncipaf shalt rot uVend or postpone the due dateot the monthy payments referred to in paragraphs <br />1 and 2 or dwwige tN ism or t of the pWriar e. If under paragraph 19 the Property is atequired by Lender. Barowwisr's right to any anwarance policies and proceeds resuhktg from damage to <br />the P4opoty prior fo tis aogiiealwn efwl Pal id Lender 10 the extent of this sum secured by this Seeutry f riMmemt mane iMly prior to the aequis:tion. <br />e. Pmervalklat aht4 NWANlaltce W Phrs Mull; Leeeehoede. Borrow she not destroy damage or teub f1b* dAfI s the Property, aYtow the Property to detervate or commit wattste . <br />If tee Sacurly Inviru tstrM h On icesehdkd, Borrower shell comply with the prommons of the tease. and d Borrow acquires fee title to the Property. the leasehold and !es bite shaD not merge <br />uraaea Lander agrees to the merger in wf" <br />7. Pfeucttee at tatawre itWM WifM Pr"PIV; Mortpege kNwararwce• It Borrower fads to perform the cmeriarnts and agreements contained m th;S Secant ihstument or there is a <br />f*W proceeding that may sgrWkahty affect Lendw•s rights in the Prop" (such as a proceeding of bertl:.•uptey. probate, for condemnation or to enforce taws or regulations). then Lender <br />nay do and pay for whtalewer is tw eatery to protect the wafer of the Property and Lender's rights in me Pl opotrui Lerwder'9 actions may include paying amt sums secured by a lien which has <br />proriyowwtl[s Security Wginti rent, appanttg Io=M. paying rassorMta affornaK fees and entering ca l:ta Phoperty to make repairs A'Baugh Lender may !afre ancri under ih 9 paragaph <br />7• larder don not haws to do so. <br />Any amowrls disbursed by Lardder uttdw this paragraph 7 shat become addmOnat dote of Borrower secured try thus Security Instrument. Uless Borrow and Lender agree to other terms <br />of psymism these amounts shelf boar MWM from Un dates of disbursertNrht a! the Note rate and aha:h be payable. with interest. upon notce front Lender to Sorruuer requesting payment <br />It Lender requysid mortgilye inswraince as a condition of me" the loan secured by th,s Ses army !nstnrrrtent. Borrower shall pay the premium9 required!o marn•,ain the Irsurance to effect <br />I until such tore as this ►eWistmre far the WW $W" NtrthehW, m aot:mdOt" with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or appbea M law <br />a MpecYen. Lan dov or Rs a gran! may make reasorabis eitnes upon and tnsaoctrons Of ins Property Lender shelf gewe Borrower notice at the time of or pncr to an inspeetwn speufyirg <br />is"Oname cause tot am heperigtt <br />V. Cwha/erlrNl M The troceeds of arty ewwd or claim for damages. direct Of mnseQuentaf. in connection w#n any condemrtanon or other taking of any part of the Property or for <br />_— sun reyanoe in lieu Of condemnation are hereby assigned ate chat rte pad to lender <br />in trio evert of a fotel %*Ing at this Property. tic proceeds Shag be apple( to that SUMS secuted by tft:9 Secunly Instrument r heltter or rct iher. aue with ant excess lt3( !O f30fra .yr '^ <br />the e'.enf of a partu�l taic►1ly et (ha Prbpbrtr. unlbss 9orrower ar�ierstier rRtrerwrse agree m wwntnt3 ire Surrrg'SeCuted Ey 9+:5 Securty Irstr mgr.! shall t0 reduced let the a••+curt M !`Q <br />:✓OtW$ rntf ohod bo 9ra tot aw ng traCAmt tai it* total amount of hwe sums secured rmmedafey before' ho fay ng. amded bw to, the ra:r rn,'rt>tet. va'ue ct the Pfcvvtw vnmedratafv tercfe <br />owe tar &O Any t"14* Wait be paid to Bcarower <br />it IN Property tea 3D WOnad b/ Sorrrww or A otter notice by Lender to flono,wer I.", rho Londernmor of`ers to -axe an atiara Of Servo a c :ae^ 'or ^.t.•r ges W.-irvAmr'Jti9 ti - t.X)crd _ <br />:. LOt.0e, wriim, 30 days al* M4 date ttM e IS g:W LeIM79r 19 WMIrteO to c'j -eci and a:Ar/ i ^.e croceeds 3' N : «t / [ t+e! ' '75: r l'ulr ', r [:1 : ,. p Cr�9rfw rr • -nP .^ V <br />;";. 9Qt[..'ed b. •' IS $e:'ur+F/ V'S'rLntent nttlmpr r . r+nt tften dug <br />-. !Y '.In;a:ES. E:�der erXd flCerGwtr Orherw Se a�te9.n w•rt.h,7 dr+i ft.•'paa!'.n Gf Groh: Cfd' >> `.� « ^T[.«a• 4fa . n:! a r•e• 't ••• ; • .•4: -t. •tee ••,u :ante _ r •••tt .�....• ^.. <br />: �' . a:.d < �: � trw �o'l.e e.•rmur,t art setrr [,ae-Ta:ms <br />