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<br /> -•�ot any __ _ 2Q.NOTiCES.Exc�pl tor�ottces,demands.►eque�ls ar olAet communlcddong requ�red under apphcable Iaw to Oe gwen in another manner,
<br /> _ .^� wh�n�vMr8�Mliclsry.TrwtorarT�usleepive�utswrveaanynatice(tnctuding,w�th0uitlmit�t�on,naticeotdetauttandnat�ceofsela),demends.
<br />-seeured r; r�qu�st���oth�r Communiei�llo�wUh re�p�et lo this Trwt Oesd,eacn aueh nolies,demand,request or othec commun�caUon shali ho in wnNng
<br /> -- _�the �nd�hNi W�rfactivs only it ihasama is cielivwr�d by personal servicb erl�malted�y cerdtied mail,pQalaga{?re��►id,addressed to Ihe addross as
<br />=�a�,suail � 1H1onh althe Wqlnninp ot Ihla Trual De�d.Any pariy may al any tima chanps its addreas tor suc�nodces py de6varing or ma�ting to the other
<br /> ruslea or , party h��fto,ai aior�a�id,a notic�of�uch chany�b. Any notice hereundar ahall be deemed to have baen givan to Trustor or Benel�c�ary,wh9n
<br /> _,-'�oW i �iv�n�n th�manne�dalqn�ted h�rtin.
<br /> -.:.=.No � ' 21,IIEQW�TfORNOTIC[.TruslprandBenfficiaryhanby�equssl�acoayotAnynoticeoldetault.a�dacopyalanynoticeotsalathereunder,
<br /> nvided or , b�m�il�d lo sach p��son who Is a pariy h�reto w11h�addnss lor such person set torth i�thn firsl pe►regraph of fhls Trusl l]eed
<br />_law or m
<br /> ;„�w,;tl � Z2,OQVl11lIINO LAw.This Trust Desd ah�ll be governed by the laws oi the State of Neb�aska.
<br /> -=-_=:�:y
<br /> Z3.SUCCES=OR�AND A�i1QN8.Thla Ttust Dsed,and all terms,conditions and obl�gations herein,apply to and inuro to the benefit ol and
<br />-a����vi��Y ,
<br /> bi�d�all parti��h���to,th�i�heira,l��atees.devisees,personal represe�lativey,successors and assfgns.The term"Benel�c�ary"shall mean
<br /> Ihe owner�nd holdar ot the Nots,whether o►not narned as Be�eficiary herein.
<br /> �!��wisc
<br /> ��'=Trus1 .. 24.JOINT AN�SEVERAL 11ASILiY1/.Ali covenanls and agreementa ot Trustor shall be Joint and severa�.
<br /> _years or 2b.3EY�RA�ILITY.In the event any one or more ot ihe provisions conta�ned in this Trusl Deed,or ihe Note or any other securfly mst�umenl
<br />-soption, , ' , piv�n in aonnaation with tbis tr�nsactian ahall tor any reason be held to be invatld,illegai or unentorceable in any respect,such invaUdily,
<br /> _;means ! IIIep�Uty,or unenforceability shall,A1 lhe option of 8eneticiary,not aftect any other prov�slon ot ihis TruslOeed,but th�s Trust Deed shall be
<br /> -TfUSfO� C�s�i��i►iou BS i i SiiC�iisV3±i�,�1ivQS�.0i iSi18(ttvfta��i���av�ston hact navar�aan cantairta�s�ara�n a:.naratn.�t t::v��F+i'i C}:�:�TTJ,!f?��t�i$::tL'8!1�
<br /> lhe sale, or une�forceabl�asloAny pa►tol the debt,or if the Ile�is invaUd or unentorceable asto a�y part of the Property,the unsecured or partially secured
<br /> -cred�t ot portlon ot the debt shall be completely paid prior to the paymenl of ihe remaining and secured or panially secured port�on of Ihe debt,and a11
<br />-neliciary payments made on the debt,whether voluntary or involuntary,shall be considered!o have been tirst paid on and appliad to ihe full payment o1 that
<br /> � pordor�ot ths debt which is not secured or not Tuliy secure0 by the lien of thia Trust Deed.
<br /> i
<br />_-=and � 28.TRUITEE LIA�ILITY.So long as ihe Trustee shall act in good faith and in reliance upon notices and other intormation which it,in its sole ,
<br />=•°make + dlscrotion m�y d�em to be roliabfe,and solong as Trustee shalt exercise�easonable prudence and ca►e in its administration hereunde�,Trustee
<br /> _'-shall � �thall not be Ilabla tor any loss or damage�ustairtec!or incarred by the Trustors or any BeReticiary or by any other persons whomsoever,rt Geing
<br /> aieiy due � �xprsssly atlpulpted thet the T�ustee shall be lia6!e oNy tQr�ts own gross negligonce and willtul defaull in the pre��ses. _
<br />_,Trustor �+ 27.NUM�ERAND�GENDER.Wheneve�usedherein,thes�ngularnumbershallincludetheplural,andthouseofanygendershallbeapplicable �".
<br /> � � :
<br /> �n�tld��a�. to i�ll genders. • .� .
<br /> -�-_�shall � ���
<br />•��•�Note �� 28,ACCEPTANCE SYTRUSTEE.Trustee acceptsthis Trust whenthis T�ust Deed,dWy executed a�Cacknowtedged,is made a public record ,,,�
<br /> — - ._� _� - - -- - - - - - _
<br /> .,:,a
<br /> '���.� - .. --- , - --�-- -- .vp�:.r��-y::::. .._ . ._
<br /> ----- -- ' "�.
<br /> nco�u'by � _
<br /> iN WITNESS WHEREOF,Trustor has axecuted this Trust Deed as of the data and year first above w+Itten.
<br /> ,-._^ i �
<br /> �ui
<br />_-_•at �
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> Fees Raymond . Miller
<br /> __a��
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<br /> \ .
<br /> a,lhe ; I$ �iir'1N�119T
<br /> �
<br /> � :.,at�.
<br /> , �, i , . .
<br /> edged by . • � � �
<br />-�vdh the ' � -
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<br /> _;���5 � STATE OP NEBP,AStLA ►
<br /> - � t SS.
<br /> � COUNTY OF Hall �
<br />:navethe , �
<br /> � � � � The lorego�ng instrument was acknowledged before me on the._16�h_.day of ___ . _..Zuly_. _----- -- -. .19-9Q •
<br /> �y��ghtor
<br /> �kewise , by Ravmencl F_ Millor arvi OiaKw R_ Millpr_.._----- ---.�------___ - _ . .
<br /> .,s�m�iar
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<br />��:a�;r o� , � R.C.11ELLW�CH ,
<br />�:y�.m��dt � �•� ,��f �F�1''�`"! E�.tkt 2�1� Notary Pubhc
<br /> ,,,�,n : , -•� MyCommissionexp�res _ __ OCtobet 29� 139Q �
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